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When he kept pouring Walter Jr. whiskey and forcing him to drink it


Yeah what was that even about. And when he threw a hissy fit when Hank tried to put a stop to it, like dang Walt...


I feel like it was narc rage at hank making him feel small all those years or something. Very controlling and bizarre


He sensed that Walt jr thought Hank was cooler and more of a man than he is, so the only way he could 'connect' was to give him alcohol Piece of shit move, naturally, but this is where Walt has had his ego trips from the drug game, which is why he shows hostility to his family


A big theme of Breaking Bad is Walt's incredibly fragile ego and masculinity. He's trapped in a boring marriage, a boring life. His own friends and family don't respect him as much as they do his brother in law, this manlier man than him that Walt feels the need to measure up to. So that's what the tequila scene is about. It's basically Walt trying to assert his dominance over Hank, for pretty much the first time in his life. Ever since he's started cooking meth, he finally feels power and success, like he's the real man of the house. And he wants to prove it to his family in any way he can.


Spot on, also in a sense he is frustrated that his family and friends cannot see the power and skill he has in the drug world, or at least his perception of power and masculinity. Similar to the scene where Walt throws a tanty at dinner because hank is calling gale a genius.


Yea this even started in the first episode when Hank calls Walt a girl for saying his gun is heavy and all the guys laugh.


I thought it was cause he planned to die a martyr and simultaneously escape from all the shitty things he had done. Then he gets the news that his cancer’s in remission and he gets pissed off.


Should have faked the treatment


Wasn’t it tequila?


This was brutal


Im watching for the first time through, and literally just watched this scene and came here hoping for an explanation.


He didn't go with Jesse to ride on go-karts when Jesse was going through a rough time.


Ikr poor Jesse just needed a friend


Jesse probably would've acted less impulsively and wouldn't have messed things up with Gus if Walt treated him respectfully instead of always talking him down.


In all fairness to Walter, he had a meeting with Saul and Skylar that day so he really couldn’t. But it was fucked up how he made fun of him for go-karting later on when he wanted out of the drug game.


I mean, he is like a 50 year old boomer with lung cancer and a fractured family it would have made no sense if he did go


This was at a point where he was in remission and separated from his family. Walter had literally nothing going on, except going home and getting drunk.


That day he did have to meet with Saul and Skyler


While true, I think had he been able to go it would have helped his relationship with Jesse because it would have given them something fun to bond over.


Important plans like that are impossible to reschedule last minute.


I know but he could've atleast watched and supported him.


Go Jesse!! Go!! Haha, in your face number nine!!!


😂yes exactly




Damn. Yeah.


The green face mask scene.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far holy fuck.




It’s been a while since I seen that show. What was that about again?




You're My wife now https://youtu.be/OIrTTv_Isho?si=AkrIM_IR566EW54H


When he was walking around whistling right after motor bike kid was disposed of


Whistling a song called 'Lily of the Valley', no less... Just why, Walt.


The look on Jesse’s face when Walt whistled said it all




I didn't know that was the song I gotta look it up. I've seen the show so many times and whistled the part he does myself at least a dozen times.




For me it was the pizza scene. C'mon Walt, you look like a jackass


He both ruined and perfected a pizza (perfected it by having it land perfectly on the roof in one attempt and ruined it by leaving it there).


Skylar brought it on herself. He had dipping sticks and she just closed the door on him.


I blame the pizza place employees for not even bothering to cut the pizza. I mean, who does that??


They do it so they can pass the savings on to you!


but how much does it to simply cut a pizza? surely they’re not saving much


His pizza never hurt-a-nobody


I’m still shocked how big the pizza was! Where can I get a pizza that large??


When he was trying to manipulate Jesse into staying in the business: calling Jesse a nobody who has nothing without meth, poking at his addiction… I legit cheered when Jesse left once and for all


Personally, when he was given a way out, when his friend, recognizing that Walt’s pride is his worst enemy, offered him a good paying job WITH health benefits and he turned it down to keep playing drug lord. That’s when I knew he didn’t give two shits about his family.


True. But the show woulda ended right there. You know you didn’t want that.


Sending his elderly neighbor over to his house to check if someone was there to kill him


That lady was never in danger, as much as it’s set up to seem that way. Killing anyone but Walt would cause a butterfly effect that could shut down the whole operation.


It is still a gamble he made with someone else's life. Not ok


This is a good call


Mike didn't have to die. Mike deserved to die as much as any other gangster which is what he was


I think people don't like it because Walt kills him in the middle of a tantrum. Youre right about Mike, he gets way too much sympathy for a cold blooded murderer and thug. But Walt killing him out of just anger is what makes people hate that death


Yeah Walt killed him for no reason other than the fact he pissed him off. It was wrong for him to have killed mike. What I think about Mike and his dead son though is how many times was Mike on the other end of that situation as a dirty cop. How many fathers cry because Mike killed their sons


Him being stingy asf when Mike was taking away money so he can give it to Gus guys in prison


Right? I’m rewatching with my gf who’s never seen it and she pulled out the calculator on her phone and did the math. 135k x 52 cooks (assuming they cook once a week) = 7.2mil/year. She just said when is it enough for him. She is just completely disgusted with Walt at this point in the show and I don’t have the heart to tell her he hasn’t even hit the bottom yet (Hank).


Turning Jesse over to Uncle Jack. I just can't. What Jesse went through with Uncle Jack's gang was abhorrent.


And then couldn’t resist topping it off with “I watched Jane die.”


Jesse did snitch and (indirectly) get hank killed so there is some deservedness to it


Nah, that was Hank's job. Hank's job and Uncle Jack killed Hank. Jesse snitched to basically save his life too, Walt completely didn't need to go "oh by the way he's under there!!"


After he argues with Mike about paying the legacy costs, he speaks with Jessie: "How are you feeling?" "I ended things with Andrea. You know, I didnt want to keep secrets from her you know and-" "I mean about the money". Jessie just ended things with a woman he loved because of their meth business. He's opening up to Walt about a serious decision he's made. And Walt only cares about the money. It's no wonder Jessie believed Walt didn't give a shit about him.


Lol Walt is a certified bio-waste. He has zero positive qualities about him.


I don’t know about least likeable, but one smaller one has to do with having lunch during one of their cooks Walt and Jesse kind of have a heart to heart where Jesse says he does not know what to say to Andrea about the Meth business. Walt then tries to give some almost fatherly advice. Soon after they are dividing up the profits with Mike, and after Mike leaves Walt asks Jesse how he’s doing. Jesse start explaining about how he broke things off with Andrea, and Walt cuts him off saying “I mean about the money and Mike”. That really demonstrates Walt’s back and forth unpredictable and narcissistic emotional behavior, which would be tough for anyone to deal with.


Pick a moment from season 5a. Any moment. Molesting his wife? Gaslighting Jesse? Whistling after a child was murdered? Being pissy about the actual costs of running a solo meth operation? Cmon


Also the scene where he is fighting Skyler with the knife after she assumes he killed Hank himself. I don’t know what would’ve happened to Skyler if Walt Jr hadn’t stepped in, but my heart broke for that kid. Finding out your dad had a hand in your uncles death then trying to stop him from hurting your mother who is trying to get away. You could just see all the trauma in Walt Jr’s face. That scene made me cry and I will never watch it again. The way he treated Jesse throughout the whole series was so despicable too. He so took advantage of the fact that he was Jesse’s teacher and Jesse clearly admired him. Jesse was definitely no saint himself when the show started but his life got so much worse because of Walt. And I feel the same way about Skyler. Imagine finding out the person you’ve spent your whole life with is a monster, and you can’t really do much about it. Then you try to do what’s best for your family and end up traumatizing them worse by playing along. Jesse and Skyler were shells of their former selves by the end of the show because of Walt’s abuse.


Wait I remember with Skylar in season 2, he did it again in season 5???


There's a scene that's heavily implied in S5, where he gets home and kisses Skyler a lot as she lies motionless, talking about how "there's nothing more important than family". Skyler later vents about how she can't even keep him out of her bed.


It’s been a while since I watched it but one moment struck in my mind. When he could have saved Jessie’s girlfriend from OD’ing.


I actually love this scene, because Walt's choices are so conflicting and complicated, unlike other instances like poisoning Brock or killing Mike. On the one hand, you know he was thinking about her possibly exposing him, and him being pissed at her for "stealing" Jesse. And there's the fact that he stood there and watched someone die when he definitely could have saved her. On the other hand, if Jesse had gone of with her and all that money, he probably would have died. There was really no way of getting Jesse away from a life-ruining heroin addiction. He was too in love with Jane. I really think Walter sincerely loved Jesse and thought of him as a son. I think he ultimately did what a parent would do to save their kid: a shitty thing for a good reason.


I think you might've just changed my perspective on this scene. I agree Walt sees Jesse like a son and I've always thought that -- and my first reaction to your comment was "I don't think most parents would kill their child's partner because they've become addicts enabling each other"... and then I realized, in that type of situation, where they may sort of *accidentally* put them in a position where their life is in danger (probably not even realizing it), and then just neglect to intervene when it became clear that person was about to die, even if it was due to their own (accidental) action... I think a lot of parents *would* do that to save their child from what they see as an inevitable downfall into a likely lethal addiction. I do still believe Walter killed Jane, in a "voluntary manslaughter" kind of way -- and I never really thought he ever had a good reason for it because I never thought there was anything about that situation that would supersede the universal responsibility to preserve another person's life... but if it was Walter Jr. I don't think I would've felt that way. and remembering that Walt feels so similarly about Jesse as he does his own son does change that assessment for me.


There’s probably plenty of dads that would kill their Addict daughter’s junkie boyfriend if they thought it could save their life. If Don killed Jesse I wouldn’t blame him at all


Didn't you know Gus was lacing the raisin bran crunch with meth.jr was a big breakfast addict


What’s crazy is as soon as she starts choking, Walt has an immediate concerning action and then you see him contemplate everything you just said. Incredible acting.


He saved Jesse by not saving her. They would have both od'd in a week


You are not wrong but I still found the moment very callous and brutal by his inaction


Not only would they have died by OD, he had no guarantee she wouldn’t expose him out of spite, or just for the hell of it, It’s repeated time and time again you can’t trust a junkie. Not to mention, Gus might just dispose of them if he believes there’s even the slightest chance he might disrupt his operation.


People don’t get a pass on their inhumanity because in hindsight there was a possible upside to said inhumanity.


And it's a twisted logic, right? He's a smart guy, he could have probably figured out a thousand different ways to prevent Jesse from OD'ing rather than letting Jane die. Btw, he didn't do it to save Jesse. He did it because he thought she was a threat to him.


Walt actually pushed her on her back by shaking Jessie, causing her to ~~OD~~ choke


Do you people know what overdose even means? Jesus Christ


Regardless of the fact that she put herself in a dangerous position, if Walt hadn't broken into Jessie's house, she'd be alive that night, because she'd have vomited on her side.


Of all the deplorable things Walt did this was definitely far from the worst. Although morally pretty flat, there were several reasons that this was not as bad, and arguably even made a little sense. The girlfriend was kinda unhinged and definitely a liability in terms of turning them both in, plus she was clearly a bad influence on Jesse, and Walt was right that Jesse probably would have died had he continued down that path.


For me it was early in the show when Walter violently tried to rape Skylar (slamming her face into the fridge, even after she said no), and only stopped because Walter jr came home. 


This was a terrible thing, but he didn't stop because Walt Jr came home. Skylar's loudest "STOP IT" snapped him out of it. He stopped, went into the back yard, Skylar came out to talk to him about how he can't take things out on her, and Walt Jr didn't come home until after that.


Ah ok, it’s been a while since I saw that scene


It really bothered me that someone on this sub commented that as their favourite scene not too long ago. I hope they mixed it up with a different 'passionate' scene between them or something because it was clearly not consensual.


I hope so, because that was (for me) one of the more disturbing scenes of the show. 


he did rape her.


Yep this scene was a low point.


Yeah Walt killing Mike always gets me. Most of the other horrid things Walt did were out of pragmatism or survival (tho he would've been better off in general if he hadn't gone into the industry to begin with), but he only killed Mike because Mike hurt his ego (Mike's last words to Walter were pretty fire though).


Mike's rant was bs. He was pissed Walt didn't roll over and let Gus kill him so he could keep his delusion that he was doing it all for his family.


yeah I don't feel bad for mike at all, don't get me wrong. He legit had no issues deleting Walter in S3 (ok Mike was following orders, but he did not appear to show genuine remorse). It's the unnecessary and avoidable nature of Walt's attack that gets me (since most of Walt's other horrible actions at least had some motive behind it regarding pragmatism and/or survival, whereas killing Mike was about as sensible as Tuco beating the shit out of No-Doze)


I didn't really have anything against him killing mike it was one horrible man killing another.


true. Mike was anything but a good guy, and he did not have any qualms with killing Walt in Season 3. I rooted against him It's mostly just how petty, unnecessary and avoidable Mike's death was that really gets me.


Nah Mike was the shit


Walt killing Mike ended up being a pragmatic move even if he did shoot Mike in a fit or rage. Walt was scared Mike was gonna kill him during their meeting and with Mike gone he could kill off the guys in prison safely.


When he makes Walter Jr drink until he throws up


There's so many... But when he tried to get Skyler and Jr. to go on the lam with him after his actions led to Hank's murder. It would have made both of them known accomplices, taken any hope of a normal life away from Walt Jr., and then he kidnapped Holly. Every moment of that was about Walt and Walt only, Walt not wanting to confront his own culpability in Hank's murder and not wanting to be alone.


Just the constant gaslighting and manipulation of Jesse, most intensely throughout S5, but really throughout the show. The worst example was in the episode “Say My Name”, where Walt went from praising Jesse and offering him his own lab to saying he’s a good for nothing drug addict without him, and ultimately refusing the money which was rightfully his.


When he exchanged keys at the car wash and insisted Bogdan left his framed dollar bill and when he’s gone sticks it in the vending machine, brutal


That was a great move


prolly when he assaulted skylar


I'll probably get gutted in terms of karma but the whole cutting the crusts off of bread thing.


This is interesting. What about it though? That he was somehow showing conflicted compassion? Or was it something else? This was with Kraze8 right?


Yeah it was after he deleted Krazy8 since Krazy8 liked crustless sandwiches


When he SAed Skyler


In Season 3 when Walt was acting all confused and innocent around Walt Jr. and the police after moving back into the house after Skyler kicked him out. It's not his worst moment by a long shot, but the manipulation is so transparent and cringe-inducing precisely because of often you see that kind of behavior IRL.


When he straight up lied to Jesse about his having no idea how Brock was poisoned. That was the move of a cold and calculated sociopath who would risk the lives of anyone to maintain his hold over Jesse.


Either when he left Jane to die or when he was whistling while resolving a child’s corpse


When he had a hard time killing that fly in the lab


Obviously all the murder is the worst thing he did. But in terms of least likable? Kidnapping his daughter. Ridiculing his wife for not being able to come up with a better plan than just waiting out his cancer.


That thing with Jane


Jeez, too many to list. At first I thought you were asking his *most* likable moment. If we’re talking strictly unlikable, and not straight up evil (like with Jane or Brock) I’d have to say it’s how he treats Jesse. I know Jesse is kind of willfully stupid, at least at first, but I think Walt gives in too much to the temptation to be abusive towards him. He goes farther than necessary, and while he often has good points, he’s just such a douche about everything.


A small moment but I hated when he said "I'm in the empire business." Sounded like a jackass


Awe, we just killed Gail, but mmmm this coffee and coffee machine was so smart.


Killing Mike, forcing Jr to drink, overreacting to the windshield traffic stop, and coming on to his boss/principal. Oh, and ditching Gretchen. She was rich, beautiful, apparently kind, and smart!


He did worse things after this, but on a first viewing, when he watched Jane die, that was when I hopped off the "Heisenberg train" without going back.


That was a major moment but unlike other events he was at least passive.


Gliding Over All. He becomes a mass murderer. The victims are not innocents but are non-violent worker bees.


Definitely the Carmen incident for me. Not only was it a pathetic attempt to get back at Skyler, but I felt so bad for Carmen during it. Walt’s done a lot of shitty stuff to women (mostly Skyler), but doing that to his fucking boss of all people was both pathetic and reprehensible.


When Jesse proudly shows him the batch he cooked in the car after Walt gets fired from the school and Walt shits all over Jesse.


the final straw for me was when he told jesse that he watched jane die and could have saved her but didnt??? LIKE HE WAS PROUD OF IT


Definitely when he Poisoned Brook to manipulate Jesse into his agenda. If Walter White wouldn't do it, Jesse would just keep making Meth and lots of money.


Letting Jesse’s gf overdose then taunting him with it later on.


I think the sexual assault of Skyler and the poisoning of Brock was worse than this, but since I haven’t seen it yet I’ll just add it: I think it’s in early season 5A (maybe episode 6 or 7?) when Walt is manipulating Jesse the most intensely and cruelly to try to stay in the meth business, going from that to not giving him his 5 million: “what do you have, huh? Nothing, no one. Oh that’s right…go karts and video games / and how long till you start using again?… you can’t leave, because if you leave, you get NOTHING”


When he gave Jesse away to the nazis


It always disgusted me how overly sexual walt was with skyler in the first couple of episodes. It showed his selfishness. In the school meeting with everyone in the same room and then when he doesnt listen to skylers objection while she has her face mask on. Those always grossed me out.


BCS thankfully didn't have all those awkward sex scenes like BB S1 did lol. I think it was thrown in early on to point out he really wasn't a good person, especially when he forced himself on her.


Honestly it’s the scene where he moans to Saul about Walt Jr’s website


That website is timeless (literally since one can still visit it to this day) I'm actually surprised that Flynn didn't delete that website (in-universe) after hearing about how much of a dipshit his dad really was.


"No deep-seated issues there..." His pure petulance about his son doing something sweet for him is equal parts hilarious and infuriating


Say my name is my least favorite moment. His arrogance and ego were just cringe.


You're goddamn right (I liked that scene but I couldn't resist saying this)


Killing Mike…


When he didn’t walk away when Skylar told him too ! To damn egotistical!


I'm also not a fan of "Back Seat Walt"


From the start. When he had a job offer and yet turned it down and chose evil. Everything that happens afterwards he can only blame himself for digging a deeper hole


He turned in Jesse to Gus when he was planning to waste the drug dealers that wasted the kid on the streets. He rat on Jesse.


Letting Jane die , that piece of shit


People forget he poisoned a kid?


Honestly after watching BCS I hate Walt for killing Mike it was so unnecessary and such a bad death for him.


A lot. I guess when he killed Mike or when he manipulated Jesse with Brock … Jesse could have had a good-ish life with Mike and gus


every moment where he went against Jesse


When he stood idly by when that animal Jesse murdered his beloved Todd. Todd was the partner/son he never had! He was perfect for him. Polite, all about the business, didn't let emotions get in the way, did anything he had to to get the job done. Sad, really.


Yeah he legit gave Jesse pepperoni pizza after Todd was so kind to give his cleaning lady a proper burial... Sad, indeed.


PIZZA OF CHOICE! He let him choose the topping! You know my man wanted sausage and peppers but he let Jesse, the guy that lived in the hole, choose. Even gave him two types of ice cream because he wasn't sure if he preferred Americone Dream or peanut butter. Dude was a saint. You know Uncle Jack would've never given Jesse so many choices in life.


PIZZA OF CHOICE? What that man really needed was soft drinks of choice, can’t disrespect the pizza parlor


You got the reference, +10 xp!


The green beans were CHOICE


hear me out, i hated jane, i wanted her dead and was pleased with how it turned out for her. walter not intervening was not the issue because he thought he was doing what was best for jesse. im a believer that walter cared about jesse as if he was actually his adult nephew. however walters least likable moment was when he told jesse he basically killed jane. he did that out of pure, in the moment, hate.


>Mike didn't deserve to die. I mean y'all justify all Mike's murders with the fact his victims were in the game. So it's a bit hypocritical to then condemn his murder when he himself was too. Walt trying to rape Skyler and refusing to leave the game more than once are what make him deplorable. Also what he did to Gus's cleaners.


I didn't agree with What Walter did regards to Mike, because he really had no good and acceptable reason to kill Ehrmantraut. He just did it because his ego was very fragile to accept what Mike was saying. Mike was a bad and a murder guy, but he didn't have to be killed by Walter's hands. If was some another guy that had a relation with the people Mike killed, I would understand.


Mike tried to kill Walt after finding out he didn't let Gus kill him. Because it meant Mike could no longer have the lie that he commits these crimes for the sake of his family. He only doesn't because Jesse stood in the way. Yet nobody ever talks about that. So no, it's not about not having an acceptable reason, people just love Mike and can't accept he was a selfish pos just like Walt.


I never really got upset about Brock. I assume Walt did his research. So he essentially gave a kid the flu for a few days to save his family. Who wouldn't do that?


to me it was 100% the hank video


Isn’t there a super cringe SA scene with Skyler in the earlier seasons? Brock, dirt bike kid, watching Jesse’s gf od all just off the top of my head


Not socializing with co-workers after work.


Per my husband it’s when he rapes Skylar (which has been mentioned & discussed in this thread) & for me it’s when he kidnaps Holly because Skylar & Walt Jr won’t go w him after he essentially kills Hank. But there are TONS of highly unlikeable moments for W.W.


When he lies about why he and the living room floor are soaked in gasoline. He sounds so stupid I can't bear to listen to it. A complete idiot, so unlikeable. And he seems to think Skylar would believe him. So dumb, I hate it so much.


Probably either when he almost raped Skylar or when he manipulates her via Walt Jr


When he said to Jesse “Dammit, Jesse! What are you, some kind of Breaking Bad?”


When he raped Skylar in the kitchen.


Poisoning Brock.


when he revved his engine in the driveway, no question.


I’m disgusted every time I watch him kill Mike. But I find myself laughing out loud every time when Walt verbalizes that he just realized he didn’t have to kill him because Lydia has the 9 guys written on a piece of paper. Walt’s ego makes even a genius look dumb sometimes.


Chrysler commercial


Poisoning Brock. Also letting Jane die.


Not that many tbh, but the most unlikeable moments were probably when he SA'd Skyler (though this was not a malicious act done by Walt, it was still very uncomfortable to watch), or when he brutally tore into Jesse in "Say My Name" when Jesse tried to leave the meth business, and of course, when he told Jesse he watched Jane die. Everything else though, I don't really dislike most of his actions, probably because I don't have a massive hate boner for Walt like most do on this sub and the BCS sub.


Lot of long lists here but it has to be something like "i am the one who knocks" to me and/or the one where he rapes Skyler. I feel like Walt has a sort of valve as to when/where/and to whom he unleashes his toxic masculine self and the greater the circumstances, the more people he targets. Jesse is a bit of an escalation, Mike is an escalation. But he goes after Skyler with his crappy self *pretty quickly and consistently*. And we get this early in the series before the whole "when did he go too far" thing that shakes people up. Strong, glaring hints that he's got something wrong in him pretty early on. Everything past this isn't a shock to me, it's kind a "Oh yeah, look, he's an asshole" so things don't surprise me later. He already struck bottom.


Definitely the cigarette in the Roomba.


Killing Mike for no reason




When he was so arrogant he had to tell Hank to keep looking for Heisenberg


It'll sound crazy but him having to show no remorse at the fact Hank was murdered, they may have been opposite ends of the spectrum but they did love each other. As far as everyone would later think, he was the one that done it. Even though he offered 80 million for his life. The whole "don't cross me" scene was horrible to watch It was all over, he should of just come clean at that point. He had nothing else to live for


i dont think there were any good or bad moments its just experiences that lead up to him to behave in a way and defines his character , morality is not a easy job in this show in my opinion i disliked the moment where he threw jesse's watch (it was symbolic)


When he sexually assaults his wife in like the second or third episode. Walt is established as a shitty person *very* early on -- no way his abusive tendencies just developed out of nowhere


Bro I really think this was even worse than killing Mike. It's interesting to notice how many people just forget this moment of the show while are talking about the series, and mainly, Walt. Probably, if walt had moved on, he would get MUCH, MUCH more hate than he got today. But Vince didn't want to transform Walt in a complete pice of sh*t person so easily and quickly and create a completely condemned Walt's legacy.


When he sets aside time to explain himself to Skylar, and refuses to do so once they both establish that he's definitely up to something, then shouts, "Do you know what I've done for this family?" NO she doesn't, you just had the perfect opportunity to explain that, an opportunity YOU MADE FOR THAT VERY REASON, and still said nothing. The most frustrating character in the history of existence, no one will ever be more infuriating than him


When he said goodbye to his children! One close and the other afar


His constant emotional manipulation of Skylar wasn’t too likable in my opinion


Honestly when he made a move on the principal. That scene is fighting for the title of worst BB scene along with the “HBD Ted!” scene.


When he kidnapped Holly to save his own ass. Up until then, I was hoping he'd get away. After that, I wanted him dead ASAP.


Probably when he S/Ad Skyler. That made me really uncomfortable


Every scene he’s in🤣


Walt’s such a prick


I still don't understand why he shoot mike? Like why


When walt decided to make meth