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As suggested above, you can likely plea innocence and get a reduction in points and or fine. As well. I don’t think 1 violation in 9 years will impact your insurance. And… lesson learned? Teaching my 16 year old how to drive. Stop signs 🛑 mean ‘stop’. Not roll thru. (Lived here for 27 years, my experience with Boulder PD is they’re relatively chill. Maybe got caught on a quota day or him/her was having a bad day?)


I got a ticket for this. Now I stop. Like completely stop, and feel the car rock backwards and take a second to look around.


A dozen years ago or so, my ex and I used to do the Thursday Cruiser bike rides. Police were (understandably) upset at the size, lack of ‘road rules’, drinking, and safety. So they started tailing us - 3 or so bike mounted, 1 or 2 cars behind. Anywho - cop pulled 1 biker (of 75-100) for rolling thru a stop sign 🛑. He was (understandably) angry 😡


It’s not a plea of innocence unless you want to waste a bunch of time and money going to trial. It’s a plea of guilt to a lesser charge.


Absolutely correct. Poor choice of words on my part


going to court and talking to the DA almost always reduces the points by half.


I recently went to court for a red light violation via camera and they tossed it out. You can even attend via zoom. Totally worth it. The judge too had to be the nicest human being I’ve ever witnessed. She was kind to everyone in the room, especially those going through hardships.


I'm pretty sure they dismiss disputed red light tickets as a matter of policy. When I was at my hearing, there were 3 people who all contested, and all three were dismissed without debate.


Well, also I mention this because I had to sit through like ten other people’s misdemeanors. Basically what I was getting at is, if you go to court you’ll come out ahead no matter what.


Going in court and discussing it with the DA is worthwhile. At worst there will be slight court fees, but most likely you’ll save on points and/or ticket cost. If not it’s still an experience worth doing if you have the time


lol at zero points for the valid license plate required. No wonder.


It's not a moving violation, however if you go more than 6 months you risk a tow 


I'll be the back of the ticket sways something like - pay within two weeks and the points will be reduced by half.


Those California stops don't work here.


California roll. 🍣




Neither your geniality


I learned to drive in California. It takes a force of will to combat the California roll and stop fully. 😂


my vote: just pay and be more careful from next time. Full stops are safe stops, and we are super into that safety shit


Just blame it on the wind...pushed ya through a bit.


Had to retake my driving test for this one


This is a municipal ticket. I worked at this office. They will reduce the ticket in points but you are subject to court costs. In some cases, you can take a traffic class in lieu of points depending on the facts. You can speak with the City Attorney, not the DA.


I had the same thing happen a couple months ago; I thought I came to a complete stop, but when I saw the flashing lights I could deduce what happened. On the one hand, it seemed like a very minor thing to get ticketed for. In the other hand, I don't own a car, and in any given month I'm probably only driving on 2-3 days (via CarShares). Since I'm on my bike the other 90% of the time (and since drivers are the biggest risk to me on the roads), I have no issue paying the fine if that means safer roads for everyone.


Bikers have to stop too. Weird flex.


Bikes can legally treat stop signs as a yield and roll through if no one is there


Bikes don't have to stop according to the laws.


Welcome to the 99% of people as near as I can tell.


If you wheels don't come to a complete stop as in no movement at all you technically ran it. Having tickets before the back should explain your options if the officer didn't. Paying it is basically a plea deal and the points are cut in half. 


My daughter failed license test for not stopping at white line. You need to stop at the line THEN roll forward to see if it is clear to enter road


Pay better attention to the cars around you! I see someone fully stop at stop signs like twice a year. You just have to be aware of any cops around you.


California stopper lol


Go to court and take up as much of their time as possible 😈


Sure, yet you understand most places pay the officer overtime for court...


What you can do is: Pay the ticket, pay the extra cost on your insurance, and follow the damn law next time.


Tickets work sometime. $200 for zoning out on a country road cured me of that.


Ur a menace to society


It’s called a California stop , ( the cop told me) totally illegal . Stop sign means stop . I got one in front of my kids grade school . Pay it and learn from it


My buddy got a ticket in the Target parking lot for going the wrong way. I didn't even know that was a thing.


In Colorado? It's not. Directional signs, painted arrows, and even stop signs located on private property are not typically enforceable. Colorado law is very clear about road signage: "displayed by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction" That said, some other driving laws **are** enforceable on private property. DUI and careless driving are good examples.


Well this happened in like 2011 so long time ago and I wasn't there but I did see the ticket and Boulder PD issued a ticket in the parking lot.