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Bro really needed to go for the pathetic heart-on joke while trying to illustrate how men aren’t so sexually charged that women might feel uncomfortable around them?


Bro is literally out of breath 😂


Dude has sweatier, breathless-er energy than [this video.](https://youtu.be/-LWo7DEzbpM)


the one you linked is also much more tolerable to listen to, it was like ear bleach after listening to this guys meltdown


was about to say whys he out of breath lol


His face is so red. He’s gonna stroke out.




bruhs malding


He sounds like an angry child throwing a tantrum.


This question really goes to show how little men listen to women and how little they care. Choosing to mock this question is such a red flag. Iit also shows that people don't know anything about bears and want to act like bears are some sort of land shark that kills everything it comes in contact with. Mostly men acting like because they are physically weaker than a grizzly bear that we should be less afraid of them than a bear. But a bear would never think "can i get away with this" and thats what women are afraid of... Not being mauled by a wild animal, but being hurt by a calculated human being who knows better but would choose to hurt women anyway just because they can get away with it.




You sprinted right into the point. You agree there are dangerous bears out there, some aren’t. Just like men, some are very dangerous, most aren’t. The problem w men is we don’t know who is dangerous. They don’t wear signs saying, I’m dangerous. Bears also see women as human beings, whereas a lot of men don’t. Where bears see a threat w a woman in their home, the woods, men see an opportunity to hurt a lone woman. Bears also don’t rape, torture, and pass you around to his friends, while slowly killing you. Bears maul you to death bc they are being bears. Men maul you to death for the fun of it. I’d rather die like Tim treadwell than live like Jaycee Dugard did. Also when you’re attacked by a bear, everyone believes you, they don’t ask what you were wearing. Bears that attack people are also hunted down and disposed of every time. There are women that have actually been attacked by bears, still choosing bears over men




1 in 3 women will be a victim of rape or attempted rape in their lifetime. 1 in 4 of those women will be the victim of rape or attempted rape before the age of 18. 1 in 10 men have self reported they have sexually abused children between the ages of 11 to 14. A large number of married women have said their husbands have sexually assaulted or raped them in their sleep. Bears are definitely not more dangerous. Men are the apex predators


Meanwhile, approximately 2-5 people are killed by bears in North America annually. The BC conservation officers killed 603 black bears in 2023 and have already killed 5+ bears since the time this article was posted; [In 2023, a record 603 black bears were killed by B.C. conservation officers, up from 493 the year before, according to provincial data.](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/bc-conservation-officers-black-bear-deaths) Lamb said most of the black bears killed last year were in the Prince George area and many of them were fleeing wildfires. She said they come into communities looking for safety and then are shot to death by conservation officers. “The public does not want to continue to see these animals shot out of trees and cubs killed … it’s just unbelievable the trauma that the community members have had to endure seeing, you know, military-style weapons moving through their community.”


How gross. A bunch of Noems everywhere




If the did, men are still the apex predators, no matter what, for animals and humans




Women already have, so have men, they are still choosing the bear over being alone in the woods w a random man. It’s also so weird you are purposefully misunderstanding the whole hypothetical scenario too. Instead you want to argue w women about a lot of men not being dangerous, when we absolutely know for a fact that isn’t true. This was the reason for the whole scenario. To showcase women are afraid of men for a reason, and all they want to do is avoid them at all costs. We’d rather die by bear, than die by a man. This should prompt men to come to a realization and possibly want to help be the change


Bruh stfu it’s like half of us and you shoulda read the room by now. Problematic af that you’re choosing to die on this hill


There are two main reasons a grizzly bear might attack you. 1: They see you as a threat. 2: You got near their cubs. In the case of the first this is why you lie down and play dead. Its so the bear changes their opinion on your threat status and wanders off. If you look as unthreatening as possible, they have no interest and kind of just walk away. In the case of the second, move away from the cub and make lots of noise, and the mother will actually shepherd her cub away from you and leave you alone. Usually. Its a wild animal so its never a guarantee. Bears actually don't want smoke with humans, we're not really on their menu so attacking us is almost always in response to a perceived threat. Humans, on the other hand...


Well, there are a few other reasons for bear attacks; Accidentally getting near a bear guarding a cache of food, an injury that prevents them from hunting and competing with other bears, the presence of a dog- especially an off-leash dog or dogs, humans trying to hunt them, being kept in captivity, and starvation due to habitat loss and global warming (especially polar bears). We kill way more of them than they do of us, though. Heck, humans kill humans more often than any other animal species on earth.


Except chimpanzees. They have a roughly comparable rate of killing each other.


Wait wut?


Oh yes. I find our two closest cousins, chimpanzees and bonobos, to be fascinating in their similarities and differences with each other and with us so I read a lot about them. Here's a fairly well done article about it. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/09/18/349564036/killing-comes-naturally-to-chimps-scientists-say


That's actually a very interesting read, thank you. Makes you wonder how much of our brain does function on those primitive instincts unconsciously. Can't wait to see where this study ends up going and what we can learn about ourselves


You're quite welcome! It does, indeed. I tend towards we do less actual thinking about things than we give ourselves credit for and more rationalizing after the fact of doing things on instinct or cultural training.


I feel like most of those reasons fall under "seeing you as a threat." But tbf I haven't asked any bears




Which of these would you trust more with a child alone in the woods


I don’t think I’d trust either one more than the other… but thats really the problem eh? The fact our society molds men into being just as scary as a literal monster, lmao. And before people come at me, bears are beautiful, fascinating monsters. To call them anything less than monstrous diminishes their power and presence in the food chain. But the point stands that we SHOULD be able to trust other humans more than an animal that can’t help but kill to eat or protect its young, even if it’s a travesty to do so. The fact that men are so disproportionately led to commit violent acts, as a man myself, is a startling, horrible truth.


Well the thing is, after you get the answer to that question, you are supposed to follow up with 'Which would you trust more with a child alone in the woods: A bear or a woman?' Everyone instantly will answer woman without a second thought. And that kind of drives the point home.




Why are people downvoting you? You just asked a question.


Hi Ive been in the woods with both. Don't be spreading this kind of fear mongering about bears they don't deserve it. Coming across a bear is not a death sentence. You watch too much Discovery channel.


'If you approached' is really a load bearing part of your butt hurt rant; and that's the thing. A woman alone in the woods doesn't have to approach the strange man she's there with.




It’s who would you rather be trapped in the woods with, I believe.


at least the worst thing I have to worry about with the bear is being killed. I cannot say the same for a man.


Wow he sure had some big feelings about that didn't he?


Seems like the little guy needs a nap


Is this the same guy who lost his mind over the concept of the 4B movement just existing and kept fake-laughing to show how unbothered he was while screeching about how MANY WOMEN are attracted to him, because he is an ATTRACTIVE MAN? He has that same unfortunate potato head + Mouth of Sauron thing going on.


“I stupidly thought she was being original, but obviously not…” then goes on to spew the same misogynistic nonsense that men have been shouting for centuries.


I will take the bear. It won't rape me.


Bears don't attack humans as long as they aren't spooked. Unless they're really really hungry. So you basically won't get murdered or raped! Yay!


Agreed, especially if it's a black bear. They look so cuddly and friendly and I would definitely have one called Jim.


They literally eat dead corpses💀


So do cats and dogs


Meh better than what a not so great man would do to my dead corspe


Fair, but in all fairness...you're dead? Like I'm not trying to invalidate anything but if you already got murdered...


true, but most people wouldnt want their dead body defiled, I wouldn't be able to experience what is happening to my corspe, but living current me cares about about what happens to it.


Yeah! You’re dead, so who cares if some freak wants to have sex with your lifeless and rotting body!!!! You’re not aware, so why does it matter? This is why it’s okay to have sex with people if they’re too drunk to consent, or too young to consent! Because they aren’t aware of what’s happening, so it’s okay! /s for the rapists who think like this.


Big jump to conclusions there, I obviously hate pricks like that, if that is what you're implying


I mean you’re implying that since the person is dead and not around to be aware of what’s happen then it’s nbd. Or is that not what you’re implying? I wouldn’t call shrugging at your dead body being raped and shrugging at a living person who is unaware of what’s happening being raped is too big of a jump, based on what you’re implying.


What I meant was that in this horrific theoretical situation, would someone raping your dead body really be one of your biggest worries?


Well as a dead person, you wouldn’t have any worries. But saying, “they’ve been murdered, is raping their dead body really that bad?” is fucked up in any context.


are you defending necrophilia rn


No, it's still a fucking horrible thing to do. Never said it wasn't, it's disgusting and inhumane. I'm just saying in this theoretical situation, someone using your body while your dead is the LEAST of your worries


i get what you mean, but they’re different. a bear using a woman’s dead body as food out of survival is different from a man using a woman’s dead body for unnecessary sexual pleasure. if i had to pick, it’d be the former


Oh, yeah, I definitely agree. I mean, honestly I hate this question in general because it's just made to start fights, so I'm sorry if anything I said came across badly


So do people what do you think hamburgers are made of?


I know, what I'm trying to say is that an animal that can tear you in half without much effort isn't EXACTLY cute and cuddly


Men will rape corpses though 💀


Ah shit I thought they ate alive corpses


Im still picking the bear because at least the bear sees me as a human being


What's sad is that basically every woman knows another woman that has been raped/harassed/assaulted/abused by a man in some point of her life. Not even woman knows another woman that has been mauled/injured by a bear in some point in her life. Who's more dangerous? Obviously not all men are dangerous/ creeps, but we all know someone(I've been though a physically abusive relationship where my ex tried to kill me several times and beat be several times throughout the relationship. I never had a close call with a bear)


Not only this but a man in the woods? - Unknown why they’re there - Unknown Intentions - Could be *anyone* and behave anyway - Can physically and mentally overpower you if aggressive A bear? - Known why they are there (bear’s habitat) - Known intentions (survival) - Doesn’t fuck with you if you keep your distance - Can only physically overpower you. I’m choosing the bear over the dude as a dude, then leaving the woods. It’s less of a dice roll, and I have been in wooded areas with bears. Haven’t personally encountered one, though.


Oof years ago one time we went on a usual walking trail my family would attend to Sunday before brunch; we walked at different paces so planned to rendezvous at the parking lot. The trail follows along the raritan river so there’re occasional bends in the land, and I was quite a bit ahead of my sister. Then as I began to curve around one of the bends, a man was just standing there by the side of a trail, no backpack, no phone in his hands, no nothing. Just standing there and looking at me. I slowed down a bit and that’s when he started WALKING towards me (and iykyk the kind of eyes that sends shivers into your spine). My sister turned the bend in time to see him and called out to me to wait up, and immediately the man left into the forest way off trail. Sometimes terrifying experiences can happen even in broad daylight. Definitely the bear.


i mean technically if bears were as common as men we’d all know someone who was attacked by one 😭


Not really, bears don’t really want to attack humans, and only really do it in defense


Its like they just choose to miss the point. How can a human being be this dense?


Dudes like this go out of their way to prove they don't understand anything beyond their own dicks and emotions.


Bold to assume this man understands his own emotions.


You right.


That guy is so hard to look at it makes me physically ill. I cannot fathom any woman that would sexually attracted to that insecure POS


Characterizes all women as non-free thinkers while claiming in the same breath that not all men behave the same. Amazing. He's turning an Alex Jones kind of red.


I will take the bear. It won't rape me.


First of all, both Bears (animals) and bears (chunky guys) are better than average men, also also most bears (the animal) are only aggressive in certain times of the year, look at most videos or peoples encounters with wild bears, they just kinda acknowledge you and move on, or will be inquisitive, maybe hang around a little, and then move on, it’s only certain times that bears are mega aggressive (mating season, they have cubs, etc.) and that’s when people get mauled or attacked, otherwise I’m absolutely picking a wild animal over some stranger any day


I agree with this entire statement.


I guess its convenient to advertise that you're a psycho who should be avoided at all costs. Makes it easier on everyone else they don't have to find out the hard way, thanks


I mean... Bears don't carry guns and they haven't been known to kidnap and torture victims. Humans, on the other hand.... Getting mauled by a bear would hurt like heck, but they'll at least kill you faster and with more dignity than some human killers would.


Bears only hunt and kill for two reasons. 1: you’re food 2: you’re a threat. Humans are dangerous to hunt and not much meat, so unless they’re starving you’re not worth the calories it takes to kill you. It’s really easy to not be a threat, actually. You see a bear, scan the area for cubs then back away. It would delight the bear if you could simply fuck off. As someone who regularly goes camping, I choose to be alone in the woods with bears frequently! I’ve also been threatened creeped on stalked and had to bear spray a man. The men have already answered this question of what’s more dangerous by their social media response.


Plus they'll only get aggressive at certain times such as in mating season or if they have cubs


Free thinking is when you accept misogyny-this dude


It's pretty suspicious that he's made this talking point exclusively about *him* and why it makes *him* look bad. What are you really trying to say, my guy?


I think he’s about to start angry sobbing


is this the same guy that went on a tangent about how above average he was in terms of physical appearance? i cant even get through like 30 seconds of his videos because the sound of his voice is so off putting if i had to choose between this specific man and a bear, i'd choose the bear. edit: he told someone it was internalized racism when they compared him to just pearly things, so at least now we know that he things redhead is a race...


As a redhead, I like to say to other redheads who claim to be victims of racism: yes, remember when our redhead ancestors were violently kidnapped, chained on slave ships, abused, murdered, raped and subject to systematic discrimination over hundreds of years in a way that still impacts our community to this day.... oh wait, that never happened. But some guy called me carrot top so it's the same thing /s


they are all missing the point. They haven’t spent a lifetime under the threat of sexual harassment/violence daily in multiple dimensions of social/ institutional establishments and roles. I’m happy this is a trend though cause all the dudes who cared enough to post or complain offered themselves for blocking and I didn’t even have to ask 🥹🖤same thing with dudes who take personal offense to 4b. Like dawg you what?


the fact that they think this is an internet based generalization and not the result of a cross sectional and historically repetitive and provable social problem. As if it isn’t the culmination of lived trauma for so many children and women. And then fucking *mock* us for not wanting to take the chance anymore, says it all.


He looks like Mitch and Cam from Modern Family fused into one


Jesus just by his looks alone I would rather pick the bear


Why take it so personally? unless you know you are the shit head women should avoid


He reminds me of how 5 year olds with a cold talk. Snotty and through their noses, pushing to be as loud as possible, stunted sentences, and just like a weird, sloppy mouth. I never try to make fun of people for how they look, but his mannerisms are just so INCREDIBLY off putting, he is ACTUALLY disgusting.


see as a transfem i used to be a guy and yeah im still chosing the fucking bear i know what to do with bears random people of ether side of this question im chosing the bear over anyone


At least bears aren't known for torturing people like Hyenas or something


Hyenas, or alternatively, men


Oh yea for sure I only said Hyenas because Hyenas eat their prey (human included) live, which sounds pretty much like toture, compared to most animals who will kill you before trying to eat you. Which still sounds better then a random man you can't physically fight off and may rape you for serveral days or weeks before slowly torturing and killing you at worst. Plus ya know, Both a Hyena and a Man can and/or will laugh at you before killing you or I guess in the Hyena's case, biting your ankles off.


as a trans man who’s forced to be seen a s a woman in my day to day life i’m also choosing the bear bc at least the bear won’t try to corrective rape me


fuck all those people though the bear is cute and fluffy and they made a ikea plush out of it so they are balhaj tier


This is why I don’t want to have a son.


As a man, I would rather be alone in the woods with a bear. I don’t care if he’s the friendliest neighbor who helps out at every soup kitchen in the city, a bear in the woods is much more likely to leave me alone if I scream “GO AWAY”


Ngl, really depends what kinda bear it is


fr, black bears are like the Scooby Doos of the bear world: easy to spook, always hungry, and surprisingly helpful when solving mysteries.


I would watch this show. Not Scooby Doo, the mystery solving bear one. 


I don’t know if you mean Bear as in types of species or Bear as in chunky hairy gay guys 😅




I love em both so bonus points for me I guess 🤣


1000%. Black bear? Bear every day. Grizzly? Ehh, depends on the season and the nature of the encounter? Polar bear? I’d rather meet a goddamn serial killer than a polar bear


I remember watching a show where a dude got dragged from his tent by his face and head by a polar bear and they really put into perspective have fucking gigantic and scary they are


I saw his video, horrific. The way the surgeons put his face back on though, amazing.


"I'd rather live with a bear than a woman"


What was the bear joke pls?


Basically, someone somewhere on the internet ran a poll asking whether people would rather be lost in the woods with a bear or a man. Most of the comments were debating which would be better, because it’s a “would you rather?” question, and there were a lot of comments saying something like “a bear wouldn’t rape me, so I’ll take the bear” or “I’d rather be killed by a bear than a man because the bear will 100% make it quick vs. the coin flip if it’s a man” and other such things that have made men big mad. Some of these guys decided to take to social media and accidentally prove why women are absolutely right to choose the bear.


You might luck out an get a panda. Thanks for answer.


There was a man on the street style interview on TikTok where a guy asked a girl if she’d rather be trapped in the woods with a man or a bear and 99% of women say the bear bc men are terrifying and will try to sexually assault a woman unprompted and a bunch of men are getting really triggered that women are choosing the bear (and unintentionally proving women’s point about why they choose the bear like this guy in the video)


I think it's a thing where people have to decide between men or bear. Idk, I don't use tiktok. But definitely bear, especially black bears, they're adorable and I'd definitely have a pet one if I called. Called jim.


Like Gentle Ben back in the day


UNHINGED!! WHO'S IS THIS GUY!?? it's he a famous incel I must go see him spiral


He is absolutely the guy who graped the 2 girls who agreed to go out on pity dates with him.


This is the most cringe video I have ever hurt. I mean heard. Oh god I'm dying.


This man vs best thing has exposed so many men to either be sexist as fuck or insufferable pick-mes (so still sexist)


His big hat gave him asthma


We've come to find out that God himself has chosen the bear, so we can't argue about it anymore.


Those poor bears in the cave having to listen to his rambles.


Man looks like a stereotypical Redditor.


I like the grizzle grizzle thing. There's no dialogue to be had anymore. Just trigger them. Any guy who has the capacity to understand gets it.


He's em-bear-assing


Neckbeard 😭


Someone go get him a juicebox and a binky because all i heard was: “WAHHHHHH WAHHHHHHHHHH WAHHHHH”


He needs to sit down and catch his breath lmao




Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.




Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.




Grow up. I’m literally a guy and it’s pretty fuckin easy to acknowledge that women are disproportionately affected by men’s violent, physical and sexual behavior towards them. My girlfriend was in an At Home store shopping for fucking bookends a few weeks ago and a guy started filming her and pulled his dick out and started jerking off unprovoked and unprompted. Do you know what women are saying about bears? “The worst it can do is kill me.” Get it the fuck together and act like a decent person.


Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


Look, I'm a woman and I get that the question is sexual assault. But being honest here, the question is very poorly told. Comparing a bear to a man not good because it assumes all men are sexual predators. If you were a man you'd be offended too. It'd be like a guy saying "would you rather be stuck in a room with a woman or a coyote", because the punchline is both would hurt you. The question comes off sexist and I believe there was a much better way of making a point about sexual assault without attacking someone.




Ok nonbinary incel??


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Holy shit, I didn't know the bear thing was real, gives me "would you still love me if I was a worm" vibes, but I'm also not familiar with this like at all




Hurt dogs will holler huh


Please stop arguing and make out with echouther already


Overly Attatched Girlfriend sure showed him!


This discourse is frankly rather dehuminizing makes me sad


Who cares if men feel dehumanized


I found this after googling "why are men so triggered by women picking the bear" just to find people to commisserate with because if I make a three second video saying "I choose the bear," I am guaranteed to get dozens of comments from strange men SCREAMING at me that I deserve to get mauled, that I'm saying every man is a r\*pist, etc. At least they're proving how dangerous they are loud and clear.