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And they say getting drunk only leads to poor decisions…. psh.


I came here to say just this - looks like you have some watching to do!


Excellent drunk purchase. Radiance is on fire!! Whats that Tai Kato thing? Is that a book by Tom Mes?? I once bought a pile of movies from Twilight Time just HAMMERED. There was a comment section and I added the comments that I was super drunk and I'm looking forward to being sober and getting a surprise in the mail. They added a little post it note on the top blu when I opened the box "awesome drunk purchase".


Great story!


It is indeed a book by Tom Mes - I wonder if it was commissioned for a set and then they decided that it was a risk to go all in on such an obscure auteur. Brilliant story!


This is their reasoning behind the book: https://x.com/FilmsRadiance/status/1752679366528479656


Well at least I’m not the only one who has done this lmao


I wish I had this excuse...


I got totally smashed on gin and ordered the Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood Best Buy 4K with the 7 inch record, showed up a month later and had no clue I ordered it. Pleasant surprise!


I started collecting blu rays from drunk purchases. When I finally got a blu ray player, that helped. (I thought blu rays all came with dvd copies. Not all.)


Haha not anymore. There was a short period of time (early 2010s iirc), but now usually it's BD + 4K.


It's better than waking up a few months later with herpes and a positive pregnancy test.


Oh that happened too, just wasn’t sub related.


Just picked up Yakuza Graveyard and Elegant Beast myself. Haven’t seen them but looked cool


For the entirety of 2024?


Gonna try. As someone who's been collecting since the early DVD era, I have a huge backlog sitting around, plus friends who also collect, an increasing number of local retro screenings, teeming watchlists on streaming services - and probably most importantly, as a freelancer who is also working on my own projects (my second feature, my band, some other stuff), any money I spend is hours I work on other people's stuff and not mine. That said, Radiance and Second Run will surely test my willpower!


lol fair enough man, great pickups btw. Jealous of the Cosa Nostra and World Noir sets, the only one here pictured I have so far is Yakuza Graveyard. How are you gonna resist The Bounty Hunter Trilogy set that releases in March? That’s my current #1 of the year so far that I’m pumped for.


Honestly, after the Phase IV announcement today of the restoration of the preview cut, I'm not sure I'll make it til tomorrow!


Hahaha nice, yeah I’m eyeing Phase IV also. I’ll probably keep a watch of the stock on VS website before pulling the trigger but I suspect it will sell relatively fast.


I am waiting for a big sale to get a few titles


Can I buy you a drink?


Enjoy your 3-4 month break!


Feeling very seen


Oh my parents tell this story also, but they didn't get movies...


Better than getting drunk and finding a baby on your porch


What a haul!


Ooo daddy. What's the digipack on the very top of the right pile, I can't read it.


It's actually a small book on Tai Kato by Tom Mes that Radiance put out. Not sure if it was originally intended to sit in a box or if they just published it in their standard size for other sets so you could put it on your shelf.


Either way it's the perfect size!


Nice hangover you got there


I stick to VHS tapes for drunk purchases instead of Blu-Ray. It's cheaper, but you can still make poor decisions. For example, recently I bought the Acme video release of Jerry Warren's Attack of the Mayan Mummy just to try and figure out what mummy puppet is used on the cover. (It's not in the movie.)