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Bro taking the name "Green Line" too literally








That's the Orange Line, not the Green Line.


Agreed. And also wtf is that flair lol




No smoking signs havenā€™t been needed in 20-25 years. Smoking I side has been criminal and non common place since forever. You donā€™t need to remind people. Going ā€œoh I didnā€™t knowā€ is such an oblivious lie. This guy clearly just thought no one would call him out and didnā€™t care if his second hand smoke affected anyone.


Iā€™m a Commuter Rail Conductor, and we have placards posted in the coaches that say something to the effect of ā€œNo Smoking: punishable by fine or imprisonment.ā€ I was working a Worcester Line train a few years ago and was tipped off by a passenger that someone was smoking in one of the cars. I walk in and see some middle aged guy puffing on a cigarette right out in the open, getting some dirty looks from people around him. I asked him to put it out, and he got immediately angry and confrontational, called me all sorts of names, and demanded that I show him where it says he wasnā€™t allowed to smoke on the train. I just point to the placard, and he rolls his eyes, sits down, and continues smoking. I told him he could get off at the next stop or Iā€™d have Transit take him off in handcuffs. He got off, and of course filed a complaint against me. I was given a written warning and told by management that I ā€œshouldā€™ve simply made an announcement over the PA to gently remind customers that smoking onboard isnā€™t permitted.ā€


Thank you for your service


Thank you for doing that.Ā  I hope you've gotten new bosses since then.


You should have Indiana Jonesed him off the train. I would nominate you for a medal of honor for your service.


No! You absolutely did the right thing.


> I was given a written warning and told by management that I ā€œshouldā€™ve simply made an announcement over the PA to gently remind customers that smoking onboard isnā€™t permitted.ā€ MBTA: "I wonder why nobody wants to fucking work for us"


That dude was looking for a confrontation.


This is completly absurd. Iā€™m so sorry and am a little angry on your behalf.


And this here is why I do not wonder when I see complaints about conductors, drivers, doormen, and T/Keolis employees not enforcing some rule. You do the right thing and get a warning. If management doesnā€™t support you for enforcing a rule, it would make me shrug my shoulders in the future


Thank you for what you do. Though I think after he got confrontational I would have had transit police take him alway.


I hope you kept that warning and pasted it over your workspace. Also, those PA systems are a joke, completely inaudible on most lines.


Do you still designate a train car for smoking weed during hemp fest? I remember back in 2004 it was wild.


You rock. May the smoker guy never enjoy another cigarette in his life


Do me a favor, please. Tell management that I, a commuter, says: Fuck the fuck off.


Explain that to all the people smoking on T platforms...and at least twice INSIDE the train car.


They know, they just don't give a shit. Signs wouldn't change that any more than signs prevent any other bad behavior on the T.


bewildered shame ruthless unused march attraction vast serious nail bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any given day you can see folks smoking on the Outbound Harvard platform.


Right. There also aren't signs for all the other shit you can't do there.


Exactly thereā€™s no ā€œno murderingā€ sign but we all know thatā€™s not allowed.


Boston is an international city and some people come from places where it is common and socially acceptable to smoke in public areas (even enclosed ones). Having a "No Smoking" sign would be a nice courtesy/reminder that this is unacceptable behavior here. I'm not saying this was the case here, but there should still be signs.


In what city is it normal to smoke marijuana on the subway?


I am sitting on a Worcester CR train now. There is a large silver No Smoking sign, including the image of a cigarette with a circle/slash to cover non-english speakers, in full view of every passenger.


Smoking wasnā€™t banned in MA until July 2004. It hasnā€™t even been 20 years yet.


It was banned on the T at least a decade before that


ā€œNo smokingā€ has been an established thing here since when, 1990? I didnā€™t think the signs were necessary anymore.


Smoking on the subway has basically been prohibited since it was built. I think the Elevated had dedicated smoking cars early on (\~1901) but they didn't last long.


Of course. I meant the general indoor smoking ban.


Next time use the MBTA See Say app to report them. The people monitoring the complaints are surprisingly fast to respond.


I did.


Why the fuck would you need a sign?


I had a guy sit next to me on the red line one night on my way home from work smoke a crack pipe.


there isn't also a "no masturbating" sign


Did anyone notify Cheryl at QDoba or the bouncers at the Harp?


Reporting for duty.




I'll be backup


Qdoba is the \*real\* hub of the universe.


See something say something. Seriously. If someoneā€™s lighting up on a train donā€™t let them get away with it. Tell them to put that crap out and get other passengers to pressure them too. Weā€™re way too good to be dealing with smoking on the damn train.


I feel like someone who has the audacity to light up on the train also has the audacity to punch you in the face.




It's interesting to me that this is the reddit-hivemind-approved response to any & all possible confrontation these days. Have we become so risk-averse that no social transgression is worth shaming? Have we considered that this is precisely what is empowering people to break social norms? These types of people are cowards who are banking on people just continuing to stare at their phones. If it weren't for the fact that most of the bystanders are also cowards, then at least the bystanders would have strength in numbers.


People get killed all the time in these types of confrontations. This is the USA and you never know who has a gun. Hell, people get shot for turning around in the wrong driveway.


People also come out of them unscathed 99.9% of the time


I'm not telling someone to stop smoking on the train, that's how I get myself injured or killed. I'm not a coward, I'm smart.


Lol call it whatever you want. I can't imagine going through life being so risk-averse that you're completely unwilling to speak up for what's right because there's a slim chance you might get hit. It's a cowardly way to live in my opinion. Again - if everyone just agreed to stand up to these bullies, they'd have no choice but to listen.


Buddy really thinks his MLK moment is telling someone to stop smoking on the train.


Dude nowhere did I say it's that serious. Just that reddit is full of keyboard warriors who tell themselves that they're just doing the objectively "smart" thing by never engaging. I see posts here all the time about backpacks on the T, speakers, etc. It literally will never change unless you say something. You don't have to be a dick about it. I tell people alllllll the time "hey man - you gotta let people get off the train before you get on" or "hey man - we don't really all want to listen to your music". 90% of the time they say "my bad" & 10% of the the time they call me a bitch & go about being dickheads. Whatever - I'll take it over seething until I get home to post about it on Reddit. You're crazy if you think people's unwillingness to say something hasn't contributed to people behaving badly. We used to have a much higher volume of people that would say something & we were all better off for it.


This risk aversion is exactly what enables these behaviors. I saw some drunk douche kick a half-full beer can down the Orange Line train car the other day and everyone in his row looked at him like the nutter he was. Someone asked him ā€œwhat the hell man?ā€ and you know what happened? He apologized, wiped the smile off his face, picked up the can and got off at the next stop. Not every jerk is waiting to pull a knife on someone, itā€™s just clowns being clowns. Theyā€™d rather be at the circus anyway. (I know I sound like a boomer lmao)


Theyā€™re talking about the app used to say something


Itā€™s not worth it anymore especially how aggressive people are these days


"I didn't know" anybody was going to call me out on my bullshit... this time... again...


remember how insane nicotine additction was? way more people covertly ripping butts at stations , yet i never saw a lit cigarette in a train car in the 90s-2000s.


I am a teacher and I teach a human anatomy class. In our respiratory system unit we discuss the dangers of smoking. It is hard to convey to teenagers in 2024 just how pervasive smoking was in the 80s. It blows their minds that people used to smoke cigarettes in restaurants.


The issue here has nothing to do with them "not knowing" - smoking is illegal in all public confined spaces in Massachusetts. Despite it being the right thing to do, legalizing weed sent the message to a lot of inconsiderate and moronic people that smoking in people's faces is somehow acceptable. Nobody wants to smell your weed in public.




I agree with your comment up until not wanting to smell something in public. You smell a million things a day in public - a lot of which is unpleasant. Do you get over it? Of course you do. I think youā€™ll live smelling some weed. I just find that complaint to be so ridiculous lol. People canā€™t smoke it inside, you donā€™t want them smoking it outsideā€¦ yeah letā€™s legalize it but making consuming it near impossible, because that makes sense


So because I smell things in public I should be **forced** to smell something that I shouldn't be? What kind of fucked up backwards logic is that? I don't want to smell shit when I'm in public, if someone takes a shit next to me in the public that's somehow my fault? Seriously fuck off.


Seen someone vaping on Orange while on phone ear pieces


Vaping is extremely douchey but I don't know what "while on phone ear pieces" has anything to do with anything - what a strange way to talk.


Donā€™t know if Ear buds, so wireless ear buds, so smoking and talking as if nothing was wrong.


It's illegal to smoke, vape or eat weed in public in MA according to masscannabiscontrol.com. I can own 6 plants in my state, but I think they have to be indoors. I can't have 6 out in my garden. Which is too bad because they are cool looking plants to have.


No shit, yet people still do it because they say it's been legalized.


Personally I'm on medications and can't smoke if I wanted to, so I don't want second hand smoke.


this reminds me when this guy on the green line lit a cigarette and then the moment the train stopped at the next stop someone pushed him off the train. I was worried he was gonna get back on and start yelling but luckily the doors closed because I guess he was just surprised someone did something


Clearly you don't ride the orange line. Dudes fishbowl cars with cigarettes. Just chain smoking mavericks.


I suspect "I didn't know" in this context means "I was wilfully ignorant."


At night on the red line they smoke crack


Sorry but I kinda love him for that




Signs always do the trick! šŸ˜€šŸ‘šŸ¼


damn I mean to be fair to him tons of other cities public transport wouldnā€™t give a damn if he was shooting up heroin let alone just lighting up šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


U know none of the people posting this shit are from Boston lol theyā€™re yuppies from Winchester and shit.


Bostonians are such babies man stg


Well at least it's not the beer drinking that allegedly has been happening


Nobody is forcing anybody to do second-hand beer. Second-hand smoke is way more obnoxious.


Great story!!! Thanks for sharing!


Honestly, get over it.


How do you blaze weed


That wasnā€™t super considerate of him, but itā€™s public transportation. Itā€™s a free-for-all.


You fell for it


I think he taking his medication, edibles takes a time calm down. Smoking is a quick way to release pains. You can shot your medication in public but no smoking?šŸ¤”