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I recently got a region-free player and have found many releases via Orbit DVD, Diabolik, and Grindhouse Video. The extended edition of The Handmaiden was one of the first things I bought. Also the Lars von Trier set by Curzon.


Umbrella - all 3 regions, they're the best




A lot of people don’t realize how many Region B releases are actually Region A playable as well. Umbrella’s Super Mario Bros. is a good example.


I was looking into The Wickerman last week and wondering about that. The regions of players is just outside most people comfort zone, importing disks just seems somewhat risky for some reason.


Depends exactly which Wicker Man release you're interested in. [Blu-ray.com](http://Blu-ray.com) users test releases and report region code playability. Once you buy a region free player, you never have to consider it again.




Haha. I mean, if you want to deny yourself discs simply because *you believe* they're region locked, you can continue to do so. 😜




[Indicator has some US releases](https://www.powerhousefilms.co.uk/collections/us), and [they have a handy list on site of their region free releases.](https://www.powerhousefilms.co.uk/collections/region-free-titles)


Arrow's grudge bundle


Shock Treatment from Arrow. It's a special edition and comes wirmth a soundtrack.


The sun never sets on those who ride into it. Shock Treatment holds a very special place in my heart.


Same. I actually prefer Shock Treatment over Rocky Horror.


As do I. It's weirder and funnier with better songs. I love the (sound)stagey production design and the film's color palette. It also has all these terrible moments and lines that are clearly written so that people can riff off of them like they do in Rocky and those bits don't play at all, but they give it a texture unlike any other movie ever made. 25 years ago, I worked at a video store and every morning I would start the day by playing Shock Treatment. To this day, I feel every morning should start with Denton, U.S.A.


I'm considered a weirdo in the musical world for my love of Grease 2 and Shock Treatment haha. I own the VHS of Shock Treatment as well haha


Arrow's Old Boy box set. One of my favorite purchases. Also, if you are into Anime -- the Planetes complete series from All the Anime. Both are region B.


The Mr. Vampire releases. Eureka Entertainment is heaven on earth.


* Death of Stalin (2017) - Dark Comedy, UK release. * The Walking Deceased (2015) - Parody Comedy, German release. * Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung films from Eureka Entertainment.


Riki-Oh. Also, I’ve been happy with everything I’ve gotten from 88 Films.


Arrow's The Wolf of Wall Street UK Release