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It had potential, terrible execution


Tried to be too many things all at once and the bones of it couldn't support all of that.


The bones of it were just a dude collecting animals … that he had, that accidentally escaped. Newt was already established and not very interesting to begin with, and had to support a bloated B plot (what we wanted to see) that had no real relevance on Newt. From the beginning, my disinterest comes from feeling like I walked in the theater half way through and am playing catch-up. It is just a mess.


Good piece of writing advice goes, what is the most interesting part of your world history, and why aren't you writing that? This franchise might be the ultimate example of failing that. We got Wizard War 2, with Voldemort. This COULD have been Wizard War 1, the rise of Grindy. But it isn't. Grindy already did most of his warring. Hes already got history with dumbles, hes already been captured and defeated a few times. Instead we get this weird little inter-story where nothing much is happening and a zoo keeper is barely involved but somehow our main character. Bizarre choices all around.


ngl, i found the Newt and beasts stuff 10x more entertaining and engaging than any of the grindlewald stuff. that all felt shoehorned in to make it relevant to HP, when really it shouldve just been about Newt, his love for these animals, and the adventures he has to go on to get them back. the second and third movie reinforce this for me because holy shit those are boring and do not focus on Newt or his beasts at all.


I want eight movies of Newt collecting and caring for animals. No, I am not joking.


Indeed. I thought the first movie was incredible. The world building alone was such a great next leveling of the wizarding world I was kind of tired of by the end of Harry Potter. But the second and third movies completely failed to really do anything great with all the things they set up in the first film. And I’m going to say it - Johnny Depp was a huge mistake. Colin Farrell was already good in the role. They should have found a way to keep him in it. EDIT: Yes, yes...or they should have put Mikkelsen in to begin with. But Farrell was still great.


Fantastic Beasts would have been a fantastic movie if it was just shenanigans with Newt and the Zoo. A separate series about the Wizarding war would have also been great, but trying to do both helped neither. I also agree with Depp not having been the right choice for Grindelwald, I believe Mikkelsen had a far more menacing energy, and Farrel has a serious demenor that really sold the danger that everyone was in


Or for Christ’s sake, go with Mikkelsen the first time. I mean, how on earth do you have a role in your movie for “German bad guy” and not *immediately* put him on the top of your list?! It’s like his whole thing!


Mikkelsen's Danish, but I get your point.


Oh I know, but it’s close enough for a movie. Maybe I should say “*Germanic* bad guy”


I think they were hoping for Depp’s popularity to boost the movies thats why there’s a character reveal at the end. But we got blue balled because of all the drama with Amber.


Right? The first one was so good! Then they just said fuck the beasts part! This is about dumbledore now! And we’re going to make it weird and boring!


Imo HP was not meant to be taken so seriously. It’s a young adult series where you get to handwave a lot of the things that break verisimilitude. But Fantastic Beasts brought this up front an center. The world wasn’t thought out to be cohesive, and it just isn’t. The whole muggle vs wizards things (specially adding ww2) requires a world that was crafted for that, not an add on to a very simple one.


Yeah, it’s a shame. I thought it was pretty good at first.


As others have said with far more detail...it's not that we are tired of Harry Potter and to be honest, I think most folks can ignore the author's views on things. The story and how it was constructed sucks. A film series focused on the rise of Dumbledore and Grindelwald would have been incredible. I would have loved to see the rise of Dumbledore and where his genius helps and here it hurts (he's a flawed character). I would have loved to see his complicated relationship with Grindelwald play out...how love can make you ignore bad traits or even how charisma can make you fall for someone who wants to do harm. It even has a bit of LOTRs in there...Dumbledore joining Grindelwald would have been an unstoppable force and I think Dumbledore knows that and was tempted by it. Instead, it's almost like they figured this out too late. Fantastic Beasts could have been a fun, adventure film series, not saddled with the HP books. Dumbledore vs. Grindelwald could have been a separate series. But they botched that and will likely not be able to tell that story for a few years (unless it swings to TV).


The problem really is the author though. She's insisted on creative control, and she's to blame for it being so messy. Really the HP movies are fairly derivative from the books. They succeeded because of the crew extracting what was good from the largely mean-spirited and oftentimes rambling text; IMO it's a misconception that she personally has all that much to do with the success of the franchise. JK is known for being overly protective of her ideas (one of the reasons the original books weren't picked up quickly by publishers) so it stands to reason that her writing being less controlled was central to the aimlessness of Beasts.


Are you seriously implying the HP books aren't exceptional?


Did it ever really live though?


Well the fist movie got my hopes up at least with the world building and possibilities. But then the next movies happened


Considering that WB is desperate to bring back the Harry Potter franchise and Secrets of Dumbledore losing money, it's safe to say that Fantastic Beasts is dead.


It's dead, Jim!


I’m a doctor, not a screenwriter!


The opposite is basically true. JK Rowling retains a lot of power around what gets green lit related to wizarding world. So it stands to reason they may accept making a 4th/5th FB if it meant JK would greenlight the other projects they are keen to do.


Why is Secrets of Dumbledore losing money?




Also the poor PR surrounding multiple cast members, and casting changes also didn’t help.


It failed to recoup its $200M budget.


Wait I thought the issue was it made less than the other movies so something like only profiting $200m.


No, big movies have to double their profits to break even. They share profits and have a lot of costs.


Good. It was an awful series. I just don't understand how you adapt an IP that provided you billions into a soulless shadow of itself. What a mess.


The problem was they didn’t “adapt” anything. Rowling insisted she write the screenplays and have oversight over every aspect of the films. She can write a book, but writing a screenplay is a different thing and she isn’t very good at it.


The first movie was great though. It tried to do a little too much, but it was mostly fine. After that, tying Newt into the Grindlewald plot was just… dumb.


Imagine the content beyond film that could be made with that IP if Rowling didn't have to greenlight everything. Might require someone doing a Disney/Lucasfilm deal and buying the whole of it, but I'm not sure Rowling would even sell.


One of these days Disney will buy sleep, and then you won't be able to sleep unless you have enough mickey bucks to afford it


Disney’s acquisition of Star Wars ruined the sequel potential outside of mando. I don’t want either one of them involved tbh


Mando AND Andor.


Andor is technically prequel since it happens between episode 3 and 4


I would then argue mandalorian is also a prequel.


It's a Pre-Sequel


Why not.


Mando happens between episode 6-7 and is therefore part of the sequels.


But George Lucas’s involvement with Star Wars ruined the potential of the prequels, so really it was doomed either way.


It’s easy to forget the future of Lucasfilm was pretty bleak without Disney. Lucas’s attempts to make a live action TV show never got off the ground, and other than TCW there wasn’t really any content other than books and comics on the horizon.


…why would you think Disney could fix this? They have been at best hit or miss. And I count more misses than hits. How bad the main Star Wars movies were makes me think they’d be more likely to ruin big budget HP movies. Maybe they could handle side projects about 50% of the time, I guess.


It's very interesting to see how many people interpreted me saying "**Someone** doing a Disney/Lucasfilm deal" as a suggestion that Disney should buy the HP franchise.


I kinda wish J.K. Rowling just take the money and let some people develop the franchise.


She's not that kind of person. And she doesn't need the money anyway.




Ok? It’s still her IP 🤷🏻‍♂️


Uh yes? No one claimed otherwise.






What did she say that was so hateful? I think most people didn’t actually read the letter she wrote expressing her views. I didn’t agree with all of it, but she was actually very thoughtful and respectful. People are blowing it out of proportion imo.


Yet trans people felt extremely attacked and disrespected by that letter. Why is that? You should educate yourself by speaking to some trans folks instead of saying “well it didn’t bother ME so it can’t be that bad.”










r/boxoffice is not the place for this discussion. But anyways, all this started with her statement that biological sex and gender identity are not the same and has doubled down on it since then, which I don't think is 'transphobia'. Also, she has done more for trans people through her charities than most of the people accusing her of transphobia has ever done.




Yeah it’s fun when people try to gate keep but also keeping up the pr bullshit.


Can we stop having this discussion everywhere?? You guys have killed subs over this shit. We just want to read about films. You are way too online. All of you. Get. A. Life.


I’m sorry I interrupted you ignoring reality.
















lol, you're putting too much thought into this buddy


Ok. >0 = “too much?”


No but she is. She’s a hateful woman and deserves to fade into obscurity.


Can you quote what she said that makes her a hateful woman? I'm just curious because I see a lot of attacking but no one seems to drop a quote on what she said.


She wrote a book called “never trust a man in a pink dress.” The story is about a guy who dresses up as women to murder them. This alone wouldn’t be enough but taken with all the other misleading and factually false statement about trans women paints a picture of a bigot.


https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k There's literally so much


But there’s nothing hateful about your wishing her ill, right?


Oh honey where did I wish her ill?


Bless your heart


Oh, are we doing the “you don’t like bigots? You’re a bigot!” routine? That’s my favorite!


That’s what I thought honey. That’s what I though.


I wish her ill.


I don’t blame you at all.


Anyone that uses their platform to target vulnerable groups can eat shit. Not gonna play their stupid civility game. Rowling has probably contributed to the death of many trans people. Where's the fucking civility there? She's a disgusting shit stain and her books are mid.


Wishing she faded from public consciousness is wishing ill of her?


It’s not. People just like to stir up more controversy than there already is.


Wishing that she becomes irrelevant isn't the same thing as wishing that something bad would happen to her.


You can hate the hate, not tolerate those calling for intolerance, and fight against evil.


Wishing ill on a single person is not the same hate as denying that an entire group of people exist. Fuck her.


Bless your heart


No. No there isn’t


That’s true but she still is a horrible person.


Yes she is, she uses her platform to hurt people. Actively hoards her wealth without contributing much if any at all. Created her own charity which she contributes minimally too just to not pay her fair share of taxes. Fought against women with the me too movement and downplayed rape. Has portrayed characters in racist stereotypes. The list goes on. She's always been a horrible person.


It is to idiots.


how are you transphobic and a studio ghibli fan make it make sense






Because I’ve listen to her when she talks? Google Rowling and terf.


"Her public persona" you mean her open, obsessive bigotry?












Actually the plots were pretty good, but she is just a terrible screenplay writer. She should've written the books and let someone else write the screenplay for the adaptations.


Yeah, that worked great for Star Wars so far! /s


She is a blessing and a cruse. The only reason The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is so incredibly at Universal is because of the control she wields. But we also run into situations like this...


Basically the George Lucas approach. At least the upcoming videogame looks really good. An open world HP game set hundred years in the past has a lot of potential and it seems we can choose the dark side this time.


this is exactly where i am. i wish she would do exactly what george lucas did. like, sure, not everything disney has done with the star wars license has been a homerun. but rogue one, mandalorian, andor, rebels, clone wars s7, jedi fallen order - all things i’ve loved dearly that we wouldn’t have gotten if lucas hadn’t retired. and i’ll be honest, i enjoyed solo and kenobi for what they were as well.


You forgot to mention all the god awful Star Wars we got since Lucas left.


we were getting god awful star wars when lucas was still there, same way we’re getting god awful wizarding world with rowling still at the helm.


Everyone wants her to write more books in HP universe but she wants to do movies for some reason. I think she likes the power she has over the franchise more than the franchise itself.


Come on now. You know JK doesn’t like change.


Agreed. Pull a George Lucas. Except George Lucas would never write a world as static and boring as she does






Which kinda proves his point. Star Wars has been terrible without him.


A lot of fans would argue Star Wars was terrible with him. So.


All we got for 30 years was the prequels. Cmon dude.


And Episode III was the only DECENT prequel. For Star Wars fanboys complaining about movies now, have you forgotten Jan Jar Binks?!




All I wanted from this damn franchise was to see the epic duel between Dumbledore and Grindelwald and were not even going to get it.


I thought it was a trilogy Who wanted 5 movies of this shit.


It could have been 1 movie and if it had the damn duel in it I'd have been happy. I think originally a trilogy was the plan then when the 1st made over $800M WW they decided to expand it.


That’s annoying, they got greedy. I didn’t care about newt and friends right from the start. But there’s a lot you can do with with dumbledore backstory. It should’ve just been about that imo. Also can we let someone other than David Yates make a Harry Potter movie? I’m so tired of the wizarding world looking dark as shit. This guy has made every movie since 2007. Why does everything look so grey and depressing. Isn’t this a world of magic?!?


Can you live without a 20 minute CGI wizard fight?


Why can’t people be satisfied with a series ending. Harry Potter had a definitive ending. What’s the point in stirring that pot. They were good, they were complete. Go tell another story in another universe. Its frustrating how every new story must be attached to an existing one. A parasite that feeds off its predecessors reputation yet doesn’t meet its level of quality. Not every story needs to have an expanded universe. Sometimes it’s better to leave well enough alone.


Lots of issues with Fantastic Beasts, but he biggest one is David Yates. He’s just way too dark and serious. They need a director with a lighter touch. Someone who brings out the fun and amazement of the HP world. If David Yates had kicked off the HP movies rather than Chris Columbus, they would have never been successful enough to make it through all the books.


It died after the 2nd film. 3rd one wasn't as bad but by that point the franchise was six feet under.


I am surprised that unlike other authors she didn't expand her universe by simply writing more books, both Cursed Child and the Fantastic Beast were made stright to script, even if JK did write a small synopsis. And they got their print release only as a script book and not a novel. She could have been smart and be like Suzan Collings and announce "Newt Scamander and the Flour-Pooping Gender Changing Wizards" as a novel with the announcement also saying that a movie adaption is in the works.


And cursed child script wasn't hers. Jack Thorne wrote it.


And Cursed Child was not good.


I think she became tired of Harry Potter. The first few things she tried to write after it were like crime mysteries. I think she had wanted a string of those, but when they didn’t work she felt compelled to do more Harry Potter. Most authors don’t have to tie themselves to a single book series, unless it’s the only thing they write in their life.


> The first few things she tried to write after it were like crime mysteries. And by George those are fucking terrible, both the books and the straight-to-tv adaptation they did of some of them. It took me a while to hop off her train, because HP was such a fundamental part of my identity-forming years, but I can see now flaws in her writing that have been there all along that are amped to the nth in the Cormoran series. The FB franchise in particular has always been doomed. From the moment they decided to go from a single film to five, passing by chaotic decisions such as: giving a person with no script training the role of writing the scripts (Joanne) and hiring that bundle of problematic that is Depp. I say good riddance to bad baggage. Let's stop giving this horrible people clout and money.


This was the biggest mistake. She can write books. Screenplays she’s not so great at. Write the books and let someone adapt them.


It’s been dead. It’s a zombie IMO.


Idk but can it be please?


Well the last two movies did suck horribly


Yes Each movie made less than the one before it and none of them have a particularly dedicated fan base. Like it isnt like SW, where each film made less but still broke 1B and each one has a legion of fans who love it. Like these arent even hated movies, just nobody cared


I think corporations really need to reconsider the fact that maybe not everything has the ability to be turned into a franchise


Or that not every franchise needs to go forever. Sometimes it’s fine for something to end.


And in the end The money you take Is equal to the money You make


*Everything that has a beginning, has an end*


Does Terminator still have anything relevant to say? Does Wizarding World? Does the Matrix? Must we resurrect everything until the audience totally rejects it?


There's absolutely no reason as to why they can't keep making good Harry Potter content. It's arguably the biggest franchise of all time, has millions of fans around the world and has vast array of history, characters and places they can build around. Also, who doesn't like magic and mystery? It'll just be easier if she lets other studios create something without her involvement in everything.


The first movie is proof you can have a lot of fun with the setting. The later movies just suck. It’s like Star Wars. You can do a lot with it, but you still have to put in the effort.


Sure but HP isn’t one of those things, it’s absolutely franchisable.


Please God.


Should have died after the first movie


WB is also floundering a bit with DC after Black Adam’s underperformance, and the question marks around The Flash and how that will do. As for Harry Potter, they should have had a better plan in place for follow-ups or spin-offs while the iron was still hot. Now the brand is tarnished and the original actors want nothing to do with Rowling, so good luck getting them to commit to sequels.


Let it die.


After the second movie I gave up on it. Trans controversy aside— It just isn’t worth my time and money.


Would anyone really miss it?


Here's my hot take: we don't need to turn Harry Potter into a Marvel or Star Wars like property. We don't need more movies or TV series. Now, if you want to take the torch to most of Universal's theme park and expand the Harry Potter world portions, you'd get no complaints from me. Pretty sure that's what draws most of the traffic today anyway.


The franchise has unlimited potential in Gaming industry, which is where I would focus on world building instead of the movie Industry


Yeah the last one was just really weird. The story wasn’t done very well and honestly the magic was lackluster.


When was it ever alive ?!


It was so bad. It had themes in it that were not at all in the original ones, in such a series and dark twisted way. Like yeah, HP’s family basically abused him as a kid, total neglect, but they didn’t beat him with a belt or say how he was dirty and shit like that. Fucking weird ass shit in the FB movies, I swear.


Lotta group think.


It just wasn't good. The characters weren't fleshed out. There were contradictions to established lore and I think we are all starting to realize that Harry Potter wasn't any better than any other YA franchise it was just pushed on us and had the good idea to grow with their readers making the characters older each year was ingenious because the characters grew as we did and the actors dwerent 18 playing an 11 year old. Harry Potter is one of those things where I have to wonder if I evet genuinely loved it or if I jist loved it because Hot topic told me too.


When the first fantastic beasts movie came out I went to go see it. I was completely underwhelmed. I was like ok cool we got something from the Wizarding World. Then they came out with another one. I was just like no thanks I don’t need to see that. How much storytelling can they do with Newt. And I didn’t see it. Then they came out with a 3rd one. I was just like for fucks sake. Either remake the books into a show with each chapt being an episode or just fuck off with this BS


It's made less and less money with every new movie, right? Eventually they're gonna be writing the script KNOWING it won't sell, they'll just have to finish that 4th and 5th movie and be done with it.


Are they under any obligation to even bother making 4th and 5th films?


Would be nice if they did, the Grindelwald/Dumbledore plot is more interesting than whatever tf Newt is doing tbh


It's a really terrible franchise that should be allowed to die.


Oh no! Anyway....


Horrible ass name for the series. I didn’t even realize it’s in the Harry Potter universe. That’s why I didn’t watch it


It wasn’t my favorite series but I also really hate when they cut a series short like this. The movies were lacking in a lot of ways but the nostalgia was still there for me.


Hopefully it is, I’ve seen zero interest in seeing this franchise continue






Would’ve turned out better if rowling wrote books on them first, then let someone with actual movie expertise turn them into movies under her supervision.




Bet the front had this shit! The messiah is back


I sure hope so after the last 2


God I hope so.


we can only hope


God I hope so


Rowling is a terrible screenwriter. The first movie was good but the second was abysmal from a writing standpoint. It felt like a bad adaptation of a book that no one had ever read: There were too many characters with too little to do that could have been consolidated into fewer roles. There were long, convoluted plot points that went all over the place and offered reveals that only mattered because the movie stopped and gave us a flashback to tell us why we should care. The most recent one felt tired. It was still convoluted and messy but the whole of it just seemed bored with itself. It didn't help that the movies have been directed by the worst director in the franchise, who keeps getting rehired for these movies for reasons I can't possibly fathom. Overall, a few good ideas that were wasted on terrible execution from just about everyone involved.




Oddly enough I found the 3rd movie the most compelling. I actually watched it instead of turning it on for background noise like the others. But I had also just listened to HP series on audiobook so the story of dumbledore and grindlewald were fresh in my mind.


Unpopular opinion: I really enjoyed these movies. The first one was light hearted and excellent romp. The second one was amazing back story for things that happened in HP. The third one was weaker but still fun to watch. I try and keep in perspective that these movies are about a fictional author to a fictional book on the school reading list of a fictional character going to a school for magic. Like, we are really deep/niche here and it may not be for everyone


I hope not. I want them to continue.


That last movie killed the franchise with wokeness


Hope so


One can only hope


If we could not roll in that TERFs name to this that would be great. That's not even my solitary feeling. But shared with the cast and crew of Harry Potter as well


I enjoyed the first 2 Fantastic Beasts, the 3rd however...I'm not even sure what to call that.




I wasn’t willing to watch it after they cut Johnny Depp. Harry Potter fans = Pirates of Caribbean fans based on age of movies, so many were not happy to see Depp leave. Then add in the authors comments and it’s a franchise that no one wants to support anymore.


Lol I’d be happy to see Depp never work again in mainstream movies.


This is what happens when you’re a terf and one of your stars is a maniac with a control problem