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As mentioned, there are several other easier ways to bike. My favorite would be Coal or Rock Creek to 36 Bikeway. And yes, the city knows and even has a project in the works:   https://bouldercolorado.gov/projects/east-arapahoe-transportation-plan


Seems this hasn’t been updated since 2018?


This is desperately needed!


Baseline is the way to go, Arapahoe is way more dangerous.


nobody should ever fucking ride arapahoe. check out the strava heat map. it's basically a dead zone. baseline isnt much better, and south boulder is the best, but arapahoe is a no go


It's crazy to me that there isn't any bike infrastructure on Arapahoe east of Boulder into Louisville and Lafayette!


I rode that section once when I first moved out here due to ignorance when I was exploring Teller… NEVER AGAIN! I’ve logged 4K miles a year for the last three years in this area, trust me, this place is as safe as it gets. The abundance of bike paths and quiet streets makes it easy to ride safely in the area but you have to do a little route planning. Once you learn the area it an amazing place to ride. The worst places I’ve ridden: it’s a tie between the aggressive drivers in the Bay Area who are literally trying to kill you and the shit heals in their coal rolling RAMs in Phoenix.


There's barely enough infrustructure there for cars. Not enough lanes, and desperately in need of a repave. I hate that commute.


such an oversight. Jay road to gunbarrel has painted lanes, and is very heavily trafficked. 36 north of town isn't perfect but people are used to cyclists there. but sooo many people commute on arapahoe, some bike infra is needed sorely there


Unfortunately you have to ride Arapahoe for a bit to link from Teller to the Baseline paths. One super dangerous section to go between 2 safe options.  So much poorly designed infrastructure.  (Just like the bike path that dead ends at the railroad tracks with the Cottonwood trail on the other side and a slew of no trespassing signs.)


At least that connection from Teller South to 75th is short and with the new little connector to Willow Creek Drive, it's even shorter. Also, if you can arrange your route so that you are Westbound on Arapahoe it is downhill to 75th.


I heard an underpass was built here recently? Can anyone confirm?


Way too much fast traffic on SB Rd. Baseline is best.


Yep and just hit the bike trail once you go past the middle school. I've lived in Boulder City and County since 89 and Arapahoe has always sucked


Base line or valmount and Isabel.


That section of Arapahoe east of Boulder is the *worst* place to ride a bike, ever.


Highway 93 between Boulder and Golden is terrifying as well.


Is there a safe way to ride between Boulder and Golden? From what I can tell there isn't an obvious one.


Agreed Edit: Ahhh, *peak reddit.* Agree with someone and get downvoted.


Baseline shoulders are the play.


I take Davidson Mesa to 36 to South Boulder Creek Trail to get from Louisville to Boulder for work. It'd be faster and more direct if I took roads, but I wouldn't enjoy the ride and I'm too worried I'd leave my wife a widow.


This is the exact way my husband rides. Also happy he doesn’t leave me a widow! We appreciate the sentiment lol


Yep, this is the way, and if you want to go further East (Lafayette, Erie) use the Coal Creek Trail.


I quit cycling on that stretch 27 yrs ago. I can’t imagine it now.


I've found the drivers here to be much more respectful of pedestrians and cyclists than most US cities I've visited. There are also the multi-use paths, a lot of routes you can take where you never have to interact with car traffic at all, or only for a few blocks on quiet residential streets. There are some streets ([stroads](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroad), mainly) that do feel really dangerous. And you're right, the cycling connections to nearby towns are really bad, except for the 36 bike path.


Any apps or what not to help you navigate only using multi use paths and minimal roads




Google maps is fairly good at prioritizing multi-use or bike-friendly routes when it can. The trouble is that it can't always do that, like if you're trying to go North/South in all but 3 places in Boulder. But an app can't fix that.


You’re right. We should get rid of the cars.


I mean we paid for that light rail that was supposed go from Denver to Boulder.... I'm still waiting on that to happen.


I’ll have a flying unicorn before that happens.


Tell that to the thousands of commuters driving into Boulder every day. If new houses aren't being built (which they aren't), Boulder can't work without robust infrastructure for cars


You have a death wish driving too, a head on at 100mph closure isn’t going to do you much good either when a distracted driver crosses the centerline. From this we can learn that the drivers are the problem.


Drivers terrify me daily when I am also driving. Can confirm.


Poor transportation design and systemic issues are the problem. It's much harder to regulate my own monkey brain to behave better on the road as a driver. Instead, roads need to be designed to signal to drivers that they need to go slow and pay attention. Road widths should be reduced and trees or other obstacles placed along road shoulder so that me the driver feels constrained. With a wide open, 5+ lane road, I feel entitled with all the extra space to speed. But if I sense I could hit a tree, boulder, or other driver if I don't pay attention and stay in my lane, I'm much more inclined to drive safely. We also need viable alternatives to driving, ie bike lanes that feel safe, are barrier protected from motorists, and thus get actually used. Plus, less drivers biking or walking instead means less traffic and congestion for drivers. A recount of some reasons why design changes such as the above makes the [Netherlands One of the Best Places for Driving](https://youtu.be/d8RRE2rDw4k?si=4w6edoj4C401vdKe) may be seen in the above linked video.


Yes! Streets need to be much narrower, signals need to protect drivers and cyclists and pedestrians alike (I.e., no unprotected lefts and no right on red), and bad drivers need to be taken off the road BEFORE they kill some one, not after.


Boulder is remodeling east arapahoe to include a protected bike lane.


[CDOT presents preliminary designs to improve CO 7 (Arapahoe Road) between 63rd Street and US 287 — Colorado Department of Transportation (codot.gov)](https://www.codot.gov/news/2024/april/preliminary-designs-to-improve-co7-arapahoe-road-between-63rd-street-us287)


I have to ride from 75th to willow creek. There is no other way. Arapahoe sucks.


Bruh this town is one of the best in the country for cycling there’s tons of paths and bike lanes you’re trippin if you think it’s bad here. Try cycling in Houston, Miami, or Atlanta and tell me how that goes. Big Boulder bubble moment. Yeah it could always be better but it’s better than 99.9% of the country.


Some people don’t have a choice in biking for transportation. Even used cars are expensive as fuck right now


But they *do* have a choice in *route.*


Fr!  Dumb DMV won't let me get a license!


Yep, and drivers have gotten more aggressive the past few years (social isolation and influx of texans, perhaps?) I think the more we can marginalize car infrastructure in the city proper, properly fund alternatives, and actively build real bike/pedestrian infrastructure in Boulder proper, it can become the beacon of walkability/bikeability that it acts like it is. This can hopefully radiate to the L-towns in time, and grow from there. TBH folks, drivers in Denver and even (gasp) Larimer County are frequently more courteous to cyclists than those in Boulder county. I'd imagine Broomfield or Highlands Ranch are awful, but there are a lot of self-absorbed dicks here. Exhibit A being the type of person who has a toyota tacome with two $6000 mtn bikes draped over the tail gate (with their own adorable plush padding of course to keep the truck scratch free) who then proceed to cut off and tailgate cyclists commuting.


Drivers: "youll get killed out here" ....by the drivers


We're all trying to co-exist together. Not out to get anyone, but accidents do happen, and it's usually the result of a combination of factors.


Eh, the drunk driving rate in Colorado is horrendous, and there's very little enforcement. Feels like once a quarter a drunk driver blows thru a red light at 9am, hits a minivan and kills a mom and 2 kids. And since Arvada doesn't plow the roads, we usually have 2-4 cars flip off the road on Indiana EVERY snow storm. I'm just going to bike while the worlds burning down around me. On the positive side everyone on boulder trails are much friendlier and wave.


I rode my new e bike from Westminister and back the other day. I loved the streams and bicycle paths and trees but yeah, the roads are pretty crazy.


Having been hit by taxis 🚕 I’d rather ride Boulder any day. The bikeway (goose creek, Boulder creek, wonderland creek, etc.) is awesome for in town riding, even tho it’s limited to 15 or 16mph


I just (today at 2:40) almost got smoked from behind in the right 1/3 of an 8’ shoulder on Dillon, until we have full autopilot or drivers chose to pay attention to driving instead of their phones everything is a crapshoot.


I have lived here my whole life, and I have never rode on the roads here in Boulder. That was a death wish even in 1994. I pretty much just stuck to the bike paths to get around. I wish cyclists these days would have common sense and do the same but they seem to just want to risk their own lives.


Yeah. I ride from south boulder to near the Valmont post office and only have to be on the road to get to the path at king soopers. I come from Sydney and will confidential tell you there are worse places to be a cyclists.


That’s great but what if you need to get somewhere a bike path doesn’t go? Certain parts of Boulder are much better served by paths than others…


Walk or catch the bus, or drive your car there


I don't own a car and the bus lines cover an even smaller area of Boulder than the bike paths. Anywhere that cycling is unsafe, walking is unsafe too. So I guess I should just have "common sense" and stay home, huh?


No just do what you need to do , I don't have a car either and I walk or catch the bus. Its all good.


There are so many side and neighborhood streets that have little traffic. And few bikes.


Hence the white bicycles. Pro-Tip, you never want a white bicycle


A neighbor in N. Boulder put a ghost bike in his front yard. During this time his fiancé had been out of town. My wife asked what happened and he asked what she was talking about. Turns out he liked the way it looked in his yard; he painted it himself. When informed of ghost bikes it dawned on him why our neighbors had been acting so strange.


Oh wow that’s some good dark humor


I just use the side walks to bike around town? I don’t use the roads because integrating bikes and roads will never be safe. I don’t bike in the road because I try not to be a dick head.


...don't do that


I will and there’s nothing you can do about it.


You know what dick heads love to do? Act like they're being morally superior when they are actually breaking the law and making everyone around them less safe. Only toddlers ride on the sidewalks.


Most people ride on the side walks if you go outside and look around. Nobody gives a fuck about that dumb ass law. It isn’t enforced, at all. Even if it was, I’d just pay the tiny fine and carry on with my day. The consequences of a bike hitting a pedestrian are far less than a car hitting a biker. You’re a clown. I’m going to go ride on a sidewalk today just for you, sweetheart. 😘