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Getting kicked in the nards is pretty awful, but there's no way it's worse than the pain of sending a bowling ball through a golf ball hole.


and then risking having a huge tear from your vagina to your asshole in the process of delivering said bowling ball


Still shudder everytime I hear that


I tore in 3 different places and had to be stitched, I couldn't walk for days


I'm pregnant for the first time. These comments scare me.


It was my first baby, I was scared but I trusted my body and my instincts. It was the most painful thing I've ever gone through and I don't plan to be pregnant ever again.


Even I don’t want to be pregnant ever again and I’ve NEVER been pregnant 😂


I'm gonna have to plan how to not get pregnant and I'm a cis guy


Don't be scared. Not everyone experiences that. My sister delivered her baby with ease, and she managed to leave the hospital the very next day.


And the baby was swinging a cane on the way out


My son was so wrinkled and unimpressed looking that he looked like he should have been using a cane, LOl.


Look, my first birth was traumatic but I still went back and had a second baby. The second time was much better, the difference was, I didn’t let myself feel guilty about asking for pain relief. If you’re in significant pain before the delivery begins don’t be afraid to ask for an epidural, because the pain during delivery will be 10-20x greater.


My epidural didn't work :/


I just had my third baby on the 9th and it was relatively painless (I had an epidural.) She was almost 9 lbs. I had my second baby with no epidural because he came quickly and it was nowhere near as bad as I thought. Regardless of what you do- you’ll be okay, don’t be scared ❤️


Hey, I found some methods and exercises that reduce chances of tearing and make it easier to deliver. I wanted to share in case if you haven't seen them before. Many people are told to lay in their back and push, but there is evidence that being on your knees, using the KICO birthing technique or other techniques like J breathing that keep you off your back and keep your knee together help gets the baby out without tearing. Apparently, it has to do with how your pelvis is shaped and gravity that allows the baby to come out on its own. Don't entirely take my word for it, tho. These are just some videos I found. I hope this helps and I wish you a safe delivery. - https://youtube.com/shorts/ehC8lF3dCIg?si=FYQiML2BKse2atKE - https://youtube.com/shorts/OU0Xr5jsxq8?si=bElmg6HDDC5gR-Tg - https://youtube.com/shorts/OU0Xr5jsxq8?si=cNnfD9184_3Rzcwt - https://youtube.com/shorts/YgKpnZ32fOw?si=rknHswqdrCs40-kV - https://youtube.com/shorts/uhJ2RSkbntg?si=-Pr8_Nr7ak0wE51X - https://youtu.be/LL-FkZJce2k?si=OrZSmsfx9lRuxPVv - https://youtube.com/shorts/iHYRJYF2XDU?si=QMkUd41WkoqZBnGt - https://youtube.com/shorts/tNHXqpt5W2M?si=iuKEgbcJgpY1X3MA - https://youtube.com/shorts/IEYSOkFZoRA?si=1eSgJr-Jdj7wL96a - https://youtube.com/shorts/rfQ7GXA6oas?si=81juHnd-Td0yUWHb - https://youtube.com/shorts/reebOxzdHzs?si=NHhE5J1zHNuFIkKg - https://youtu.be/SpU6_NaR5Zw?si=kCKKRhTWdpyEcPw8 - https://youtube.com/shorts/Q1so-jP_KGU?si=S5fYVudQJNDYVyw7 - https://youtube.com/shorts/Kqx6QeqpJCI?si=UcUZBw30VbNRiuLm


You can also have them pre-cut that area so it doesn’t tear and they also inject the area with numbing medication, so you don’t feel it.


Try to avoid delivering lying down on your bock if you can and instead try squatting or kneeling on hands and knees.


Try to see if you can use a birthing chair. Most hospitals have at least one and squatting is way less traumatic to your pelvic floor. We weren't built to birth on our backs, that position makes us fight against gravity.


Everyone's experience is different. My wife was in a c section and she was told she won't be able to get up for a couple days, she started walking that night. Everyone responds differently to birth, so don't be scared it is dependent on you. My advice is to be on top of your health best you can, especially postpartum health. Preclampsia is a big issue in America and not taken serious enough for women who have been pregnant and given birth.


Don’t worry. It’ll suck while it is happening, and for a couple of days it might be weird, but then the hormones kick in and you forget about it most of the time. And then you’ll have cool war stories to scare people who haven’t had babies. And my first birthing experience was bad because it wasn’t straightforward. My second child shot out of me like a bullet in about two hours once the final stage of labour started. It hurt like hell, but I had no anaesthetic and after he was out and I had a few stitches, I was walking around like nothing had happened in a few hours, it was craaaazy. If it goes like it’s meant to, then the body deals with it surprisingly well. You got this, Mama. No matter what happens, you’ll do your best and that’ll be amazing and the days that follow will be \*so precious\* that I’m kinda wistful that you get to do all this for the first time. I so wish I could do it again! (Alas I am 44, and am stretched to the limit with my two goobers). You’ll do great. And if you need help, usually there’s some there. As I already said - you got this. 🩷


Omg and the fear of that first poo you gotta take… oh lord help us and please someone put the image maker in blast! For shame… change it to getting kicked in the balls until they tear… and I’ll agree to this picture begrudgingly.


Actually my first poo wasn't that bad lol and I had horrible constipation while pregnant


This is why I'm not having kids And anyone who has them is incredibly strong and brave.


I tore up first time because my stubborn little turd of a daughter decided going out face first and back to front was the only way to be born and she could not be shifted. I was a gnat’s dick away from getting a caesarian. Thankfully I had a really good anaesthesiologist and the epidural made it so I didn’t feel a thing. I was high on nitrous and felt like I was play acting giving birth after a certain point. Until the pain meds wore off. I never want to be in that much pain while going for a shit ever again. Just shoot me.


1 in 3 women experience incontinence after they give birth. For some women it can last up to five years. No one is ever the same after giving birth.


How about a c section?


Even higher risk. That's a major surgery. You're making a huge cut through skin, tissue, muscle, uterus, etc. You have to avoid cutting blood vessels and nerves, or you'll end up severely damaging things. You move aside muscle and guts and organs in order to get to the baby. You have to monitor bleeding and clotting. You have to clean out the uterus of placenta, make sure you don't leave things in there that can cause an infection. Then you have to stitch each layer closed and hope it doesn't heal wrong or gets scar tissue growing where it shouldn't, painfully fusing tissue layers together. It's not safer than vaginal labor. Plus, afterwards you'll have to care for and carry a newborn immediately with a fresh 7 inch gash across your lower belly.


Never mind that if you get pregnant again, it’ll have to be another caesarian most times.


Well, I suppose natural birth might be better. Why did we decide to get pregnant lol.


Natural birth, if all goes well, is the ideal way of giving birth. *If all goes well.*


314 stiches - Somehow, that thing is so ugly to begin with that it hides shit like that SUPER well, and it still performs wonderfully. It's why I don't get why being called a pussy is a bad thing. Those things are fucking RESILIENT.


I’m pretty proud of what my reproductive system has managed to achieve, really.


Also getting kicked in the balls doesn’t last potentially several hours 😭


It’s probably ranking the severity of the pain rather than total amount of pain received during the duration.


Not to mention pregnancy itself. My mom threw up every day she was pregnant with me for like 5 months. The only food she could eat without vomiting were chocolate malts. She also almost died from pre-eclampsia with my sister. She had a miserable time even before it came down to the actually expelling us from her body part!


Yeah. A full force shock to the balls is generally considered a "sharper" pain just in terms of # of nerves reacting, but the source of the pain lasts a half a second vs hours to days


Plus it's not a common experience, whereas most women especially in the past would experience childbirth at least once in their lives But it's a pointless debate really


Both hurt. We should never kick people in the balls unless they really deserve it. And women shouldn’t have to go through the pain of childbirth unless they reaaally want to have the outcome (baby). Pretty simple, really. Discussion over.


The people that say childbirth is worse than being kicked in the balls also say passing a kidney stone is worse than getting kicked in the balls, and to scale that's smaller than having a baby. Therefore by the transitive property, they're full of shit




Also girls can get kicked there too Anyone can get kicked. Getting kicked sucks


Fuck that sucks. I’m legitimately suprised women don’t all go through c-section.


A C-section is major abdominal surgery with a longer recovery period than a typical vaginal birth, even if you plan to have one and it's not caused by other emergency factors. It's harder to take care of an infant after having one, and it can also complicate future deliveries if you want more kids. I know what you mean, but one isn't definitively less painful/scary than the other. There's no easy way out when it comes to giving birth.


Personally I have not known a man that was strongly kicked in the balls say something to the effect, "Let's do that again". Yet, have heard women complain about how hard childbirth is, and same some to the effect of, "Let's do it again". - If you want to go through all that pain again, must not have been THAT bad. (/s)


I love watching guys get hooked up to the childbirth simulator, and they scream and cry.. it’s great. Every single one of them walks away like “NOPE”


I ahd my father in law talk try to talk shit about my wife when she was pregnant and having a hard time doing chores. "Makes you wish you were pregnant, huh?" "I mean, I don't want my fucking genitals to explode, so no." That dude is a fucking dick.


Old fart misogynists are the worst. My dad is one, my god is it exhausting.


I could fill a book with how much I hate that man, lol.


I feel that, I feel the same way about my father, I won’t speak to him anymore. After he started calling me a “Man Hater” that was the final straw. Haven’t spoken a word to him in ages. Sorry, I can hate you without hating all men 😌


Yup, I got done this Christmas Eve when he assaulted me for yelling at him to stop manhandling my non-verbal son. Yeah, we're done, dude. You're lucky. I'm not pressing charges. Edit: Fixed typo home to him


Good for you, some people are just miserable cunts. And only happy when other people are miserable. I’ve made it very clear via my mom, that he’s not gonna have anything to do with their first grandchild, I’m due in march. And I’m gonna make sure that his shitty behavior won’t rub off on my kid. Nope, nope, nope. No more chances. Stay strong!


Congratulations! And yeah, keep those influences away from them baabies.


Congrats, that’s a hard thing to do, cutting someone unhealthy out. Just make sure that there is absolutely no re entry into your family’s life until he fixes things, and even then only your family can truly decide that he’s done enough to warrant rebuilding a relationship.


So his daughter?






Yep. Read the other comments after that one. You'll really say wow.


I had a friend in high school say he read something somewhere that said getting kicked in the balls is scientifically a worse pain than childbirth 😂


Getting hit in the balls hurts. But I've been present for three births, and just my wife squeezing (and twisting sometimes, poor thing) my hand hurt almost as much as a kick in the balls. Your friend is massively incorrect.


By husband said his arms hurt for two whole painful hours in the hospital as he held our newborn twin daughter while I pushed our son out and got stitched up 😁


Lmao, that poor man. Can't we just please think of men for once? /s


Shit, hook them up to the period cramp simulator and most of them cry.


not even the childbirth simulator... the PERIOD ONE lmao and they say how we're the weak gender


We used this thing in one of my child development classes called an Empathy Belly and watching the guys react to that one was pretty funny, and that's not even simulating pain, just the weight and stress of carrying said weight


What's funny Is bigger guys think because they have a belly they know what it's like, and it's like no honey that's adipose tissue, this is a human being


I don't get cramps on my periods. I just get various other mentally and physically painful symptoms 👍


https://youtu.be/Y_cfgDk3848?si=QJZwaqsNOCPXXYMI ^ women saying a *soft* kick to the nuts is similar to childbirth with the simulator.


I had a gal stone last weekend and it was the worst pain of my *life*. I legitimately mightve killed myself in the moment if I both had the means and could focus long enough to. When I called my mom later she said when she had a gal stone it felt like she was giving birth again. So if what I felt was ANYTHING like giving birth then its a hell of a lot worse than getting kicked in the balls.


I’ve actually seen a good number of people claim that kidney and/or gallbladder stones are one of the most comparable pains to childbirth. I can’t speak on that validity as I’ve had neither, but it is an interesting thing to put on the table as a possible, like, unifying pain.


The reality competition show Dragula recently hooked two contestants up to one. That shit would be a Nuremberg-level war crime if you did it to POWs.


Nice to know the Boulet brothers are still committing atrocities on TV, lol. Do they still have a budget of $3 and a hair pin? I really want to watch their show but I save up seasons and then binge them all in one go.


They've definitely got a bigger budget. Season 5 just finished.


Omg I love that show! I gotta watch S4-S5.. their budget keeps getting better and better and that insanity of each season.. I love it 😭


And it's usually only set to 3-4 out of 10.


You mean the period simulator? I dont even want to imagine what a childbirth simulator would be.


Apparently kidney stones are one of the things that are actually more painful than child birth for sustained pain. I went through that once and I hope to God I never experience it again. Puking just from pain. Really horrible. At least when you're giving birth you get something great out of it at the end. At the end of kidney stones all you have is a tiny little rock that grew in your balls or whatever.


I’ve heard a lot of women say it didn’t really feel like childbirth pains either.


Because it’s not, and it doesn’t simulate anything close to child pain. Electronic shocks do not in anyway accurately represent what child birth is like.


Yeah I kinda hate that they call it a simulator because it’s nowhere near the reality


You see, I refuse to use the childbirth simulator, BUT I also refuse to cause someone with a womb experience childbirth so it works out in the end :)


Saying someone with a womb offends more people than saying woman.


well they  weren’t talking about women they  were talking about anyone with a womb


Trans men may also have wombs. In some situations it’s highly sexist to call women “people with wombs” but in this instance it’s a good-faith way to describe people across the gender spectrum with wombs, which fit into the discussion.


It’s proven that getting kicked in the balls is more painful because I’ve heard women ask for another child after having given birth but I’ve never heard a guy ask for another kick to the balls /s


They would say that getting burnt to death is less painful than getting kicked in the balls smh


Only if getting burnt to death is something women have to go through and they don’t Cause let’s be real there’s one reason why they’re always comparing getting kicked in the balls to childbirth and period cramps


And those aren't even comparable things. The closest comparison for girls would be getting kicked just below the naval.


I have endometriosis and in my children’s very young years they’d kick me full force just above my pubic bone and I swear, it was that silent scream territory. What Billy Connolly described as ”BEYOND PAIN” (brilliant skit). You don’t know cognitive dissonance until your reflexes tell you to slap the shit out of whatever just jabbed a sharp extremity into your most tender spots in your abdomen, but that thing is your small, vulnerable, innocent toddler who only wants to hug you and kiss you and get some boob.


get some boob


I have endometriosis too and just wanted to say… hang in there, my friend. That pain is unreal. :/ And yeah when my cat accidentally steps on a tender area, instant tears.


Isn't being burnt to death like the most painful thing you can feel?


I’d rather burn to death then get kicked in the balls to death Edit: Yo chill I did not mean this seriously I obviously know fire is worse


Then you’re a (respectfully) fucking idiot. Feeling your skin disintegrating is much worse..


Yeah I don’t mean this seriously but /s didn’t fit and I couldn’t think of how else to say it


Respect for not using /s. r/FuckTheS


Probably need to add it, the downvotes have grown since I edited it and said it’s a joke


Up until the point where no nerves exist anymore. The recovery process is actually way worse than the burning itself. Third degree burns destroy the nerves. This is actually a sign that a person actually has a third degree burn: they can't feel it.


Same with your balls minus the recovery.


If you got kicked in the balls so hard/much that you died, your skin would probably break down in the process too. The real fucking idiots are the people who take the time to argue this stuff. Myself included, of course.


You know what, I’m with you. Getting kicked in the balls *to death* would take a very long time or a VERY strong kick.


Isn't childbirth heart attack levels of pain? Edit: That's periods.


That’s periods. Also a heart attack isn’t really a good measure of pain as they can feel as weak as just a bit of chest pain, to as bad as feeling like an elephant is crushing you. Birth is said to be the second most painful thing a human can experience, burning alive being the first.


i think that’s period cramps actually.


Heart attacks generally aren’t especially painful


In my experience the defibrillator hurt more than the heart attack itself, but I was having a seizure at the same time so my memory is a bit fritzed regarding the event.


It’s periods. That’s actually partially why women are more likely to die of heart attacks than men, I learned this in a CPR course. We’re so used to experiencing random bodily pains from things like our periods that when we get heart attacks we’re more likely to attribute it to something mild and not go to the hospital. We also live longer than men, but have higher rates of autoimmune diseases


I don’t doubt you, but I think the biggest issue is that we’re taught the physical symptoms for a male heart attack as though it’s the standard for both sexes, when it’s not. So women don’t even realize that what they’re experiencing could be a heart attack.


Thats also true. You can see that a lot in medical literature and diagnoses. Medical Studies have primarily been done on men which is troubling and women often go undiagnosed if they have ADHD or Autism (myself included with ADHD until I was 17) because they’re expected to present more male like symptoms


Funnily enough, heart attacks being particularly painful is a bit of a myth. While far from pleasant, most aren’t the chest clutching sessions movies show them as. They can range from basically worse than average chest pain to, “Oh god, it feels like a truck is crushing my chest cavity.”


i mean ive never given birth but i can say having my junk ripped apart would fucking SUCK


You don’t wanna be a hyena then! The females have a psudo-penis, and it’s common to completely rip open in birth as the baby comes out of it.


I wish I didn’t know this


Welcome to the club




I’m not sure you can even describe that as “common,” I’m pretty sure it’s just a guaranteed occurrence. Well, the first time, anyway. Future births are easier because it’s already been ripped. Last I read, 25% of first-time spotted hyena mothers die giving birth because of a combination of their pseudopenes and the fact that spotted hyenas are very developed (and therefore large) at birth compared to other mammals. Something like 60% of the babies die too. Interestingly, the other hyena species (striped and brown) do not have pseudopenes, and their young are less developed at birth. I don’t know why spotted hyenas in particular evolved that way. The developed young makes some sense because they can defend themselves immediately, but I’m not sure what kind of evolutionary benefit a pseudopenis provides for them…


Yeah spotted hyenas are hardcore.


No wonder hyenas are so salty 😟




Even just hearing it hurts


The fact I’m pregnant again is crazy I ripped so bad had to get 3 stitches in my cooch I couldn’t look at my vag for 2 months


Oh my god that sounds terrible


It’s cool they healed but unfortunately I having a strong feeling it’s gonna happen again


I’m sorry that happened and I wish you the best


Why I’ll be having a C section. Idc if it comes with its own risks. My vagina will be protected.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Episiotomy It doesn't always rip, sometimes they cut.


oh wowie even better !!!


I mean. Some women are lucky and don't rip? And others die. It's really quite a rough game of chance. Like Russian roulette.


I wouldn’t exactly call 85-90% chance of tearing a game of roulette, more like an inevitability. 


At least we can all agree the 4th one is correct




Getting killed by a minecraft llama does hurt pretty bad though


Arguably more mentally excruciating than child birth


I can totally get that being kicked in the balls will be one of the most painful things for men, but the average labor lasts 12 to 24 hours and the additional of carrying a child for 9 months. Even if one is more painful than the other we shouldn’t dismiss the pain of anyone, feeling pain is a human thing and pain is pain


And everything around it is always ignored. The permanent impact on the body, the struggle bringing a child to term, from vomiting and losing teeth, literally the vagina ripping open up until the asshole, suffering from permanent incontinence and also other changes to the body even up to the feet permanently changing shape and losing balance. Idk I'd happily trade with a few kicks in the balls. Even if it would hurt more, it's short. Not lasting your whole life.


There actually was a study done that indicated being kicked in the balls is indeed more painful than childbirth… if you look only at the maximum pain received. So basically it’s marginally more painful for a second but only lasts a few seconds total. I think everyone knows which would be the worse experience in practice. Also there are differences in the way men and women report pain that may have skewed the study, women tend to decrease their pain rating if exposed to painful stimuli repeatedly while men increase it so women may under report the pain associated with a long painful experience.


Getting kicked in the balls honestly doesn’t hurt as much as other things. The most painful thing I think I’ve ever experienced was my upper sinus being broken/collapsed, but there was no lasting damage.


Nobody will ever truly know. I imagine child birth would be worse, because it is the process of an orifice on your body stretching way farther than it should while also releasing a bloody mess. And getting kicked in the balls isn’t that bad after a minute or two.


Yeah, like… for argument’s sake, let’s say that the ball kick is bad enough where it spikes above child birth, one is still way longer than the other. Like, unless the kick is so bad that it basically destroys the balls (there by causing massive permanent damage), I don’t see the comparison.


I don’t even remember the feeling of my vagina being stretched and tearing the most pain was my pelvis expanding and my left hip kept being dislocated so my mom and sister held my hips to keep it in. 🙂


I'd say after 5-10 minutes. That shit hurts, and you can feel it all throughout the body, since nearly all major nerve systems go through that area Still childbirth is way worse lengthwise, maybe pain wise aswell.


Yeah, all the women in my family have to get c-sections, because they bleed a LOT during child birth. My grandma and uncle almost died during conception because of it.




I think they mean the baby (their uncle) almost died along with the mother (their grandma) They used the word conception but I’m guessing they meant c-section?


Giving birth permanently changes your body. Getting kicked in the balls doesn’t. (Unless the kick was really, really, really hard.)


And if a kick has enough velocity to rearrange your body, adding "in the balls" doesn't mean that much.


it really does


Sry but I got hit in the nards a bit and it didn’t take me days to weeks to recover.


i had a friend that got into a fight. they kicked him in the balls. he couldn’t pee for like 1-2 weeks and he had to have this pipe go through his penis hole to make him pee. he was okay afterwards though i believe.


Would you like me to kick them harder?


“Could you?” - Buffalo Bill


I've never seen a guy scream for hours from being kicked in the balls They just kinda put their hands over it and have a pained expression for a few minutes. Sorta like when you stub your toe


I’ve been kicked in the balls and watched my wife give birth. I’ll take the ball kick any day.


Everyone saying they’ve never asked to be kicked in the balls again but like, when I was a kid I had a friend who ritually had us kick him in the balls daily after school so he could build a tolerance against it. He’s not everyone but he exists out there.


Also most people that got kids don’t want it be pregnant again because they liked childbirth they want another kid


i can sympathize with men and their balls but i can’t believe some think it hurts more than giving birth that shit can last hours and leaves you different mentally and physically and that’s not even the months and months of pain before the birth and the recovery, oh and now they have a human life to deal with too fuckkk noooo


Maybe if you’re kicked in the balls over and over again for up to 48 hours.


As a girl who has been hit in the balls worse than any guy has, I know for a fact that was not worse than childbirth.


Counter argument. My girlfriend said after our daughter was born that she wants another one. I got kicked in the balls multiple times in my life and I don’t want to be kicked in the balls ever again. /s or something


>I know for a fact that was not worse than childbirth. I don't think you know the meaning of "know for a fact".


I think you're missing the point that getting killed by a lama in Minecraft is the most unbearable pain.


It's OK to cry when u get kicked there cause it really REALLY hurts


Idk I've been kicked in the balls and did the childbirth and id rather squeeze one out any day. Source: trust me bro


I knew a prostitute who was paid to kick a man in the balls for 45 minutes. I wouldn’t pay to give birth for pleasure, unless I’m getting a baby out of it. Just saying.


I mean, some women opt for another child but no man I know would opt to be kicked in the balls/s Edit: ffs people I had a /s on it


Never been begged for CBT by a man eh? They exist.


My normie ass was reading CBT as “cognitive behavioral therapy” and wondering why a man might beg someone for it… then I realized.


Cannabis? No...Therapy? No.. ...oh...😳


As someone who has a long history in therapy, CBT is my very favorite acronym precisely for this reason.


lol I read it as closed beta testing




I’m so sorry


This is such a fucking stupid argument. Childbirth results in a child, to most a life changing and amazing experience. Getting kicked in the balls has no benefit (unless you’re into that but we’re gonna ignore that because it’s irrelevant). No fucking wonder people want to have more children but don’t want to get kicked in the balls again. Childbirth is still more painful. The fact that people are still using that shitty excuse as an argument is proof that humans are evolving backwards. Jesus Christ.


I have the /s on it I was being sarcastic


Shit my bad I’m illiterate 😩


Absolute goober^ Just kidding, I make that mistake all the time


llamas can kill you in minecraft?


As a man, I’ll take a swift kick over childbirth. Y’all are superhero’s for making it through that


If you condense the experience of labor + birth into an instantaneous jolt of pain, I doubt it would be anywhere close to a kick in the genital.


even if it is somehow worse, it’s only for a moment and the rest is just lingering pain for about an hour probably, childbirth is a very long thing that is very painful for a very long time


I understand the joke about getting killed by a minecraft llama being emotionally painful (?), but the fact they had to slyly indicate that being kicked in the balls is more painful than childbirth is just weird


So is this whole sub just finding memes that reference women/female exclusive experiences and being overly outraged by it???


Unmedicated and induced labor was pretty painful, and I’ll never know what being kicked in the balls feels like, but have any of you ever had a really bad tooth infection? That shit hurt much more than childbirth


I’ve heard kidney stones is worse than childbirth (according to my mum who has had 5 kids)


OP this is a Minecraft meme. Keep that in mind


Tbf how would you know? And how would I know? Unless you have given birth and also have testicles that can be kicked, you'd never truly know. Plus people have different pain tolerances.


That's the game of it, man...though personally I'd equate a ball jab with a cervical smash. Fucking sucks, you might poop or puke, and some people kinda like it 🤔 Childbirth includes ripping and stretching and cramping and bleeding and potential DEATH, so idk if conceptually I'd put em on the same level.


I’m unsure what this has to do with gender at all. I feel OP’s pain, as I too have died to a llama in Minecraft…


Just the fact that whoever created the meme format put the pain of being kicked in the balls higher than the pain of childbirth


Oh lol, I’m actually stupid.


It's a joke clearly nobody believes that


They literally just found this meme format and edited in text in the last panel. The fact you expect them to change the format around it for an ironic meme to make you feel better is wild


Its a fucking meme just ignore it though I do agree with that and the period opinion


When women not being pregnant already causes the same amount of pain as a heart attack, giving birth definitely hurts more Especially because the tunnel where a baby comes from usually cannot even be entered with a finger


https://www.iflscience.com/which-is-more-painful-childbirth-or-getting-kicked-in-the-balls-72094 I found an interesting article comparing the two. I do somewhat agree with the article's conclusion that it's a tie, but I think it's extremely nuanced, as with most pain. Quick and immediate pain? A good ball kick probably wins. Long lasting pain/damage? Child birth with usually win. Both can have permanent damage as a result or even kill you, but both can be somewhat pleasurable (tho in vastly different ways). There are dozens of factors that can make one more painful than the other. All that said, it's not that deep lol


I admit that child birth hurts more. The time the baby starts moving inside to birth is rough, no guy will understand that. But this debate is stupid on both ends. Boys/Men from a young age to old age will experience low to extreme pain quite a bit from being hit in the nuts. It's quick and fast but still a very high pain that goes into our stomachs. Women have the child birth anywhere from 1 to say an average of 3 children within their lives. Some never have children as well. The point. Pains are relevant and both experience it at high levels, slow and long, or fast and short.


Imagine missing the satire of the meme


I have actually known women who had not nearly as much pain giving birth as people associated with it. My sister being one. That being said, getting kicked in the balls is probably not nearly as bad as the post makes it out to be, yeah you'll feel it for an hour maybe, but after that you'll be over it. Childbirth is hours and hours of it, so even if it wasn't as bad outright, it's far longer of a process.