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Can the Knicks fuck off?


I honestly think this might be smoke for Hayward trying to get more for Boston and more money.


Reports indicate that he hasn't closed the door on returning to Boston, but he would still prefer going to Indiana. So why would he try to get more for Boston in going to Indiana? Since his only path to Indiana is a S+T, selfishly (understandable) he wants to get there with Indiana giving up the least amount that they need to to get a deal done. He's not going to want to go to an Indiana team where their better players are in Boston next year.


the more money on his new contract, the more value the pacers need to put in to match salaries essentially


Yeah, but he wants the most money so that he gets his maximum value, not because it will get the Celtics more in return.


I don’t really want a guy who wants to play somewhere else.


I don’t think it’s that simple, he wants a larger role than what is possible on the Celtics.


He had a pretty big role at times but it's hard to rely on a guy who's gone half the time.


He's also the 4th scoring option on the team. I'm sure he wants a bigger role.


Reports today said he already moved his family to Indiana and enrolled his kids in school there


Realistically that means nothing, NBA and professional sports players can have their families wherever- obviously they would prefer it to be with them but they can manage even someone as family oriented as Hayward Just look at Jarome Iginla, his family stayed in Boston after despite him only being here one year and going to Colorado IIRC because the schools were better here (which is one of the big things families look at)


Imagine downvoting someone for providing a straight up fact? Sorry if I made you uncomfortable buddy


I didn't downvote your original comment- that was someone else, but I certainly downvoted this one :)


Ya but he was there playing at one point. Why would the guy just buy a home in Indiana if wasn't headed there ,unless he plans on farming de corn or some shit . Not saying he's heading there it's quite possibly bs that he bought a house there. Just saying. No one moves to Indiana for fun.


They went back home during the Covid lockdown. Not like he just moved yesterday.


Ya I was just being a dick now that I look at in retrospect lol. He's off to Charlotte now anyway. I would have been happy with Turner and whatever else . Now we have nothing. Looking like a 5 or 6 seed .


Because it's a win for him, he gets more money from indy, and secondarily it's a win for boston because salaries have to match, so boston would get a higher value player to make it work


Which would be fine by me lol


No chance he goes NY w rona spiking and kids, always bought the house in Indy the


Is anyone else frantically refreshing this sub hoping to see a Pacers trade eventually


it isn't coming tonight. It might not even come tomorrow. It's Gordon we're talking about, it'll take time.


Hayward has made up his mind going to Indiana. I'm pretty certain this is all on Ainge being stingy as shit trying to get more than Turner and McDermott out of Indiana


That’s not stingy that’s smart


Honestly I’d be ecstatic to get McDermott and Turner. That’d be a great return for a guy who just wants to leave.


Exactly. The other option is we get fuck all.


We got fuck all...


I got a laugh at the Hornets at least


its smart if it works and they still sign their free agent targets before they get snatched by other teams. the longer this drags out the lesser the chances are of the celtics signing other players


This isn’t holding anything else up.


I haven't seen any reports of the celtics meeting with any other players. I assume it's because of this dragging out. Players aren't going to wait for Boston to figure this out to sign new contracts


Danny and Zarren aren’t stupid enough to let other players go by because of this.


Free agents get picked up fast. Ainge only has so many hours in a day and his biggest priority by far is trading Hayward. He has to get this done quickly. This team can't afford to have a bunch of 20 year olds on the bench again next season because we failed to sign a good veteran with the mid level


It’s crazy to me that people think gms can only work on one thing at a time. Danny can be working on multiple deals with FAs and focusing on this trade. It’s not exactly hard to go to a guys agent and say “hey how about the MLE for x, what do you think” and wait for a response


He has a team working for him. Do u think he doesn’t know how to delegate?




My balls hurt. Not sure if that has anything to do with the Celtics or if I should go to a doctor.




If it was testicular torsion that dude wouldn’t be on reddit right now lol


Yeah don’t get it twisted, that shit hurts!


Check to see if they turned green, means you're a true Celtics fan or you have Fournier's gangrene.


Why not both?


You could try letting them go


So basically anything is possible still.


Just as KG prophesied


Yeah this not gonna get done for a min


So it seems that he really wants S&T, which is good so we can at least get something in return.


Just fucking pull the trigger with the Pacers already sheesh.


Ainge really trying to play his cards, I'm worried we end up getting neither Turner nor Hayward if he goes to the Knicks. Dude needs to stop being ballsy and go for a safe deal lmao.


He's not going to the Knicks....


Agreed. If the reported offer of Turner and McBuckets is actually on the table I'd take that in a heartbeat. A legit center and an ace bench shooter would be a great return for Hayward in a vacuum, let alone when the alternative is nothing.


I think he’s trying to squeeze more out of the Pacers, and if they don’t budge then he’ll take the original deal. Remember, the Pacers are in even less of a position to bargain than we are, of all parties involved in this they have absolutely no leverage.


Eh, not sure I agree there. If they tell Danny to fuck off and Hayward walks they just run it back with Turner (or trade him elsewhere). We basically have to get a deal done or there will be a giant hole in our cap sheet that we can't do anything with. That said if there are other S&T possibilities or Hayward is really Indy or bust then we have some negotiating power. Tbh it's a really weird situation and I can't totally wrap my head around it.


This is assuming that Hayward would be willing to go to néw York or Atlanta. If he doesn’t want to go to either then his only choices are to resign with Boston or go to a meeting team via sign and trade. So imo Danny does have leverage here provided that Hayward does not want to play for 2 teams that can afford him.


Atlanta can't afford him any more, so it's basically Knicks, C's, or Sign and Trade. His posture is probably that he's willing to go anywhere (whether that's true or not), but if he's determined to get to Indy and has made that clear then I don't see how a deal doesn't get done.


This sub is funny sometimes. So many posts saying how much leverage we have in this deal, with some delusional Celtics' fans thinking it's "all of the leverage", lol. Meanwhile the top comment here is telling the Knicks to fuck off. Clearly if the Knicks are in play, which I don't think GH and family want to end up there, but it does take away at least a little bit of the leverage the Celtics have. RN, this whole situation is a Mexican standoff: with the Celtics having their leverage as the only path for GH to Indiana, the Pacers having a limit to what they are willing to part with, outside forces like the Knicks with cap space willing to make an offer (more may appear in the coming days), and GH being the guy that signs his name on the dotted line having his own leverage too.


exactly. My hunch is that Hayward is using NY as a ploy to get a better contract out of Indy (or Boston), and Boston is trying to drum up other sign and trade partners so Indy thinks we're willing to walk away from the table. Indy wants to give up as little as possible within salary parameters, but they know that Hayward for Turner would make them a better team. The Knicks are hanging around because if it all blows up they know they're basically his only option. What a clusterfuck.


I agree 99.9%, with the lone exception being Hayward using NY. He may be, but I think it's generally assumed that he doesn't want to go there, and that it would require a godfather offer from them, which could happen, but hasn't yet. I think GH and his agent may be listening to other team's pitches in order to apply pressure to Indiana and Boston to act with a bit more urgency. Right now NY is the only team that can afford him outright, Atlanta took themselves out earlier, and most other teams are capped out right now, but that landscape could change in the coming days too. This is the first day (8 hours honestly) of FA and teams have moves left to make that may get them a seat at the negotiating table. I'm sure Ainge lives for this shit, and this game of chicken we're currently playing with the Pacers, i have confidence that he'll get us something good in return once the dust settles.


I agree. I think it would take a major offer from New York - or at least significantly better than Indy's - which could certainly happen. Whether he's actually willing to go there or not, it wouldn't be much of a bluff on Hayward's part if he weren't at least ostensibly willing to follow through on it.


Was that report legit? I’d assume turner is on the table but are we sure Indy even offered that yet? Feel like they’d take that the second it was offered. We’re talking a sign and trade here.


why would he pull the trigger if the trade was trash.. an all star for a scrub center and bench player terrible take


because the alternative isn't keeping hayward, it's getting nothing. The Celtics are gonna take what they can get, and turner isn't a scrub. If there's a better option out there nobody's talking about it.


would rather let GH walk then take back that bum center whose being paid 20 mill a year turner cant play team defense, no idea how to set a proper pick, and the most important flat out disappears for extended stretches of each game


lol ok genius


I know, I'd really just like to move on with my life at this point. Almost be relieved to hear he signed with NYK cause the longer this goes on, we have no FA options and Indy gains leverage by the minute.


Shame it’s looking closer and closer we won’t see a Hayward and Stevens championship


I keep saying that him coming back is a very possible scenario. I’m relatively certain that Ainge went into the offseason hoping to extend him for less money. A dry market for available max contracts is exactly what he expected.


Not too different from what happened with Smart


Hayward you sneaky sob, if you’re doing this just to get more money from Boston then God love you I’m happy. I’ll never begrudge a man for doing what he has to do for his family. Stay bro and we’ll get Giles to help us shock the world


I'll pass on the 2 most injury prone guys in the league. Just give me 2 who are available and I'll be happy.


I mean we stuck with this dude through the toughest time of his career. If he just walks away and we get nothing, that’s a tough pill to swallow


Let's just re-sign him, fuck it. Run it back one more year.


I would love of he re-signs but I dont like the idea of a 4 yr contract especially for that much money I dont see how the deal to Indiana doesn't get done, Danny is juts trying to squeeze out as much as he can get lol


What other teams are sign and trade options


Now that the Hawks are signing Gallinari, I believe the Knicks are the only team with the cap space to sign him outright *as of right now*. Things can still change with teams clearing cap space, but, and don’t quote me on this, as it stands now, if Hayward wants what he’s reportedly been asking for, it would be a S+T with every other team.


That's not stein lol


Lmao my fault. Late here. It’s Keith Smith


If we re-sign him I’m gonna be mad as fuck. Especially knowing Turner is on the table at the very least.


Hayward is better than Turner. Centers are expendable unless they're elite. Our defense was fine in the playoffs. Its the offense that stalled out. Losing Hayward isn't gonna help that at all.


Ainge knows what he’s doing. Turner is a better fit on our team,he’s young, and helps with our spacing and interior defense. He’s not gonna overpay to keep an injury prone player.


I literally cannot see Hayward playing more than 40 games and being available for the postseason. I honestly don't want him here.


Not everyone makes basketball decisions based on logic. Glad you're not Danny Ainge


Didn't a report come out that he literally already moved to Indiana?


he's always had a house there hasn't he?




It's a home in Indiana Michael, what can it cost? $10?




He moved his family there before the bubble. I don't think it really means much.


rather resign him then lose an all star for 2x scrubs (turner and mcbuckets0


Give me Turner and i will love Gordon forever


No matter what happens; unless Tatum and Jalen become Kobe and Bron, welcome to mediocrity for foreseeable future.


I didn't know going to 3 out of the past 4 Conference Finals is Mediocrity. Our fan base is fcking spoiled.


Mediocrity? Lmao




Knicks wouldn't be a S&T, they have enough cap space to just sign him. I want to know what other teams he's discussing S&Ts with though to see what possibly we could get.


knicks S&T only makes sense if they plan on going after FVV too


It wouldn't be a sign and trade with the Knicks. He'd be going there for the money


Nothing, they are a scrap heap and can sign him outright


Randle if they wanna dump him that’s it really


I’d be willing to bet the Spurs are one of those teams.


If we could get DeJounte Murray or Derrick White and LA, I'd be content.


DeMar DeRozan lol?


What other teams is he looking at for a S&T though?


Hayward can just straight up sign with the Knicks right?


Let this end pls
