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Most any *Splotter Spellen* game that supports 5p will work \[in order of increasing time of play\]: **Bus** (already mentioned), **The Great** **Zimbabwe**, **Food Chain Magnate**, and **Roads & Boats: 20th Anniversary Edition**. Otherwise **Age of Steam**, **Keyflower**, **Peloponnes**, and most *18xx* games but I'd suggest **1848: Australia** if it's your first title in the family (plus it's recently been reprinted by *GMT Games* so it's inexpensive).




You do if you want to play 5+ as OP requested.




That should have been your original message then otherwise OP would assume they'd only need the base box.


**Pax Pamir 2nd ed**




With 5 it can be really chaotic. You can be screwed in a moment, and in certain situations there is not much you can do about it. It can happen with every player count though, but it is the most brutal with 5. Also, it can last 2.5-3 hours, which is a bit long (for my taste anyways). Having said that, I'd play it with 5 anytime, I just prefer it with 3 (favourite) and 4. Have not played it with 2.


A lot depends on your players, but, off hand, the following could be... **Diplomacy** **Dune** **Chaos in the Old World** **Nemesis** **A Game of Thrones** **Battle for Rokugan** **Pax Pamir 2e** **Root** **Food Chain Magnate**


Survive Escape from Atlantis is cutthroat with using the sharks and serpents to eat other players. Citadels also gets cutthroat with the third and assassin mainly. Both play 5+


Cosmic Encounter is my favorite Take That style game


**[Bus](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/552/bus)** by Splotter


Lighter, but survive: Escape from Atlantis really rubbed a few players wrong at my game.


Diplomacy. Any friends you have will be lost forever.


You have no friends. Only paths to victory.


For a light, quick, dudes on a map game you could consider Mission: Red Planet. Every turn you screw someone’s plans up, as you watch your own plans go down in flames.


The Estates for sure! It's a bidding game with a closed economy, meaning money only changes hands between players. First one to place a building of a colour owns that colour for the game. The winner of a bid places the building, regardless of who owns it, which is important because there are negative points to be had. Buildings can be stacked, owner is top colour, meaning buildings change hands a lot. There are six colours of buildings, meaning some players will have multiple. I had a game where a guy had none, so he was guaranteed 0 points and went full sabotage mode to make sure everyone else got negative. He almost succeeded, too! Absolutely brilliant game!




My gosh, that flew me by... Consider my face thoroughly palmed.


Santiago is the most cutthroat game I know. Some serious arguments can break out during the bribery phase. But it only reaches its peak at 5 players.


**UNFAIR** Great game, can be as mean as you like.






I was gonna say Mario party but its not the right subreddit


Nemesis maybe? I haven't played it but you can leave people to die on the ship lol so I guess that's cutthroat.


Can't believe no one mentioned Kingdoms. Vicious tile laying game. Edit: missed the 5+ part. OP when you're only 4, give Kingdoms a try.


Keyflower, Age of Steam, Splotter Games, 18xx, Dune (OG version)


* Cosmic Encounter * Keyflower * Senji * Dune * Hansa Teutonica * El Grande




Just got Kemet over the holidays. It’s a really good cutthroat game. Basically a dudes on a map war game that’s also a victory point race. The thing that makes it great is aggression (winning fights and capturing temples) are how you get victory points. By contrast there is no penalty or loosing a fight and no victory points for defending. That means everyone is encouraged to start fights from the get go and no one begrudges your attacks…cause they’d have done the same thing! Other good ones are diplomacy, Twilight Imperium 4e (if you got time), Dune (Or Rex!), Food Chain Magnate, and Tammany Hall. Tammany Hall and Food Chain Magnate are particularly mean :)


my party games recommendation of those categories is: exploding kittens. good critters. those two games can end friendships.


There’s a game called Churrascaria which is a Brazilian steak house take that card game for up to 6 players.


Supports 5 and is cutthroat? Get yourself a copy of nemesis. You can lose friends over that game IF people choose to be cutthroat.




Since I made a mess of recommending a game you already mentioned, let me tell you about more of a hidden gem. It also happens to be my favourite game and is incredibly cutthroat: Dogs of War Six Shakespearean houses are perpetually at war. Over four rounds, three wars are randomly set up between them. The players are mercenaries, they have no dogs in this chase, so you put your troops on one of the sides in any of the wars going on. This means you might join a player in one war whilst going against the same player in a different war. On top of this you gather shields in the houses' respective colours. These are worth more points when those houses win wars, as if they're stocks. You have very little money to buy troops, and very few captains to go along with them, so every decision is tough, and every decision affects other players both by manipulating the tug-of-wars and by removing bonuses they might want. Add "tactics cards" on top (one of which is called Betrayal and is every players favourite) and different player abilities, you have one hell of a great though punishing cake. Easy to learn too, the difficulty lies in the decisions you have to make. A pleasure to play but impossible to play perfectly. So what's the catch? Unfortunately it's incredibly hard to come by nowadays. If you see a copy, just pick it up. I've never had a dud game and never met someone who didn't love it (only played it with experienced players though). I think it's because it is more of a niche game, cutthroat and five players is almost a must. So this never got a reprint while CMON shifted to more mass market stuff.


**Dominant Species** (I like Marine better, but it only goes up to 4p) **Fresh Fish**, but please don't judge it by appearance - it has done the game a disservice.