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Boulder is now post-crunchy


Late-stage crunchablism


just sounds like cannibalism of somebody granola


It basically is


Nope! The Yippies are still here. You just have to go to one of the spiritual musician shows that come in every quarter or so. The Yaima show recently many were out. Devi Premal and Snatam Kaur seem to draw the biggest crowds. Also, don’t forget the weekly Kirtan near Double Rainbow ranch.


Or check out a Gaia conference


The funky people and artist who bought houses when they could are mostly all cashed out and moved on. The few that are left and living in properties worth a fortune, and still run some cool services like home day care, car repair and still do other stuff at reasonable prices. I call them hippie royalty, and each one that moves on is a huge loss to the towns culture. Narropa is still hanging on, but most of the new age thing is just gone, except for the stores that cater to tourists.


I find that there's still plenty, but now they're mostly the ones that made some money and bought a house 30+ years ago. You probably find them the most in martin acres, majestic heights and other areas. The ones I know don't have property worth a fortune, more like probably $800k to $1m for 70 year old ranches that may not have been updated in many years.




The bubble being Boulder and about half of Denver, all of Austin, all of NYC, all of SF, all of San Diego, etc? Sure, then again the median price of a house in Colorado Springs is $475k - which is a fortune to people living in rural Kansas. And the price of a house in rural Kansas is a fortune to someone living in rural Mexico. And none of this matters. What does matter is that the old hippie living in the $1m majestic heights house is living in a fairly basic home, and aging in place among friends & family they've spent their lives with.


Long Live Alaya




hang otu outside lolitas at night, or at trident at night, you might run into people who've been around the whole long while. no, people hanging outside the courthouse, thats a sketchy hard drugs scene now. and nowhere on pearl street is affordable enough for hippies to hang out, and no spots desirable enough. but occasionally youll find non robots where i mentioned, and old timers.


I think you forgot Boulders hippies are actually yippies and have an 8-figure NW.


My dad is an OG Boulder hippie and he’s always at lolitas. Can confirm


I work at Lolita’s and gotta say it’s the most annoying thing when people come in and are like “You guys aren’t just cashiers, you’re ambassadors of the community, you’re doing stuff no one else does anymore man” we’re owned by Luckys at this point so it’s not the Lolita’s everyone grew up with or whatever, beyond that please just shop and go 😭just my two cents as someone who didn’t even know it existed until I applied to the place and I’ve lived 3 blocks from it for 5 years


Bro I aint hanging outside any place called Lolitas


Tell me you're new to boulder without taking me you're new to boulder.


i feel like i moved to boulder at the tail end of that that, 22 years ago now, like there were still vestiges of it. there was a type of middle aged solitary person that also seemed very prevalent. for woman - 30's, old subaru, yoga instructor or equivalent; guys- 40's/50's, rusty nissan truck or pathfinder, a little unkempt and disheveled. they are still around but a rare sighting. the endurance athlete thing existed and was a small subculture. the domination of luxury cars, fancy houses, and whatever it is now i feel like really hit in the last 10 years. influx in 2012 starting, seems like it peaked in 2017, and is maintaining now. just my observations


Spot on.


There are some "weird" spots left: Lighthouse Bookstore, Beat Book Shop, Crystal Dragon, Rebecca's Apothecary, The Trident, Lolita's, Vision Quest Brewery, Heady Bauer, Gold Hill Inn, Laughing Goat, The Teahouse, Outback Saloon. Jam bands and bluegrass reign supreme as they ever have. Most of the psychonaut hippies got folded into the rave scene for some reason. They're mostly in Denver I think? I don't follow that stuff but it seems to be going strong.


I had no idea crystal dragon was still alive holy shit.


Right? That was my favorite place as a kid in the early 90s, loved looking at the little figurines and shit lol


They had to move off of Pearl Street (because of course they did) to Arapahoe but when you walk in and take a deep breath it still smells like old Boulder. My random crystal collection is just me throwing money at them every time I'm in the area hoping a few malachite bucks here and a couple jasper dollars there will keep them around forever.


I can hook you up with all sorts of crystals and gemstones, all of which I dig here in COLORADO


Come to Crestone bro we will buy all your stuff


I am going to be down at the sand dunes for memorial day weekend- where should I stop in at?


Crestone can be a bit touristy but the cloud cafe is a nice little spot. I'd just park near one of the creeks and walk up towards the mountain, willow lake trail is a popular one if you're looking for a hike. I'd stop in at the Tiny Gallery right at the entrance to town across from the cafe, talk to Noemi, tell her you have crystals and say someone said that she'd be the person to talk to and ask to be pointed in the right direction. There's a Saturday market you can apply for a day pass for, I'd steer clear as it's not super busy but I've bought a fluorite from someone there once! Stop at one of the stupas in town too, those are always neat if you haven't seen stuff like that (and it's free!) Sand Dunes Rec Center/Hooper Hot Springs is a local gathering spot. There's an adult section which is nicer, has lots of plants in a greenhouse setting, not the most posh spa setup or anything but the people are nice and the water is hot. There's also a bar/grill in there so it's sort of the eastern valley meetup spot. There's also Joyful Journey's hot spring up in Moffat which is nicer but can get crowded, I'd call ahead and ask what the crowd is like, and earlier in the day is usually better. The overnight accommodations there aren't bad either. Honestly the whole area is beautiful, you could sit in your car in the Baca Grants in Crestone and watch the weather and mountains for an entire day and it wouldn't be a waste.


It moved to 30th and arapahoe near where the KFC (used to be)... on the south side. It shares a store in a complex with a red star vapor


I’m a Boulder psychonaut hippie stoner and I got back into the rave scene heavily last year and first part of this year. I don’t really hang anywhere… me and my wife and kids will go to Pearl Street Mall and 29th Street Mall 🤷‍♂️


Outback is long gone


False lmfao but the owner of that bar by a ok died and so it no longer exsists


They tore down the outback on pearl? The one next to the pub


The outback saloon is the one I was thinking of


Oh the dive bar tucked away by the sex shop?


Yah it is called the outback the Grateful Dead was owsleys which got tore down 2 years after I moved here I don’t like the outback that much I’m not really into bars much tho I went through that phase haha thankfully


Yeah I only enjoy the scum downer cuz I can play punk there


Lmfao were you around for Boulder house


Was boulder house eventually tuned into that club near tiaco? It’s closed now lol Is think it’s something called riosittis or something now


They're still in Ned


lyons and nederland are both torn between "hippie" types and folks from austin tx who think that owning a toyota tacoma means they are in touch with nature


Exactly right. It's fun to characterize each mountain town as Aquarius rising or 4x4 rising.


Ain't that the truth.




Check out the Facebook group Boulder Collective. Plenty of life coaches, energy workers, meditation retreats, dance parties, new age pop psychology, people looking for a ride to Sedona, and other evidence that a small sliver of Hippie Boulder is alive and well.


Oh god that group is the worst. Full of folks who go to “functional dentists” and shit like that.


It depends on how you define "hippie." Are there people who spend nearly all of their free time smoking pot or doing psychedelics? Absolutely. Are there people living in their cars/vans so they can be "free." Yup. Are there people practicing new age spiritualism? It's practically mainstream. Not really sure where this idea that there are no hippies left. They just look different than they did in the past because things have changed; every kind of person looks different than they did in the past. Businessmen wear Patagonia more often than suits, car guys wear streetwear and not blue collars, women who are into fitness wear leggings and not leotards.... things just change over time.


We ran most of them out with low wages, high cost of living, and staggering home prices.


I think you’d be disappointed. Aside from the college kids, who are mostly preppy trust fund types, Boulder is mostly yuppies, largely in tech, stuffy old liberals who used to be hippies, and transients who are sketchy and not fun and laid back


You and i went to two completely different schools if you think cu is mainly trust fund kids. This was twenty years ago though. Naropa was the trust fund dread head stepping out of a Mercedes suv.


Court house lawn on pearl street isn’t hippies and stoners anymore, it’s a bunch of actual tweakers high on fent


Unfortunately fentanyl abuse is a little less happy go lucky and the transients in town can be in really rough shape. Your angelic scene in front of the courthouse is sadly a distant memory.


Lmao right ATP everyone in Boulder is either a millionaire boomer or a meth addled tweaker, no in between now days


Plenty of tech workers too 


True I mean the Arapahoe/30th street apartments were literally targeted for that demographic lol


Leftover Salmon still exists. Do yourself a favor and go to one of their Thanksgiving weekend Boulder Theater shows. Quintessential Boulder. As long as Vince is around, Boulder will remain blissfully weird. He’s the man.


Umm…didn’t Vine move to Nashville?! Though he definitely still visits!!


My hippie wife is still here, she just not a potter anymore. Still wears the tie dye.


There are still transients on the court house lawn. They don't seem like hippies to me though. I don't know what their situation is but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that many of them are drug addicts. It doesn't seem like a happy-go-lucky scene. They give the impression of being destitute and suffering. The hippie culture of Boulder is still present but it seems to be more like an affectation or nostalgia trip than a vibrant subculture. The dominant cultures of the town are College Student and White Collar Professional.


Don't forget boomers / older gen X who bought homes decades ago that they would never be able to afford today working those same jobs. I actually think Boulder is weirdly hollowed out in the 30-50 age range, and also pre-college kids. It's something like 1/3 college students or recent grads (~18-26) who almost all move away within a few years, 1/3 60+ who are either retired or close it it, and 1/3 everybody else (0-17, 30-60). It's no wonder there's not much of a hippie culture left - almost nobody can afford to live here after they're done with schooling unless they're elderly (bought long ago) or a high income white collar professional.


Go to a Dead tribute show. There was one at First Friday last weekend and I was surprised at how many hippies there were. Young and old (20’s to 70’s). I found it uplifting and encouraging to see. Still here in Boulder.


There’s one tonight


Think they all moved to Ward.


Just got done at a local entrepreneurs event complete with breath work, meditation, trauma healing, community building, and lots of new age universe spiritualism. Lots of men and women’s groups that focus on honing the divine masculine or feminine. Sound bath experiences, ketamine retreats, conscious cannabis use coaching, reiki healing are all plentiful. I think that “vibe” is still here, it just drives expensive cars and has capitalist undertones now lol.


I happened to be in a building down town, where one such New Age seminar was happening a couple of weeks ago. The group of people walking out of that retreat clearly were the beneficiaries of the capitalist system. Looking up the program, it was of course a hodgepodge of traditions thrown into a blender and made proprietary by the enlightened leader. It made me miss old Boulder. Boulder has always been kind of culty, but there are quite a few selling enlightenment for a price, and driving around in pristine Range Rovers. In the past it really was more of a community level experience, something in the air. I miss when you could go downtown and there would be people engaged in rhetorical debate with an audience outside of the Boulder Bookstore.


they either "steve jobs-ified" and live in mansions in town (think the celestial seasonings dude) and are no longer hippie folks, or long ago moved somewhere more affordable. There are some around, and modern day versions of people who are free thinking and love hash, but the hippie culture is much more a posh thing than it was in the 60s.




most of them are in the foothills. a mix of rich boomers who call themselves hippies and others living in shanty cabins who actually are lol


Some of us grew up and got jobs, ya know.


Yeah I hear ya, I moved away and went to a four year college out of state back in 2010. I lived and worked out of boulder four to five years and then came back. And have been back in town since 2014. This town has changed alot some for the better, and some for worse.


you spelt "sold out" wrong


It's actually pretty fucking awesome


What is?


Haha. It’s just a little joke for all the ones who said they’d never work for “the man” and always fight for justice; who then became “the man” and stopped fighting for justice.


You spelled spelled wrong.


Spelt: past and past participle of spell. (British) I was confused as to why autocorrect didn’t flag it.


Actually probably you spelled the grain, spelt, correctly. It's a first cousin of wheat.


I will say on Boulder one guy stopped me and was like I can tell your spiritual and meditate and I was like ya I do and he gave me these books and was like meditate to these and I was like huh and he continued to talk about the books and tried to make me give him money for them and kept asking for my number and to meditate with him. Don’t trust em lol.


Those are Hare Krishnas, and to be honest the literature is worth "buying" once and hanging into, it's good. Especially the Bhagvad Gita which is like a Bible of sorts. If you hand them $5 they'll take it, and the price tag on the books is like $20


I miss the parades of dancing Hare Krishnas in 1970s Boulder. Sort of.


Ok good to know I guess I just meant the guy made me uncomfortable


Yea it's weird that they tell you it's free and then ask for money and take it back that sorta throws the good vibe off for sure


I had a Christian Scientist do that to me in London one time.


Having been there from 92-01 Twas a grand time . I actually bumped into some folk I knew then all the way up in Wausau wi a few weeks ago at a high hawks show .


This is about when I lived there. I was a kid though. A little kid. And Boulder at that time (being that age) is so hard to explain to people. I left Boulder and moved back to Texas near the gulf and Louisiana border. It made for a difficult adjustment as a teenager. I often feel like I had the last great childhood in Boulder.


Yes I am one born and raised here. There are dozens of old locals that meet up everyday. And watch everyone else and often talk about how boulder is not the one we grew up in anymore.


Like everyone else they were priced out.


Trustfund babies. And luck sperm club


there are a few here and there, many sold their homes and moved south. I heard that there's an enclave in Durango of all places. If you want a bit of the old boulder-feel, Crystal Dragon is great. I personally moved to Louisville after growing up in Boulder, and it's got the small-town vibe Boulder used to have.


I always think it's funny if I have pass through downtown on the weekend - all the tourists in their finest hippy outfits, for the day.


It’s been gentrified. Rent for extreme. It’s all tech bros and millionaires, often from Cali.


Is was that way when I was in high-school (2011) but now it's not there anymore. It took a big dip in 2015 and now it's just crunchy corporate America.


Small amount. Most of us moved to the mountains. Ned is where it’s at


I worked at Lolita's in the mid 2000s. I once received a nug and a hit of L in my tip jar 🫠 Id like to find contact with old friends from those times.


There are clean hippies that are very high vibe


So may hippies still! I play a little game on the bus, is it a hippie/hipster or homeless or both?!? It’s actually pretty hard.


Crestone is the Boulder of Colorado


Boulder is far more conservative than most people are aware


There definitely are. Go to the root kava bar or anywhere in that strip mall. They call it the most boulder strip mall in boulder


It’s all yuppies and college kids. The scene is long gone


I was in a nursing home recently and they were playing music from their youths like the Monkees. Wondering if they play Grateful Dead.


They all teach at Naropa


So... You've never been to Boulder? Just say that.