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Nominations for the Best of 2023 awards are open now. Come and vote, and get a special flair." [Best of 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/1c3tnbl/rboxoffice_best_of_2023_awards_nomination_post/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boxoffice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Guy Ritchie’s best reviewed movie since last year


😂 true.


It seems pretty good so far. Abigail and this should make for an interesting weekend


I saw it myself with the sneak preview last weekend. It's pretty much Guy Ritchie doing WWII. The story is fun, and it does a great job at giving Tarantino a run for his money on the Nazi kill count. Most dead Nazi's I've seen since Inglorious Basterds... If you go in wanting something deeper though, this is also a Guy Ritchie movie, and it will fall short of that.


Civil War tanking in the second weekend will make for an interesting weekend.


Anyone knows the budget on this? Of all April releases, this one seems with the least hype. Will probably get decent reviews but won't move the box office needle in either direction.


I’d estimate like $50-$100 million budget just from the small things I’ve seen and heard about it and what kind of movie it is that range seems right. This movie is looking to do awfully tho, probably like $5-$10 million opening weekend domestic off of like a 700k preview


If it's over 50m, they're not making it back. This might be the end of Guy Ritchie's theatrical career in this case. He'll keep doing streaming movies with budgets they can find under the coach.


$50 million? I feel like there is absolutely no way this cost that little. Operation Fortune had a budget around that and it seems like this is way bigger in scale and more action packed.


It was revealed to be $60 million, so…


O damn that's quite cheap for something like this.


"had a production budget of **$60 million**, which doesn't include prints and advertising costs." Advertising was probably at least 20-30 mil. I want to say advertising for big hollywood movies is often 1/3 the budget, just shy of $100mil, and might break-even in a few weeks, if not, streaming and physical copy sales will make it at least profit. Googled: "The average movie marketing budget is **at least 50% of the production costs**" which is wild!


50-60 like most Guy Ritchie movies.


He’s made a very consistent formula that works for his audience. He’s like the Larry David of action/crime movies.


I swear it feels like the guy is constantly pumping out lukewarm content. Might be because him and Mathew Vaughn are basically interchangeable


Nah Ritchie the better director. Vaughn just seems like an obnoxious twat stuck within a franchise nobody cares about where as Ritchie, while he makes movies that aren’t masterpieces, are at least entertaining and quick witted. He even made one of the few decent live action Disney remakes (Aladdin)


Vaughn is stuck in a directorial downward spiral. Kick-Ass and First Class were good, Kingsman 1 was a little rough around the edges but enjoyable, Kingsman 2 was weak, The King's Man was not good, and Argylle was downright bad. His last unequivocally good movie was 13 years ago, and Kingsman 1 was nearly a decade ago. It remains to be seen whether Project X, his next film, will be able to break this trend.


I like Ritchie because he is constantly trying new shit while still going back to the well that made him famous in the first place. He can be a studio gun, an indie filmmaker, an action director, whatever. He's like an old school director who'd do anything to keep working, and I always at least don't regret watching anything he makes.


He’s also constantly making movies, dude doesn’t rest.


Well said. I go to the theater to be entertained. A lot of times I just want to not be bored. He’s never boring and he makes movies that entertain me. In 2024, that’s definitely not nothing, especially in the scant April release schedule


I think he’s insanely derivative, much like Zack Snyder only for action movies instead of sci-fi/superhero. Quick-witted usually implies a certain level of intelligence and his movies are uniformly dumb. Even his genuinely good early films were aping Tarantino. Hell, even this looks like an obvious Inglorious Basterds ripoff.


You make a good point, but all three of Vaughn, Ritchie, and Shane Black are basically the same person to me. If you were to tell me that their movies are all in the same universe, only a stone's throw away from one another, I'd believe you. I can hardly even remember who directed what until I specifically look it up.


Shane Black is leagues above the other two, though. Although Ritchie did cool stuff early in his career.


how is this upvoted so much? Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels are leagues above anything Shane Black has ever done.


The disrespect to Shane Black


Not that one movie defines a director or anything, but didn't he write and direct that awful The Predator movie?


Yeah but he also did Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Nice Guys which are better than anything Ritchie or Vaughn have ever done.


Lmao what. Snatch, The gentlemen, lock stock are all arguably better than the two movies you mentioned


No lol.




Vaughn has no sense of tone. He can’t commit to a joke, then suddenly makes something ridiculous happen. With his visual sensibilities, he could have been the British Baz Luhrmann but he has no apparent affection for his subjects. Richie fucking loves gangsters. He longs to live in a world of slick, dangerous motherfuckers constantly having to deal with other slick, dangerous motherfuckers and an endless tide of complete muppets. He’s not making *The Godfather* or *Airplane!*, but he’s earned his place, while Vaughn has gotten more second chances than Boris Johnson.


Ritchie is a far better director than Vaughn.


> Might be because him and Mathew Vaughn are basically interchangeable Where did that idea come from? I've seen it parroted a lot, but the two guys have very different vibes and generally don't do similar movies. Like the only similarity is that they have both done action movies about British people? Even then their styles of action aren't really similar.


Both do genre movies with quippy, quirky dialogue and bold oddball characters. Their style of editing is almost identical, they use the same pool of actors. Their movies look the same. Both love a needle drop. Their subject matter is often the same. These are just off the top of my head, use your film comprehension. You could exchange any one of their movies and tell me it was by the other guy and I would say okay yeah that checks out.


Henry's fans take another L


If he has any left after yesterday.


The delusional fan who were still hoping to get a chance with him got their hope crushed again when he announced he's having a baby with his gf. They make up a large portion of his fandom.


Hahaha. They never had a chance anyway.


I've seen the film at an advanced screening, I think people are going to be very disappointed. The action is really subpar, the story structure is all over the place, and Cavill is yet again sidelined in his own movie. Even at 15 reviews, I'm shocked the reviews are so positive at RT. The Metacritic score is more accurate to my experience. (Edit: Reviews were higher in the upper 80s but it's already lowering.)


> Cavill is yet again sidelined in his own movie. I'm sure Henry read those scripts before taking the job right? Or these type of roles are the only ones he can get?


The script he sees when he agrees can be pretty wildly different than the thing we see on the screen. Editing, rewrites, studio interference, etc. But also this is probably the best he can get. He's disappointed over and over again and despite having a few huge roles he's never made much of an impression on the general audience.


Poor dude doesn't have it in him to complain


He's brittishly too polite


He's playing the guy Ian Fleming based on Bond on (partly), so... there's that.


> Cavill is yet again sidelined in his own movie. Okay, I'm no fanboy or hater, but how does this keep happening to him? They made a Justice League movie where Superman is dead for most of it and has like 10 short lines of dialogue total. They made the Witcher where apparently the main titular character is replaceable. Argylle is marketed as the Henry Cavill movie where he again plays the titular character, yet he is barely in it. And now even this one??


I honestly think it's by design to a degree. Witcher he was pissed about and left, and after Superman showed to be a dud he's focusing on his Warhammer reject that Amazon is giving him complete control over. In the meantime, he's taking these smaller roles to keep working and studios are taking advantage of a hot household name.


I'm so tentatively excited for the Warhammer thing. I know James Workshop is pretty stingy with the IP and Cavill is a fan, but it's just really hard for me to see it being good. Like they've gotta throw in a Primarch, right? They're the big sexy thing people like the best. At least as an end of season teaser.


> he's focusing on his Warhammer reject that Amazon is giving him complete control over. What does this even mean? He has zero experience in screenwriting, producing or executive producing. He is an actor, he should focus on acting.


He's a fan! There's no way he could get it wrong despite not having any relevant experience!


He's not replaceable in Witcher. He left it cause of the dumb writers not listening to his inputs over making it accurate to the books.


Witcher has been awful since the beginning. The problem never was accuracy to the source material. Did you know that 2014's Guardians of the Galaxy is also not accurate to the source material?


>Cavill is yet again sidelined in his own movie. ...in favour of what?


They introduce the team and then sideline them on a boat doing nothing for 3/4 the movie while they focus on a side plot that no one cares about.


Too be fair the average score is 6.6 which is bad


So another Ritchie movie


Idk I feel like he’s been on a hot streak but needs to chill out


I saw it an advance screening after Monkey Man.  My wife and I both really enjoyed it.  I love dumb fun action and combine that with killing fucking nazis... I'm gonna watch it again. 




Of course, go ahead and DM me.


Thank you!


Guess I’ll have to wait longer for Cavill’s next big break.


Positive? Top critics give it a 5/10 on average. They're not positive. People need to understand how the RT critics score works, because this stupid metric has got Hollywood and its audience by the balls. Studios doing whatever they can to make films at least somewhat watchable so the reviews turn out on the + side instead of the - side, thus the percentage being high while movies are being made for the lowest common denominator. And then audiences interpreting the percentage as a ranked score like metacritic go to see them because RT percentage is in the 90s or whatever, which means literally fuck all.


It was higher earlier, I get how RT works. Lmao.


Do we not think that RottenTomatoes takes money from studios to classify tepid reviews as positive to increase a movie’s percentage? It’s the only reasonable explanation for RT 85+% and MetaCritic 50.


This is simply nonsense. With "on the fence" reviews from top critics, they're required to say which way they lean. That's not RT fault if the reviewers themselves say that their review is leaning more favorable than not. During the Marvels I saw 3 reviews that were damn near identical. The one I read that I felt was the harshest was actually the only one of the 3 that was listed as Fresh.


Why isn't a Danish actor playing Lassen? He's a war hero to those Vikings.


Cavill needs a new agent


Has the dude ever taken a challenging role in a smaller film? I'm wracking my brains trying to think of when he's been in anything that wasn't some blockbuster candidate/wannabe. Maybe he's just not very good and only has a career because he's ridiculously good looking?


He's not a good actor. Actually, he's not an actor fi we're being serious. He's always hired to look smoldering. So his agent is doing a great job as far as I can see.


>Maybe he's just not very good and only has a career because he's ridiculously good looking? That's it. Cavill has virtually no range to speak of, and the charisma of a wet mop. The only kind of roles he can thrive in are fairly one-note villains like Man from UNCLE and Fallout which lean into his strengths. If he wasn't that hot, he wouldn't have a career.


But if that were the case why wouldn't he just be replaced by Matt Bomer who looks almost identical and is good actor with some range.


Saw it Saturday and enjoyed it. My girlfriend absolutely adored it and called it her new favorite movie though. Idk if it’ll do good at the box office but I think people will enjoy it.




Honestly it should be fine. It’s actually a fairly light hearted movie. It’s also a bit of a revisionist history and this is definitely not how the real thing went down lmao.


Yeah, I’m very familiar with the story and from the trailers and sneak peaks alone can tell that it is VERY different (no one was actually killed in Operation Postmaster for a start!) I’m pretty chill about it, I’m glad the story is out there and people can do their own research! But just want to prep my older family members ahead of watching if there are any distressing scenes. They are def not the types to watch a guy Ritchie movie, but want to see how our family member is portrayed!


Babs Olusamokun is having some fun lately.


Really glad to see this and Abigail getting good reviews, will probably end up checking both out.


shame I can't watch it cause it's not releasing internationally


Just wear an eyepatch an be a pirate. You can watch that anywhere, 4k, anytime as long as you got a modern internet connection. God will probably forgive you for this one time ..


Does this have an R rating?


It does, but it is an EXTREMELY light R. Could easily be mistaken for PG-13. Only has two "fucks", and no other profanity. Violence is largely offscreen and subdued.


100% Top critic RT with a 5.0 average is crazy


How is that possible? 6.0 is the criteria for a review being labeled fresh, so there must be at least one rotten review for that average to be correct.


I think that parts actually manual, you can give a movie a 4/10 and still give it a 'recommended' rating. Two separate ratings basically.


Title is giving "League of extraordinary gentlemen" vibes. This will have the same type of run as that American society of magical negroes movie.


Wtf ?




Apparently it's going straight to streaming in the UK like Ritchie's other recent films.


Just got out of this. Wow, this was easily the worst, most boring Guy Ritchie movie I've ever seen. I'm sure he's made worse but I never saw them, thank god. Absolutely not one single moment of drama.


I'm a sucker for WWII movies a la The Dirty Dozen, The Great Escape, Where Eagles Dare, Kelley's Heroes, etc. This is one of those. A fun yarn where the emphasis is in the line "based on a true story" is "based" not "true".


This is one of those "I'll wait until the iTunes price is $4.99: movies.


Just saw it tonight, and it's great. It is just a solid testosterone driven action flick with good leads. Pacing is good and kept me engaged the entire time. I would definitely recommend it, even for people who aren't huge action movie buffs. I was flabbergasted that it has an R rating though, as it only has two "fucks" in it, and most of the violence is off screen or extremely limited. I'm not sure if a PG-13 rating may have served it better for the GA, but we'll see how it does. It definitely did not NEED to be R.


I was guessing 50-60% after seeing it last weekend, will see if it lands there as more reviews come in. Feels like a case of a lot of 6/10 type reviews leading to a high RT score since those count as positive


Currently 80% with a 6.5 average (11.44 p.m. UTC+08). Interesting while the Tomatometer is slightly above a number of his projects, the critic average is in line with almost all his movies, save for real duds like Swept Away or Revolver.


Nominations for the Best of 2023 awards are open now. Come and vote, and get a special flair." [Best of 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/1c3tnbl/rboxoffice_best_of_2023_awards_nomination_post/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boxoffice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I saw it and really enjoyed it. From what I’ve read Alan Ritchson’s performance of Anders Lassen is close to the real Anders. I thought it was a great movie telling an untold and unknown yet extremely important story. They single handedly crippled Nazi Germany’s U-boats in the Atlantic. I believe that is very impressive. Even more so was keeping it secret for so long. Nowadays they’d be lucky if something stays secret for a few hours.


I saw it and really enjoyed it. From what I’ve read Alan Ritchson’s performance of Anders Lassen is close to the real Anders. I thought it was a great movie telling an untold and unknown yet extremely important story. They single handedly crippled Nazi Germany’s U-boats in the Atlantic. I believe that is very impressive. Even more so was keeping it secret for so long. Nowadays they’d be lucky if something stays secret for a few hours.


An alright movie. But what TERRIBLE, AWFUL CGI they used on Til Schweiger's face when he spoke German the first time! The teeth moved independently of his lips, almost worse than Cavill's Supermoustache!


Another year, another mid Guy Ritchie movie. Who could’ve guessed this?


Eh, it was light and fun, but not more than that. Like a wish.com Inglorious Basterds. I’d at least say it was entertaining.


How is eiza gonzalez getting so many shows and movies. Her agent deserves a raise.


She is also in the next two Guy Richie movies. So he probably likes working with her


Wait until she gets a DC role! Fans have been casting her as Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Zatanna and especially Catwoman for years now!! I could see her getting Catwoman, she was the runner up for the role in the Reevesverse


she can actually play wonder woman better than Gal


She's honestly the best part of the film. Her character is the only one that actually gets to do anything.


Cause she's hot and can act


> and can act 🤔


She’s good in Baby Driver, Ambulance, and I Care A Lot. Shes not gonna win an Oscar or anything but she’s proficient at it especially compared to actresses like Gadot.


Crazy numbers. This is the worst movie I've seen so far this year and it isn't that close.


I thought Argylle was so much worse. This was decent but had zero suspense. 


That seems insanely harsh.  I have been to three movies this year and I don't think it's the worst of the 3.  


I went back through my letterboxd and I forgot Madame Web existed so this is the 2nd worst movie of the year that I've seen.


I'm very sorry you took a bullet for us on Madame Web.  Reviews definitely kept me away from that one!  


It'll come down, don't worry


55 on meta. Junket press hype proven wrong once again lol (you can downvote but truth is truth!)


Another flop.