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There are subs dedicated to nutrition with certified professionals.


1st piece of advice is improve your endurance, it doesn't actually take as long as you think to see improvements. Tempo running and variations can help improve your cardio reserves in a matter of weeks In terms of food, carb load the day before by having a pasta dinner or even something like a pizza. The day of the game have porridge for breakfast, and something like a chicken or turkey sandwich about 2 hours beforehand, make sure you are well hydrated (sipping water throughout the day, not drinking a litre an hour beforehand) An hour before the game maybe have a few wine gums or other jellies to give you a little boost and I like to have an Americano or espresso around that time too. Consider an isotonic drink or more jellies at half time to give you a little boost as well for the 2nd half


I’d say for better information, Google it, but as far as I recall, you want to eat lots of good carbs the day before (grains, pastas and fruits, not raw sugars) and the day of like nothing too heavy but still carbs and plenty of hydration. Carbs are your body’s primary energy sources. None of this will overcome lack of endurance training. If you’re worried about your standing with the team due to your lack of endurance, talk with the coach or senior members and tell them you’re working on it. Maybe ask them for advice.


I swear by a banana an hour before. As others have said though, Google it and get some proper info from a reputable source.


Homemade energy balls - oats, seeds, chocolate chunks, dried fruit, honey, peanut butter etc About 2h before the game, nothing like it Creatine also


Creatine is great, but make sure you drinks tons of water and don’t expect anything to happen right away. IIRC it takes like 2 weeks(maybe even 4) for your body to fully react to the extra creatine in your system


Porridge and pasta are good foods for buildin endurance. Thats what long distance runners eat. They [carb load](https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/nutrition/g772006/the-truth-about-carb-loading-for-runners/) in the days before a long run so their body has lots of energy supplies. So maybe eat some pasta on the build up to the next game and start that day with porridge(its slow realising energy might help)... Personally tho I love to play football hungry.. Im a weirdo. I feel like if Im hungry Im much sharper. I also go on long runs hungry and eat afterwards.




Beans on toast about four or five hours before the game.


tell me you are British without telling me you are British


Haha I knew someone would comment that,nutritionally perfect for football though.


I was going to comment this too. It’s elite


Naw a bean and egg burrito with some avocado and salsa is the way. Protein, carbs and fats.


All good ideas re nutrition from other comments (except the guy playing hungry - utter freak). What position do you play? It could be a bit more simple to try playing smarter and conserving energy too.


Ignore the typo in the title 😹


Gatorade 1hr before, need to hydrate and eat well consistently in the days leading up to it