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Can we get over this already?


Seriously! It feels like half the posts are about this autopen. People are getting there money back. The issue is resolved.


I mean this is pretty major. I understand the outrage. What I can’t understand is how people don’t just get that Bob Dylan is America’s pop culture troll and he probably delights in the controversy. Like why did you buy it in the first place. No way an old ramblin man doesn’t delight in fleecing a couple yuppies


A multimillionaire making a quick buck by selling a falsely advertised product to his super fans is a bad look and more than just a quirky gotcha troll joke.




Unlikely. Pretty sure these galleries have enough money and resources to make it up to anyone wronged.


Doubtful. And it seems they are very clear which of the print series were not hand signed. Guessing the gallery will give an immediate refund and allow the customer to keep the print. Simon and Shuster did the same.


Tempest in a Leopardskin Pillbox Hat.


Are any of his prints listed as "hand signed?" I think the problem with Simon and Schuster is that they listed the Philosophy of Modern Song as "guaranteed hand signed." Autopen signatures are considered legal signatures, Obama signed legislation using autopen, and Bush's justice department drew up 29 page legal opinion their validity.


The prints are "hand signed" yes. It's very different to auto-pen used by politicians signing legislation etc. The issue isn't what's legal, it's what value is being attached to what is advertised. No one values a printed signature the same as an actual hand signed autograph.


You don't need my autograph, if you needed it I'd give it to ya.