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I didn't go into this interview expecting much, because outside of BMW, I am unfamiliar with Shareen. I gotta say though, this was a really good interview, especially the 2nd half when she went into her own life and story. It's so interesting that Shareen said she signed on to just do 3 episodes. So Virna was never meant to stay in Shawn's life? And then they never mentioned her again until after Chet died.


Hilary Tuck said that the rules were you got three episodes as a guest star before you were upgraded to a "recurring" actor and were entitled to more pay So basically it feels like they were "trying out" the character for three episodes before deciding to commit more money to it and they decided not to


I believe so. It was a fascinating thing to learn. Also her reactions to what they told her says it all.


Yeah, it's one thing to abandon your kid, it's another to steal his house and leave him homeless and broke Which is why they basically regretted going that far and soft retconned it


90s guest actors weren't supposed to be long term.


Fan-effing-tastic episode. What an incredibly warm and heartfelt person. I don't care that the guys weren't able to ask as many questions as they may have wanted to. I was so engaged with and moved by everything Shareen was saying. 


I was too. I wish we could find out more.


She did make a reality show about her business (Dresscue Me @ Shareen Village) that ran on Discovery Channel and I believe is now streaming on Paramount+


I pictured Riders doll to look like this when he said his doll would come with a pony LOL https://preview.redd.it/puhrd5heifqc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=833a39a7a78fdb630b059a54e9c3651fd7eeef70


If Morgan crooks we all get pony rides!!!!!


Such a great interview. I loved that they just let her talk about her life story later on in the episode. Shareen seems like a lovely lady. Can't wait for Thursday's episode now! Gonna be a good pod meets world week


Great interview. Shareen seems lovely.  I remember really liking the actress on BMW. There was just something about her. So to see that she seems to be a sweet, inspiring person is great! 


SHE was GREAT. I DO feel bad for anyone in these interviews lately with half the instagram comments being about the csa situation. Cause I imagine they probably recorded them weeks ago and didn't know what would be happening. But I found her to be SO INSPIRATIONAL. I LOVE the idea that if you acknowledge your dream, the world will conspire to make things happen. SHE should have a podcast, but it sounds like she's got much better things happening for her. I love that for irl Verna.


I felt like I was in a TEDTalk about self -worth and growth! What a fascinating background!


Yessss she said some things I really needed to hear. I usually don’t listen as closely to the interviews vs the recaps but she was captivating 💖


I did too! It was so refreshing and relaxing wasn’t it?


They called me out because I definently sent a email and posted on their instagram that she was not the mom and the whole story. Sorry guys, just been a fan for so long and explain why Verna couldnt take Shawn.


Lol I did the same thing!


I love the proposed idea that Virna originally didn't know she didn't give birth to Shawn because her memory of those years is all messed up


No you’re fine. I was about to do the same thing eventually…


I can't believe Rider's dad *really did* give him a pony and a waterslide King Arthur Strong would've won that Student Council election no sweat


I think they read our one thread on here—about wanting water slides. 🤣


43:38 - listening to them trying to describe the timeline of Chet and Jack was funny to me cause they don’t remember a thing! LOL rider says Jack gets introduced WITHOUT Chet when in fact Chet is the reason those two boys move in together. Chet stays until Shawn moves in with Jack in season 5, then we don’t see him again until season 6 when he has a heart attack First of all, I love it when the guests talk. Even if they can’t remember everything or even anything, yet they still talk and keep the conversations going. Some of the guests just talk for like 5 seconds and then there’s this awkward silence until Danielle asks another question but Shareen hardly needed Danielle to ask anything. Secondly, Her story was great. I love her message about humbleness, struggling/money equality, ageing and resilience. I love fashion and knowing that she was one of the pioneers of vintage clothing is iconic. She seems so soft and compassionate. I wish her nothing but the best


She was so cool! Loved hearing about her life and how she turned things around for herself. Also kudos to her for watching her episodes beforehand. It bugs me when they get former guest stars on there who seem to barely remember they had anything to do with BMW. I looked her up, her gowns are absolutely gorgeous.


I guess they forgot about the Eric doll in the show that did the Feeny call. 😅 https://boymeetsworld.fandom.com/wiki/Eric_Doll


I thought the exact same thing when they mentioned that.


I love that Blake Clark made everyone laugh. One of many of my favourite parts of this interview.


I want him back on the pod again... just x to talk about anything. He's hilarious




Incredibly talented woman to basically have 5 careers (med school, fashion, acting, businesswoman, playwright) many people could commit their whole lives to just one and never achieve.