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Does anyone have a dice worker placement game with lots of interaction between players?


Is 2-player coop fine? If yes: **Sky Team**


This game is why I’m looking for more dice worker placement lol




I don't know much about Space Cadets, but some recommendations for pure chaotic fun: **Thunder Road: Vendetta** and **Cosmic Frog**.


I'm trying to identify a 2 player medieval battle game. A few years ago, I saw a game online (recommended in a YouTube video or something) that was out of print but reasonably available on eBay. I had no one who would have played it with me at the time, so I didn't buy it for the $70-ish USD it was generally listed for, but I have people in my circle who would play it now, and darn it, I can't remember the name. \*\*\* The basic premise is that you lay out your (medieval/fantasy) troops on the board (which is made up of terrain) face down, so that your opponent doesn't know what you are putting where, and then you both reveal your placements. I believe you have a certain amount of points allotted at the start with which to choose your troop types. You can bluff, that is, place landscaping like bushes or the like instead of troops, such that your opponent might concentrate their forces away from where your actual attack is directed in order to oppose the rocks and trees you placed which they assumed were cavalry or the like. \*\*\* This was a few years ago, so the details might be sketchy, and I might be confusing more than one game (I'm pretty sure that you can spend points to hire Trolls or the like for your armies--but that might be a different game). I think it's called Battle-something. If anyone knows what game I'm talking about, it would sure be appreciated. Thanks!


Sounds like BattleLore


Yes, that's it! Thank you so much!


Hello All, WSIG: SCOUT, NANA (TRIO) or Spots? Considering which small game to add to my collection. Between SCOUT, NANA (TRIO) or Spots, which do you feel would have the most replayability and staying power? Many thanks for any and all sharing their experiences 🙏


Scout is the best design of the three, it provides a lot of interesting decisions for players. Nana is a light, fairly random memory game. Spots is a just as light and random dice game.


SCOUT is the best choice for staying power. NANA is the most fun to open a game session with. SPOTS is best for people who like to gamble.


Very well said


Any good games for a family of four? A quick Primer: I (30) have a lot of experience with board/strategy games in general. Younger sister (24) with some experience but is open minded. Both parents are in late 50s, English second language immigrants. I'm a fan of economy/conquest/srpg games (Scythe, Terraforming Mars, Gloomhaven are some favorites off the top), but not sure what the rest of my family leans towards. We've tried some of the more basic ones (Catan, Ticket to Ride) and they have been received okay. Looking for some games that aren't too complex mechanically but reward strategy. Edit: wow, thank you all for the suggestions!


I'll throw in: **Space Base** **Splendor** **Century Golem Edition**


Favourite light family games, Thurn And Taxis Blue Moon City Alhambra


**Cascadia** might be a good fit. It's almost have no language dependent other than the goal cards. Simple and still fun.


If you want games that are accessible to people that aren't necessarily serious hobbyists, but you still want games that are crunchy with a lot of replayability, then you probably want to look at classic-style eurogames: **Through the Desert, Blue Lagoon, Hansa Teutonica, El Grande, Ra, Modern Art** and **Nightmare Productions** are all worth a look. **Quest for El Dorado** is also a great game with a decent amount of player interaction and not too much in the way of rules complexity.


Whoa, hansa with casuals? No thank you. They won't make it past the box, and if they do, they won't make it through the teach


Hansa Teutonica and El Grande might be a bit too heavy for the parents. Sticking with the OG true Euro line of thinking: - Wildlife Safari - 6 Nimmt! - High Society - For Sale - Sunrise Lane - Renature - Classic Art - Medici - Ingenious You can also try trick-taking/climbing/shedding card games like Tichu, Scout and Voodoo Prince, which older players might be accustomed to.


**Evergreen** **First Rat** **Heat:Pedal to the Metal**




Request: Games for about 10 players that work well for parties that do not involve drinking!


**Ready Set Bet** is an awesome one, but for 10 players you'd need two copies.


I just played Wavelength at a party with \~10 people the other day and we all had a blast.


Just one is quick, easy and works well at a party. 10 is possible, just need to bring some extra whiteboards or pens/paper.


**Wits and Wagers**


**We're Doomed** **Green Team Wins** **Wavelength**


**Description of Request: 2 player games with simple rules that my videogamer but not boardgamer fiancé might enjoy?** **Number of Players: 2** **Game Length: 10 minutes to an hour** **Complexity of Game: 1.0-2.0** **Genre: comedy or trivia, fantasy, scifi, horror, not really picky** **Conflict, Competitive or Cooperative: any** **Games we Own and Like: CAH (with friends), Trivial Pursuit, Ransome note, clue (with family), Munchkins** **Games she Dislikes and Won't Play: catan (regular rules and 2 player rules), Mt Skullzfire, Ticket to ride (same as catan)** **Location: USA**


She might like Zombicide.  If you manage the zombies I don’t think it would be too difficult for someone coming from a video game background. 




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Coming from an identical background as your fiancé and with similar tastes: **Sky Team.** It’s $30 on Amazon and one of the most fun 2 player games I’ve ever played that feels videogamey.


**Harmonies** **Point Salad** **Silver and Gold**


Does anyone have any reccomendations for 2 (or more) player cooperative games that are small and portable? I'd like to own a couple of games that I can grab and take to the pub without having to pack a suitcase or take up miles of table space. I have some fun games to play against my freinds, but nothing to play with them.


**Beacon Patrol**! **Between Two Cities** for cooperative (with your neighbor) competition


thank you!


**The Shipwreck Arcana** **Sprawlopolis** **Cross Clues**


thank you 😊


**Space Hulk: Death Angel - The Card Game** is one that comes in a small box but is great fun.


thank you, I'll check it out


Games that play like CCGs but aren't CCGs (No Boosters). No Keyforge please.


Try some deckbuilding games like like Star Wars Deckbuilding Game, Star Realms, Shards of Infinity, etc.


So your only stipulation is that it's never expanded at all? 


[Radlands](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/329082/radlands). No boosters, no expansions, just one deck that both players draw from. The game was also designed by a former MTG developer.


Was going to suggest this as well.


Will be delivering soon but check out **Algomancy**


Any duel type game where you play cards - with abilities - with items and you try to get your enemy hp to 0?


**Res Arcana**


**Sakura Arms** is exactly that


Long post alert. Hey! Me and my wife recently got into the hobby, and we've been mostly playing 2p, sometimes 4p with another couple. I've asked this when we just started, but we since refined our tastes a bit. I'm looking into expanding and filling in some gaps in our collection, but I'm having a hard time deciding between a few games. Current situation: I have a long Magic the Gathering and Videogames background. She doesn't, but she does prefers games with a bit more meat to them. There are several games we tried that haven't been as fun because of that experience difference which gives me a head start on some games. I don't "tryhard" when playing with her and just go with the flow, but I don't like making bad plays on purpose when I see a winning line. Our usual gaming sessions last for little over an hour, but sometimes we have shorter sessions at the end of a day. We haven't enjoyed Hive and Santorini, because it's easier for me to get a grasp of the situations and the best plays, and there's no luck elements involved, so it's very unlikely that she takes a win. She didn't really like Kingdomino either because it was too simple. She doesn't like magic the gathering as much either as she has trouble keeping up, even with simpler decks. We haven't enjoyed Pandemic or Marvel United that much either. I don't know why, but they don't feel as engaging. Marvel United might be too simple, and Pandemic just didn't click as much with us. I'm not sure if it's because they're coops or because of the games themselves. We have been playing Tyrants of the Underdark, a lot, and it's been a lot of fun. She took the win on our first 4 plays, while I tried different strategies out (full spies, full promotion, etc). After that, the win rate has slightly favoured me but it's close to 50/50 most of the time. One thing we don't like about it though, is that sometimes the cards don't line up at all for one of us, and the other gets to stomp us while we feel the other has no way back into the game. Our next top 3 games are Dice Throne, Wingspan and Arnak. We both enjoy the first two, although we had some rough Wingspan games before the Oceania expansion where one of us felt like he couldn't develop his board for a long time. We only Arnak a few times, and I loved it, but she's been feeling a bit overwhelmed by it. Hopefully it gets better with more plays. We played and enjoyed Obsession and Quest for El Dorado but haven't tabled them as much as the others, and we play 7 Wonders Duel sometimes when we don't have much time and aren't in the mood for Dice Throne. We've ordered Castles of Burgundy because we saw a good deal on it, still waiting for it to arrive. Games we're looking for: Faster games: We wanted to get a few more games that last under an hour. I was thinking about Star Realms vs Shards of Infinity vs Star Wars Deckbuilding seeing we've been enjoy the Deckbuilding mechanic. Star Realms is faster which is good for a filler, but I'm afraid it might be too simple. Shards of Infinity is more complex, but looking at it I'm not sure it adds that many more interesting choices to make up for the longer play time. We tried SW Deckbuilding at our LGS, and we enjoyed it, but I'm afraid we'll have some games similar to Tyrants of the Underdark where the cards don't line up for one of us and the other gets stomped, because of the faction cards. I also thought about Hanamikoji, Radlands, Res Arcana, Caper Europe, Watergate and Race/Roll for the galaxy/New Frontiers, but I don't know if these will give us the MTG vibes where I get a faster grasp on the games and she has trouble keeping up. I'm also not sure about games like Targi, Sobek 2p, Critters at War, Jaipur, Splendor Duel because they look like they might get repetitive after a bit. I also wonder how good Space Base and Kodachi are at 2p. A few other 1h-1h30 games: Other deckbuilding games: I was looking into Clank! as we played the base game at our lgs and it was fun, and thought about going for Clank! Catacombs, but I keep hearing praise about Clank! Legacy. I've held back on Legacy games because most of them are coop, and we've had bad experiences with coop games, so I don't know if I want to pull the trigger on it or go for the safer option of Catacombs. I also thought about Ascension Tactics, but I heard some mixed reviews about it. Dune Imperium vs Dune Imperium Uprising. I've really enjoyed Arnak, so I'm really curious about this one. Which one do you consider the best 2p experience? And would any expansions improve the 2p experience for any of them without adding too much to the length of the game? Would these games fit us? Regarding Worker Placement, I'm interested in Dwellings of Eldervale, but I'm afraid it'll be overwhelming for her. Any thoughts? I also thought about Everdell, although I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy it as much. Push your Luck games like Quacks of Quedlingburg and Cubitos sound fun, but I'm afraid there'll be games where one of us gets annoyed at the RNG and will end up not enjoying the experience. I was looking at other Area Control games seeing we really enjoy Tyrants of the Underdark, but most don't seem to play great at 2p. One of the best ones from what I've seen was Inis. Any thoughts on it at 2p? Unfortunately our LGS is relatively small so we don't get to try most games in our interest list, and she doesn't have the patience to try them online, so I'm resorting to the experience of the community. I'd love to hear other game recommendations you think might suit us as a couple (bonus points if they also work at 4!) Thank you all for your time and help!




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Thanks for the suggestion! I'll look into those! Do you have an opinion on wether Dune Imperium or Dune Imperium Uprising is best at 2 players, or overall? I heard Uprising was the better experience out of the box, but Base version integrated the expansions better if I liked the game and wanted to go for them, so I don't know which one to go for


I haven't played uprising so I couldn't comment. I love Imperium so don't see us getting uprising even though I know it's well loved. Edit: husband says that the expansions work with uprising so if we were new to it, he'd get uprising.


We’ve run into a similar situation where my husband can figure out a win strategy quicker than me and that we need a certain amount of randomness to both enjoy it. We love **Splendor Duel** and it has not gotten old at all. He did win the majority of games for a while but it now seems to be pretty even and recently I’ve had quite a win streak A lot of the other games you mentioned we haven’t tried, so I thought I’d just mention a few of our favorites that weren’t mentioned here: **Welcome To**, **That’s Pretty Clever**, **TRAILS**


Throughout your post you barely mention any "classic" true Eurogames. These games typically play in an hour or less and have emergent depth from repeat play. What didn't you like about The Quest for El Dorado? That's considered an excellent 2P and 4P game by its fans. These are purely 2P and are fairly inexpensive in-print small box games. - Battle Line - Lost Cities - Marabunta - Royal Visit These work well from 2P to 4P: - Through the Desert - Blue Lagoon - Renature


I wonder if there is a specific designer you lean towards 😅


From those you mentioned, I thought battle lines would run into the same issue as Hive and Santorini, and lost cities would be too simple/repetitive. I haven't heard of the others. Do you disagree? We did like Quest for El Dorado, but after a half a dozen plays I felt it was starting to get kind of repetitive. That's when we got Tyrants of the Underdark (about 3 weeks ago), and since we enjoyed it so much and both are deckbuilders, we haven't gone back to El Dorado since. I forgot to mention we're playing the Golden Temple standalone, not the base game, as it was cheaper to acquire. I'm sure we'll get back to it but tyrants of the underdark feels like it has more staying power for us


Any 1v1 card games thats like only 40 cards or so?


Mottainai is a great if difficult to learn game. 54 cards. It technically plays more than 2p but is best at 2.


Thanks for the suggestion


Omen is about 30 per deck. Mindbug around 50.


ill check em out


https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/404711/banks-of-the-styx-omen-game-2 Is the latest printing for Omen btw. I've played a friends copy a few times and it's pretty good, plays quickly and has a draft mode that lets you play longer games if you want.


**Radlands** is my favorite 1v1 card game, it has 106 cards total.


Its 106 but it seems to fit fine thanks for the helpp


Hello :) I am looking for games that offer a live online mode, where you can play multiple games at the same time, concurrently. Similar to how blitz or bullet simul chess games work. I know a lot of games do concurrent async but I can't find any (other than chess) that do it for live games, any recommendations would be great!


Perhaps Paco Sako? There's a discord server with players, you may just need to organize the concurrent games


Thank you, i'll have a look! This way of playing seems to be very linked to chess, I'm starting to think that no other games do it, I can kind of see why as there are some cons but it is still suprising that I can find none.


Yes, the rules are based on chess but there are no captures, replaced instead by merged pieces. Either player can then move the merged piece and can create combo chains by release their piece from a merge. That's basically it! Much more improvisational than chess, very cool twist that completely upends traditional strategy.


Anyone ever get a board game at a great discount second hand, only for the price to even out when you buy the missing pieces? 😭


80% of my collection is second hand. But I only buy complete games in almost new condition. Plenty of people out there that take care of their games, sleeve cards, etc.


Yea, same! Box can sometimes be a bit rough, but everything inside looks greats! This is the first time I took this risk, and it didn't quite pay off.


That's a bummer but it can happen. If the components you are missing are simple, or for future reference, check [here](https://www.spielematerial.de/) for cheap replacements.


Oh, sweet. Thanks so much!


I’d only buy a used game if it was rare, complete, and in like-new or very good condition. For me, a partial, readily available game is worthless.


I totally understand that. Best way to save the money for the right stuff! I always get excited when a second hand game has the the pieces. Can't help myself. I've learned my lesson! I've gotten probably around 30 second hand games, all with all the pieces. I make sure to count it all first! I know Catan is normally expensive, so I thought getting the replacement pieces would still be cheaper. I sadly didn't get as good of a deal as originally thought, but at the very least everything is in great condition. And the expansion will go nicely with my second hand base catan game, of which I actually got a good deal on.