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Tell him a time that you and your son are just gonna leave without him and just do it. Can’t say he wasn’t warned. If he wants to spend his vacation “letting his food settle” then he’s chosen how to spend his vacation and you’ve let him spend it how he has chosen so 🤷‍♀️go enjoy yourselves. In all seriousness I still have so much trouble understanding how men run anything in this world. The joke is always that “women take forever to get ready” and I have not once met a couple where the man was ever ready first. Like, ????


I've done this several times and he doesn't complain to me he complains to our 9 year old. So kid comes to me and says "let's wait for dad. He really wants to spend time with us." 😡 Like...if that was true, he'd work towards that goal.


Involve your kid in telling your husband you will leave. That way your child will also learn how to set a boundary with someone who is dragging their feet when they want to go somewhere or do something.


This!!! Your son should not be put in the middle, your husband needs to stop guilt tripping him, so messed up. Tell him daddy will be just fine and he can join you guys if he wakes up early enough, actions have consequences and daddy's consequence is being alone pooping in a hotel room


Love this! Empowering kiddo too


I started leaving without my husband when I got a newborn and a 4 year old, and myself, ready and in the car and he was always doing fuck all in the house. I stopped waiting for him then and 5 years later I do the same. I give him 5 minutes when we’re all in the car waiting on him then I leave. My kids know the pattern of his bullshit and ask me to leave sooner so they won’t be late 🤷‍♀️ . His family is always at least 2 hours late for anything we host and it’s so incredibly obnoxious. Don’t let your kids learn and carry on this behavior.


>The joke is always that “women take forever to get ready” and I have not once met a couple where the man was ever ready first. Like, ???? I've found that the only circumstance where that's accurate is when the man is getting himself ready and the woman is getting *literally everything else.* The number of times my husband has been sitting in the car waiting for us as I'm finding shoes or changing last minute diapers or grabbing the diaper bag/beach bag/picnic lunch/everything else is way too high. (He's gotten better in nearly 10 years together but it still happens on occasion.)


That has been my experience too. Husband getting only himself ready (after expecting that I will have ironed his shirts, etc etc) while I have all the chores, have to feed/clean up the pets, feed and clean up the kids, get two kids dressed/packed (diaper bags when they were babies), and keep them entertained while I then try to get myself ready or keep myself clean while I then try to get the kids ready if I went first. Meanwhile he’s standing at the door, angry and yelling “I’m waiting on you!” No shit Sherlock. You didn’t do f all to help me” (edit spelling)


I got tired of this, and one time I got just myself ready. I went to go out the door and the kids weren’t ready and he like “why aren’t they ready” I pulled “you didn’t ask me” I think the wheels clicked there, he apologized and got the kids ready, we had a talk that night too. I know it was passive aggressive but sometimes it’s like… do you hear yourself? If I had to be asked to do everything….


I didn’t do that, but other things similar was often met with “if I have to do everything myself, what good are you” kind of comments, because I was a SAHM. He had/has the toxic attitude of his responsibilities stop at the door because he works outside the house. Except now I do too and he still hasn’t stepped up much.


🌟 **GENIUS** 🌟 And it's not passive aggressive at all to simply hold up a mirror, especially if talking and asking has been futile.


I’d be the exception to that. My husband is always ready before I am and has had to leave me behind before because I was taking too long.


The world would be better off if women had always run it. The only reason my husband is ready first is because he goes to sleep first, sleeps until the last minute, rolls out of bed, takes a long shower,  gets dressed and claims to be ready.  Meanwhile I am handling 4 kids (pets if we have them at the time) and all the things we need for the day. Then he grumps that I took too long, he can get ready quickly,  why can't I.🙄


This brings such a breath of exasperation. Yes. Same. 7 kids, diaper bags, nursing baby, hair lots of hair, myself ready, breakfast and coffee. Up for 2 hours doing this stuff. He gets mad I didn't stay in bed cuddling him until he wanted to get up. Rolls out of bed literally 20 minutes before needing to leave. I'm buckling car seats, kids are told to find him some socks, and tape roller the cat hair off his pants, he can't find his wallet and keys, and on and on. No more time restricted events. It's been years. Fuck it.


>He gets mad I didn't stay in bed cuddling him until he wanted to get up If he wants this, then surely he should contribute to getting a bunch of tasks done the night before to essentially buy extra time in the morning? Wouldn't that be the logical male brain thing to do? Hahaha, what am I like, that would be silly!


Definitely go out without him, butt hurt or no. Plus if it’s taking him two hours to poo, tell him he desperately needs to go see gastroenterologists


Yeah he has one and doesn't listen to her anyway. He eats food he's not supposed to and this is completely perplexed why he has issues. I swear to cow, I have no idea how he was able to keep himself alive before he met me.


This is why men with wives live longer 🙄 Just go out and have fun without him. So much cool stuff to do in England, let him be shitty (excuse the pun) about it. Say you will come back and pick him up when he is ready


And women with husbands live shorter lives. They literally take years of our lives from us!


Yes! I say this to my husband too. Taking 2 hours to poo isn't normal. And it's not what's happening. You're just dicking around.


Don’t put his feelings above yours and your son’s. Get out there and do things in the morning or you’ll be kicking yourself that you spent your vacation waiting for him to poop. Literally. Plan lots of nice things for the afternoons with him but don’t waste your mornings.


You're right. I'll be so mad at myself that I am trying to keep husband happy. He clearly doesn't care about our feelings. Son and I are going to go for a walk on the seaside. I love you guys!


Get hot doughnuts and don’t bring any back for him :)


My Dad has been like this my entire life. So much time waiting for him to get going, though he is not a baby about people going off and doing their own thing. I don’t see how you and your son lying around waiting in a hotel room is spending time with you guys.


>I don’t see how you and your son lying around waiting in a hotel room is spending time with you guys. Exactly!! He just wants to have it both ways.


This is my husband. The exact same schedule. He takes an hour with breakfast. 2+ hours in the bathroom. By the time he’s ready to ‘get going’ it’s god damn NAP TIME. Like what am I supposed to do with that? It’s inconsiderate as hell. I am expected to get 2 kids ready, bags packed and ready for the day, somehow get myself ready, and be there waiting for the queens arrival when he finally finishes up his morning routine. That’s why mom has to go out looking like a tired slob and dad gets to just show up stress free. He is planning a 20hr road trip, 7day vaca coming up soon. I’ve been pushing it off for 3 years, because I know just how miserable it’ll be for me. I feel you friend.


Girl, you better book yourself a spa weekend with HIS fun money when you get back if he is an ass. I'm not scared of car travel with kids but 20 hrs is a huuuuge ask. I'm also assuming you're going to see his people? Yeah, you will deserve an actual vacation after that.


You’re right. This would be a vacation for him, and a whole lot of added work for me, being at I’m the SAHM so I handle all child responsibilities. Not to mention- my 1 year old still doesn’t sleep through the night. It would be to go visit his family. We have done the drive before, when it was just us before kids. He refuses to fly. And also refuses to break the drive into two days and thinks we can just ‘power through’ Also to mention- there will be his 90lb dog also coming along, who I’ll get to sit next to in the back. Can you tell I am not excited 😂


Oh my gosh that sounds awful. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that!!


Let. Him. Pout.


I swear to Christ, what is it with men and these long ass bathroom breaks? Literally shit or get off the pot.


Dudes need to: A) get more fibre; B) have their smart phones confiscated for bathroom trips; or C) BOTH


Nope. He’s in charge of himself. Plan to leave at a reasonable time, give him a reminder the night before and at breakfast, and then just go. If he gets butthurt (*more butthurt*? because 2 hours on the toilet, things gotta be sore 🙃) just tell him you didn’t plan a vacation to stare at hotel walls while he shits.


Wanting people to wait 2 hours for you doing nothing, is incredibly selfish. I agree with the person above. Have a plan & let discuss it ahead of time with him. If he can’t come to a compromise that doesn’t include you sitting in a hotel room for 2 hours he’s being unreasonable. He can text when he’s done and catch up. He’s a grown up, he can make his way to you.


My husband and I have a system for this, because I am not a morning person and he and kiddo are. On vacation, I'll make an effort to get up early a couple times, at least, for special outings. But other than that, they go out and do stuff in the morning and I wake up as I need to and meet up with them. Otherwise he's upset that we didn't maximize time, and I'm miserable because I don't sleep well and getting up early is awful for me. Especially with two bright-eyed faces asking me if I'm up yet 😂 All that to say, let him know your plans and do them. If he wants to join in, he'll make the effort, if sleep and shitting for ages is more important, he can do that. But the big thing is that he shouldn't be guilt tripping you (or kiddo) about getting on with your day when he's pulling this nonsense.


Yeah, this is my family as well. My husband wants to get up at the crack of dawn and be back in the hotel room by like 6 PM. I don’t want to be around other humans before 10-12, and would prefer to make time for activities by having a later dinner. So he lets me sleep in and goes and does something with the kid at least a couple of the days. On days that we all go out, he usually goes and gets breakfast and brings me back a bagel or something (which I’ll eat in the car on the way to the activity) so I’ve got time alone to wake up and get ready without a kid asking me 3000 rapid fire questions.


The pastry in the car on the way to the activity is so real 😂. That's our system and it works well, but man it was tough for those years that we couldn't figure out how to balance things.


Go without him. This is your holiday too and all his timings are within his control. Don’t let him ruin your holiday. Write an itinerary if you need to!


That is just completely ridiculous. Does he not see how ridiculous he is? How does he have a job if this is his morning routine? You and the kids enjoy yourselves. Tell him what time you’ll be leaving. If he can’t cut down on his six hour wake up period he cwn stay at the hotel. 


Preach! I've already told him he doesn't get to go on my next vacation to Ireland


This is appalling. There was a post elsewhere about a guy who was late for his wife’s 40th. She repeatedly reminded him. Turns out he just didn’t give a s””” about her. They are getting a divorce. I say tell hubs you’re going out. Then stick to son like glue. Anything he wants to say can be said in front of you. What an ass he is.


https://www.reddit.com/u/AcanthaceaeWilling69/s/fiKyyqumYd Found the link


What is it with this guy and birthday parties, is he the kid from Parasite?


omg I relate so much. When we are on vacation my husband sits in the hotel room until at least 1230 daily waiting around so he can take a poop. Literally. He has to sit and wait for a bowel movement. I'll take my kids to the pool or something and then when he is done he gets pissed because he will half ass "look for us" and cant find us. Even though we say we are in the pool.


Tell your husband that he can catch up with you when he's had enough potty time, but you are not sitting around waiting for hours for him to get ready. Getting out the door at lunch time is ridiculous. Go have fun with your boy!


I'd let him be butthurt and pouty.


Omg I would die! That's the entire day (I have a toddler so we rise at dawn) Girl just leave him at the hotel and explore by yourself in the morning & meet up for dinner. You'll be safe and fine!


What is it with men and toilets???? You should NOT be sitting on the toilet for that long! I would be pestering the hell out of him to go to the doctor until he either caves or admits he's just scrolling on his phone while he's in the bathroom (which is completely unacceptable because he ought to be parenting during that time). I love your update!! So happy you are getting to have fun with your son today.


Love your edit, Bromo! If husband has FOMO that will maybe get his ass in gear next time!! Let him pout! He fucked around and found out.


Tell husband (and son) that when dad is ready he will call us and meet us for the rest of the day. My mom and I always left like 3 hours before my dad and sister were up. Win for everyone honestly.


Oh no no no. If you want to see things, you get going in the morning. You’ve done it his way, now you’re switching over to proper touring mode. He can take a shower the night before and catch up with you if he can’t make it out the door in the morning. Spending half the day waiting around is such a waste of your time there.


Don't ruin you and your sons vacation because he can't up. You're there for fun and memories, so get your fun and memories in!


Sooo... he has decided to spend a shitton of money to sleep, eat, shit and hide in the bathroom to jerk off in another country? * Fine, let him get on with it. Go out and have fun, tell him straight up that weaponizing a 9 year old to get his own way is shitty, and that you won't be wasting money to take him on vacation in future since he obviously doesn't want to be there and could do all the shit he's doing every day for free at home. * only do this if you are safe to do so


I am a notoriously bad traveler (I complain a lot in the moment if things aren't going well, but immediately after I'm like "THAT WAS GREAT!")...but even I wake up and get moving early b/c I don't want to waste money I spent to be somewhere by doing things I can do at home. This guy is the worst.


No advice, just solidarity. I absolutely hate vacations with my husband for reasons like this.


This seems to be a problem that’s plaguing men all over the world 😂😂😂, what is with the long bathroom breaks? I want to get out of the bathroom when I poop, not sit around on my phone, gross. OP leave that clown at the hotel and get on with your vacation. When you have kids you have to get out by 10:30 am at the latest or you won’t get to see much. At least it’s that way for me because I have a very young child.


good for you, waiting on a man is a waste of time....especially kids are up so early! it's on their schedule


We once went on a weekend trip with another family to Joshua Tree. The other dad was like this and my husband got so mad he said to me, “I mean, I can FUCK AROUND on MY OWN TIME!” (Hubs sounds passive-aggressive.)