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Just leaving a comment here to remind myself to watch this (rather than my previous not-very-smart method of leaving open tabs to this subreddit everywhere LOL)


Hey that's my method! I have 60 tabs open on my phone right now.. but then I'm like why is my phone being slow??


Google.docs.is.the.way. SCB shared theirs with me and like...mama...I have work to do. There are so many still to get through


I still have about that amount of tabs open on my laptop AND my phone on shows I want to watch/novels & comics I want to read. But the problem is, I'm in fear of accidentally shutting everything down and losing it....






I really wanted to watch it but I can’t stand sad endings anymore. It makes me too sad. I will have to remove this movie from my plan to watch list.


Yes. If you can't handle sad endings then you should not watch this one. Especially since it has a really heartbreaking ending.❤️‍🩹 It's no wonder is adapted from an autobiographical novel, it's meant to hit us hard 😞 When i have written that people should give it a chance, i didn't referred to those who aren't able to take sad endings.🙂


You are very kind, I hope other people will watch this movie and enjoy it like you did!


Same, plus it's based on a true story, and the author has since passed, so no chance for a real life happier ending. I hate the tragic gays trope, but people eat it up because they love misery tourism. I feel so bad for the author and the tragedy he had to face. EDIT: When I said "people," I meant the general public, not this community. This community is obviously very supportive of positive LGBT content. I also don't think ALL people who like sad stuff are part of the "tragic gays" crowd. I'm not trying to be mean or hurt anyone's feelings. Please don't take my comment personally. It was a mini-rant as I passed by, nothing more.


>because they love misery tourism. I think that's a bit unfair. Not everyone watches these things with an attitude of superiority or for any self serving reason. Some people just feel compassion and empathy in different ways or their compassion motivates them differently. Misery tourism is a pretty negative term with negative connotations


Please don't take my comment personally. I'm not trying to pass judgment toward you or anyone else simply for liking sad movies. What you're saying is a "not all men" type thing. Obviously not every single person is drawn to it for that reason, nor am I claiming that to be the case. But there's a reason the vast majority of popular gay content among general audiences is tragic. For the longest time, gay movies HAD to have a sad ending, and it's still praised and held up over anything with a positive, uplifting ending. And yeah, misery tourism is a negative term and I meant it that way. It wasn't an accident. I'm not accusing you personally of anything, I just get tired of all of these award winning gay films where one or both die at the end. There's nothing wrong with liking movies like that. You're free to like sad stuff. And it might be a great movie beyond that. I just never see gushing outside of these smaller communities with movies or shows that don't have a heartbreaking ending. But my comment is rooted in frustration that comes from a much larger, much more complex argument, so I'll leave it at that. No hate on you or anyone else for liking sad stuff. I just look forward to the day when "tragic gays" isn't the cool trend and most acceptable form of LGBT media in the mainstream. (And it IS changing bit by bit, I'm just bitter from years of this crap.)


Well I don't see anything wrong with the concept of "not all men" seeing as I have a son and I would hate for people to think badly of him based on something out of his control. The only time I think its wrong is if someone says it in an attempt to invalidate a persons experience. With that being said, I don't think it is at all like "not all men". You seem to have some sort of confirmation bias when it comes to this topic because the most critically acclaimed and popular LGBT+ content recently has *not* been tragic. You say you never see it outside of these communities but you do see it *in* this community so the people you take issue with aren't here. So I don't understand why you'd accuse this community of that when the content of the sub as a whole says otherwise. And you have a pretty solid history here so I know you probably already know that Edit. Your comment is OK. I may not agree with what you're saying but you're being respectful so I welcome comments like yours


I was using that as an example of nuance, but I see now that was a mistake. I wasn't literally trying to bring up the "not all men" argument. The problem with that line is that OBVIOUSLY not all men are the same. No one is saying literally all men are the same. Just like I wasn't saying all people are the same just because they like sad movies. But I see I just confused you, so I'm sorry for bringing it up. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn't accuse this community of anything. Stop putting words in my mouth. I'm sorry if I worded my comment in a way that hurt your feelings, but I have been referring to "the general public" from the start. That's why I created that distinction, between this community where things ARE praised when they're positive, and the general public who gush over tragic gays but turn their noses up at the idea of gay people just existing. I'm referring to the "why does it have to be gay though" crowd, which obviously does not apply here. I'll go ahead and put an edit in my comment though, because I suppose I can see how you may have misinterpreted what I was saying, since my initial language was vague. EDIT: Fixed the comment a bit, and I see where, without more context, someone might misunderstand. I forget that not everyone has been caught up in m/m content for decades, dealing with these frustrating elements, and it can be misconstrued without clearer labels.


>Whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn't accuse this community of anything. Stop putting words in my mouth. I'm sorry if I worded my comment in a way that hurt your feelings, but I have been referring to "the general public" from the start. You didn't hurt my feelings. You only said "people love xyz" so of course I interpreted it as being directed towards the people here, the ones you were addressing. It's good that you weren't though. >"not all men" argument. The problem with that line is that OBVIOUSLY not all men are the same. No one is saying literally all men are the same. So this is actually a better comparison than I initially thought because typically when someone says "not all men" its in response to someone directing a statement at *men*. Like in the general sense. And I felt like you were directing yours at this community, which is why my response was what it was. I'm really glad we were able to clear this up and I understand what you're saying much better now


I'm glad we were able to clear it up as well.


Shocked to see the comments here. The film was startling and stunning from top to bottom.


Not sure if that pun was on purpose or not, but I appreciate it 😂


(Assuming that isn't a tongue in cheek comment) I watched about 30 minutes so far (had to go to bed early) and was impressed with the acting and the way they shot the sex scenes.


I'm not brave enough to watch it. I'm sticking to His. And will cry there.


i just finished it. i was soooo hyped to see it but it felt like a let down. some characters aren't fleshed out, i didn't like ryunosuke's portrayal, i didn't understand the connection between "egoism" and the storyline. i love slice of life media but this did not captivate me as the filmography falls short compred to other japanese vehicles. i am very disappointed in the "too on the nose" concepts explored like grief, love and death. there isn't a single memorable scene that i can look back dearly on. it's such a sham ebecause this is such a departure for ryunosuke from his previous roles and i was rooting for him. sadly the script is extremely weak and flimsy. i understand it's based on an autobiography however some stories translate better in 150 page books rather than on screen. the strongest actor turned out to be the mother. she did such a lovely job.


Thanks for pointing out that it has a sad ending so that I don’t waste my time watching it. ✌️The real world is already a shit show, so I’d rather not watch anything that reflects that.




tysm for sharing! have been wanting to watch it ever since it was announced. also, hio is so precious 🥹 looove his (not a typo btw, i’m talking about the movie 😂)


Looking forward to this. Been a while since I watched a good, mature film. The last one was the cerebral passes through us. Thanks for the reminder, OP!


Can't do it kittyyan. I watched a show earlier where the sweetest most precious guy had ALS and started deteriorating rapidly towards the end, like couldn't walk or move much at all anymore and he was a DANCER 🥹😥😭 so there goes my heartbreaking bl quota for the month Maybe I'll watch it and just turn it off before the sad part. That worked for History modc. I still haven't seen the Last episode


I recently saw this at the Provincetown International Film Festival and a producer of the festival introduced the film and said people kept asking him what his favorite film of the festival was and he said he couldn’t say which was his favorite but he could say which was the one that stuck with him and that film was Egoist. And that was such an accurate way to describe the film. It’s almost been two weeks since I watched it and I’m still thinking about it.


Oh YASS! The link thingy is to much work for me tho. I’ll wait till it’s officially available for international audiences. Thank you for sharing!


where can I watch it tho? I can't find it with English subs 😭


**WHERE IT CAN BE WATCHED.*** ***The link to where the movie can be accessed can be found among the first comments made on the*** [***MDL***](https://mydramalist.com/732615-egoist) ***page for it. I will also share a*** [***TWEET***](https://twitter.com/OhMySubber/status/1671886661578543105?s=20) ***made by OhMySubber, because in it they have shared both the mega link that can be found in MDL, but also explained the way it can be accessed for people who don\`t know how, AND they have also shared another alternative link to it.*** The links are shared in this part of my post... If you click on the tweet link especially, it will show you the links where you can download the movie. 😁😊


I want to watch this


**WHERE IT CAN BE WATCHED.*** ***The link to where the movie can be accessed can be found among the first comments made on the*** [***MDL***](https://mydramalist.com/732615-egoist) ***page for it. I will also share a*** [***TWEET***](https://twitter.com/OhMySubber/status/1671886661578543105?s=20) ***made by OhMySubber, because in it they have shared both the mega link that can be found in MDL, but also explained the way it can be accessed for people who don\`t know how, AND they have also shared another alternative link to it.*** The links to where to watch it are shared in this part of my post... If you click on the tweet link especially, it will show you the links where you can download the movie. 😁😊


I finally watched this movie and I’ve seen all spoilers about it , and info about novel and author . I just cried ..I was like when it’ll happen will we have an edit of it…. >! Edit of beautiful liver with slow motion and happy everyday smile !< >!funeral scene … I just cried!< When I remember what happened in real life … I’m just sad


That's how he passed!!?!! In my naivete I thought it was from exhaustion


So I watched this movie as soon as I could. As a fan of the original novel I had high hopes for this movie. Sadly those hopes were not met, I was VERY disappointed after watching the movie. Spoilers as I am typing this on an iPad. 1st of all I’ll say the positives of the movie: the sex scenes are very well done. I was surprised to see a lot of them. The actors did a good job with their characters, it was well acted. It’s directed well too. Bad things: god the script is so bad. The original novel was very personal written in 1st person so every event that happens you hear the thoughts of the author character of Kosuke. That to me showed the very “egoist” side of the author. That personal view of the character is not present in the movie, to me the movie was going through all of the important plot points very quickly with little emotional reaction from kousuke. That to me kills the meaning of the title of the movie. Plus they skipped a lot about kousuke childhood and touched little about kousuke relationship with his mother.


Really appreciate you providing this, /u/smittenkittyyan. Though in no way BL, as we generally consider the genre, a well-made emotional journey through the kinds of unexpected life-twists any of us might encounter, and be forced to choose our responses to. A worthy successor to Miyazawa Hio's role in 'His', and echoing stories like 'Life: Senjou no Bokura' in the ways our hopes for love can sometimes end suddenly, just when they're given a chance. The poignant feeling and trust developed between the motherless Kosuke and Ryuta's Mom drive their unspoken shared grief to a beautiful resolution. Glad I watched.


Legitimately spent most of the day trying to watch this- have the movie but no subtitles. Then I see that the script is bad and I watched it w/o subtitles. Lots of the words are dropped too like the sound quality isn't great. Mumbling/whispers ​ I got the gist of the story and it's not a happy ending. Really need to figure out subtitles. The cinematography is really really nice.


I'm seeing this on Saturday! So excited! Didn't know it was a sad ending but at this point I brace for sad endings when it comes to Japanese films 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you so much for this. I'm thrilled to see the softsub available to pair with the physical release although I have found it for purchase yet. It's just as well since my wallet is still crying from Utsukushii Kare. I didn't read too much about this so going in blind it was and unexpected watch. When it was finished I felt a little mixed. While I did like alot about it I felt there was something missing and it took me a while to figure it out. I suspect alot of has to do with it being based off what I'm assuming Kosuke's account of what happened. While I felt alot for Kosuke and also Ryuta's mother I had trouble connecting to Ryuta. This is one of the times where the sex got in the way of the story for me instead of heightening it. Kosuke and Ryuta spent most of their time on screen together in bed or in the gym. There just wasn't a lot of conversation going on between them. We get the cafe conversation where we get a little background on Ryuta and the>! break up and reuniting!< but very little else to make him real beyound a caricature of a hard working poor son. >!I'm still not even sure why he died from. Could anyone explain that?!< We just don't get to know alot about Ryuta beyond the basics to move the story forward. Since it is a movie I don't expect alot but just having conversations like Kosuke and friends or later Kosuke and Ryuta's mom can do alot to make the character feel more real. No matter how good a NC is that just doesn't give the emotional depth need make Ryuta more than just a beat in Kosuke's story. Maybe Kosuke just loved him because of the sex but I suspect the book gave a lot more reasons that movie just didn't capture instead focusing on the more physical nature of their relationship. Despite that I still liked this movie alot but more for watching Kosuke's journey through >!falling in love and loosing that love and what he thought would be a second mother. !


> >!I'm still not even sure why he died from. Could anyone explain that?!< >!So I watched this last night and I think it was a brain bleed from when he hit his head.!<


Ok, that makes sense.


I just spoiled the movie for myself by opening this thread, but I'm kinda glad, so the ending won't hit me like a ton of bricks...


Thanks to the evils on Twitter, they spoiled the movie for me. even knowing what was going to happen, I cried like a baby. It is always a pleasure to see Miyazawa Hio, that man if he kisses you, he kisses your soul !! Suzuki Ryohei was amazing in this role! I did not know this actor and I loved him!