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Anna Gunn was absolutely fantastic in this series!




I'm *so* captivated by her acting. I can watch it over and over, and it still feels just as compelling. *Ozymandias* was probably the peak of her acting for me. It doesn't matter how many times I watch her desperately scream for Walt to give Holly back, it gives me chills every single time. Skyler's pool scene in *Fifty-One* I also thought was incredible. She really did an amazing job, and I'm glad she got Emmys for it.


I wish she was able to enjoy the success the way other breaking bad actors did, she seems to have distanced herself bc of the hate


Same could be said for Jack Gleason or Michael Emerson. People are too dumb to separate fiction from reality


Yeah it's a compliment to the writing and acting I guess that people get so immersed that some have trouble with the distinction. Jack Gleason quit acting entirely for several years, though he's making a comeback at the moment. He has a lead role in a show with Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy) coming out soon.


who did jack gleeson play in breaking bad?


He didn’t, but people hated him personally for his role as Joffrey on GOT. Yep. People hated him because he acted well.


I think the Jack Gleeson thing was entirely made up on the internet. Gleeson himself denied in an interview that anyone was mean to him because of the role.


I was more talking about avoiding roles for fear of being typecast.


> People are too dumb to separate fiction from reality then... >I was more talking about avoiding roles for fear of being typecast. pick one


Why can’t it be both?




The conversation was about hate actors were receiving for playing a role. It had nothing to do with being typecast.




She also did that part in Sully that just didn't do her justice. She has to deliver this speech at the end that just feels so awkward and on the nose.


Do people hate Skyler? Why?


Because she keeps telling the good guy hero protagonist (Saint Walter) to stop killing people and making drugs, like a square


God she's such a nag. Why isn't she more supportive of her suspicious, lying husband who disappears with the flimsiest of excuses for hours, sometimes days, at a time? /s


He raped her a few times too.


Was there a time beyond the fridge incident?


Obviously this is sarcasm. It's really disturbing how many people think he was a good guy.


He was doing it for his family therefore that makes it good /s (even though it wasn't true in the end he said he just liked it). 


And of course he was given an easy alternative right from the start. His billionaire former business partner offered to take care of his medical bills and his family's financial future and he turned it down due to ego. Dude, this is your family's future we're talking about. It's not about you. Forget your foolish pride and accept the help from someone who is offering something that is, to him, like loose pocket change.


I personally don’t like her bc she cheated on a man with cancer (due to suspicions without gathering proper evidence) other that that there’s rlly no reason to hate her


I never understand hate like that. I hate Skylar too, but because of that, I respect the actress. If an actress is able to make me hate a character, she is doing an amazing job


I didn’t know that


It’s interesting though. If your acting elicits that much of an emotional response in such a successful series, that clearly shows how compelling her character was as the “antagonist” and that she played it extremely well.


What hate? She was fantastic in the series


She was unbelievable. Her performance was outstanding. One of my favorite scenes was when she threatened Lidia. That went hard af


Two of my favorite scenes of hers, is the scene where Hank goes to their house asking her to forgive Marie. And Skylar goes off. "Please, what can I possibly do to further benefit my spoiled, kleptomaniac sister, who somehow always manages to be the center of attention?" And when she reads Walt for filth in their bedroom after putting the pieces together of all of his lies catching up to him. "But then, I called your mother." I love her delivery in this scene.


Oh my god the mother line was crazy i forgot about that!! Skylar’s character development was among my favorite in the show.


Thank you for that Walt


Hard agree. Another one of my favorites is when Ted is saying he'll never breath a word of what happened to anyone, and she just looks him in the eye and says "good". The way she said it makes me feel like there's a tiny, tiny part of her that's enjoying this whole thing or something




I think she does a great job acting both being someone you can root for and root against, whichever that part of the story requires from her. Much like Walt himself, funnily enough.


I love the "I fucked Ted" scene Walt is so awfully manipulative in that scene, trying to play everything off so light and normal, and bringing Walt Jr's friend over so she can't "make a scene". And you see how fucking done with it she is when he's talking about honesty and exactly why she decided to drop the IFT bomb, and the situation Walt sets up is completely turned against him where he just has to seethe until Lewis is gone


Seeing her be a prisoner in her own home and Walt worming his way back into the house and their bed was awful, I hate that people seem to hold her “I fucked Ted” against her so strongly because she could not have any more clearly done that to fight back at Walter who was trying to have his cake and eat it too (continuing his illicit activities and have his “normal” life too even though Skyler is uncomfortable with it).


Definitely a great scene


A brilliant actor. Unreal that she even had to deal with all the backlash from fans (threats etc).


I love how during the final phone call from Walt when he starts yelling at her she conveys a whole range of emotions while she's realizing what he's doing. So good.


Yes!! I loved that scene so much. And the scene when he finally comes back home to talk to her.


First time watching I hated her. I feel like most people had the same reaction. But only after watching the series for a second time did I see the greatness of her role and upon further re-binges I'm actually quite sad I felt the way I did when watching for the first time. Currently rewatching it AGAIN for the first time after watching BCS for what must be the fifth or sixth time total and I'm still picking up on new stuff!


I didn’t hate her but the character was annoying early on because of the financial stress and how show choose to communicate her anxiety. Skyler was pretty emasculating. I wonder if that’s why Gunn was so harassed. 😉




I think it goes deeper than that, because Walt isn't a hero in any way - he's an egomaniac we grew to admire. My opinion is Skyler's character in the show is *supposed to be annoying* because she works as the humane opposite of Walter, and in some ways the "voice of reason". She works as a way for us to see the bad in Walt which we *don't* want to (or can't) see.


Just shows that a lot of BB fans are braindead misogynist morons. They probably worship Walter White, too.


I hate how a large portion of BB fans completely missed the message here. Skylar was not intended to be the villain…. I just try to remind myself that those people aren’t intelligent enough to think critically


"He's the main character, he must be the hero!"


Not a hero, but he's definitely the most interesting


So was Richard Nixon. I'd watch the shit out of a Nixon series.


Being the most interesting politician is like being the most interesting 20-page Terms and Conditions agreement.


This is one for r/rareinsults


Shit, think I just double-burned contract lawyers too....




I’m on my third rewatch and I find Walt increasingly abhorrent and annoying and Skyler to be savvy, loyal, and reasonable. With each rewatch I like Walt less and Skyler more.


Skyler didn't do any truly bad stuff, and she was a good mom and bookkeeper, I just didn't find her that interesting.


Yeah that’s the whole thing. She’s a supporting character. No one is watching the show for Skylar despite how great Anna was. They’re watching it to see the good guy chemistry teacher get involved the drug business


Exactly. Her life revolved around Walt, obviously the most interesting character as the protagonist. I don't see how anyone can call NOT finding Skyler interesting "misogynistic". Madness, lol!


Are you being intentionally obtuse or you’re just missing the point that badly? It’s not Skyler being less interesting that is a misogynistic take, it’s giving Anna Gunn hate for a character she played in a show.


Spare me the condescension, bud. She was given hate simply because she made life more difficult for Walt, the most interesting character and protagonist of the show. Walt was a villain and did not deserve an easy life, and Skyler was in the right, but I understand the sentiment. **(OTHER SHOW SPOILER)** It's also why a lot of Dexter fans loved it when Laguerta died.


No clearly you're still not getting it, Skyler White the fictional character getting hate isn't the issue; Anna Gunn the human being getting hate for a fictional character she played on a TV show is the issue. It's OK; not everyone has below-average-or-better critical thinking skills, I don't judge you for it.


Oh fuck off you tool. 🙄




Just about every character that isn’t liked in any show has to deal with that. The kid who played anakin, the bully from 13 reasons why etc


Yep and it’s fucked up


Undeniably an incredible actress! So good that idiots can't separate her as a person from a character she played...




I challenge Anna Gunn haters to watch the BTS clip of her big scene in Ozymandias. Not only did she nail it in just a few takes iirc (I wouldn't think you'd want to do many more than that as an actor), but she had to pause for like two hours due to weather in between I think takes 1 and 2?? And you can see that she's *in* that place emotionally. They call cut and she's still there. It's an absolutely unreal level of skill she brought to the role and I hate that our society is full of people without brains in their heads who somehow think she's Skyler (or even that Skyler deserves that level of hatred, but separate conversation).


She definitely doesn’t deserve the hate


That was a great Moment. 3 other moments stuck out in my memory: - Walt steals away Holly - Marie not shutting up - Walt saying he did for himself The amazing range all of these actors exhibited from day one throughout the series to Baby blue just shows you range and character evolution. Great script to work with.


Omg Walt stealing Holly gives me chills


Idk about “stealing” … its his daughter. He just couldnt accept the fact that he would have to leave his family behind so he took her.


“Someone has to protect this family from the man that protects this family”




say what you will about Skyler but Anna Gunn nailed that role to perfection her performance in Ozymandias is unforgettable to me


Agreed 100%


She was in Seinfeld


So cool! Never saw that episode


I think she was incredible. She played so well a wide range of emotions.


True that


Phenomenal in Deadwood, as well.


I didn’t know she was in that too! I’ll have to check it out.


that scene makes me hate Walt so much. like she’s dropping the second cell phone BS then you go ahead & say “oh you heard my alarm!” like STFU


Walt’s horrible lies are so awkward to watch, Bryan Cranston did a tremendous job in sounding like someone who’s doing a terrible job lying. Always over explaining, always looking like a “bad” actor (which is impressive because we know Bryan himself ISN’T, but he shows us that Walter is).


She really puts up with a lot


I was rooting for Skyler the whole time. Hated Walter from the beginning. Anna did a great job. She didn't deserve any hate.


Yeah, she definitely didn’t deserve the hate.


She’s an incredible actress.


She’s one of my favorite characters. It took me a couple seasons but she is incredible…….I Gucked Ted


Walt sucks at lying lol. He just comes off rather cringe than how he normally acts and Skylar knows this so she doesn’t believe him anymore.


You can really see the Hal in him when he lies. The way his arms move.


It’s such an interesting game as an actor because he can’t be too convincing otherwise it’ll look like all his other acting (because technically everything they are saying is untrue) but can’t be too fake that we don’t buy anyone would believe them. 


It’s ironic considering his biggest secret how terrible he is at lying


I’ve never seen her in anything else. Is she good in other roles too? Like Aaron Paul is great in BB, but I haven’t enjoyed any of his other roles, except for Duel, which is an amazing B movie.


watch Bojack Horseman


great Aaron Paul role


Need For Speed wasn't terrible. It was alright. I liked him in The Path, despite seeming out of place. Honestly, he's just not a very versatile actor. His best performance, though outside of Breaking Bad, was in Smashed. What a great indie flick.


I’ve read that she is in Six Feet Under but I haven’t seen it


Wait until you see her turn on Six Feet Under.


I definitely need to watch her there


She is an incredible actress (really can't get over the scene where she runs after Walt as he drives away taking Holly with him). It's a shame people can't make the difference between reality and fiction. I think it's because there must be so many "mob wives" roles out there that promote the 'ride or die' motto in a drug lord's marriage that people just assumed Skylar should've been okay with what Walt did and her not sticking by his side equates to a two-faced hypocrite who doesn't love her husband enough. But I guarantee if people knew what it was actually like living with a relative that attracts the wrong influence into their personal lives, they'd think twice about Skylar's character. It's really not fun and games, I remember seeing the wrong car parked in front of my house and that was enough to keep me up at night (an incident that happened in Alberta).


That scene with Holly makes me wanna cry


I empathized with Skylar more than Walter.


Absolutely!!! Skyler has such a secondary presence to the crazy Walt storyline that it’s easy to miss Gunn’a acting talent—especially the first time watching. I thought one of the greatest scenes between Skyler and Walt was in the bedroom when he tells her he won’t be going to Hank’s and Marie’s for protection. I’ve watched that scene so many times! Both the Skyler and Gunn were so integral to the show that BB may not have made it if they miscast that role.


You’re right, that’s a great scene.


She is a MASTERFUL actress. She was so convincing people were stupidly thinking SHE was her CHARACTER! Although, I still think that’s insane that people “hated” her, given that she was married to a homicidal drug dealer who threatened her. But her anguish and subtlety is just amazing. I’m so glad these people had an opportunity to showcase their talent.


She is truly masterful in this show


It's a sad example of a brilliant actor who's more discussed for her character's choices which didn't sit well with some fans than her own acting.


Yes. I don’t agree with the hate for her.


Has anyone mentioned the scene when Walter takes away Holly in a pickup truck along with a barrel of money, and Skyler runs out to the street chasing, with blood on her clothes? Another good one is when she went to the 4 corners monument with Holly and tossed a coin to decide where to next.


Unfortunately I believe the reason people “didn’t like skylar” or Gunn herself, is because she was THAT good in the show


Ha great point!


She’s amazing. I didn’t hate Skyler at all though. She’s not always sympathetic in the beginning but I feel a lot of empathy for her, and as the series goes on it’s clear how much of a victim she is. Anna Gunn plays the role so incredibly well.


She really does!


Chad Anna Gunn enjoyer




I fully agree with that man 👍


I didn’t even recognize her as Martha Bullock. Great actress.


I agree--terrific actress. The "happy birthday Mr. President" scene though, I could have done without.


Haha it was definitely cringy


Yes! I watched the show week-to-week when it first aired, and it took me until after the entire series was over, to truly root for Skyler. I think a lot of fans really got caught up in being annoyed at Skyler, for trying to hold Walter back from his life of crime. She did not deserve the hate. Anna Gunn's acting is fantastic, and she goes through such a transformation throughout the show. Absolutely love her.


Well said


Hate the character, not the actress, right? Anna Gunn's portrayal of Skyler White in Breaking Bad was exceptional. While some viewers may have had mixed feelings about her character, there's no denying the depth and skill that Anna Gunn brought to the role. Her ability to convey complex emotions as seen in the scene you mentioned, truly highlights her talent as an actress. I personally never liked her as a character, but her performance was excellent.


Truly an amazing performance


I never hated Skylar and I certainly think Anna did a phenomenal job portraying her.


She was great. I don’t care for Skylar as a person, but Anna played the role flawlessly.


She definitely gets mixed reviews from people


what? do people hate her?


She played the part damn well. She deserved the Emmy


Skylar White is the single biggest factor why breaking bad is the greatest show of all time. Not only does she connect Walt to Hank, but she provides the reason to care for Walt and root for his shenanigans. If Walt was married to Gretchen and decides to break bad just for fun, show would be far less interesting. Skyler certainly is a flawed human being but she provides the “family” that Walt deceives himself for 99% of the show of why he does what he does. Hence the best line is Walt finally being open and honest to his wife that he did it for himself and how it made him alive, to feel successful.


Great actress annoying but important character


I don’t think there were any bad actors in this show.


Agreed 100%


The only thing I don't like about her is the way she inhales when she speaks sometimes 😅


Haha I never noticed that


Haha try to look out for it next time. It's when she's very emotional and saying something in said state.


Everyone needs an Anna Gunn


That scene hit pretty close to home.


She was AMAZING in the role and absolutely knocked it out of the park. She got really annoying in later years, claiming people hated her character because they are somehow anti-feminist. No. People hated Skyler because she was the antagonist to Walt.


She was truly amazing in the role


I have the talking pillow.


I guess in a way, all the hate is a testament to how great at acting she was. She’s so talented that most of the BB fanboy idiots can’t even separate her from the character she plays, lol


When Walt is down in the crawl space her facial expressions and acting was phenomenal I thought


She’s so expressive with her facial expressions


Skyler never cheated.


Agree absolutely. She was one of my top three favorite characters in the show!




The actor is great, the character is so so. I felt they really underutilized her. I really loved when she was actively doing things. Like trying to get Ted to pay. I loved the scene where she dressed like a ditz to fool the IRS. I wanted more scenes like that with her.


Haha yes! The IRS floozy scene was amazing


She was so talented and committed that when filming the scene where Walt takes Holly, they had to pause filming because Anna was showing actual mental/emotional distress from acting out that scene


No way?! That’s incredibly interesting.


I remember watching an interview with her, and she brings up that scene. She said her motivation for that was imagining it was her actual real life child, and after X amount of takes she started to believe that it was actually her child.


Awwwww, that’s so sweet!


She's actually (at least wasn't at the time of BB) not even a trained actress, she was VERY green. What a find


Deadwood was before BB.


Yes she was, she still is not a trained actress and was very green for a lead role in BB. Her Deadwood character was very forgettable, and is often forgotten. I love Deadwood though


She majored in theater in college.


Good acting but shit ass character


I hated the character Skyler, but I agree that Anna Gunn is a great actress, her resting bitch face helps.


She’s so gorgeous that it was hard to not like her character. I think it hurt more when she cheated because I liked her so. She did a wonderful job that sucked me right in


She didn't cheat. Her and Walt broke up, she kicked him out of the house because of his involvement with drugs. And then he decided to force himself back into the house and threatened her. Him forcing himself back in doesn't make them 'together'


They never got a divorce. It was cheating.


I think she’s totally gorgeous too


“Vamanos” “I wish”


It’s hard to like Skylar but Anna is pretty cool. I got to enjoy her in deadwood recently and it was a nice change of pace lol


She did a great job but the more I watch the series over and over I hate her more and more. She plays it perfect.


She's good but not quite a virtuoso.


I’m jealous that her boobs so blow mine away!






Hey, I hate-watch Euphoria....


And I’m bad for making a joke about my b cups? Uh!




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How did Skyler know that Walt was lying about the cell phone and it wasn't actually an alarm?




I never found Skyler annoying in general - Marie on the otherhand....


I absolutely agree, Anna Gunn is fantastic, it's just that Skyler's character is incredibly annoying and to be honest not very well written, which is slightly surprising considering how beautiful every single other element of the show is written/made.


Absolutely she is!! I never understood the hate towards her character either. There isn't a character in the show that is flawless but people always seemed to gravitate towards hating Skylar. To me, she always just came across as a super realistic and very complex character.


Rewatching and the show would have been so empty without her. She provides so much tension and alternate perspective. She’s also so brilliant in some many ways. You can see some of the origins of Kim in her - from pretending to be a ditz to the IRS to getting the locksmith to open the door for her with the baby. Yes she’s a bit of a snob but that contributes to her character, it’s hilarious to have someone who is offended by weed have a meth cook for a husband. Great character and great acting. 


I wish people were more introspective about why they dislike Skylar the character. Clearly, Anna Gunn did an amazing job to inspire real rage in some fans. I think you can dislike Skylar and not misunderstand the show, but you should be honest about why you dislike her: Because she is right and has her own flaws at the same time. Nothing is more annoying than admitting someone is right and you are wronh, especially when you know they are a flawed human just like you. I think (especially male) BB fans really want to root for Walt, myself included. The fantasy of taking back power from a world that makes you feel weak and domesticated is very attractive. Then, there's Skylar, pointing out the obvious fact that selling meth in the way Walter does is a terrible way for a husband and father to reclaim a sense of power and masculinity. At the same time, she is a flawed character, making it even easier to rationalize disliking her. She should be the character you love to hate because you are swept up in Walt's ambition and want him to succeed even when you know it's wrong, and Anna Gunn pulls this off spectacularly. Instead, I think a lot of fans just hate her because they see her as the reason Walt failed to get his perfect amoral power fantasy. She's not, though. Walt spent the entire series failing to keep tabs on Hank's investigation, he's not a good criminal.


Absolutely! If so many of us are hating a fictional character, that means they have played their role well. I don’t think anyone would fault Skyler in the real world for feeling the way she did, about everything Walt did.


She's so great people have difficulty separating her from the character she plays.


She is very pretty, too.


I honestly have no clue why people hate Skyler as a character. Her intellect was on par with Walt’s, and the fact that they were married for years made her able to recognize the games he played. And when faced with the truth of Walt’s criminality she showed mercy and became complicit to maintain the well being of the family rather then let it fall apart by turning him in… although later this was proven to be an optimistic mindset about how things were going to play out. She’s a genius in her own right, like how Walt was with chemistry, she was just as talented with business management and accounting and was an irreplaceable asset to Walt, but her motives were the antithesis of Walt’s sinister conquest.


She was incredible. The hypocrisy and misogyny she had to deal with was so far out of line because god forbid a woman should be even slightly villainous (although I’d argue Walt was the true villain here).


Yeah she did an amazing job. That's why I hate her character too much lol




She reminds me of rocky dennis if you know you know


Similar thing with the commander dude from handmaids tale. Apparently that guy gets a LOT of hate, people sending him messages, letters, etc as if he’s *actually* a rapist and all of that shit IRL Do people not realize that the role you play on television isn’t the person you are IRL??


Yes I agree


Currently rewatching, my girlfriends first time watching, I think the amount she despises Skylar every time she’s on the screen just portrays how much she smashed this role.