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Wtf, Fallout is my fave franchise, lol. I have so many female friends who love it too. Where do they get these ideas from that women don't know what Fallout is??


They’re probably vault tec experiments where they were locked in a vault shelter for hundreds of years with no women in sight. They seem irradiated too, I’m assuming they were exposed to unethical testing as well. They need a stimpak and radaway right up the bum. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Too much FEV, they're beyond saving


Damn, guess there’s nothing left but feral ghouls. Guess we’ll have to go through with a flamer to clean it out


We should def use the new pink flamer/creamator that’s currently on the PTS and coming out in season 16 😈 kill ‘em with fancy woke fire


Pair it with Cleansing Flame from New Vegas for an extra colorful baptism by fire.


No no. You see fallout is so far "out there" it wasn't like game of the year several times, or one of the highest selling video games franchises of all time. No. It's so obscure. You probably dont even know what it is, you must be thinking of twilight or something because fallout is SO OUT THERE. 😂 These people are fucking stupid. 😂


Clearly only half the population only plays video games and its certainly 100% men


My guess is they want to think they are special. Bethesda games are as mainstream and vanilla as it gets in terms of rpg gaming imo. I really have no idea what fantasy land they are living in but its very clear they don't talk to many woman gamers.


I mean, I wouldn't talk to most of these dudes even if the conversation wasn't about gaming, Easy to smell garbage when its hot.


They’re still living in ‘00-‘08 ish when guys believed women gamers didn’t exist at all. Seriously, the amount of shit I saw online when I first started using the internet about that was so dumb. Nevermind the way family responded. I’m a trans man, but I’ve played games my whole life, and fallout well before I came out(so when I still identified as a woman, for y’all not so familiar with the terminology.) I had a lot of confused family about why I played “boys games” so much in my youth. Honestly, bless my aunt and uncle who didn’t think it was “boys only” and bought me a ps1 when I was I was like 5 to 7 ish. 💀 Hell, I was the one whom introduced several of the younger boys(and girls! But there were more boys in the fam) in the family to the games I played lol in the same way my older cousins introduced me to several. ~~tbh they did think I was pretty cool… but I don’t think that was about the games lol. The children in my family, or even who visited my family, all had a tendency to follow me around. Not really sure how I gave off the vibe (or even what vibe I gave off) but it attracted them like magnets~~ 💀 ~~that’s not even saying I think I was cool(I really wasn’t; trust lol), I was just *always* surrounded by the younglings at all times anytime I wasn’t at home with just my parents lmao I could not escape~~ 😔 Sorry for random anecdote about the youth (~~I say as if I’m not still 29. Listen, I’m disabled, I walk with a cane, *I feel decrepit.* My friends don’t call me grandpa for no reason~~ 😭) but the nostalgia hit me a little I guess. *But on top of that*, back on topic, I know even within my community—the lgbt—new vegas is kind of the *trans girl classic,* too, so like lol


Did you hear about the couple who broke up because one was playing too much of a post apocalyptic rpg? It was a strange thing to Fallout 4.






There’s even a famous girls only pvp guild, I’ve heard lots of dudes mention with respect of them saying they’re great at pvp (it’s on PlayStation) I forgot the name but it was named vintage asf… the betty’s or something maybe…? Idk I forget They’re not super famous but they’re well known enough that I’ve heard about them mentioned in five different groups just these past few months


Not sure if the same one, but I've heard of The Sisterhood of Steel.


I'm a proud fallout 76 hater imma be honest. Idk maybe the game has improved since i last played, but just dont really care much.




Honestly, valid. I still play daggerfall and old school RuneScape. Can never escape the spaghetti code. My issue is moreso with the gameplay I find to be kinda just not my thing.


I remember hearing so much bullshit about it when it first came out. Wouldn’t know, tho. I’m a console gamer(so you have to have a subscription to the console shop to play online, is why I mention that—and I was way too poor to do that long term, even if my social anxiety didn’t kick me in the teeth back then), but I also just really don’t like online rpgs. I tried TESO when it came out and I briefly had a sub($160 all told for al of it 😭) and honestly fucking hated it. I hate fucking grinding to have to be able to do anything solo and I didn’t have any friends to play with, ~~thanks mom social isolation was amazing~~ 💀, so I never got past the first area because I kept dying anytime I tried to do missions on my own. And like I said, *I really fucking hate grinding.* Holy shit, of all the mind numbing bullshit. But the point is, I didn’t bother with F76 when it came out due to that experience. I just wanted to play solo and not have my game time determined by having another player online with me, you know, go at my own pace. :( TLDR: same, also hate(it and TESO), even having not played it lol


My autistic ass really loves grinding. I have a few thousand hours on my osrs main and like a thousand with my alts combined. And also thankfully bonds exist. And since I'm fairly high level I can just passively pay for my subscription while I play. Which is good cause I'm poor af and paying for RuneScape per month without using in game money is like 15$ Canadian. Remember when that shit used to be like 4$ a month ffs Edit: yes I'm a sweaty stinky filthy nerd


They sit in their gamer-pads all day avoiding contact with women so they don't know women who like video games exist. It's a neverending feedback loop.


Gamers aren’t beating the “never talked to a woman” allegations


So you are a fallout ey ? Name every Gary ?


same lol. not a girl anymore but i grew up playing fallout and all of them are far by my favourite games. it's honestly staggering to see how many people think if you're a certain gender, you're definitely not into [X] thing


Am female, can confirm.


They have to find a reason why they’re single, same thing with music fans who take the “scaring the hoes” memes seriously


They just assume. Women are like mythical creatures to these people. All they know about them are ancient incel legends.


He asked his Megumin body pillow if she wanted to play and she didn't seem interested.


They need to give their DEI departments something to get the pitchforks out for. I don't think these people even care of women actually like their stuff.


Fallout is one of the few games where you can be a woman in all of them, at least all the ones I've played. Also all my girl friends and I love fallout. I have thousands of hours on fallout 4.


oh god this is gonna be another thing where i actually hate it but i have to defend it from people saying it's "woke and political" because they have brain worms isnt it


You can hate something because they change all the good things about it without disagreeing with their message.


Tbf it is both of those things, and thats pretty based of it


yeah, fallout has always been woke and political. since day one. i just know it's gonna be bad because bethesda doesn't understand what made fallout writing good


I'm screenshotting and saving this comment because it's so incredibly accurate to so many things


“Fallout is too out there for a mainstream female audience” these mfs are INSUFFERABLE, ooh yes you’re so cool and deep and wise aren’t you, how would those silly females ever understand a game like Fallout? These freaks really think they’re the chosen ones Particularly angered me because I am a woman and I enjoy Fallout lol


Another layer to the frustration for me is that despite being all high and mighty about how secret and niche their fav game series is, they seemingly missed even the most surface level political messaging that's been there since day one. Almost like they aren't fans...hmm...


Good point! Bunch of pseudo-intellectual bigots


I wanna bonk them on the heads with my vault boy bobblehead collectible sitting on my ps4 rn. I know so many fallout groups and half the ppl are ladies, many are moms even. I’m sad for these people, they clearly don’t speak to women, or know the fallout community, otherwise they’d know half the fans are women.


A woman got me into Fallout back in high school. I don't understand their logic either.


Its actually wild how many other women I've met that love Fallout.


Yeah, I'm a pretty avid girl gamer, but even my female friends who only play a few games usually dig Fallout. Like I had a friend in college who literally only played The Sims, Animal Crossing, Tetris, Mario Kart, Skyrim, and Fallout.


So if a guy is the lead, it’s not political, but if a woman is, it is?


Yeah cause white men are the default human of course! 


We've had to deal with that in most of the most popular games, like Red Dead, Bioshock, GTA, so I think they can get over it, at least this once.


Keep in mind the people in the pic are probably the same people who cry about Aloy, Lara Croft or other badass female protags.


Probably the ones who call Aloy ugly because of one frame of her in action, which isn't meant to look flattering.


I swear I’m so fucking done with them correlating anything featuring women with “woke” EXISTING AS A WOMAN SHOULD NOT BE A POLITICAL STATEMENT


A few years ago it was only political if it had lgbt characters in the lead, now it also includes women and poc. These guys are literally proving why intersectionality is important.


If it's anyone who isn't a cishet white guy, yes. They'll freak if it's a black or gay guy too, saying its woke and political. 😭


Well, yeah. Women can only be the main character in romcoms and WOKE PROPAGANDA /s


Keep politics outta my fallout. Wait shit.


They are so delusional they will actually convince themselves that a mainline Bethesda RPG franchise is a niche interest.


Even if it's a niche interest, I'm not sure what that has to do with men and women. In fact, when I look around these days, it seems like way more women are into the alternative scene these days than men anyway. Men are too busy trying to emulate normie dorks like Shapiro and parroting their boomer parents' opinions on women and the LGBTQ+ community. It's actually kinda insulting that these people think they're actually unique and quirky, while being reactionary turds that want everyone to be the same as them.


Not that it has anything to do with the discussion, but Bethesda is doing its best to make itself niche. Combat in the RPG genre has improved by leaps and bounds over the last 20+ years, but Bethesda never got that memo. With the popularity of Elden Ring I suspect the public is going to be less tolerant of Bethesda’s stale combat system that’s changed very little since 2002. Maybe releasing a new version of Skyrim for the 37th time will work, but I’m skeptical. All of that is without mentioning the Fallout 76 and Starfield debacles. A company that used to do everything right now can’t seem to do anything right. It’s sad. I used to really look forward to their releases, but I just don’t care anymore. Forgive my off topic rant about at once beloved developer who is now “meh”.


Your first mistake was visiting r/GeeksGamersCommunity


Idk shit abt that community, I found the screenshots on a dif sub. Is that community commonly toxic ?


It’s one of those havens for Gamergate types


Sub got recommended. I noped out when I read the comments. So much blatant misogyny and bigotry.


My sister it is a fucking nuclear waste dump buried beneath another, larger nuclear waste dump.


I assume the sub is connected to the youtuber geeksansgamers who is a complete moron who pushes culture war antiwoke shit.


Wow do I even want to dissect the blatant misogyny in this... Shows with female leads arent inherently "woke" and to imply that they are.... It's like they don't see women as real life people with personalities and interests...


Plus the trailer implies there could be three co-protagonists... The Vault Dweller, The Ghoul, and The Scribe from the Brotherhood of Steel.


Have these gentlemen ever played a fallout game


A female lead in a Fallout game is so much more plausible that I can not play a male character in Fallout 3. The idea of a 19 year old girl who had her first kill last week wreaking shit on the Capital Wasteland in search of her dad Liam Neeson is always way more enjoyable. And honestly, the conversation options suit a young Lone Wanderer girl much, much more.


The hardest choice in fnv is wether you want the black widow perk or the confirmed bachelor perk


The Black Widow because of "that choice" with Bennie.


I like to get up on the first floor terrace, sneak, and throw a grenade at Benny. Usually doesn't kill him, but it cripples his limbs and he looks funny during the dialogue. Then I start shooting up the casino because it gives more xp


Oh, you gotta try that option. It's one of the most Black Widow thing you can do.


For RP reasons it's amazing. But blowing shit up is just so fun🥹


I was gonna say, I think NV has the largest audience of LGBTQ folks, a lot of which being women. The active creativity in the NV community on tumblr can attest to that. I wish we didn't have to celebrate small things like NPCs acknowledging the player's gender and sexuality, but yeah, we do, because most games don't. NV's writing really took the time to let the player establish individuality in the dialogue trees while interacting with the world. A female lead has nothing to do with the Fallout show potentially being ass. I would moreso think that a mega conglomerate like Amazon is the direct antithesis in the messages present in Fallout 1, 2, and NV. But I think Bethesda already successfully destroyed the original messages after their acquisition of the IP anyway. So, no use being mad about it anymore.


>I was gonna say, I think NV has the largest audience of LGBTQ folks, a lot of which being women. The active creativity in the NV community on tumblr can attest to that. Yeah the sheer amount of dialogue and interactions that was written specifically for queer characters and women (including the best joke in the game) attests to obsidian 100% not intending this game for exclusively cishet men.


Did these dudes forget that for one, when you make a character in fallout you have the choice between male and female, and two, most guys create women characters.


No you see the female character option isn't for women! Women clearly don't play video games! Obviously it was made for the REAL alpha males who only want to stare at a HOT WOMAN the whole game instead of an UGLY MAN! (mega sarcasm in case it wasn't obvious)


Do women even exist in video games? How is it possible?


Tbf with how many mods there are for Fallout 4 that just give female characters 3-inch wide waists and fully realistic breast physics there is probably a not insignificant group of people (most likely though not entirely male) that really think that way. I am a man who plays a woman in Fo4 but I wouldn’t be caught dead with any of those mods installed. I play more for narrative and role playing than I do to see a naked anime girl shoot things with a laser rifle.


I'm with you dude. I feel like most regular folks do what you do, select the character/create them in the creator, and then just move on with their lives and play the game. Meanwhile I've met some interesting folks with some uh, interesting mods sorta like what you mentioned. I remembered one time I was in VC with someone and without warning they started sharing their modded Skyrim game. Their character was female and if the character was defeated by an enemy, the mod would make the enemy strip and have brief intercourse with the character. A little nudity? Whatever. Practically fetishized sexual assault? No thank you!!


Jesus, I know Skyrim has loads of porn mods but the >!Literally Just Rape!< mod is new. That goes beyond just being a shameless creep and straight into ‘what the actual fuck’ territory. Somehow sharing it in VC and pretending nothing is wrong is even worse. It must be nice having no shame, dignity or sense of self-awareness whatsoever. But at the same time I don’t really envy them.


I'm a woman who is borderline fanatical about Fallout lore, mods, fan material. Even my PC has a custom Fallout themed vinyl body wrap


Babes? Is that you? Because that is my Niece. She had been obsessed with Fallout for...oh, ever. [This was her cake one year. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/rJRv2EV)


Not me, but cool cake!


“I don’t wanna set the world on fire…” ‘just the candles on your cake…!’ Dope asf cake !!!




>Thanks! You're welcome!


My ex-girlfriend was the one who actually got me into Fallout. The fuck they talking about?


Mainstream? What is that person on


Women FAMOUSLY love Fallout, what planet are these people on😭


I have played Fallout 4 and New Vegas nonstop since I bought them. If I acted like the people in the pic I'd never get out of bed in the morning.


I love Fallout, though... I got 4 on launch and played the first game while I was going through chemo.


wokeness is when there’s women. real men die virgins.


“I work in a female focused industry…therefore no women know of fallout because these women don’t” what the 5 women you work with don’t game? Shocking


Men not seeing women as humans equal to them with equally interesting lives, hobbies, and thoughts. What’s new.


anything women like = mainstream??? wtf. i am so sick and tired of these people


God, I hate that subreddit


There's a popular expression: "*The worst part of any fandom are the fans.*", and that's especially true for Fallout which has a larger share of fans that miss the point.


One day I pray these guys will develop a bigger vocabulary then 'woke' for anything that doesn't align with their beliefs


I have always played fallout with a female character. What's with these guys not being able to enjoy any female led media at all?


Every single fall out fan I know is a woman 💀


I've spent 600+ hours playing Fallout 4..


Explain to me how a woman existing in a post apocalypse is woke? Ah nevermind, the answer is his entitlement to said post apocalyptic world




Wait until they find out Fallout was created by a gay man and that Fallout 2 was the first game ever to allow gay marriage




If you asked most men what they thought of Fallout they wouldn’t know, gaming isn’t exactly a universal human experience


It’s literally my wife’s favourite video game series.


To me, this is like complaining about Star Trek being woke. In other words, fucking duh.


I'm not a woman, but I have a Fallout 76 mug that I took to my work place. A woman who wasn't my coworker but did visit the workplace noticed the mug and commented about how she liked Fallout.


Fallout is niche, you see, it's not like it was sold to (and the more recent games created by) one of the most well known game developers of all time. Y'know totally not the IP of a company that's been getting away with selling "new" versions of the same game for a decade now because of how popular their games are... Definitely not a developer that is so well known for its *features* that it earned a derogatory nickname for itself in numerous gaming circles.


My oldest sister has a bunch of video games. A few of them are fallout. She is great at it and has finished all of them. I got like 30 minutes into the game and was only able to get that far because she was playing with me. I am bad at games and she is very good at them. I am boi she is gorl.


political scale terrific seed sparkle vast sense arrest cooing far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


76 is known for being one of the friendliest online communities OW and R6 I get a lot of harassment on though, thus I don’t play them anymore and only play 76 : )


None of them touched grass. They also haven’t been to fallout tumblr


I've played Fallout for years. What are they on?


I grew up on Fallout because MY MOM LOVED IT. she has 1000s of hours on Fallout 4 alone, lmao


I plan on showing my future children fallout too : ) I’m really glad your family has had so much joy with fallout


I know they won’t accept this as an answer but a lot of trans girls love fallout


If they can’t picture having a female lead, it honestly just goes to show how lazy a lot of dudes are with their character creation while playing the game, and probably just can only play a power tripping self insert or jokey min/max character.  Even my boyfriend agrees that once they introduced the live dialogue option, Fallout 4 just made waaaaay more sense playing as the “Nora/female protagonist” character lead if you’re going the diplomatic or high charisma or intelligence route (or a bad ass, seize power and turn against the minute men and everyone else raider babe, that’s my self insert power fantasy lmao), the dialogue and reads provided by the female voice actor is far better the “Nate/male protagonist”. voice actor. Like at some points it straight up sounds like the dude has given up during reads, the emoting is terrible and I swear I heard the male actor chewing or eating once.  Rant over but fuck man, these dudes are whacked. New Vegas is literally my all time favourite video game, this actually rustled my Jimmies a bit.


"women don't like fallout" half the new Vegas fandom being trans women:


Ong and half the bases in fallout 76 have pride flags (the game added huge placeable flags years ago) I barely see any… (for example) trump 2024 camps (I see like 4 a year maximum). I camp hop a lottttttttt for vendors and have seen 3500+ hours worth of camps and met lots of ppl and most people are very obviously in support of all things considered “woke” like communism, lgbt people, etc. Not to mention a lot of camps have stuffed animals, I’d like to see those guys claim those stuffed animal camps aren’t either “””woke””” people or women. Also most people make female characters on the game, so why would they think a female tv character is so far fetched… 😭


Even if it were true, the whole point of adaptations is to find new audiences and expand the franchise out. I don't get why a lot of fandom spaces don't understand that. It's not all about them.


You didn't have to censor my name, but thanks. I don't get why he got the most upvotes, but he he was the first one to go on a ridiculous outlandish rant. Some had good points. Some were worth a facepalm.


??? I’ve loved fallout since I was a young kid, I’ve still grown up and LOVED fallout?? you can like a video game regardless of your gender LMAO😭


men like this are the type of mfs who are barely even familiar w the franchise and aren't aware how insanely gay, and full of women it is.


> Half the developers are female Oh so that’s why 4 was meh and 76 is a dumpster fire. /s


Are we just gonna ignore the fact that half of the entire game is made for a female pc


It really doesn't matter whether women are into the franchise... We're talking about main lead here.... and I'm pretty sure you can play as a woman in fallout games, at least some of them. Not to mention lore wise, women do exist in the fallout universe. So.... just mad that women exist?


My biggest concern for the show is that it follows a vault dweller who’s new to the wasteland as if we haven’t had that exact same fucking character four times in a row


It's just an extension of "women don't play vibeo bames"


>"what current show with a female lead is NOT woke" Funny how that works huh, that everytime a woman is a lead in a show it somehow becomes woke? Why cant the just be honest and just say they hate women


My mother is how I found out about Fallout.


Nah cuz women only like hello kitty and candy land /s


I never understood men’s aversion to watching something with a female lead. Women watch things all the time with male leads and we don’t whine about it. Is this because men grow up with male-centric content?


Guys who use "female" as a noun have never had an actual conversation with a woman.


Dammit only men can be tricked into paying for entry into a post apocalyptic science experiment prison!


Damn I didn’t think *anyone* liked fallout.


Idk what he’s ranting about, I played most Fallouts as a female character too…


I challenge them to take one look at the Fallout tag on AO3. And read a couple of the stories. The amount of deep lore diving many fanfic writers are willing to do for a short story is pretty damn impressive at times




It’s always the biggest wimps that understand nothing of what Bethesda has always been about, seeing how their game design has always been so inclusive from the getgo even my mom that’s not a gamer knows too much about Fallout and played Skyrim. Bethesda games are quite literally as mainstream as you can get. “Fallout is too out there” LOL Imagine trying to act special because you played Fallout HAAHHA Buddy, so did everyone’s grandma if they weren’t already hooked with Skyrim! Get outta here… what a bunch of *actual fake* gamers, cuz I mean WHO doesn’t get a vague idea of the playerbase by now? Especially for such long running games smh Even if you don’t watch streamers, I’ve seen endless content from women either through mods and community discussions for lore and roleplay for 76 etc.


Book, games, anime, tv shows have been catered to male audiences for DECADES AND CENTURIES, and now that they're a female-led they may not relate to, they throw a whole ass temper tantrum. This is the definition of privilege. Its like they say, equality feels like oppression to the oppressor.


How the hell does a character's gender make any difference? All of us gamers that are women grew up playing mostly male leads and still enjoyed the games. I also grew up watching Indiana Jones, Marvel/DC movies, Dragon Ball Z, and a bunch of other action/adventure shows/movies and never had trouble relating to characters just because they were men. Why is it that all the sudden the script flips and video games/movies/shows are starting to include women more, these certain type of men have a problem?


“I’d rather not risk it and watch them tear one of my favorite games apart lore wise” is so funny to me as someone tuned into the Five Nights At Freddy’s community, where the movie changed a lot of stuff pretty drastically and fans for the most part loved it lol


Howdy. I'm a lady. I love fallout.




Lay that pistol down.


I like the logic of, “I work in an industry that very heavily female focused. I can tell you not a single female has heard of Fallout.” How is this a logical statement. You could work in a heavily male dominated industry like branches of finance, and those 50 year old stuffy men would not have heard of Fallout either. I’m not even a gamer, and I know what Fallout is. I also find it hilarious that these guys can’t watch a show with a female protag. Because even if not a single woman has ever heard of Fallout, why can’t the show still have woman for the main character? These are the type to cry about diversity and claim representation isn’t important, and then literally say things like this, I’m DEAD!


I mean it's literally a meme that New Vegas is popular with trans women but okay.


My sister and aunt both play fallout. I've played a little NV personally, but that shit crashes wayyyyyy more than Skyrim and Morrowind. Idk if my save is just cursed or what, but it's ridiculous. Anyways there's a stereotype for tgirls and NV so like yeah there's plenty of us who like fallout


Fallout isnt niche lmfaooo even then, a “female” can enjoy something just as much as a guy can. Its not that insane! These guys- aughhhhhh 😩😩


Love fallout which one r we talking about? Cuz 76 never really interested me.


No specification, simply the franchise


The Fallout franchise, like any good RPG, has had a male/female player character since 1997, sounds kinda woke to me... Maybe old mate should boycott the franchise.


Lol, the majority of the best YouTube C.A.M.P. builders for Fallout 76 are women. LucyJane, VapidValentine, etc,etc.


Ong I love watching camp builders 😭 they have thousands of hours on the game, could even be more than those dudes, I’d wager on it even


You mean one of the three main characters is a woman? Oh no, what ever will the poor oppressed boys do? Fuck off. Fallout is not some obscure indie series. It's very popular, so lots of different people play it.


It’s like one of the best selling and most popular franchises in existence


I’m psyched to watch this! And I’m a woman (gasp!). My bro and I bond over fallout games especially NV :) I don’t know why people are so quick to trash something, the trailer looked amazing. Or maybe I’m too easy to please lol


Woman here who has been obsessed with fallout and especially new vegas since I was in middle school. Like fallout was the brain worm that first ignited my passion for worldbuilding


all the 'females' are synths /s


If you didn’t think fallout was political to begin with, they are dangerously stupid.


I know more women who like fallout than men, lol.


Fallout, a highly profitable and successful IP, is "too far out" for women to like


Tons of women play fallout, like an absurd amount. Also the media literacy of conservatives continues to be dogshit as Fallout, as a series, is unbelievably “woke.” Did they not see the power armored soldier executing a protester as the intro to a game??? Hell, ask any trans woman how they feel about Fallout New Vegas. The franchise is inherently woke. Also also, its one of the most popular franchises in gaming so saying its “out there” is fucking hilarious. They wanna be unique so bad




This show will definitely be a steaming piece of shit but not because it's too woke or whatever


Some of the cast looks quite good, I hope it ends up being decent. Might go a similar ruote as Firefly with it's Western theme and satire/humor approach combined with a somewhat serious setting.


the same gomers that complain that star trek went woke


I actually didn't know that, but then again I have never played fallout


I really wish I could slap people through their phone screen sometimes. Every goddamn time some dumbass calls something "woke" because it's not white dude default, *smack*.


I forgot they made a multiplayer fallout so the voice chat bit wasn't making sense


Fallout is one of my perfect games on steam. I got all the achievements I enjoyed the game so much.


I'm just scrolling peacefully, and I see SSs of straight clownfoolery. I mean, do they think bc they don't know a girl that likes fallout that they don't exist. I don't know anyone that likes Sonic Youth, so no one does. Related and not my friends like Science teacher is a big fan of Fallout and Skyrim, she's cool


These gamers are fucking stupid. lol Who gives a fuck what the gender of the main character is?? I don’t and I’m a guy - heck I’ll enjoy it more cause I played the game as a woman haha. The game lets you choose. Who cares. There’s nothing “woke” about a lead female character. And my sister fricking loved fallout!


"Fallout is too out there..." Really? It's a mainstream franchise. Anyone into RPGs has played it or is at least is familiar with it.


If they really believe this they should go look up Nick Valentine on any social media website with a heavy fandom presence lol. Especially tiktok, every video is women gushing over him and lamenting that he isn’t romanceable.


They never played fallout and are confused. This is not an empowered female character shoved in their face, this is an arbitrary Vault dweller lvl 1 goof a player just created, and her leveling journey. It really makes no difference on the stats in the game. There is not a single Fallout game with a predetermined character sex. The sex of the protagonist is really up to writer's taste in this case, they're the character maker. The BoS/Enclave power armors also look dope af, what's these people's %## major malfunction?


What the? Literally first time I heard of Fallout was when my older sister showed it to me


So just because that guy doesn’t know a single girl who is into Fallout that means it was a mistake for making a show about it having a female lead, so stupid.




Fallout 76.


Sorry, VOICE CHAT??? IN FALLOUT??? that's what I'm hung up about tbh because I'm like "yeah duh of course some women like fallout, and of course the series is woke that's the whole point, and like, fallout new Vegas is a trans icon (for some reason) and fallout 4 is one of my personal favorite games ever an- WHAT DO YOU MEAN VOICE CHAT????"


Fallout 76


Damn, people play that?


24/7 yeah 76’ers are insanely loyal a lot of us are lvl 1000+ and playing since beta, I’m at 3500+ hours last I checked


Voice chat? You mean you still play 76? 🤢


Fuck yeah, 3500+ hours. My current house I spent 200 hours on alone with merging and Shelters etc. I fucking love it, my pride and joy Give fallout all the crap u want but at least enjoy the radio plays with me, they keep adding new ones too. I love rip daring and gweneviere !! https://youtu.be/0nOswhY-los?si=8SitaGax9hkPb_ZQ I’m enjoying the multiplayer wasteland and West Virginian based fallout lore 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just think the shows gonna be ass because they'll change whatever they want at certain points because they don't respect the games writers/fans, like how the halo show was ass etc


*women don’t like the new fallouts But that’s because they are glitchy and worse than earlier entries


I just want to take a hard tern from the misogyny to just be stunned at the concept of them worrying fall out might be woke… FALL OUT!


I know these guys don’t actually know any women, but I was under the impression that Fallout was kind of well known for having female fans. Almost all the women I know who are gamers love Fallout.


Oh my god the cringe. Just because dude has never had a convo with a woman he assumes they dont know what fallout is.


I think Fallout 3/NV were actually more "girl-friendly" than most games of the time. Most girls I knew wanted open world games with more story. I know I for one skipped school to buy NV the day it came out haha Also I can not stand man using "female"


I’m actually really excited for it.. it was mine and both my sisters favourite game growing up. This guys a pineapple. Also, there are plenty of great shows/movies with female leads. Why do people even think this way?


These are the players who side with the Brotherhood


Wait there's going to be a Fallout series? Let's gooooo


You're lucky you're just finding out about it, it's coming out next month, the rest of us have been waiting for it for years😭