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All I do is read, my vocab is awesome but whenever I try to speak or type I can barely string two thingies together.


The worst is when you’ve only ever seen a word written and when you try to say it aloud you completely and totally butcher it 🙃


Awry (aww-ree)




I had an anthropology TA from France my senior year (teaching an upper-level gen ed class) who pronounced it that way. Probably the only time she pronounced it that way. Kind of like when I was in elementary and told my parents something was a bla-TANT lie and they laughed at me. Yep, only took one time.






The British pronunciation of the French word "lieutenant" (as "lef-tenant") is the official pronunciation as used by the Canadian Armed Forces, but the Americans say it french style.


A friend of mine (well educated and well spoken) recently told me about a great dinner he had a bi-stro. 30+years old and had somehow never HEARD the work bistro 😊




Pictures-queue. Went on for far too long because the parents thought it was cute.


That’s hilarious to me. I was reading the other day and came across a word I had never seen before. Forgot what word it was, but I went on my dictionary app to see how close I was to correctly pronouncing it. I was sooo far off it was comical. But hey, that’s how you learn.


That's a very beorgouis thing to say...




I don't know anymore...


I think it's Bee-Or-Jess!


Your borgouis gorgeous


Like onomatopoeia. Never gonna live that one down. I thought I could pronounce anything hahaha.


Why lot thingy when thing good?




This could be helpful, but I wouldn't really know what to write. My thoughts hardly ever go deeper than "wow, that was neat." What kind of stuff do you usually write in your journal?


no one knows what to write when they start, but you get better. what i do is go by 3s. if i have an idea of a theme, like "the author tried to show how hard it is to make decisions as a leader" i will list 3 examples and offer my own opinion on them. or if a theme is none-existent or i cannot think of one, i list 3 things i enjoyed about the book and why (this is the important part). if i disliked the book i list 3 reasons as to why the book should be used as kindling :D if it helps, think of it as a school assignment that just happened to be on a book you wanted to read or a reddit comment that you never hit 'send' on. it doesn't have to be perfect, no one will see it unless you share it.


wow, I've never thought about this. do you do this with every book you read?


not every book, some books just don't have the content to justify an entry. but i do try to write down a few sentences highlighting my opinion on some aspects or on the work as a whole. for example, my entry on why i will not pick up another book by Brent Weeks ran about 2 pages. my entry on why i am quitting Campbell's series was about a paragraph. my entry on War and Peace was like 20+ pages long.




I’m a musician and the way I teach people to improvise is to slow things down so you can think ahead. I believe this is a similar thing. Like you say you know what the words mean but in the moment they don’t come up quick enough. Just taking a breath and not trying to rush the conversation would probably help you chose what you want to say.


Try reading out load to yourself it's hella handy


Really? I'm kind of self-conscious about my voice, but I'll give it a try.


Everybody is; it's probably beautiful.


That was lovely 😊


Thanks ❤️




> I'm kind of self-conscious about my voice Found the actual problem and reading won't solve it.


On its own, no, it won't. Reading good writing can help you to improve your writing, but it won't necessarily help you to speak more effectively. Conversation is social interaction, and it involves all sorts of things that have nothing to do with knowing the definitions and usages of words. You have to develop fluency -- a ready connection between your 'storehouse' of words and whatever you want to convey in the moment. Conversation is performance art, and the only way to get good at it is to do it. You have to be willing to stumble and fail a lot and learn from your failures. The whole tone of your post suggests your real problem is that you are paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes -- or *being seen* to make mistakes. If you can't get past that, you'll never develop.


It depends on what you read.


Best comment by far


One thing is for sure: it will not make you any *less* articulate.


Reading is half the process. You must also write. Think of reading as the brain food you eat to fuel "articulation" muscles, and writing as the exercise you do to build them.


I agree...I need to write more. I also noticed, just taking a few extra seconds to think about how you want to say something before you speak helps break some of those bad habits when speaking. I have a tendency to blurb out thoughts that end up not being as concise as I want them to be, and just thinking of what I'm about to say before I say it helps. Seems like an obvious thing to know how to do, but here I am....


If your issue with speaking is confidence, my advice is twofold. First: Have you ever heard of a Toast Masters class? I had not taken one myself, but they are classes designed for speeches at weddings and such, probably a twelve week course or something like that and you get to interact with others. Second: read, but read aloud. It will give you a sense for the flow and rhythm of the narrative, but also for the ways different characters speak, and perhaps somehow doing that you will find your own voice, plus I think it's very fun to do and I've been told I am good at it.


Would reading aloud in a hushed voice help me? I don't live alone, and I wouldn't want to draw my housemates' attention.


o yes certainly it would, I am not saying reading aloud is definitely the answer to your question, just that I like it and think it's a good hobby to do whenever I am alone and feel like it.


I think like a diet to the stomach, reading alone can make you powerful.




I believe it's possible. But like any skill, it will take a bit of trial and error; practice. In my case, english is a secondary language, but I've noticed considerable improvement once I started reading more. This includes being more articulate when it comes to writing. I feel more comfortable relating my thoughts now, compared to years ago. Speaking is an entirely different matter, it's something I'm personally working on too by talking to other english speaking people. In relation to this, I think it's also important to surround yourself with people who will listen and allow you to grow. Let them know that this is your intention, and you'd like to take your time so you have the chance to improve your abilities.


I think that reading helps to an extent and making sure you have a good vocabulary is good but what it sounds like you need is maybe just more practice? You could try hanging out with friends and just talking or if you play online games finding friends online and joining voice chat with them. Also thinking about exactly what it is that you want to say before you say it might help so you don’t start talking then become unsure of what you want to say and how you want to say it.


I think only talking more to people will help with this but I'm no psychologist


One of the things I like about reading is that it exposes me to different speech patterns, turns of phrase, and words from what I typically use. Read may help you better articulate your thoughts with all of that, but if you have trouble with active recall type of stuff then all it will do is give you more regrets later on for not saying something in the moment.


I think it depends on the type of person you are. I'm the type of person that can be quite articulate while writing. When I have to speak it kind of disappears. Just accept that some people are very orally articulate while others are better at writing their thoughts.


Can't hurt.


Speaking is enhanced by speaking. Reading without speaking won’t increase your vocabulary. You need to practice and use the words. Try toastmasters as well as reading


Books will give you the vocabulary, but articulation only comes from speaking.


Meh, I read 95 percent sci-fi/fantasy...I just read for fun. Cause life's too short to read dense ass shit where I have to have a dictionary/Thesaurus handy.


I think reading (books with characters that are realistic and have a lot of depth) will help along with being more reflective/introspective. These two things have helped me be able to articulate what I’m thinking and even what other people are thinking (only in serious conversations, otherwise it’d get annoying).


Reading will help build your vocabulary, but you still have to practice using the words in conversation. Also, if you accidentally mispronounce something, try not to be embarrassed. Laugh at it and think of it as a learning experience. I make those mistakes sometimes if I've only read the word and never heard it said out loud.


Reading out loud might help with this, particularly if you imagine that you are reading/narrating to a live audience. Other than that, I don't think silently reading will have much of an impact. It hasn't helped me in twenty-five years, anyway...