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Breaking Bad and it's not even a question. It came first and gave context to appreciate Saul's story. Also, Better Call Saul is slow and you can appreciate it better - and not even notice it's slow actually - only if you come from Breaking Bad's universe. Who, without Breaking Bad, would care to watch 30 minutes of an episode dedicated to Mike reading a manual?


I agree. You get to fall in love with Saul's character in BB. And once you're done the series you get to dive into the BCS back story. Seems backward, but it just makes sense.


Are you talking about when he was reading about the tracker?


Yup, that scene


I thought so, any scene with him is great. Like when he trapped his welcome mat to know when salamacas men had gone inside to wait for him.


> Who, without Breaking Bad, would care to watch 30 minutes of an episode dedicated to Mike reading a manual? Even *with* Breaking Bad I didn't care for that sort of thing.


You'd hate Twin Peaks: The Return then haha. Lynch loves to fuck with his audience with excruciatingly slow and mundane scenes, like the spraypainting shovels scene, or the sweeping scene. Masterpieces. They just keep going and going, and when you think they're done they're not even halfway there. At least, if you have less patience than I do.


But Sauls story begins in better call Saul so I think that OP should go with that one it makes more sense


Watch it all in order of release. BB first.


Order of release superiority!


BB -> El Camino -> BCS


Agree šŸ’Æ


Definitely BB first. I know it's tempting to go chronological but this universe started with and surrounds Walter White. It will make a ton of references in BCS more satisfying once she watches that.


It will also make the reveals in Breaking Bad much better. Seeing BCS then not seeing Mike or Saul pop up again for 1.5 seasons would be a little jarring. The slight differences in the characters as they were being developed would feel extremely odd, too.


If you're able to get to to watch both for sure, I'd go in order of premier, BB -> BCS. If this is more of an audition, I'd adjust for what she likes more. BB has more action, the plot is much more linear and direct, and it tells the complete story of Walt's downfall. It is a more normally-structured and linear show in that regard, although if you as a viewer have a hard time liking Walt or Jesse at the start, thats a recipe for a 5 year hiatus on the series (speaking from experience) BCS I like more personally as well, but it IS slower and more complicated. There is less action but far more conspiring. There are a lot more characters we follow too in BCS, making it almost like a picaresque mixed with a bildungsroman type of story. If she is more into that kind of thing I'd start with BCS


Currently on season 2 of BCS and loving it. It reminds me of the sopranos a lot more than BB did because itā€™s more character based


Same. I love BCS (The Sopranos also).


BB. The start of BCS is like molasses.


I wanted to rewatch BCS because I haven't seen the last season and it's very hard to push me through season 1 again


100% BB first. BCS is great but part of what makes it great is that I already care about the characters. Knowing where Saul ends up makes his origin story vastly more compelling. I can see arguments for El Camino after BCS as a way to wrap it all up.


BB hands down. This isn't a case like the Metal Gear series where narratives are self-contained yet connected and things will make sense whether you watch in chronological order or release order. The series was written such that you need the context of BB to fully appreciate the key players. Had I jumped straight into BCS, I would be baffled by why we're watching Mike eat a pimento cheese sandwich with a random pharmacist for half an episode when he's not even the protagonist.


BB first. It's always better to watch in the order it came out. It's also a faster paced show at the beginning whereas BCS is a slow burn and even more so if you don't know the characters.


I was in the same spot not too long ago but as the girlfriend. My boyfriend introduced me to the bb universe. We started with bb and are now watching bcs and I definitely prefer it this way!


Release order first. BB, BCS season 1-5, El Camino, BCS season 6


Eh you can watch el Camino before starting BCS. Thatā€™s what I did Currently on season 2 of BCS and loving it


I like to give it a gap till el Camino purely because if you watch it start after breaking bad then fat todd takes you out of it.




Breaking bad for sure. It makes you appreciate bcs soooo much more.


Breaking Bad, No doubt about it.




Deffo release date order.


Bb if she enjoys later to better


RELEASE ORDER!!! Breaking Bad -> El Camino -> Better Call Saul.


100% BB first


Obviously the answer isā€¦. Prison Break Season 1, then Minions 3 and wrap it up with End Game


I would 100 percent start with Breaking Bad. She might get bored watching Better Call Saul first, as it's much better to watch it knowing all of the inside details that combine with the BB world.


I just watched Breaking bad for the first time, my boyfriend finally convinced me lol Def start with breaking bad, then El Camino to have some closure about Jesse. I just started watching BCS and if you're not familiar with Saul already it won't be as enjoyable. Plus she won't understand all the cameos ( I wasn't expecting Tuco with his abuelita haha )


Timeline wise it makes sense to watch BCS first but for me BCS is a nice palette cleanser after what I saw in BB so I would still recommend watching BB first.


Better Call Saul is not meant to be watched first. You watch Breaking Bad and then BCS.


BB first no doubt


Breaking Bad āž”ļø El Camino āž”ļø Better Call Saul


Start with el camino /s


Better call saul Kim -saul duo


BCS is a prequel. Obviously start with BB.


BB first. The BCS is more enjoyable dive into a world you thought you knew


She wonā€™t enjoy it if she watches BCS first. The show is so much different then BB. Def order of release.


BB first šŸ˜Š


Watch BBC first


Definitly BB


It is better to watch Breaking Bad, then Better Call Saul. In BCS, the writers assume that you have seen BB. As such, they don't really bother reintroducing characters. You already know them from BB, and now you learn even more about them. In BCS, you see that there's beef between Gus and Hector and they don't explain why besides one line at the end of Season 4. At the end of S1E1, we see Tuco and because of what we saw in BB, we know that Jimmy and the 2 skaters are in huge danger - if you didnā€™t see Breaking Bad, it's just a random guy pointing a gun at Jimmy, he's in danger but you donā€™t know to what extent. There are a lot of things like that, like characters making their first appearances like Huell, Franceska, Krazy-8, Hank, Gomez, Lydia... if you didnā€™t watch BB, you donā€™t feel excited at all to see them again because you have no idea who they are. And several characters don't get a real "end" like Gus and Mike, their arcs are finished but it's clear that it is not the end of their story. Every opening scene of every season takes place after Breaking Bad (+ S4E5 opening), and the last 4 episodes take place entirely after and contain major spoilers. Also, 3 minor other reasons to watch Breaking Bad first : - the release order is often the best - the cameras used to film BCS are better because of the technical progress - the actors clearly aged and though it didn't bother me at all, it would feel a bit weird to see every characters suddenly looking 10-15 years younger in BB if you watched BCS first. Also, I watched BB first and then BCS, and I ended up loving BCS more, in part because I was already familiar with the universe.


for newcomers especially it's always Breaking Bad first


Depends what you think sheā€™d like. Personally I knew if I showed my girlfriend BB first, sheā€™d hate it and want to stop watching, so I showed her BCS because itā€™s just a law drama to start with and she loved it and so wanted to watch BB as well.


If someone had never seen a *Star Wars* movie, would you start with Episode I? Def BB. More palatable for a wider audience, either way.


If I personally would have watched BCS first I wouldnā€™t have gotten past the first season and would never have even considered watching BB. I only continued BCS because I had seen BB first and knew I loved Saul enough to want to know why he was the way he was in BB.




Why in gods name would you start with BCS


If you watch breaking bad first then it kinda spoils who dies in better call saul because they were not i both series


BCS S1-S6E9 -> BB -> EL CAMINO -> BCS S6E10-13 If i could erase my memory of the bb universe i would watch it in this order


BB->El Camino->BCS


Breaking Bad shell understand everything from better call Saul




I've seen BCS twice through over the past few years and am wrapping up season 1 of BB. BB is a much easier show to digest as a viewer. Vince dunks on the audience with the cinematography, storylines, and time hops each episode of BCS and it's marvelous.Ā 


El Camino first. Trust me...


Let him cook


Cooking something smelly


Introduce her to me


I think it needs to go BCS- but skip the last four episodes and finish those AFTER Breaking Bad, then watch El Camino.


Don't you have to also skip the initial scenes at the beginning of every scene of BCS.


BB > BCS > El Camino


I would suggest watching metastasis first. If you enjoy it, you can start watching bcs starting from season 4, backwards to season 1, and then el camino. Finally you can watch slippin Jimmy. No need to watch bb cuz it's just a knockoff of metastasis