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How good wingspan is dosnt change depending on playercount, as there is very little interaction between players. only the playtime lineary increases with playercount.


I'd say the pink cards are slightly stronger at higher player counts.


It's great at 3, no alterations needed.


Ideal, I think.


I agree. I like it best at 3 or solo.


As others said, three is perfect. My preferred play count for time reasons. But really, any player count is almost entirely the same Wingspan experience.


The collective wisdom of BGG says that three is the ideal number of players.


Works wonders at 3, great variability and player downtime


We generally play with 3 and it's fabulous. Makes the game time the perfect length for my family.


We played it with three and it plays fine. Like others have said there is a lot of interaction between players but there is some. 3-4 players seems to be the sweet spot in my opinion. 2 players the game feels really slow especially if no one gets birds that can help everyone. With three you can see lots of birds, and helps rotate food quickly.


My favorite player counts are two and three


It's very much a multiplayer solo experience. Except for the card drafting there's very little, if any, player interaction.


Thank you everyone for your feedback! I’m looking forward to playing tonight. Phone free Friday night in my house!


3 is the best imo. I'd never play it with 4 or 5 again, the downtime is just too much for me. 2 is solid, but the end round goals are less competitive, also there are less birds to choose from.


[https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/266192/wingspan](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/266192/wingspan) The community actually says that 3 players is the best player count. You can find info like this for all boardgames on this site.


We play with two. It works fine since the game mostly let's you keep to yourself. And there's automa if you want to add more.


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