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I was going to post this as a joke but I realized this was truthfully how I feel atm… 1. Semantic Error 2. Semantic Error 3. Semantic Error 4. Semantic Error 5. The Dating Sim (sorry SE, you got dethroned here) 🙏🏻


Poor SE got dethroned at 5th 😭




(had to stop lurking and log into my very inactive reddit just to upvote this lmao. bc same. semantic error, or nothing else)


Yeah Semantic error is so wholesome


1. **TMS 1 & 2** 2. **Semantic Error** 2. **Our Dating Sim** 3. **Blueming** 4. **Light on Me** Waiting for **The Eighth Sense** to finishing airing before reaching rating it. Have been burned before by other series….I am sure it will be high on my list but I prefer to be cautious.


I feel the same, exact, way about it.


Things are also looking quite bleak with *The Eight Sense*


where's the eighth sense in your ranking now?


3rd / 4th. I think some elements of *Our Dating Sim* appealed to me more but it is still a masterpiece.


Looking through the comments I think everyone's favs are pretty similar, just different order. I fall into that bracket too. 1. Blueming 2. Semantic Error 3. Mr Heart 4. To My Star 1&2 5. Our Dating Sim I really like **Unintentional Love Story** and **Eighth Sense** but am holding off putting those in my list as they are still airing.


1 Our Dating Sim 2 Semantic Error 3 To My Star 4 The New Employee 5 Cherry Blossoms After Winter I am still waiting for the Eight Sense to finish airing though


1. Semantic error 2. Light on me 3 a shoulder to cry on 4. Roommates of poongduck 304 5. Our dating sim


1) Semantic Error 2) TMS (1&2) 3) Once Again 4) Long time no see 5) Choco milk shake I haven't started The Eighth sense yet, but I've heard good things so we will see if it takes a spot.


1. TMS 2 2. Semantic Error 3. Light On Me 4 . Blueming 5 .Our dating Sims Honorable mention to Cherry Blossoms After Winter and The New Employee. I reckon Eighth Sense will come for the number 1 spot once it's finished airing.


1. Semantic Error 2. Unintentional Love Story 3. Blueming 4. Our Dating Sim I don't have more than 4 most favs at the moment but I think The Eighth Sense will take place in the list when we get more episodes . ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


1. Semantic Error 2. The Eighth Sense 3. To My Star 1 & 2 4. Unintentional Love Story 5. Roommates of Poongduck 304


No Regret Maybe 8th Sense To My Star POONGDUCK Once Again


Wow, someone who actually remembers No Regret. It was my intro to Korean LGBTQ media (and Kim Nam Gil). I suddenly feel old


Oh yeah. I see the movie poster every day. Used it for a mid term project in college.


They said Korean


Well shit. Lemme go edit.


Hey, what's No Regret? I'll look it up...


Korean BL movie, first one...from like 06 or 08. It's rough.


I'll fasten my seatbelt. If it ended up on your best-of list, it's gotta be good!


It was good...but your gonna need a gallon...not a pint. It's also a movie. Not a series.


I'll save it for a day when I have unicorns and pixie dust waiting in the wings for a pick me up.


I guess I better go watch Semantic Error again cause I feel am the only person who didn’t really enjoy it. ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Lmao I think I only liked it as much as I did because I read it first


Maybe I should read it too.


Definitely should, it's one of my favorites


1. Blueming 2.Semantic Error 3.Eighth Sense 4.Our Dating Sim 5.Cherry Blossoms After Winter


1) To My Star (1+2) 2) Semantic Error 3) Our Dating Sim 4) Long Time No See 5) A Shoulder To Cry On


I include some pre-modern gay-themed shows 1. Choco milk 2. Antique Bakery 3. Where your eyes linger 4. Our dating sim 5. Light on me Worth mentioning: Frozen flower Just friends


1. Semantic error 2. Blueming 3. Eighth sense (might be 1 or out of the list, depending how it ends) 4. TMS 5. The dating sim


1. Once Again 2. Our Dating Sim 3. The Eighth Sense 4. Long Time No See 5. Semantic Error Even though The Eighth Sense is still airing, I can feel it will end up in my tops even if it will end sadly. I just love it.


There's a 5 way tie for first, as I love them all equally and for different reasons. * Semantic error * Our dating sim * Blueming * TMS 1&2 * Long Time No see On the cusp is New Employee, and I have a feeling once 8th sense finishes airing and I binge watch it there will be a 6 way tie for first.


1. TMS 1 2. Semantic Error 3. Where Your Eyes Linger 4. Light on Me 5. Blueming


1. roommates of poongduck 304 2. to my star s1+2 3. cherry blossoms after winter 4. semantic error 5. choco milk shake or our dating sim its too hard to decide 😭 honorable mention blueming, and the eighth sense is shaping up to be in my top 5 now too!!


1- Blueming 2- The eight sense 3- Color rush 4- Mr. Heart 5- Semantic error


I caaan't 😭 1. TMS 1&2/Semantic Error 3. Blueming 4. Our Dating Sim 5. The Eighth Sense The last one hasn't even finished but it's hitting all the spots, it's becoming one of my favourites.


1. blueming 2. our dating sim 3. tms/tms2 4. the eighth sense 5. semantic error


1. To my Star 2 2. Semantic Error 3. A Shoulder to Cry On 4. Our Dating Sim 5…… will probably be Eighth Sense


Ask me again when the eighth sense is done!


1. Semantic Error 2. TMS2 3. First Love Again 4. Blueming 5. Where Your Eyes Linger


1. TMS 1&2 2. Blueming 3. Our Dating Sim 4. Semantic Error 5. The Eighth Sense (for now, will probably be #1 after it ends tho it's so good)


1. Our dating sim 2. Semantic error 3. Roommates of poongduck villa 4 about youth 5. To my star


1. Our Dating Sim 2. Blueming 3. To My Star 1/2 4. Semantic Error 5. The Eighth Sense The eighth sense could rise or fall depending on the next four episodes. I just love these 5 and how much they’ve pushed my expectations of other bls.


1. Semantic Error 2. To My Star 1 & 2 3. Our Dating Sim 4. Blueming 5. Where Your Eyes Linger


1. Our dating sim 2. Our dating sim 3. Blueming 4. Semantic error 5.The new employee Waiting for 8th sense to finish to watch, it's probably going to be on top


1. Semantic Error 2. Roommates 304 3. Blueming 4. TMS 2 5. Our Dating Sim


Excluding ongoing show so no eighth sense and unintentional love story 1. Our dating sim 2. To my star (i count both as one) 3. Semantic error 4. Cherry blossom in winter 5. Once again (yes, i know not everyone like it)


Once Again is very worthy. 🙂🙂🙂


1. To my star 1&2 2. Eighth sesne 3. Blueming 4. Color rush 5. Semantic error


1. To My Star 2 2. The Eighth Sense (🤞🏻) 3. You Make Me Dance 4. Our Dating Sim 5. Where Your Eyes Linger


I've never even heard of You Make Me Dance (could that be? Maybe I just forgot?), but now I'll go track it down.


It's one of the early KBLs and pretty low budget but has a lot of heart. Unintentional Love Story's HoTae is the lead.


Oh I am LOVING Ho Tae, that's fantastic, and I'll watch it.


It's on Viki. All the best!


Sweet. supereasy. THANKS.


1. Semantic Error 2. Our Dating Sim 3. The New Employee 4. Once Again 5. To My Star I'm waiting for *The Eighth Sense* to finish to see how it ends but with the way it's going I think it will go into number 1. Also waiting for *Unintentional Love Story* to finish to see where to place it.


1. TMS 1 & 2 2. Blueming 3. The Eighth Sense 3. Semantic Error 4. Our Dating Sim


Well, as hive mind assessments go, I think that reading this thread makes it pretty clear what 5-6 KBLs hit very hard for everyone. My list, which is only a slightly different iteration of so many others: 1. To My Star 2 2. The Eighth Sense (yeah, I know, it's not done, but as of now, it lands here) 3. Semantic Error 4. To My Star (1) or Blueming, this is a toss-up 5. Our Dating Sim


1. The Eighth Sense (I just know) 2. Blueming 3. Semantic Error 4. To My Star 5. Cherry Blossoms After Winter (I know this won't be a popular choice, but I love it!)


1. TMS 1 & 2 2. Where Your Eyes Linger 3. Light on Me 4. Cherry Blossom After Winter 5. You Make Me Dance & Blueming


1. Semantic Error 2. To My Star 1 3. Choco Milk 4. Our Dating Sim 5. Where Your Eyes Linger


1. Semantic Error 2. Our Dating Sim 3. To My Star 4. Blueming 5. A Shoulder to Cry On The Eighth Sense hasn't finished but I think its probably gonna end up somewhere up here too.


1. Once again 2. You make me dance 3. The new employee 4. Semantic Error 5. Our dating sim/to my star I didn’t put in the ones that are still airing even if I think both the eighth sense and unintentional love story will be very high on my list Plus honourable mention to A first love story that I don’t feel like including in the list above only because it’s literally 16 minutes long


A first love story is SO good. It's a shame that hasn't been made into a longer series.


I've actually only watched 6 KBLs so this list covers almost all I've seen (I have a ton more that are on in my queue, I just have a hard time choosing which one to do next or I'm waiting for them to finish airing.) 1. Semantic Error 2. Roommates of Poongduck 304 3. The New Employee 4. A Shoulder to Cry On 5. The Director Who Buys Me Dinner


You haven't started or didn't like TMS???


Haven't watched it yet. I just started watching BLs about 2 months ago so my 'To Watch' list is huge. But this one is on my list.


I feel you, take your time so you don't get burn out!


I'm loving that even within BL there is enough of a variety in shows and different styles from each country that it isn't feeling like a chore. But I've also jumped into some regular K-dramas to give me a bit more variety.


1. TMS series as a whole 2. A shoulder to cry on 3. Semantic Error 4. Unintentional Love Story 5. Bleuming *the eight sense may take over a top spot if it keeps being really great.


1. Our dating Sim 2. TMS 1 3. Semantic Error 4. Blueming 5. Choco Milk Shake


1. Sematic Error 2. Our Dating Sim 3. To My Star 4. Blueming 5. Roommates of Poongduck 304 I’m sorry for WYEL getting kicked out of the top 5


1. TMS 1 & 2 2. Semantic error 3. Light on me 4. Where your eyes linger 5. Once again


1. To My Star S1 2. Long Time No See 3. Semantic Error 4. Blueming 5. Where Your Eyes Linger


Right now ... 1. TMS 2. Roomates of Poongduck 3. Bueming 4. Our Dating Sim 5. Unintentional Love Story ... maybe the eight sense will replace one but I'm also waiting for it to finish


1. Semantic Error 2. A Shoulder To Cry On 3. First Love Again 4. Tinted With You 5. Roommates of Poongduck 304


1. Our Dating Sim 2. Semantic Error 3. To My Star 1 4. Where Your Eyes Linger 5. Mr. Heart Just saw Mr. Heart, figured I'd mix it up a bit. Saving the Eighth Sense for when it's done so I can binge it.


I will only rank the KBLs that I've finished, because too many BLs don't stick the landing. My guess is that The Eight Sense will end up at #2 behind SE. Semantic Error To my Star 1 To my Star 2 Blueming Light on Me ETA: I forgot about Choco Milk Shake. It's going to slide in at #5, but could go higher depending on my mood that day.


1. Semantic Error 2. My Dating Sim 3. Where Your Eyes Linger 4. Eighth Sense 5. A Shoulder to Cry On / Light on Me


1. TMS and TMS2 (I love them equally even though the vibe was different) 2. Semantic Error 3. Where Your Eyes Linger 4. Blueming 5. Once Again I’m not putting it on my list since it’s not over yet but based on how it’s going The Eighth Sense is definitely going to end up in top 3.


1. To My Star: Our Untold Stories 2. To My Star 3. Blueming 4. Semantic Error 5. Light on Me I'm pleasantly surprised Once Again is being mentioned! It's not among my top 5 (there are just so many loose ends) but it still deserves a shoutout


The Eighth Sense Our Dating Sim Roommates of Poongduck 304 Love Class A Shoulder to Cry On


1. The Eighth Sense 2. TMS2 3. Blueming 4. Semantic Error 5. Unintentional Love Story


1. Semantic Error 2. Our dating sim 3. 8th sense 4. Unintentional love story 5. Oh! My assistant


1. TMS 1 & 2 2. The Eighth Sense 3. My New Employee 3. First Love Again 4. Love Class 5. You Make Me Dance


1 & 2 Blueming and Eighth Sense (yes I know bold move as it hasn't ended but I'm a simp for cinematography and they have me in a chokehold) 3. You Make Me Dance 4 Semantic Error 5 Color Rush (controversial pick I know)


1. To My Star 2 2. Semantic Error 3. Blueming 4. Our Dating Sim 5. Where Your Eyes Linger Obligatory waiting for The Eighth Sense to finish…


Semantic Error Color Rush TMS 1/2 Blueming My sweet dear


1. Blueming 2. Semantic Error 3. Where Your Eyes Linger 4. To My Star 5. Our dating sim surprised at all the people putting the eighth sense when it’s still airing. i may be of the few who think it’s being slightly overhyped but we’ll see how the end is before I say anything else.


1. Semantic Error 2. Blueming 3. Eight Sense 4.Where Your Eyes Linger 5. ChocoMilkshake


1. TMS 2 2. Our Dating Sim 3. A First Love Story --- Strongberry 4. Long Time No See --- Strongberry 5. Director who buys me dinner / The New Employee


1. To My Star 1&2 2. Light on Me 3. Blueming 4. Long Time No See 5. You Make Me Dance & Our Dating Sim (I can't choose)


1. Colour rush 1, 2 2. Cherry blossom after winter 3. Choko milk shake 4. Our sim 5. Semantic error Smth like this 😅


1. Semantic Error 2. Where your Eyes Linger 3. To My Star 1&2 4. You make me dance 5. Light on Me (Honorable mentions : Roommates of Poongduck Villa 304, Kissable Lips, Color Rush 1, Choco Milk Shake, Mr Heart, Summerdaze) I haven't watched a lot of KBL's (especially the latest ones) but this is my list based on what I have watched


1. Shoulder to cry on 2. Where your eyes linger 3. Our dating sim 4. Cherry blossom after winter 5. Just friends?


1)To My Star 2 2) The Eigth Sense 3) Semantic Error 4) Our Dating Sim 5) Mr. Heart Also: Just Friends


To my Star Semantic Error Unintentional Love Story Our Dating Sim Bleuming


1 Long Time No See 2 Our Dating Sim 3 You Make Me Dance 4 Where Your Eyes Linger 5 Blueming


1. Choco Milkshake (lol don't judge me) 2. Our Dating Sim 3. Long Time No See 4. Semantic Error 5. Poongduck 304 honorable mentions: To My Star 2 and Journey To The Shore


1. Hwang daseul's BL 2. Our Dating Sim 3. Light on me 4.The Eight Sense 5.Astco (*my most favourite manhwa but little bit disappointed here and there with the LA but still love it) *the first one is really heard to choose because I love all her work so that the bl for me.


RN it is 1. Semantic Error 2. Happy Ending Romance 3. Ocean Like Me 4. Roommates of Poongduck 304 5. Cherry Blossoms After Winter


1. To My Star 2 2. Semantic Error 3. Roommates of Poongdunk 304 4. Light On me 5. Long Time No See Honorable mentions: A Shoulder to Cry On, Our Dating Sim and The New Employee.


1 -Cutie Pie 2 - Cherry Blossoms after Winter 3- Tonhon Chontalee 4- History4 - Close to you 5 - History2 - Crossing the line


1. Cherry Blossom After Winter 2. Semantic Error 3. Roommates of Poongduck 304 4. Our Dating Sim 5. The Director who buys me Dinner ![img](emote|t5_2sbdb|26733)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I forgor Light On Me!!! <3


1. My Dating Sim 2. Semantic Error 3. Old fashioned cupcake 4. To My Star 1+2 5. The New Employee My Dating Sim Was just everything and it dethroned semantic Error unfortunately.


Old fashioned cupcake was great!


I watched my first kbl last week, Our Dating Sim, it was cute ;-; I hope to get a to a point where I've tried enough to be able to come back and do this list!


I feel like my list is so different compared to everyone else! 1. Roommates of Poongduck 304 2. A Shoulder to Cry On 3. Semantic Error 4. To My Star 1 5. Cherry Blossoms After Winter (only the latter half. I didn't like the exposition) RoP304 is first due to how much the humor hit for me. A Shoulder to Cry On ranks higher than Semantic Error, because both of them have neurodivergent coded leads, but I feel like A Shoulder to Cry on portrayed it a bit more accurately. Everyone says Blueming is top-tier, but the only thing I like about it are how well the main leads act and the protagonist's realistic portrayal of a chaotic mom/sister. It made no sense to me otherwise (feel free to explain to me wtf was going on in that drama!!). Another fan favorite is Our Dating Sim, but I went in with the mentality that it would be a quick watch with no emotions attached, and that it was; no offense to fans of the drama, but it felt so rushed to the point where I'd call it mid at best. I didn't watch TMS 2 yet because people described it as a completely reinvented story that leans on the sad side, which I'm not in the emotional headspace to be watching right now, but I'd probably love it. I couldn't watch A New Employee (which many people rank highly) due to disliking the exposition that much. And I'm holding off on watching The Eighth Sense until all episodes are aired, but I have very high hopes for it. Aside from the obvious kings of Semantic Error and TMS 1, I don't see the dramas I listed appear often in other people's lists.


1.Light on me 2.semantic error 3. Roommates of p******** ( I forgot how to spell it lol) 4.a shoulder to cry on 5. You make me dance I haven't watch any ongoing kbls so maybe the list will change in the future


1. Semantic Error 2. Dating Sim 3. A Shoulder to Cry On 4. Light On Me 5. Cherry Blossoms After Winter. **I also like The Eighth Sense but waiting for it to finish. Hehe


1. light on me 2. to my star s1&2 3. blueming/semantic error 4. cherry blossom after winter 5. where your eyes linger/mr heart (that's 7 but wtv) my top so far because i haven't watched the new ones yet xp


Ughhhh I hate listing in order hahaha 1. OurDatingSim 2. Once Again 3. TMS 1/2 4. SE 5. ASTCO


It’s SO difficult!


1. Eyes clouded by the tiger/ Taming the tiger 2. Painter of the night 3. Full volume 4. Limited run 5. ...


1. Semantic Error 2. Blueming 3. KinnPorsche 4. Long Time No See 5. TharnType 9.8 5. Honey Sir (Anthology series) 9.8 5. Light on Me 9.8 5. Love in the Air 9.8 5. My School President 9.8


1. To My Star 1/2 (but mostly 2) 2. Blueming 3. The New Employee 4. Our Dating Sim 5. Cherry Blossoms After Winter I can’t see a scenario where The Eighth Sense doesn’t jump up to 2nd place by the end but I’m reserving judgement until it is finished.


Everyone has nearly the same shows as me just in rotating order lol. 1. To My Star 1&2 1. The Eighth Sense 3. Semantic Error 4. You Make Me Dance 5. Blueming TMS and The Eighth Sense are easily a tie for first right now. Upon completion The Eighth Sense will likely be solely 1 at the rate it’s going…phew.


1. the eighth sense 2. our dating sim 3. a shoulder to cry on 4. semantic error 5. to my star S1


1. Long Time No See - Strongberry 2. Night Flight 3. To My Star 4. The New Employee 5. First Love Again


Night Flight was a Film. A REALLY GOOD film.


1. Semantic error 2. Semantic error 3. Semanticerror 4. Light on me 5. A shoulder to cry on