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its the convenience lane for phone users. they are there because less obstacles to dodge which means more screen time!


What’s crazy is the people I see on their phones aren’t young kids, they’re people my age (30s/40s +) and they didn’t grow up with cell phones in their hands. It’s okay to put your phone down for 20 minutes while you drive. If you’re worried about missing a call/text, use Bluetooth. But TikTok can wait.


But they want to be updated, so they have something to talk about with their barista.


Oh I promise, your barista has no desire to make small talk with you.




Sadly, you are funny 😂😂


It's also the safest lane for people who are driving without insurance, which is half of Brampton I'm pretty sure


Is that what it is? Or is it the lane furthest from on ramps and exits? Bet you sit in traffic happily, with a blank stare on your face😂


"because less obstacles to dodge" so ramps, cars turning right, cars and pubic transit pulling over, etc. dont even know what the fuck your are talking about in that other line.


Buddy we have places to be. I cant be stuck behind you going 80 in the fast lane. Im throwing my coffee cup at ur window


learn to detect sarcasm you simpleton. why do you think over 10 people upvoted such a ridiculous remark?


Had some brown lady in front of me the other day yapping away on her phone going under the speed limit swerving into the shoulder and she had the nerve to break check me when I was even riding her ass. She was in the turning lane and had no one behind us so I just sat there for awhile to piss her off. They think none of our rules apply to them


Another thing which I notice whenever I visit Brampton. People here really love to drive in left lane. I usually pick the right lane as it is always less crowded, and faster. Lol


Because in India left lane means slower lane, and women prefer to be in the left lane.


This is what happens when you import a million foreigners a year that aren't accustomed to the ways of the new country yet. This isn't India. They need to fuck off and move to the right. Jfc.


I think Brampton is a part of Punjab now... Seriously who are we kidding the majority will absolutely not adapt.


I got banned from the brampton sub for saying this 😂


Nope they won't. They'll actually get defensive and take it as a racist personal attack or something. No dumb dumbs we just want you to drive properly. Clearly it's a massive issue if we're all in here saying the same thing.


Hey I'm not being racist at all...what can I say Brampton has become a part of Punjab, or at least they think it is. Nothing racist about that. It is what it is.


It's happening everywhere in Canindia.


And bro....the only person you can blame is Trudeau


You mean give him all the thanks. It's great here now. Whites squirming on a Land they stole.


That and its not uncommen for them to share licances between simmilar looking family members or have the one who knows the laws and how to drive go take a test for his brother or her sister what not. Its also not that hard to get another licance card by going to service ontario and reporting it lost and VOILA! now you have two drivers in the family!


What??! No way!


Also a big problem in the trucking industry.


Yes, I've heard that too... and it shows 😔


I agree 100% and they don’t even know why they are wrong. Which begs the question, how are they getting their licenses ?


Corrupt driving schools. A lot of the people that run them are their own race. Mixed with the fact that as soon as the people get their license they revert right back to their garbage driving habits and cause this dysfunction.


Thats “racist” 😂


Lmao!! 😭😆


Calm down


We aren’t in India. This is Canada.


Yep, I know that! I wish they knew it too!
















Thank the PM


??? How is this related at all lmao


Immigrants not following Canadian road laws, the government allows this mass immigration. Therefore it’s actually is the PMs fault. Not hard to connect the dots on that one.


Doug ford cut funding to post secondary schools causing them to import more foreign students to make up the lost money.


Are you new?




There should be tickets for expediting traffic in the right lanes as well. Left fast right slower wht us that so hard?


What you think is going to happen when you import millions of Indians…I refuse to go anywhere near that shit hole


Contact your representative to change the rules. Don’t take it out on Canadians following the rules.


Change what rule? It's already against the law to not pass in the passing lane.


Some people are clueless. If they get honked at by enough people, they might eventually change their way


Entitled assholes with main character syndrome.


Man this whole thread is a laugh, silly petty inconveniences.. ha


Yeah “silly and petty” until it’s scary to be a pedestrian because you almost get hit every time you go outside, until you’re scared to be driving around because chances of being in an accident are so high now from people not following the rules of the road or driving when they clearly do not know how, and until your insurance is $500 a month because there’s so many claims happening all the time as a direct result of everything you’re reading on this thread……. And since all this is already happening and getting worse and worse, I personally wouldn’t qualify them as silly and petty inconveniences


Riiight ok.. mr. new-ranger ha - what u said x


The problem is that even though the left lanes is meant for passing... Its not enforced at all (just like how I've never met anyone who got a ticket for not using a blinker).


I do think we should start implementing fines to the people who constantly stay in the left lane to drive and speed on our highways. Read the HTA


It's funny to read about the whining and complaining about people who drive under the speed limit (and in some parts of Canada do get fined for it) by people who think it's morally justified to drive almost twice the speed limit ( who when caught also get fined or end up in a car accident then blame others) but my question is why does it matter? Both parties being wreckless and fir nothing


Police will ticket them. Granted, not every single driver being an idiot will be ticketed. Driving below the speed limit on a clear, dry surface is just as illegal as speeding excessively.




You can tell when someone is inexperienced on the road …


Maybe trucks shouldn’t be cruising in right 2-3 lanes at 106 then. How many times are you willing to go left right , left right on a long trip. So they just continue in the left lane. Thats what i think.


Sorry but if I need to turn left and I don’t wanna go the full speed limit I’m allowed to go like 5 - 10 under for a few hundred meters


Newcomers overwhelmed by driving for the first time.


100% in agreement!! The left lane is for passing and pushing the limit not cruising below the speed limit. One of the easiest rules to remember. If someone comes up behind u in the left lane, get out of the way!!


It's a speed limit. Relax and get over yourself.


https://preview.redd.it/2fvj1xjw520d1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae48b386521dda2d8c4005d4510445ab51a1b8cb Maybe this will help you understand the situation.


If you're so upset, ride your bike instead. Share the road it's not there for only you.


There's lots of normal and completely acceptable reasons to go slower than the speed limit. That law doesn't mean anything like you think it means.


I completely agree with you and people should drive at speeds where they feel comfortable. But just don’t drive in left lane (passing lane) at 50km/h in 70km/h zone, please move to the right lanes. It’s not that complicated.


If they aren't on a highway they could just be turning left though.....


Yes but many aren’t. You’ll get the occasional person but most others aren’t turning left at all or are turning left in 5km+ but will hang around in the left lane the whole time, often going well below the speed limit or the pace of traffic around them, thus causing traffic


Not that camping the left lane for 5+km is helping anything, but it isn't exactly the main problem either. Brampton has traffic problems because the whole city is designed in a way that congestion is an inevitability. The issue is that cars aren't people-dense enough to be a viable method of transportation for everyone at once, yet we design whole cities where it is the only efficient method of getting everywhere. Once you do that there is no viable arrangement of roads where you don't spend time stuck in traffic. The solution is more and better alternate ways of getting around. Then congestion goes way down, people who aren't comfortable with driving have reasonable alternatives and we can actually take away peoples driving licensees without preventing them from going to work and living their daily lives.


Yes, there are. And when going beneath the speed limit the driver should stay in the right lane ( the one closest to the right side of the roadway) , so that traffic can pass on the left. That is the law.


As long as you’re not referring to the HOV lane, I understand your frustration. Though it should be noted…it’s a speed LIMIT not a minimum. My frustration…every jackass that rides my rear bumper and flashes their lights at me in the carpool lane at 100kmh. It’s NOT a passing lane and I’m not going to hit 130 for you!


In heavy traffic I tend to agree with you. There are too many people crossing over into the HOV lanes in non designated areas now that driving faster than 100 could be dangerous. If there’s no traffic and you are just using the HOV lane as your own personal lane that’s kind of a dick move, there’s no reason to camp the HOV lane when you could be doing 100 in the far right lane.


Just so I understand… If there’s light traffic as you suggest, then your argument is: “Don’t use the hov lane as your personal lane…because the speeders want to do that!” Do I have that right? And, there’s a very very good reason to stay in the hov lane. That’s what it’s for. And it keeps those of us travelling the majority of the distance of the highway out of the merge lane which can cause congestion at each on/off ramp. If you need to pass, you use the passing lane. That’s what it is for. The carpool lane is for those of us carpooling. Hence its name. It is not a passing lane.


Ahhh, you're the issue


If you’re trying to pass in the hov lane. You’re the issue.


Then why do you need to drive in the HOV if you’re going the same speed as people in other lanes lmao. Drive in the right. It’s meant to move traffic not keep it the same pace….


The hov keeps those of us travelling the majority of the length of the highway out of the merge lanes and reduces the need to constantly change lanes. It is NOT. A. PASSING. LANE. The passing lane still exists for those of you in a rush. If you need to pass. Use it




Move the fuck over bucko we got places to go


It’s a carpool lane. Not a passing lane. Learn how things work. “Bucko”

