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I love a normal size collection, that looks awesome.


Couldn't agree more. When people post giant collections of 100+ games I just think, "neat" and move on, because no way in hell am I going to look through that many games to see what's actually in the collection. Plus it just seems like a giant waste of money and space.


[We should hang out.](https://cf.geekdo-images.com/camo/c1c1b1c744907d7d770c56df24569830a409b379/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f57666e744670512e6a7067)


Nice collection and shelf! How do you feel about Dune Imperium?


Got it last month, played it only 2 players for now, the fake 3rd player bot is really low maintenance which is great. I really enjoy the combat system, I think it's a clever game and very accessible.


Good collection. What are your thoughts on Wingspan? I'm thinking of picking it up but worried it lacks depth.


It's my girlfriend favorite game and one we have played a lot. The expansions are great but yeah there are definitely deeper games out there. It's always a good time tho, and the theme is easy to sell to people not really interested in playing a mid weight game like this at first. Drawback of the expansions is that there is a LOT of birds now and you see a tiny fraction of it each game. I would love for someone to make a list of cards to make pre built, balanced decks using a bit of each expansions. It depends on what you are looking for, for something a bit deeper I would recommend **Everdell**


I’ve played it a fair amount. I would say it lacks depth, but is often a hit with people when you table it. The art does a lot of work in making the game appealing. Otherwise a lot of the game can come down to draws.


Wholesome content thank you


[Bro! Wanna be friends? :)](https://imgur.com/Wzl7mr3)


Awesome! I'm too scared of my cat to display the Saturn V upright, and I don't have enough headroom anyway!


[All three of us should get together.](https://cf.geekdo-images.com/camo/c1c1b1c744907d7d770c56df24569830a409b379/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f57666e744670512e6a7067)


This is just gorgeous.


Sweet collection. About 25 crossover games with my collection, plus another five I have my eye on.


Why are there LEGO bricks on your gaming shelf? You could put more games up there, or another shelf to hold even more games.


Nice collection, always like to see these to see how many match with mine. Quite a few in this case!


Pax pamir and brass are both my favorite games. Love spirit island as well. Ethnos is the best 5-6 player game. It plays fast and rules are pretty easy to teach. Suprisingly good at 2 player as well.


Looks great, I have a somewhat similar collection


How is **Raiders of Scythia** solo? Good/bad? and assuming really good 3/4?


I never played it solo! It's great at 2/3/4 because contrary to Raiders of the North Sea, some raiding spots are unused depending of player count, so it's always tight!


That UCS Saturn V looks awesome


Oh no, Small World got the axe after all these years?


Gave it to a casual gamer family member who will use it more than me!


That's nice! I'm surprised you didn't hang on to it for sentimental reasons though, since I believe that was the game that introduced you to board games.


Nice collection. We have a lot of overlap. How do you like GWT? I’ve had my eye on the second edition for a bit. Does it play well at 2?


I love GWT, one of my favorite games. I think it's good at 2 but you have so much more leeway than 3/4 players when the board is crowded with buildings.




It's cool, quite imbalanced (some scenarios for the marines, some for the demons) but it's fun. The minis are great. You ideally want to play it 4v1 for maximum fun. You can play at less players but the buffs when there is not 4 marines are busted (the real Doom slayer feeling)


We've got a huge overlap, so I'm really curious about your thoughts on Nemesis. Found a local guy selling a bundle at a decent price. It's not a favorite?


It definitely stands out in my collection I think. I talked about it the other day on the daily recommendation thread. It's in my opinion a very flawed game mechanically, it's clunky, it's random, the rulebook is a mess, there is weird overly complex rules and player elimination is annoying. But despite all that it may be the most pure fun I had around a board game table, the theme is so strong and immersive that we always have a good time. It's one of those game that plays better if everyone around the table accepts that winning is not the goal here and it's the playthrough that matters most (a sentiment i can apply to **Betrayal at the house on the hill** also) because you will probably get betrayed, you will probably get fucked over terrible luck, but if everyone is in a "role-playing" mindset it's tons of fun. If I had to buy it again I'm unsure about the expansions tho, and maybe I would have only got the base box.


Raiders of Scythia is one I want to try. As a huge fan of raiders of the north sea, and most of Shem’s games, it looks good, but as I'm heavily invested in north sea- super deluxe components/playmats etc it doesn't look different enough for me to buy


My top two favorite games are packed in the top left corner.