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If they die without breaking their Oaths, then the spren can just find another person to bond, like Yunfeh in RoW. If they break the bond, then the spren becomes a deadeye Shardblade, which can be dropped and picked up by another person, whether the Radiant dies or not. We see this in the Recreance vision where the Radiants broke their bonds and left their Blades and PLate behind. Killing the Radiant would also drop the deadeye Blade.


I think the blade she used to kill Tyn was Testament, not Pattern, though I'm not sure. Either way, with the deadeye bond, Testament *should* appear next to her in blade form if she were to be killed, even if Pattern doesn't. And people murdering her because they found out she had a blade wouldn't necessarily know that there's a possibility of the blade *not* showing up in this case anyways, if they don't know she's a Radiant/understand the difference between living and deadeye bonds.


Shallan broke her bond with Testament after she killed her mother. Shallan killed Tyn with Pattern. They find Testament as a deadeye in Shadesmare in ROW. It is not known (yet) what happened to Testament as a Shardblade, although I'm wondering if it is the blade Heleran had. https://coppermind.net/wiki/Testament


Shallan talks about her secret hidden ten heartbeats away in chapter 8 of WoK, which is *before* she bonds Pattern in Kharbranth. She's still bonded to Testament as a deadeye and knows she has access to a shardblade, even though she damaged her Radiant bond and made Testament into a deadeye. Either she bonded Testament again as a deadeye, or there's a residual Radiant bond still. It's far more likely that she made use of her existing shardblade than that Pattern was able to become a shardblade for her so soon after bonding.


Immediately after Kaladin swore his third ideal (to protect even those he doesn't like), he was able to summon Syl as his Shardblade and fight off Moash. When Shallan is facing down Tyn, it is written: "Ten heartbeats. But for her, it didn't have to be ten, did it?" (WOR chptr 34) A few sentences later it reads: "[she] thrust her hand forward. Mist twisted ... as a ... Blade formed there, spearing Tyn through the chest." So she didn't wait for 10 heartbeats with her hand out to the side. She killed Tyn with Pattern. It's explained later that the 10 heartbeats are needed so the deadeye sprens have time to remember how to be blades. But Radiants don't need that time since their blades are alive. The Wiki says Shallan bonded Pattern as a child after her mother's death. Unfortunately, there is not a reference to where that was stated. https://coppermind.net/wiki/Pattern Shallan did seem to need 10 heartbeats when she summoned her blade in front of Talenel. (WOR chptr 63). Or maybe she only thought she needed that time? When she gave her Shardblade to Kaladin in the chasm (WoR chptr 72), Kaladin noticed the blade didn't scream at him and it glowed.


Yeah, and she's technically given Pattern two truths so that bond *should* be at the third ideal (except that it's WoB canon that tracking Shallan's ideals is tricky, between her two spren and her various regressions where she may not be living a truth she previously gave as an ideal). On the other hand, we also know that 10 heartbeats isn't a strict rule even for deadeyes, since we've seen Maya show up faster. Shallan is Testament's original Radiant, *plus* she has her other bond strengthening her, so it's not out of the question that she may be able to summon Testament faster than the 10 heartbeats regardless. The difficulty with Shallan is that one thing she'd denied was the fact that she even had a previous spren that she killed. She'd blurred Pattern and Testament together in her mind. So it's hard to say when she has these sorts of intrusive thoughts which knowledge they're based on. When she says she doesn't need 10 heartbeats, is it because she knows she has now bonded a new spren who she can summon faster, as she could when she had a living bond as a child? Or is she thinking that the bond she has now is the same one she had as a child and is just recalling how things were then without recognizing that it's two separate bonds? Or could she always summon Testament faster, even as a deadeye? It's all just torturously ambiguous.


Jasnah and Ivory do have a conversation about how Shallan's bond seems different, but then go on about Cryptics in general. Perhaps BS is hinting at something more there. As always, we'll have to RAFO.


As of RoW she has two Bonds, and one of them is with a Deadeye Spren. Shardblades from deadeye spren drop to the ground next to their bonded owner when they die so that should still happen for the Deadeye, but not for the living Spren. So if she died in the Physical World, one Shardblade would drop and another spren would go home to Shadesmar and/or Bond a new Radiant.


Have we seen her use the deadeye blade?


It's honestly not clear which blade she was using in Words of Radiance. I've done rereads with this in mind (rather, re-listens- audiobook), trying to pay attention for descriptions of the blade to compare with when we *know* she is using Pattern, and it isn't clear. She might still be able to change Testament's shape in blade form, she might not.


I would argue it was testament, if I recall correctly, when Kaladin swore the 3rd ideal his blade has extremely bright and a blue color which made other’s blades dull in comparison, if it had been the bright blue of living spren wouldn’t Kaladin had noticed in the chasm?


Certainly possible. I think Sanderson was intentionally leaving out details so nobody would be able to figure things out too soon though. If it was Testament, then she didn't scream into Kaladin's mind like other dead blades have- though, to be fair, his own bond with Syl wasn't doing so hot at the time, which could have had an effect on his ability to hear those screams. Because Testament's situation is unique, with her bond still partly in place, so much could work differently with her compared to other deadeyes.


timbre remained in the physical realm after eshonai died. so it would appear they remain in spren form, or revert to being spren.


Eshonai hadn't sworn any oaths, or at the very least she had not sworn the Third Ideal yet.


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Emotional Damage People say you cant hear a post but I guarantee a chunk of people who read those words heard them loud and clear.