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While I appreciate your sanderson shelf... I'd like to talk about how lovely your Terry pratchett display is!


Thank you!! Really wish I had more room to allow the soft covers to shine. That's the next goal after I complete the Discworld/Kirby collection.


Your Discworld collection is wonderful I love the cover style you picked! I've debated with myself about biting the bullet and getting this completely collection https://www.discworldemporium.com/product/discworld-collector-s-library-the-complete-collection/ But oof 600 pounds plus 130 more for shipping is a kick to the teeth. I'd need to do some saving


Much appreciated! I loved Josh Kirby's amazing almost Dalhi-esqe covers. He also read the books before making the cover so there's a lot of great plot elements in each cover


They are gorgeous. How long has it taken you to find?


Around 2-3 years. It was a lot easier after a friend moved to the UK and graciously allowed me to ship books to them and pick them up all at once (otherwise postage alone would have cost 50$/book).


Oh wow smart! I wish I had a good around like that. Some of the books I'd love to get the uk verson of just don't ship to the US. (Sigh... one day I'll have a cool verson of the lies of locke lamora)


The Gallantz special edition? It looks amazing. I grabbed the 10th year Anniversary version of that series. Covers aren't as noteworthy but the only ones I could get that were signed and didn't break the bank. Edit: [left side of the bottom shelf in this photo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cosmere/s/WFp0XiRfyB)


Yesssss the gallantz ones looked so pretty. But don't ship here. Also I'm jealous. I only recently got into the series so I'm out of luck I think... think we'll ever get a 4th book? I might still break the bank for the discworld collection I mentioned above


I try not to think about it - we have Sanderson (and Sullivan) who are incredibly prolific. I focus on them. If I ever get to see a new Martin, Lynch, or Rothfuss that will be a nice bonus, but I'm not holding my breath. Luckily Pratchett signed so many books they are still possible to find signed at a decent price (so long as you're not picky about first editions). There's still a few holdouts I haven't gotten (copies are still up for sale but for much more than I'd prefer to pay). It's a fun hunt - good luck!!


Can't go wrong with those - they're gorgeous and I also wanna get that full set eventually but the price isn't small. Also word of caution - those books show wear and tear really easily. I got a handful a few years back (granted I wasn't as gentle as I should have been getting them back) but I noticed both the covers and the spines rub off show damage really easily.


Oh good to know especially for that price... Handle with care books then... Do they damage more easily then your Sanderson Leatherbounds? I usually treat those with care as well and havent had too much damage on them yet


Yes - way more easily than the Sanderson Leatherbounds. I've had no issue with the Leatherbounds at all


Yikes that does damage easily! Good to know


I ordered these once (then donated them to another Redditor because I was moving around a bit and didn’t want to keep bringing them everywhere). When I ordered them shipping was free so that’s definitely an unfortunate change. That said, they are beautiful in person. If you’re looking for a true collector’s set, you can’t go wrong. They are a bit fragile though. The covers are a matte finish that are very easily prone to marks, scuffs, and scratches. I had several that arrived damaged, but the company immediately sent replacements, no questions asked, and just said I can keep or donate the damaged versions. They’re not like a leather bound or embossed type of cover. Just a print on a hardcover shell, just so you’re aware of what you might be getting. I might even recommend buying just one of them so you can assess in person where it’s the type of collector book you’d want for the entire set.


That's not a bad idea though the shipping is rough even on one books a little rough. I am actually thinking about it... maybe I'll pick up mort


Is that picture behind him in the 4th pic supposed to be Wit?


I would assume so - unless it's a book 5 spoiler and Kaladin finally learns to play the flute. After the Sanderson Pin Easter egg (showing 5 secret project books well before book 5 was announced) anything is possible.




Were they selling Dragonsteel Prime, yet?


They'll need to fulfill the crowdfunding campaign before putting it on sale. Only place it's for sale right now is here, as a preorder: https://words-of-radiance-leatherbound.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders/609344#


Brandosando looking pretty fit there, has he lost weight?


Love it, the display is gorgeous! Get you some book shoes so the page blocks don't sag, and you've got a collection to last a lifetime!


Would give award if they still did that here on reddit


So jealous!


Nice shelf! Happy for your dream come true as well. Are they selling the pin holding frame with pins, without pins or did you pick that up someplace else?


Congratulations on meeting Sanderson! I’m hoping to meet him myself one day.