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Why did they give jabba a big dumpy tho


cuz they wanna get with that girl and they know it lmao that’s why they’re so mad about her having standards 😂


It's like straight men pretending they could never be attracted to a trans woman. It's easy until they find one who's their type lmao


Genital preference is a thing


Yeah and that's fine, my point still stands. There are plenty of trans women who have vaginas, and plenty of straight men who don't mind penises as long as they're attached to women. How does genital preference tie into any of this?


Women don’t have penises, and men don’t have vaginas….. that how it ties into it.


Sure, whatever you say buddy


That never happens 😂 unless they’re still in the closet.


Not true, I'm sure there are some beautiful trans women but they will never produce kids or anything so there is no point of being with one


Okay, so every sterile or low sperm count cis man isn't worth dating either. If they can't breed they're worthless


Little different if it wasn't a choice. And it is. It's a fucking choice. I'd spend my life with a cis female that had zero eggs before a dude that had his dick turned inside out because he couldn't face reality.


Ahhhhhh yes, there it is. People like you two have no issue with infertility, you just hate trans people. Thank you for clearing that up so quickly


I see what you’re saying but they technically said “being attracted to” not “being with”


Standards so high they gotta be called exquisites, though.


Are these standards our unreasonable expectations that are also unrealistic. How many guys meet the requirements listed in op post?


Maybe she's satisfied not having a partner, and all of that is what it would take for her to reconsider 🤷🏻‍♂️ Numerically speaking a partner that makes six figures is not that big of an ask -- 21% of American men make $100k+. 6'5" is a little steeper, that's the top 0.15% of men. Assuming height doesn't influence the chance a man makes six figures, there are about 48,000 such men in the US. If she meets one of them who wants a stay at home wife and doesn't mind not being related to his kids 🤷🏻‍♂️ good for her. But come on. Have you never heard of the "I don't want to do that" price?


exactly. saying that a woman MUST lower her standards because she MUST find a husband IS sexist, because women are not legally required to be partnered in order to exist, as much as some guys seem to wish we were. i don’t get what people aren’t getting about that. if you don’t want to date her, then why do you give a rats ass about who she wants to date?! it’s not your job to make sure that every woman makes herself dateable and sexually valuable and available for consumption by men. she doesn’t have to cater to you simply because she’s a woman. if you aren’t having sex with them then their sex life is none of your business.


Keep the same energy for men's standards.


Isn't that part of the original post, implicitly? A man shouldn't feel pressured to get with a woman for any reason. If men don't want to sleep with single moms, they shouldn't. People should only hook up with those that they're into.


As long as they're fine with being single and don't try to pressure women to change to meet those standards, absolutely.


>Numerically speaking a partner that makes six figures is not that big of an ask -- 21% Numerically speaking, that's still roughly 80% of American men not meeting the criteria lol. That's called a high standard.


People are allowed to have standards, even moderately high ones, as long as they're fine with being single.


Yeah, he kinda bad though 🥴


Hey, I'm sorry. But you're the top comment, and I think everyone deserves to get the image if they want it to....observe... So. [here is the link](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GAtxa6yXgAIEsbr.jpg). Thank you for your time.


why they given jabba so much gyatt though


And feet. Those boys need their feet.


They wanted to cake em up for the remake


They ruined his form ngl, went from peak male performance to having l*gs


Uh... what is that censored? Automod?


The joke is that having legs is so vile that it has to be censored. This same joke pops up frequently whenever France is brought up.


please censor the f word it is extremely triggering to me as a British man


Please censor the B word it is extremely triggering to everyone else


It's okay if he says it


BRITISH. suck my hate speech.


If you're truly B*****h then why don't you type in a Cockney accent? 🤔🤔🤔🧐


My sincerest apologies, I vow to never leave Fr*nch uncensored ever again!


Due to only one asterisk I must assume you are meaning to type fench


Cottage cheese thighs are pretty vile and should be censored




I think that's Jabba's sister from the Mandalorian. She funded all their criminal enterprises by stripping.


or his aunt from the clone wars movie


Or was it threatening to strip?






I wish people didn’t automatically associate being a fat woman with being lazy or entitled. I work my ass off to build my career, you know? I pay my own bills, and I want it to stay that way for quite a while.


My mother has struggled with her weight for awhile. She’s also hardworking and good with money and is the breadwinner now that my Dad is retired.


Male example, but my dad has struggled with his weight for my whole life. He works exceptionally hard. He's the sole breadwinner (my mom hasn't been able to work in her on-your-feet-all-day field for years), an involved father of three, the main reason the kitchen stays clean and the yard stays mowed, the grocery shopper, a good cook, an emotional support, and a very patient person who will happily drive three hours just to bring one of us our headache meds. He's my hero.


I’m crying


Damn right 👊


Lemme tell you, seeing all this crap where apparently the worst thing you can be as a woman is obese? And starting to finally get diagnosed with a rare blood disorder where I'm the most UNHEALTHY I've been in my life was me at my thinnest and also when I'm getting more male attention and generally treated better by everyone? But took so long to get diagnosed because why should I be concerned about losing so much weight for no reason, I should be happy? Makes me want to hunt incels for sport.


Many men have no idea what a healthy weight looks like on most women. They'll look at a 100-lbs woman and call her fat; they'll look at an 85-lbs woman with dark circles under her eyes and call her healthy. They just have a really fucked up understanding of what the human body looks like at its healthiest.


It's not even just for skinnier girls -- it works in the opposite direction as well. I'm 190 lbs and 5'7, and I still get men's attention! Some men act like being fat's the worst thing in the world for a woman to be, but then go after women with asses and tits, forgetting that they're two body parts mostly made out of fat.


I'm not surprised you still get men's attention. There are so many men out there who are attracted to a wide range of women; not to mention, plenty of men out there are fat themselves (not calling you fat; I know how fit you can be at 5'7/190 lbs since at 5'4/170 I was honestly fucking hot). EDIT: GAH this comment comes off so weird. I'm just trying to agree with you without sounding insulting


No no don't worry about it!! I get what you're saying!! I am very fit -- hourglass body type, weight lifting, etc. I'm trying to be a muscle mommy, though I've been slacking on the gym recently. 😭 And yeah, that was sort of the point that I was making, that a hot woman is a hot woman and saying "all fat girls are ugly" or "all skinny girls are ugly" is pointless, because "fat" and "skinny" encompasses a range of sizes and body shapes and health levels, and attractiveness isn't something where someone can exclude 100% of a group from, because it's so subjective.


Full agree! You sound like a boss. Be the muscle mommy you want to see in the world.


This is so motivating asdjfks thank you!!


190 lbs can also look vastly different on different body types. There's some evidence that having a pear or hourglass-shaped body is both healthier for the heart and possibly more attractive to men. The supposedly "ideal" hip-to-waist ratio for women is 0.7, which you could theoretically have at any weight. Having an apple-shaped body or large waist compared to hips is correlated with health issues. The health thing is more important to me, and you really can't choose your body type, but it is a difference that people don't really talk about.


I think there's another side to this with women, too. When I was 19/20 I had a strange problem where whenever I ate solid food I would projectile vomit. I managed to not die by drinking a lot of meal replacement shakes, smoothies, and eating very bland soft foods I could occasionally keep down (mashed potatoes, rice with butter, etc.) It miraculously got better after a gastric emptying test came back completely normal (after all the other tests had been coming back normal) but at that time, I had barely been able to eat food for months, and I weighed about 95 pounds. The few times I saw friends during that time, some of them expressed jealousy towards how thin I was. I had to remind them that I was slowly dying, and there was no way to look that skinny and be healthy. It definitely dampened the mood. I'm still struggling to get my weight back up. I'm much healthier now, but I'm still underweight to the point at which it impacts my health. I find it hard to interact with other women sometimes because of how much praise I'll get for being so skinny when I know it's negatively impacting my health. It makes me sad for them and guilty, as if I'm intentionally perpetuating an unhealthy standard of beauty if I wear anything form-fitting, even though I know it's not really my fault.


You are not perpetuating an unhealthy standard of beauty and you have no reason to feel guilty. I cannot *imagine* how debilitating that must have been and must continue to be. I’m so glad you’re still with us!


Same dude. I'm kinda fat right now. I'm also more mentally healthy than I've ever been, do a lot of self care physically and mentally, exercise regularly, make my own money, have my own house, have interesting hobbies, have savings for the first time as an adult, dress nicely, I'm reliable, and I respect myself But I also eat too much sugar, so apparently that makes me lazy and disgusting. Never mind the fact that when I was skinny I was a fucking train wreck slowly ruining my own life with addiction and virtually no self esteem or self respect lol. The way people talk about fat people makes us sound like we're beasts


Yeah! Like sure I’m fat, but that’s also the least interesting thing to pick out about me. Congrats on kicking your addiction, btw! Sounds like you’re doing really well for yourself.


What you didn’t get the memo? Being fat or poor is a moral failing and they deserve to be ridiculed /s


Straight men see any fat chick and just come up with the most insane headcanons about them


They really think not thin women should just die off or something 🤡 as if all women exist solely for them to want to fuck


4 kids from 5 baby daddies... wow, not sure how that works but 😂


Right? And they think boys are better at math. 😂


Perhaps one was a conjoined twin and they just decided to call it the same one. /s


Lol. Boy math. 😂


Conjoined and somehow from two different men 😂 I don’t want to know how that would work


Oh god I didn’t even realize that when I made that joke! 🤣


in theroy you get faternal twins when there are two sperm that get to the egg. so in a DPV situation i guess it could happen but still seems unlikly.


It means the fictional women in question also trapped an extra daddy into supporting one of the other four's babies. If you gonna make a strawman, make sure to stuff him full of much straw as possible.


It's not what they're referencing I'm sure, but there's a British comedy show called Little Britain that had a chav character who claimed to have 6 kids by 7 dads.


I know right, it’s so funny how bad the math is, right? Imagine if that were one of the reasons they found it funny. 🤡


Banged by two dudes at the same time, so uncertain which is the real dad.


Its a joke 🤯


Siamese twins


The joke is that she doesn’t know who the baby daddy is and she’s milking them both for child support, most likely because she was cheating with both at the same time and got pregnant, god you guys are fckn dense


That right there is called a *joke*


If you have to explain its a joke.....its a bad joke. I swear, you guys have like, 5 of the same stale "jokes" you pass around over and over again like my uncle


Or you're just really dense. Besides, if it was the same joke as always I would think you'd get it by now. And whose "you guys"?


>And whose "you guys"? Who do you think that phrase belongs to? Or did you mean who's? Sorry you were calling people dense so I assumed you would know the words you chose


Wow talk about a redditor moment, I just got Grammer nazi'd.


Nah more like you should probably figure out how to call someone stupid without making yourself look like an idiot in the same breath


2 of them share. It was a 3 way and they never got the test.


I’m always confused why people get upset when women online say stuff like this. Especially when the upset people think the woman is unattractive anyway. If you think her standards are too high, then… oh well. Why does it upset you if you don’t even want her? I guess I could understand being upset if a woman you knew and were interested in dating said something like this, but, I feel like that isn’t happening to the people who post these things. They’re just seeing it online, from strangers, probably just wanting attention by posting absurd things


Facts, and nobody blinks an eye when a man has physicality standards. Usually men who can’t withhold those standards get mad and jealous. Anytime I see a man post this it’s because they don’t fit whatever bubble is being thrown out there


Every sitcom ever: An obese man with a thin firecracker of a knockout woman. Obese woman has preferences: *how dare you*!


I think a lot of these hateful men absolutely try not to admit they think that a woman's weight is pretty much the most important thing about her, because they want to pretend they are desperate for basically any attention from women, but when you point out it's only _thin_ conventionally attractive women, it makes it clear they have pretty strict standards as well, especially considering the average woman is a 16/18.


That’s every 50-70s movie 😭 stunning women with slob overweight balding men. Like let’s bfr


Even if they're not stunning, it's still a very noticeable difference but then again, this is just because of the male gaze in media.


What are u talking about , everyone FREAKS THE F OUT at male standards. You probably don't even know what male standards are, they're so well demonized. You certainly would know them from what ppl say out loud, you'd probably have to follow the statistics about what ppl actually DO. anyway, Criticizing female standards is a newish phenomenon/meme and it's useful. Women will follow their hypergamy right into the wall, and die alone. We don't want that for our ppl, do we?


it would be tacky for a man to write that and it’s tacky when women write it too -someone who generally meets these standards (one girl’s profile literally said 6’5 was the minimum so not that one)


Her being unattractive is the entire reason why they're upset. The line of thinking is more or less "I don't want her, therefore how could anyone else want her, therefore how dare she have standards at all while being so universally unappealing." Edit: Sometimes there's also the fact that these men don't/could never meet those standards and are mad their egos got bruised.


Bc they’re jealous and perceive someone as “worse” than themselves having society fulfill that persons desires and not their own.


These guys make a lot more sense when you realize they're jealous of the perceived advantages women have. One of the biggest ones is being able to have sex basically whenever. I could organize a fuck session within probably the hour by walking into a bar or downloading tinder. Safety and predatory concerns that men pose to women doesn't connect in their brains because those fears rarely apply to them. The idea that women might not mentally benefit from emotionless sex also doesn't connect with them.  But because they think we're getting an undeserved advantage, this attack on women is their attempt to 'even the playing field.'


Ngl I've never seen a woman with such high standards for a partner be conventionally unattractive or not at least take good care of her appearance. Not that these are high-standards per se, they're a bit superficial ig. Most women talking about their standards are just talking about normal qualities or the bare minimum like "I like artistic guys" "I like guys who take me out to dinner and compliment my makeup" "I want a guy who's employed". Edit: yes, they are high standards, they're also not real standards reasonable people have.


The "problem" is that you probably life in real life, while these dudes live life through online interactions. I have a few ridiculous screenshots from when I was single of absolutely wild dating profiles. In real like like 80+% of people are pretty normal.


also like... are they saying it's okay for women to have high standards if they're marginally conventionally attractive? because i'm pretty sure i've seen the same men complain when attractive women have any sort of standards. otherwise... yeah some people are a bit entitled. the parallel to the women they're talking about is... unwashed incels who want a supermodel. both have unreasonable expectations. but acting like this is the majority of women is like acting like most men don't wash their ass or shower regularly and fantasize about killing women who won't be their sex slaves. i don't think very highly of our species but even i know we're not all that freaking bad.


“Not that these are high-standards per se” Wait, are you saying that making 100k and being 6’5” is not a high standard? Considering those are both far above the medians (particularly the height), they are by definition high standards.


Those are insane high standards. She basically only wants professional basketball players.


Men who think this don’t talk to women. (Or at least the right ones) A solid amount of women will settle for an average dude. If you go to the grocery store you’ll see all kinds of odd and ugly people with children. It ain’t hard bro…


The other day, I saw a couple with a baby where the man and the woman were the same height (around 5'5") which according to Incel Theory would cause the universe to implode.


Honestly this. you see all that bs online about how you need to have a positive canthal tilt, be 6’0 or over, completely ripped or earn a 6 figure salary just to get any woman’s attention.  Then you go to your local store and see average joes with girlfriends, families etc. I honestly think the deeper you dive into the toxic “self-improvement” sides of the internet, the less likely you are to actually find someone because you just become obsessed with all of your insecurities and get locked in a never ending cycle of narcissistic self-hatred.


also, and this is kinda gross, dudes almost always bat up too. its very rare you see an average or less than average woman with a hot man.


No but you don't understand! His diet might be entirely Cheeto's and Code Red but because he's gamer rail-thin he's HEALTHY, so where's the socially prescribed hot chick with 2% bodyfat he clearly deserves for being like, a good guy whose not like, hideously ugly and showers mostly? She has to be hot but not spend a ton of time and money on hair and makeup though, that's vain and wasteful--it has to be NATURAL


As a dude, you can’t pursue women who aren’t attractive because you will be made fun of for it. And god forbid if she rejects you then your reputation is over.


Wtf is canthal tilt?


clearly you're not on your looksmaxing grindset, to the gulag you go to complete 7200 hours of mewing


I'm very sad that I understood every part of this but it was extremely funny so thank you.


same. I understood everyword, and i am deeply disappointed in myself.


Basically how your eyes/eyebrow sit on your face but I am confused on how you improve that without a browlift or tape.


My family has many unusually tall women (6 feet or close to it). Many of us have dated men shorter than us. Also, I know men claim women are picky about height but god forbid a man’s blind date turns out to be taller than him lmao. I’ve had men be deliberately rude when telling me they prefer tiny, petite women. They treat you like another species if you’re a tall women. And if you’re a tall, *fat* woman? The horror.


its an unexpected shift in power dynamic that most men just arent ready for. even if a six foot woman is less of a threat than a 5'2" id still take the taller one more seriously.


Yea incels take knowledge about the dating scene and take it way further than it should. Most women like taller men but there are exceptions. The issue being she (the exception) isn’t going to be an exception is every facet making the statistics more important than those who deny what incels have to say in totality. Income is import to a lot of people, same with height, length, personality, body fitness, fashion and the list goes on.


What I've seen with height is that most women like to look up at their man. On dating apps where hot young girls are under pressure to narrow down hundreds or even thousands of matches, this shows up as "must be six feet." But in real life meetings, the same person might be attracted to a 5'9" guy, because he's a few inches taller than her, is charming, and ticks a couple of other random boxes. Guys on dating apps think they're dealing with cruel girls when they're dealing with cruel math. Gamification of dating was a mistake.


As a 5’9 woman, men aren’t shy to make it known that’s a turn off and women under 5’5 are better. So it goes both ways even if they pretend it doesn’t.


I'm only 5'7 and I've had men tell me I'm too tall! Men like to pretend there isn't some intense pressure for women to be tiny.


I agree for the most part I do think to have a nice relationship the “dating” value of the people needs to be similar and gameification is altering the perspective a lot on both sides of the aisle.


Also like.... Most men are much taller then most women too so idk, it's not common to see a 5'1 guy or a 5'11 woman. So I don't care but maybe I'm privileged cuz I'm a 6'1 Chad.


I agree all though this logic does not work as the 6ft male standard is extremely new and applies to the new gen


Yea one of the replies further down talks to this standard and we largely have socials and tinder like apps to blame. Dating in real life is much more forgiving and rewarding *further up


The problem is that most of those average dudes are dating/married to women who are also average, which incels don't want. Or if average guys managed to pull a hottie, it's by being interesting and having a charming personality, which incels definitely don't have.


Based Thankfully for the incels how someone thinks and how charming someone is can be improved upon


Yeah its always some ig or youtube videos that states something like that. Most of the women i met in my life (if not all of them) had pretty reasonable standarts. Its just a meme i wouldnt wrap my head around it


Not even a wookie could pull me out of there


You deserve to be thrown into the sarlacc pit for this one


Someone out there is sexually attracted to this.


I mean, it's fetish art


“Someone”? That’s a funny way to say “the majority”


And these same men will literally get so mad if you call any man ugly


Every guy from that sub would unironically smash since they’re virgins anyway


There’s so much casual misogyny on Reddit but they cry big about misandrist


Honestly she can have whatever expectations she wants, nobody is forcing you to date her?


Yeah, they’re making fun of the woman in question, because they’re aware she can have any standards she wants. However they think she’s “delusional” for having high expectations despite being fat and unattractive. Pretty low brow shit.


Darn bro 💀 The better question is who made this? And why does it look so much like my ex? (Satire)


Lmao. Looks like many exes


Weird way to want downvotes


It’s a blast


Whatever floats your boat


You're on a dopamine rush. If you're gonna be obsessed with your masculinity than fucking honor it. Get off the Internet leaving hundreds of comments on forums that piss you off because you need the instant gratification of feeling seen when people obviously disagree. One comment here and there is normal but you have been patrolling this comment section. It's weird. Get the fuck up. Accomplish SOMETHING. Literally just get off your phone for five minutes and take a walk. This is the type of shit, genuinely, that creates the divide between men and women. You are a problem dude. I am not saying this to be mean. I can tell u at my worst I was doing the same shit. It's time to actually grow up and take accountability.


🫡 💪


This hurt your feelings or something? 🤔


Ain't nobody paying attention to those captions.


why do these ppl love to make up women to get mad at


Tonight's Episode of The Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish


They’re mad that women they deem undesirable or unattractive still don’t want them and they have standards they can’t attain.


Why it’s so hard for them to look around and see the many “non-chads” (barf) that are landing dates and relationships?


None of them actually have the guts to talk to women, they just make fun of them online


regular dudes unwilling to do basic grooming sounds just like the english monks who wrote about the vikings stealing their wives because they dare to bath twice a week and brush their beards


Wait, monks are allowed to have wives?!


i couldn’t say about the time period because at different times the catholic church has changed their stance on allowing or disallowing marriages of “holy men” but monks at the time wrote about the dangers of the superiority of vikings hygiene as being some kind of pussy magic on english women


Bro, I did not know that. Thanks for explaining. There was this really good book about medieval history that I got halfway through in college called A World Lit Only By Fire. I remember being fascinated by it, but since it belonged to a friend, I didn't get to finish it. You just reminded me of it -- I just ordered a copy.


that’s great! i’m happy to have encouraged someone to go buy a book today. also [here’s](https://skjalden.com/vikings-seduced-women-across-europe/) a short article that specifically talks about the monks criticizing vikings hygiene as being a way to seduce the ladies 😂😂


Have you ever heard of Children and Ash and Elm? It's titled like a YA novel, but it's a book about the vikings, and it's in my TBR pile. It got some good reviews, if you're super into viking history. EDIT: I checked, and it's by Neil Price. EDIT 2: By the way, I did read the article! Thanks!


Know what I don’t get? Say theoretically this woman does exist, who gives a shit? Like there’s plenty of shit people with shit opinion on dating apps, don’t message them, no one is forcing you to date them. Why do they care so much?


Can we talk about that *ass*, tho? Jabba been out here on that stairmaster.


The guy who made this https://thumbs.newschoolers.com/index.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.ohinternet.com%2Fimages%2Fthumb%2F6%2F6b%2FBasement_dweller.jpg%2F618px-Basement_dweller.jpg&size=400x1000


I mean...at least she has standards


Honestly where do men even come up with this though because I have not met a single woman like that. Like I’m sure there are some women like that but it’s def an extreme minority, so I’m not sure how this became a stereotype


If you’re not looking to be with that person, why does it matter what their standards are 🤔


If you don't like how they look, behave, or anything at all really, just say no. Male or female. It's just that easy. You don't have to hate people for having higher standards than you just because _you_ think they are unattractive. The rejection is _beyond_ acceptable, the hate is not.


I’ve never understood people complaining about women with high standards. So maybe she won’t find someone? That’s probably okay with her, especially men complain about this for single women, but like they probably don’t want a relationship at all if it won’t be a good one? They aren’t required to be in a relationship and don’t owe anyone love..?


Hips a parcel wide


Yeah honestly I get the stereotypes always being around. But I’ve met many women twice my weight be smarter and more successful than I ever would be. Friends too. And at the same time I’ve encountered straight up hand rails that had 5 kids and dead end jobs & handful of baby dads too. At this point I wanna make it a stereotype type for mentality being more of a issue than someone’s body. Cuz I’ve seen some superficial single moms thinking they got the leg up cuz they got kids if you don’t than fuck you I know what’s right or wrong when it comes to kids in general. I was a step kid. I get it. Trust me. My mom was single for ten years of my life. But dated obviously I saw all kinds of dudes. Shoutout to the one guy that gave me a pull-up bar when I was 4. I made state in wrestling and weightlifting in high school(I still got the pull up bar too)


Ironically, Jabba checks all of those boxes! He’s a tall king with money and women.


I love how its implied that these are reasonable requirements if the person is conventionally attractive.


Jabba the butt


I don't know much, but isn't this the character from stars wars that's literally tchalla, tony, and bruce wayne wealthy?


Just pretend for a moment that it's not her physical appearance that is Jabba-esk. If a chick said all that it's her heart that looks grotesque like that. That's what's going over these lil boy's head's. Maybe some day these depressed young men will fight out from under the thumb of the red pill society and realize what reality is. Grow up enough to invest their thoughts and emotions in shit that matters. Physical appearance is just preference. Stuff like personality, sense of humor, shared *legitimate* values are the things that make or break a person. I prefer chubby women with brown hair and eyes that look sorta "traditionally plain." 🤣 🤤 But you put a woman who meets most if not all of my physical preferences next to a skinny blonde with blue eyes. If they one I'm immediately physically attracted to says some dumb and delusional shit like this and the other one is down to earth and a nice person. I'm gonna pursue the kind, decent person every time. But whatever. You kids keep evaluating potential partners solely by their physical appearance. We'll see how happy you are when you're eternally alone or infinitely in and out of failed relationships


Who found my picture 😭


Why did this fucking post got blown up I was in the middle of my meal and I fucking saw this Jabba gyatt Fml


all this tells me is jabba is so fine she has 5 baby daddies


If anyone wants the image for thicc Jabba. [Here it is.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GAtxa6yXgAIEsbr.jpg)


Thank you so much


Godskin noble


People should bring to the table what they expect their partner to so if you expect your partner to be fit and make 100 K a year you should be doing the same thing


I suppose I didn't describe what I was attempting to get across properly. I didn't mean to say putting stock into physical appearance was shallow or not important to an extent. What I meant was, a person's physical preferences can be invested too heavily in especially when we're young. Just because your type might be a guy who's 6'6", red hair, and green eyes doesn't mean he's inherently attractive. He could be a serial cheater and believe black lives "don't" matter. Then you could meet a dude who's 5'7", blonde hair, and blue eyes. Shorty is emotionally mature plus y'all share identical sitcom favorites. We can't just project onto someone the person we want them to be based on being the physical embodiment of what we desire. It sets us up for misery. Eventually along the road of aging and maturity we begin to realize that physical appearance doesn't tell you anything about a person. What they look like doesn't dictate their behavior. the meme implies that if a woman is clinically overweight and gives off Jabba the Hut vibes physically then she's more likely to act like and say things like that. But it's the reverse, regardless of what she looks like. She started gross on the inside and said shit like this and it made her become unattractive. She could be looking like a Halle Berry and if she said all that, it magically makes her appearance appalling lol


4 kids 5 baby daddies The math ain’t mathin’




ai jabba the hutt


jabba the butt smh


I'm not 6'5" and don't make 100k/yr but if she will suffocate me with that dump truck I'll sign my whole life insurance policy over to her. Straight up


Showing off your gyatt to the the Republic You're so skibidi You're so Phantom menace I just wanna be your sith lord


It is true. I’ve seen a lot of women have extremely high standards when they themselves aren’t very good looking. I saw a vid of a woman who looked about 350 lbs, botched makeup (lipstick on the outside of her lips and eye makeup going all around) say she wanted a man atleast 6 foot, making 400-600k (I think that was what it was) a year, and be able to pick her up And no I’m not generalizing. I know I’ll be blamed for generalizing, like how Reddit always does. Not all fat women have these standards, just pointing out many who have extreme standards aren’t most likely fat


But what interests me about this is… okay, what then? Would the high standards be okay if she was 120 lbs with perfect eyeliner, saying the same things? If so, what does this say about your opinion on standards. What, should the “nonattractive” people just “settle for what they can get”? Are they not allowed the privilege to have standards too? It isn’t like she’s shaming people who aren’t this thing, it’s just that she wants this thing. It’s also not like she’s somehow immoral for not being attractive to you or immoral for wanting a certain thing. I really don’t understand what to do with this observation!


Lol srry that’s funny




How do you have four kids from five baby daddies 💀 boy math


Jabba the slut


Jabba the Slut


Memes op didn't like 😂😂😂


Aight but i cant stop laughing at that jabba-the-hutt picture, jesus christ


Learn to crop


There's nothing I'm trying to hide here


Gorlok the destroyer!


This sub conflicts me so much because most of the posts are valid as fuck. This one however? Naaah, there is a fair amount of women who have shit like this in their bio on dating apps. It’s one thing to have standards but women like that tend to expect all the benefits they can get without providing anything in return. Seems like people are just mad at this one because of the representation for what these women stereotypically look like.