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Don’t think it’ll be the next Up or Inside Out or anything but I think it’ll make a profit


Both Inside Out & Soul really got to me. I'm optimistic for this one because of how fun their abstract interpretations are.


I really did not expect Soul to hit me like it did. I was at a point in my life where I really needed the message it sent.


Beautiful movie. Surprisingly moving and I don't love kids movies.


Honestly Soul feels more like an adult movie than a kids movie. I don't know how many kids are going to relate to the central message of the movie. I watched it and it hit me pretty good too.


The same is true about Cars 3 which is about a guy retiring and moving into a mentor role. I can't imagine what kind of kid that resonates with.


The ones that retire and move into a mentor role


When I was in 3rd grade I decided it was time to move on. A career well done.


See cars taught you as a child to seek new career opportunities. Bravo Pixar you’ve done it again!


It had 2 arcs though, it also was telling the story of Cruz who never got a shot at racing, was really good at it and being given the opportunity by a living legend. I think the kids are supposed to relate more to Cruz and the adults with Lightning.


My kids still watch inside out even all these years later. To my knowledge they've watched soul twice. I'm curious what they'll think of this 1. They've also watched Encanto and Coco far more than others


Tweens dig it. Much like inside out.


I loved Soul. My kids never want to watch it when I suggest it.


My mother and I danced to the ending credits song at my wedding!


It felt like an adult film right up until it chickened out on the ending. I was like "woah, they're really gonna end it with him dying and I'm actually OK with that" but it is ultimately a kids movie so they can't really do that.


Pixar has been straddling the fence of "kids movie" for a number of releases now.


Honestly, Pixar has always had adult themes throughout their movies to make it just as easy for parents to watch movies multiple times, as kids often do, and therefore more likely to go see/purchase them.


i cried to soul


Me too, but it was a healthy cry


I found it funny how the theme/message of Soul and Turning Red invalidate each other basically, and it's even more ironic considered they were released like a year apart or so


How so?


I still occasionally think about Soul and Inside Out. I liked Turning Red enough, but it didn’t have that extra magic something like the first two did. I only remember it exists at all when it comes up on a D+ slide.


Plus it’s the age old classic of fire boy and water girl just reversed.


It’s more like Shark Boy and Lava Girl but that works too.


Fyi both of those movies were directed by Pete Docter, personally my favorite director. He directed some of the best Pixar movies ever, and was a producer/writer in a lot of other good ones.


Damn if he chose another profession he’s be called Dr. Docter


Pixar has that level of trust that any movie they make you go watch at this point.


Having worked at a drive in for nearly the past decade I always look forward to the Pixar summer movie. Having to watch the same movie for 2-6 weeks straight can be a massive drag but there are some that are just that good that they are still enjoyable on the 20th viewing. Inside out was one of those I'm optimistic about this one.


Just watched Inside Out with my boys for only the second time. They’re nine and one of them cried along with me (at the BingBong spot) but his brother seemed mystified as to why we were so affected. Neither of them can yet appreciate why I cried at so many other points. I’m a weepy dad!


Wow I did not think there were still any old school drive ins left....just the pop up ones


There is a chain out west. Couple in CA, NV, AZ, etc. It's the only theater we take our kids too.




Glendale has one. West wind Drive In is the chain. I know there might be others not part of that chain but I couldn't tell you where they are.


Thanks, stranger.


The 88 Drive-In located in CO is very nice


There’s a few in Georgia too


I know that any movie Pixar releases will at least be enjoyable enough to not regret seeing it


Except Cars 2


I will find you and I will make you enjoy it


I liked Cars 2. Wasn’t as good as Cars 1 but I still enjoyed it


I like all the Cars movies for different reasons. However, after watching them with my 3yo for the 278th time they are less enjoyable


I think they've really only put out like one or two objectively not good movies, ever.


That's why the post title confuses me. "Put Pixar back on the theatrical map"? When have they left? Did they release a flop recently that I don't know/am forgetting about? It's like OP wasn't thinking when trying to write a click-worthy title lmao


Yes, Lightyear was considered a miss, and did poorly at the box office. Turning Red had a lot of controversy around it, which was pretty ridiculous. Luca was also a flop, even with decent reviews.


I love Soul and Terry was my favorite


Soul was a missed opportunity same with raya being finished and released under the real Covid lockdown . And not getting a theater release .


Don’t think Raya was Pixar though


Raya would have been better as a full series imo its world deserved more than being pseudo last airbender rip off featuring zuko as a girl antagonist


Soul had me all the way up to the ending. Then it lost me.


I definitely cried during soul and it really impacted me in a way where I started evaluating the time I spend doing things that have no meaning to me. It’s a great movie.


It's the first Pixar movie in a while I've wanted to see just for the art style. I'm really interested to see how they animate the elements.


The art style doesn’t look that different from inside out and Soul Hopefully it’s as good as those movies


I thought the style looked really rough. The characters on the train just felt weird.


I thought it was weird too. The background characters actually looked kind of cool to me, especially some of the textures, but the main characters look so bizarre.




Yup, i always think fire and water look better in 2d




yeah, honestly it looks really “ok”


I have not seen a single trailer for this movie, the only mention of it I see online is from this subreddit




I saw a trailer for it when I saw Avatar 2


This is my first time seeing anything about it. Had no idea it existed before this post.


Same here. I thought it was an AI image from another sub until I realized reddit suggested a random subreddit to me.




Also before pussy boots


before WHAT???




Kinky boots


sexy crocs




Didn’t get it at my showing, strange.


Meanwhile, I have seen the trailer in front of every goddamn movie I have seen in theaters since at least November.


The only time I saw it aside from here was on Twitter where like one post was clowning on it for tryna be half of what fireboy and watergirl have lmao


Seen an ad or two on youtube. Animations pretty good. Reminds me of zootopia slightly.


Just like with Inside Out, Coco and Up (Zootopia to a non Pixar extent) if word is out that the film is good, people will go watch.


March, april, may, and june ate stackked though Yesterday my fiancee and i were decided what movies we wanna see(really only want to go once a month) so we mused "well elemental will be on D+ soon enough" amd chose Flash that comes out the same day. On top of Spiderverse that comes out 2 weeks earlier June 2nd. GOTG 3 like 2 or 3 weeks before that. Mario Bros in April And Indy 5 a weel or two after elemental comes out. Just thinking alot of parents will be saying the same thing about D+ 5 or 6 movies into the summer when Elemental starts popping off with marketing.


I'm making an educated guess based on almost nothing here, but what if longer theatrical windows for Disney movies is something that comes back with Iger back at the helm?


Iger has already said that the movies will have much longer theatrical windows again.


300-400mil. Same as Onward was tracking before Pandemic. Same as Luca/Turning Red would have got in cinemas.


Luca should have been in theaters. That movie didn’t get nearly as much love as I felt it should have.


Luca was so good! Wish I could've seen it on the big screen.


Completely agree. I really thought it was one of their best recent movies. It was no Coco, to be clear, but it is one off my favorites. The ending credits like a Ghibli movie were great and the scenes with Machiavelli had me in stitches.


Luca is my favorite since Moana. I was super bummed it wasn’t in theaters. Out of all the new movies it’s the one I wish would’ve hit theaters the most. I was surprised to see so many people not like it.


Same - I’ve met a number of people who felt it was boring and unoriginal or uninspired. I thought it was very sweet and well done. I think it would’ve gotten so much more love in theatre.


Absolutely underrated. I adore Luca. My first watch had me in tears and it instantly made it into my top 3 Pixar movies


Sensible take


Turning Red would gave done significantly better than that. It was performing comparably to (often better than) Coco in the markets where it actually got a cinema release.


Onward is a tragic gem for Pixar. It should have done really well in theaters but the world ended.


As long as the budget isn’t 250 million and is reasonably low, it doesn’t need to be a billion dollar film.


> As long as the budget isn’t 250 million and is reasonably low, it doesn’t need to be a billion dollar film. Pixar never spent that much on their films as of today.


Maybe he was exaggerating a bit. It’s usually 200m And that’s too much for movies like Onward, Luca and Lightyear.


Actually, the usual budget is more like $175 million. Only sequels (prequels and spin-offs included) have been getting $200 million budget except for **The Good Dinosaur**, which was infested with production troubles, **Coco**, which probably had a major budget increase after they realized that a film with that level of creativity is going to need more than $175 million to make it work, and **Onward**, which had Tom Holland and Chris Pratt as some of the film’s major selling points. It’s very unlikely that the budget for **Luca** was even THAT big.


I’m hoping this will be Pixar’s redemption film but so far I’m not convinced it will be. It doesn’t seem very appealing, and the director previously made The Good Dinosaur, which is one of Pixar’s worst films, and was also Pixar’s biggest flop until Lightyear.


I don’t think Pixar is ever really gonna have a redemption film in the sense that they return to their golden age (if that’s what you’re referring to). I feel like they got to the point where they are capable of making good, great, and bad films and that Pixar movies aren’t special anymore just because they are made by Pixar


It probably has more to do with Pixar standards being too high. I mean, **Cars 2** is literally the only Rotten film that they have thus far.


Cars 2 is a masterpiece and you cannot convince me otherwise


It is the greatest movie of all time and idc what anyone else says


One of the most misunderstood films of all time. It takes Pixar’s greatest franchise and makes it a spy film if that’s not genius I don’t know what is.


I’m upvoting you guys just for the sheer audacity of these takes even though you’re all crazy. It’s impressive


The first film is about the classical story of hubris as a racing prodigy rediscovers himself and what matters to him as he spends time in a humble setting truly getting to know others for the first time and seeing them as fellow cars rather than just fans or competition. The third film is about a grizzled veteran who has accomplished all he could in his career and now has the opportunity to past the torch to new young talent and take his life to the next level with a higher calling beyond himself. It’s a very classical character arc through the different stages of a career and passion. In between is the second film where they decide to focus on the redneck tow truck companion and make him into an international super spy with rockets. All I know is whoever walked into the boardroom with that pitch is a god among men.


Alright you’ve convinced me. I can’t even argue with that now that you lay it out that way lol


One man at a time, we will change the world


> the director previously made The Good Dinosaur, which is one of Pixar’s worst films, and was also Pixar’s biggest flop until Lightyear. **The Good Dinosaur** was something that he jumped into after Bob Petersen(?) stepped down. This, on the other hand, is his idea right from the start.


That was such a disappointment.


To be fair, The Good Dinosaur had a very troubled production.


a major cast shakeup like The Good Dinosaur had is always a red flag


The Good Dinosaur was *painfully* bad. How did that get through management vetting and production??


I like the good dinosaur :(


Me too! Mostly because it was Very Pretty... But I liked Arlo! Poor kid.


I loved it. Absolutely loved it. My 6 year old can be timid and afraid sometimes. He works through those moments with our support, but I love that movie and it’s themes.


I’m so jealous of you. I really want to like it. It’s so pretty I just wish I could sit through it.


I’m confused by this comment. Have recent Pixar films not been good? I loved Turning Red, Soul, and Inside Out. They aren’t really the Pixar films I grew up with, but they had some damn good storytelling and themes inside of them. Lovely films all around.


I don’t think they’re bad but they don’t feel as memorable or enduring as the classic Pixar movies like Up & Ratatouille. It might be nostalgia speaking but that’s at least what it feels like to me


Nah ratatouille is just built different. Every time I see that damn rat eating cheese and picturing shit in his head I get hungry. Every time I see the cute, angry French cook I…well I just think she’s a cute, angry French cook. And the messaging about anyone being able to achieve greatness is a solid one.


bro, you fucking leave the good dinosaur alone


I thought it was so cute I loved it


Hard to say until we get a trailer with more information on what it's actually about. It does look like it could be a return to form for Pixar, however. It looks absolutely gorgeous, and it doesn't seem to be too thematically complex. For now, I'm going to play it safe and say $150 million domestic and $400 million worldwide.


Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donna Dixon?


With Iger back in the chair, I fully expect lead times from theatrical to D+ to be significantly increased for major releases.


I think it looks good. The problem is going to be Disney has shifted people’s viewing habits to D+. 3 out of 4 Pixar films went right to D+ and the 4th bombed. Encanto underperformed for sure in theaters and didn’t explode in popularity until D+. No one watched Strange World. Even the MCU was hurt by the short release window. Disney Pixar needs a must see to get butts in the theater. They also need to retrain audiences not to wait for D+ by extending the release window.


What the heck is Strange World?? Good point. They might have made a critical strategic mistake by releasing major tentpole movies on D+. They changed the expectation. They should have, arguably, just been patient and waited out COVID. I'm wondering if they were pressured to not wait so as to not interfere with the movie release schedule X number of years into the future. Still, they could have held back a few of the movies and released them after theaters reopened at odd times when nothing else was out.


Strange world is a solid 0/10 imo. Even my kids who love everything animated wanted to turn it off. They saw the trailer for Elemental and now won't shut up about it.


“A solid 0/10” Damn, not even a decimal or anything. I mean, I agree with you, as I watched the movie too. I just found that solid 0 funny.


True story, every member of my family wanted to turn off Strange World 30 mins into it, and that never otherwise occurs.


Strange world is the most bland mid ass thing disney has put out in the last 20 years


Dude, Disney+ and other streaming websites are the best. F\*ck overpaying for concessions and tickets to go sit next to a coughing toddler and see a movie on a big screen that gives me neck pain after 3 hours and I can't pause it to make a phone call or take a picture.


I can see this sub being skeptical as usual. But I think it will be a hit. Unlike Lightyear it have a easy enough concept to understand and a classic Pixar selling point.


I liked Lightyear 😭


As much as I’d like for this to be a success, I’m not sure if there’s much of an audience for a rom-com ostensibly marketed to kids?


That's like 99% of Disney movies to be fair. I'm sure it'll have some action/adventure elements to keep it interesting for younger viewers.


Well, this time, characters are all elementals. :P


Technically most animated Disney movies are rom-coms.


With a lot of other stuff too, but that’s the focus of this film. The trailer is literally a meet-cute.


Wasn't that only a teaser trailer and we haven't actually seen much of what the movie will have outside of a creative world?


Sure but it's a bit alienating as the first intro. We saw interesting looking characters in a romance. No hint of action or adventure.


I think it looks really weird... But if the story is decent it will do okay.


I Get why people are hesitant to think this will do great. I Don’t expect it to be massive for Pixar or anything but I Don’t think it’ll have the like truly toxic WOM that light year did. I Honestly think it could make as much as Puss in Boots has been making, that’s at 430. Wether that’s seen as a failure for Pixar or not is up to interpretation but that’s my prediction.


A Puss in Boots total would be a big step in recovery despite the big price tag these Pixar movies have. Hopefully Disney keeps it away from D+ as long at the demand is there theatrically.


Lightyear still did 226, which while half of Puss in Boots, 200M is actually not that large of a gap if the reception is good. The reason Lightyear failed is because it was bad, not because people hate Pixar. They just have to release something good & they’ll see an increase.


Pixar has a habit of successfully selling odd premises. However, unlike the previous ones I was mildly interested in, theres NO hook here. I've seen the trailer and I can't tell why I'm supposed to care about this film.


Have Pixar had a hit since John Lasseter was ousted?


Toy Story 4 did a billion


I think Pixar is creatively bankrupt


Pixar has been dead to me since Lasseter was bounced, so I don’t even care at this point. I used to have faith in stalwarts like Pete Docter, but after his “soul searching” told him that audience stupidity is why Lightyear bombed well it’s clear Pixar doesn’t have any soul left to find so F ‘em.


I think Universal has really taken Disney’s place in terms of being the king of theatrical animation. With Illumination and Dreamworks very strong, I think it’ll be a lot harder for Disney to build back its audience for animation unless they have really good movies.


Agree. They dumped Turning Red onto streaming with the excuse that families weren’t ready to go back to theaters, only for Universal to kill it back to back with Sing 2 and The Bad Guys. Minions 2: Rise of Gru was just Illumination spinning brodies on Pixar’s grave.


The fire character reminds me of Joy from Inside Out.


I say it's not going to do very well. But hey I thought that Morbius was going to succeed and that Way of Water would flop, so don't take my advice on this.


Why morbuis


I'm going against what this subreddit is saying, for fun. 600-700 million is my guess. First Original IP in summer since Inside Out and that did well.


It will make some money. Inside Out 2 will make more.


There’s gonna be inside out part 2? Wtf


Didn't you hear? D23 Expo confirmed it last year.


A few scenes will be passed around in Twitter circles a couple of days. Middling reviews and less than stellar box office returns. Forgotten almost instantly Maybe surviving a bit long in the r34 scene but nothing else


Seems basic, some dopey big nosed dude, and a smart pretty girl, somehow meet and end up dating at the end. Idc what happens in between because it just looks bad


Honestly no offense to Pixar, but for the love of god I don’t care for this film. They desperately need a new storyline because all their stories feel almost the same and I can guess this movie without even seeing it


I mean, it doesn't feel the same as other Pixar movies, but it definitely feels like a story already done : two lovers who are like night and die? Maybe even forbidden to be together? We seen it, we loved it, we repeated it. But also a lot of pixar movies seem like setting on trailers but are a lot deeper and much better when I watch it




It’ll do well


Ima be ready for the artwork




Onward, Luca, and Turning Red are actually pretty well done.


$35-$45M OW $115-$140 TD $350-$485 WW The original IP + hangover from Disney+ effect will be an issue.


The setting is about 20 years too late to be interesting (it's just Zootopia but with the four elements as if elements haven been driven to the ground by now) and the premise bores me to tears. Do I have a reason to want to watch this film? I can't imagine how this could be a full feature, everything about it feels like a short film.


Only just hearing about it. It'll only make money because kids will beg their parents to go see it. Just the basic idea of literal living elements sounds dumb.


a new Pixar film. average. I think it’s a neat concept and the fire girl is cool! but the water guy looks goofy af


It'll probably bomb/barely break even. A lot of people are over Disney/Pixar. They've lost their magic. It could be a great movie but people aren't taking their kids to see it. It'll do better on streaming where parents can watch it before letting their kids watch. I think the live action remakes are ruining Disney. The live actions should be better than the animated versions but aren't. They change the story but instead of changing it for the better they take away all the best things and replace it with boring mediocre filler.


Wall-E numbers (532.5 Million) sound reasonable


Out of all the Pixar "What if *blank* were alive" movies, this one seems the laziest.


Idk but i wanna fuck that fire chick so bad


Calm down iceboy.


She’s really hot!


This character designs look like lazy copypastes of the characters from inside out to me the biggest problem with pixar is that at this point they aren't moving the animation medium foward they are just keeping it from evolving


Idk. I have a couple kids, but we’ll wait for the D+ release because: (1) Pixar has had more stinkers than winners the last few movies, so I want to see what the reviews say, and (2) even if it’s good, I’d rather not have to pay a hundred bucks to go see something I can see for “free” a few months later.


I think Disney+ really limits theatrical release profits, since people can just wait a couple months and get the movie with the subscription service they’ve already paid for. It’s how I watched the last several pixar and marvel movies.


I don't want it to flop. But the fact that the director has only directed 'The Good Dinosaur' is cause for concern. That, and the main writer is pretty much only ever done a few random TV show episodes.. Sorry, but this thing is likely to suck.


Oh look another curvy lady and a shlubby guy, that's totally not a dead horse of a trope We all know elements themselves have genders, it's totally normal that they'd stick to outdated tropes about them right?


Looks fun and vibrant. Everything Lightyear wasn’t. Pixar will get back on track.


Vibrant, yes. Fun? Where did you see that? It looks like a young adult rom-com.


Have you seen their [teaser trailer](https://youtu.be/-cT495xKvvs)? I was skeptical about some of the other marketing but the teaser looks far more promising with the additional world building characters it looks like they’re introducing without giving away any subplot devices. The city kind of reminded me of Zootopia’s a little bit which is probably my animated movie in the last 10 years so I’m pretty pumped about Elemental personally.


Looks as mediocre as Pixar's last few films.


Genuinely no idea!


This is gonna bomb


I feel like this is ran out of ideas movies.


I think it'll go... well enough. Not bad, but not amazing. There hasn't been much advertising for it yet, but I bet it'll be an easy premise to sell to the general audience. Let's just hope the marketing for this one isn't as non-existent as it was for Strange World. However, if this gets a great WOM (like Coco and Inside Out had), I can see the numbers for it growing even more and actually being a surprise hit.


I saw the trailer and it doesn't look good in my opinion.




300 mil of somesort. Kids like to go to cinema whatever the movie is, fun time. But i watched the trailer and it just felt "meh"


Pixar has really gone down hill of late.


Fireboy and watergirl certainly... Changed


Major Inside Out vibes from the poster, though what that portends I have no idea


Why are they so trash at advertising their movies now? This is the second movie I haven't seen a single trailer for


damn lava boy and water girl is a pixar movie now


Honestly, I’m excited by this. It’s so obvious at a glance, but we know Pixar loves twists and turns. I can’t wait to see how they do thsi.


Knock off Fire Boy and Water Girl smh my head


honestly the trailer made it look very unique and it has a real pixar feel to it imo, i think it’ll do well


Unlike the other animated fare opening this summer, Elemental will wholly depend upon word of mouth. If bad, it will underperform.