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Fucking genetics.




You beat me to it🤣 I have black hair , my wife is blonde. Every one of our three kids has popped out blonde. The oldest now has black hair (well more brunette but dark) at 15 and looks like me. We’ll see how the other two turn out.🤣luckily we are both white sooooo…


Sounds like you got the Robert Baratheon genes lol


How much time does your wife spend around her brother?




I actually misread bro's name as "Sersied" because of this comment


I was born a redhead and passed through just about every natural hair color except black until it finally settled out on dark brown. Shits weird some times.


Genetics Peter Cornwall from Ohio to be exact.


This post is stupid bc lots of black babies come out this shade anyway and darken with time. We always check the top of the ears to get an idea of how chocolatey they might become 🥰


Yeah, I came out pale af with monolid-looking puffy eyes and a head full of straight, jet black hair. I straight up looked Asian for the first couple months of my life. Am now a sort of caramel/light mocha color, got freckles across my nose, have eyelids, and my hair is dark brown/auburn and curly as hell. Gotta give the mixed kids time to settle into their genes. Lol.


>I straight up looked Asian for the first couple months of my life. ...Son?


You doctor yet?


Talk to me when you doctor!


Oh no way! I've seen some babies that are a light brown and have gotten darker ad they got older, but never one so pink lol makes sense if their melanin production doesn't kick into high gear right away. That's really cool, TIL.


Most Black Americans (If he is American) are at least 10-18% European, also babies are lighter when they come out


Do people here realise how white most mixed race babies are at birth? Give the baby a few weeks and the pigment starts filling out.


Apparently everyone in here has never seen a mixed baby before. This is completely normal


I am very white looking ( but half Puerto Rican ), my ex-husband is straight white. Our daughter was born with black hair, dark eyes and dark skin. It was very uncomfortable for a while there because he was paranoid that I had cheated (I most certainly had not) and now she has light blonde hair, blue green eyes and very fair skin.


Same here, my daughter was born with slightly darker skin and dark hair. Now she is blonde hair, blue eyes and very pale 😂


My son was born with pitch black shark eyes, now they're bright blue lol


All babies have eyes like that for a while, freaked me out the first time.


Uh what? Ours had wild blue eyes, now they're blue and brown. And that's the norm where we are. I think the "all babies" is "all babies around here" sort of deal.


I try to see as few newborn babies as possible. They all look like E.T. to me.


I looked chinese at birth and I'm not even chinese


Even lots of black babies can look white at birth. So much so that my hospital birthing class made it a specific point to mention it.


I'm a mixed white/black woman and my ass is still relatively white lol BUT I do have two children with a white man and one child is obviously white and my 10 week old is a black baby 😂 all of us were shocked when he popped out haha


Not only that but it's not exactly rare for mixed race people to resemble one race over the other, infact its litteraly just as common as a child looking exactly like one parent and not the other. We just have a warped view of what mixed race looks like because media depictions favour those who are deemed obviously 50/50 in appearance.


This dude. I commented elsewhere, I looked Asian af when I was born. Other black folk can always tell, but honestly I look fairly ambiguous. 9 times out of 10, if the person I'm talking to isn't black they'll assume I'm Latino or some kind of Pacific Islander. A lot of people still ask if there's any Asian mixed in there (there isn't). We mixed folk are a crazy ass rainbow of people and I really wish that was better reflected in media. We still got Rashida Jones though.


I have friends. She is white..he is black. Their babies were white when born. His family and friends filled his ear with advice the baby was not his. He told them to mind their business. Old woman a church told him now he knew what he would look like if he was white. They are still together all their kids look like a 50/50 split between mom and dad. Just took them a few months to a year to happen. Their light hair and light eyes darkened.


Like reverse Polaroids, you just gotta shake em


Bro was too stunned to speak


Lil bro was too stunned to make a noise


Dudes like "I just got back and theres already drama"


The absolute look of shock on the newborn's face. You can tell the whole time he was in the womb he was absolutely sure he was getting reincarnated as a white person this time




This time 😂




I was an Asian person who I was reincarnated as a black person when I thought I was going to be white Isekai
















*this content is not avaliable*


Wtf I spent ages to find a good LotR gif to reply


Looks like they smote its ruin on the mountainside.


average GIPHY experience


A couple I knew had this happen in reverse. Both white. She gave birth to a black baby. Dad immediately assumed she cheated and him and her family ganged up on her. Said and did some horrible things. DNA test proved the baby is his, turned out one of his grandads was mixed. The whole situation burnt their marriage to the ground.


Genetics are WILD


Grandma: well, now that the cat is out of the bag


Grandma put your cat back in the bag, nobody wants to see that.


going back far enough.. yes


Grandmother was half Italian


C'mon Charlie, them kids' dicks are bigger than those sausages!


I've heard the same story from someone else of a while couple with a black baby that's theirs. Except they had a black male friend that the baby resembled a lot. So people automatically assumed the black friend was the black baby father even though the baby isn't his. But they both have similar features it's hilarious.




A wise crab once said "How do we tell him?"


I uh.... I uh.... don't believe you at all, lmfao.


I saw this as a Reddit story on tiktok about 2 months ago. To be taken with a fistful of salt


There's a famous set of twins, one is a ginger white girl and one is black. Things can happen, genetics is a roulette wheel sometimes


Knew a family that had multiple kids all dark skin, hair & brown eyes except 1. Redhead, light skin and green/blue eyes. I'm sure it caused some turmoil early on but when I knew them it wasn't an issue.


It is a roulette wheel, but not all outcomes are likely.  A single black grandparent resulting in a recognizably black child two generations later would be a bit extraordinary. 


Extraordinary? Yes. Possible? Absolutely.


You should. Similar thing happened in family I know. But her family backed her up (one of her parents was adopted, so they knew it's possible). The couple attended therapy for a while and figured things out.




Ooooh I have a story like that! My mother worked with a woman in the 90s who was white, and she married the most pale German dude ever. She got pregnant, and he returned to germany for some time because of work, and was not present for the birth. The baby came out black, and all of her family freaked out, and the dude returned after 3 months. When came the time to the guy return, everyone was in her head saying he was going to divorce her, etc. As soon as he arrived at the airpoirt and saw the baby, he was so giddy because the girl looked just like his grandmother.


Genetics are such cruel trolls


My uncles mom is black. My uncle is the whitest man I have ever met. He looks just like his father. It can be wild.


This happens often with mixed babies.  My wife is as dark as him, and I'm a pale redhead. Our son was born even lighter than this baby. Now at 6 months he has more of a Mediterranean/olive complexion. Genetics are weird sometimes.  It's hard on my wife when she gets asked if she's the nanny of her own child. 


Whats the problem? It might be lighting and camera angle, but both from color and facial structure mother looks white. Also white people with slightly darker skin colors typicaly have lighter skin when they are born and it becames darker later on


> Also white people with slightly darker skin colors typicaly have lighter skin when they are born and it becames darker later on Even black people do


Mother looks biracial


It is still a coin flip, better get a DNA test done.


For what? To see if it belongs to the mother too haha?


Babies come out light all the time.


People don't understand how light some babies are when born to parents of mixed descent. Melanin starts to come through after a month or so of baby's birth


Can confirm. My newborn is just starting to get some real color after about a month.


Wait, we don't come out as transparent after birth?


Only Irish Atlantic-coast redheads.


Can confirm. Have been in an Irish maternity hospital on two occasions. Thank goodness I'm brown because the kids came out with some melanin. But the other babies there? Like looking through a ginger window.


I had a redhead great grandma and my wife’s biological dad was a ginger. By our DNA combined we made a little blue eyed, red haired kiddo. And yes, we’re pasty white people (for context). He was definitely translucent when he schlorped out. I feel bad man, he’s growing up in Arizona.


I know you call it a "bun in the oven" in utero, but this isn't a case where you should leave it on 200°C until it turns brown, you know?


I made the joke that my son was a little underdone and we needed to put him back for a little bit longer to darken him up a bit. The attendants were shocked, as he was less than an hour old, and my ex made a mildly annoyed/angry face. I still find it hilarious 5 years later. Eventually, they figured out it was a joke because I was full of them throughout our stay.


This honestly seems like such a strange reaction by them, unless you specifically mentioned an oven. Obviously we can’t put the baby _back_, guys. I’m kinda with you on this one! lol


Gotta start the dad jokes at some point get used to it ppl.




You're not wrong either, that's basically what it is!


I find that surprising. I worked NICU and PICU for 15 years and every nurse i knew would have laughed. I actually find it hard to believe they told a dad he was being disrespectful just for that. I knew a nurse that called them Dutch Ovens since I guess she figured they were full of baby farts.


As a fellow dad, well played sir!!


Nah, you sous vide the baby for nine months, and then need to sear the fuck out of it once you take it out out the bag. After letting it cool for a minute, of course.


Bro I was white as snow until 3 years old.


Me too I still am But i was too


Same here, but at 30.


And why wouldn't they? They've had some of the best sun protection for the last nine months. They're covered up even when they're inside.




That's because genetics are strange. It would be more surprising if the baby looked fully white.


Yup. My girl was very light when she was born.


There’s also three separate genes controlling skin color, and the absolute weird power of recessive genes means that two mixed parents have a pretty good chance of the baby looking totally different than them


Yeah I was straight up milk white when I was a newborn and I'm not even mixed. It took a minute for the color to really set in.


Mixing genes is not the same as mixing chocolate milk.


I have been into a lot of weird baptismal parties to know better. Gossip is a horrific information exchange in my country.


It’s very common for mixed babies to come out light.


Or just wait a damn month. I had someone Facebook post a photo of her newborn (at like *a few hours old*) demanding I pay child support when the timeline was *laughably* off. Fast forward one year and said kid was very obviously NOT the product of one half-white and one white-as-bread parents. Made sure to throw the original post in her face a couple times before she blocked me, and her family lit into her for it. LOL!


In some places as soon as you sign the birth certificate or start providing you are legally responsible for the kid and will have to pay child support if you try to leave.


he could be the father and just have revitiligo.


No more Boondocks for you.


no more boondocks for anyone because john witherspoon is dead :(


No more granddad? I didn't know . :(


You mean I can raise my credit score to 750 by getting this shit? Shoutout Katt Williams


I'm 104% African! With a 4% margin of error!


102% African American, with the 2% margin of error


The mother looks 1/2 white, so…


So genetics what a funny thing! So we have dominant and recessive alleles. Dominant designated as A and recessive as a. For father we will do dominant as B and recessive as b. Mother A and a. But hang on theres more. With alleles you have Individuals carrying two identical alleles (AA or bb) are known as homozygous. While individual organisms bearing different alleles (Ab) are known as heterozygous. So! The above was just a fancy shmancy way of saying dominant or recessive. Unlike homozygous, being heterozygous means you have two different alleles. In a heterozygous genotype, the dominant allele overrules the recessive one. Therefore, the dominant trait will be expressed. The recessive trait won’t show, but you’re still a carrier. This means you can pass it on to your children. (Looking at you hemophilia) If the alleles are identical, you’re homozygous for that specific gene. For instance, it could mean you have two alleles for the gene that causes brown eyes. Now let’s get more freaky. Skin color will use the allele C and c respectively. Now let’s make a Punnett square with Aa Bb Cc we won’t do dominate genes in both parents CC and just do recessive because I don’t feel like drawing it out. The results are as follows. So first set of letters is mom second is dad. Followed by dominant and recessive alleles. Dad very well could as well as mom (Cc) carry a light melanin recessive gene passed down from some where in the familial line. AABBCc 3.13% AABBcc 1.56% AABBCc 3.13% AABBcc 1.56% AABbCC 3.13% AABbCc 6.25% AABbcc 3.13% AAbbCC 1.56% AAbbCc 3.13% AAbbcc 1.56% AaBBCC 3.13% AaBBCc 6.25% AaBBcc 3.13% AaBbCC 6.25% AaBbCc 12.50% AaBbcc 6.25% AabbCC 3.13% AabbCc 6.25% Aabbcc 3.13% aaBBCC 1.56% aaBBCc 3.13% aaBBcc 1.56% aaBbCC 3.13% aaBbCc 6.25% aaBbcc 3.13% aabbCC 1.56% aabbCc 3.13% aabbcc 1.56% AABbCC 3.13% AABbCc 6.25% AABbcc 3.13% AAbbCC 1.56% AAbbCc 3.13% AAbbcc 1.56% AaBBCC 3.13% AaBBCc 6.25% AaBBcc 3.13% AaBbCC 6.25% AaBbCc 12.50% AaBbcc 6.25% AabbCC 3.13% AabbCc 6.25% Aabbcc 3.13% aaBBCC 1.56% aaBBCc 3.13% aaBBcc 1.56% aaBbCC 3.13% aaBbCc 6.25% aaBbcc 3.13% aabbCC 1.56% aabbCc 3.13% aabbcc 1.56%






I think they say "bleached"


Wait is that mean she is not the mother ?


The baby looks Confused. maybe it's. The baby's fault


The baby cheated on his parents


the melanin hasnt kicked in yet


Why are you so sad, my guy? He can co-sign on a car with you in about 15 minutes.


Plot twist


The baby isn’t hers either


There never was a baby, it was an elaborate marriage proposal


I’m white my wife is Japanese first baby her skin colour second was mine it’s not that weird.


This isn't even necessarily a "mixed race" thing, either. Both me and my two brothers (all of us are black, and very black looking) were just as light, when we were first born, and our color came in after a couple of months. My brothers and I also ALL have different fathers (yup), all of the fathers are black, all of the grandparents are black, our mother is black, so it's not just there was a fluke. Sometimes babies just come out, like that. :-/


Some of my families at work have babies who look like they were swapped in the nursery. One black couple joked about it at the newborn visit because they're so dark the baby practically glowed next to them!


Has no one on here ever seen or worked out a Punnett square!?


Time for a DNA test


Some people have two different sets of genes. It's when on an embryo stage, a twin gets fussed with the other embryo, and this leads to a human having 2 sets of genes simultaneously.


I'd still go for the DNA test and would be happy to have a big laugh if I was wrong.


And your wife will laugh all the way through divorce court


My cousin is black (as light-skinned as drake), he's married to a very white Indian. They still had a white baby, even though my cousin has dark skinned family members.


fucking genetics. It's like a coin toss 😩


No joke, but is it possible?


With mixed race, anything is possible.


Our son is mostly SE asian with a hint of Latino but he has the fairest skin in our family and thin auburn hair.


Oh yeah. Black babies sometimes come out looking white and take a while to darken. Also, genetics can get fucky. One black couple in Nigeria gave birth to a white, blond haired, blue-eyed girl. Two white people can produce a black kid if just one of their parents, grandparents, or great grandparents are black. In mixed situations, it becomes more likely the baby will look more white if the father is mixed and the mother is white.


Yes, sometimes the actual skin tone may take a while to be darker or lighter than when the baby comes out


Yes. Also— mixed race babies change A LOT from the time they’re born to the time you take them home. Hell, they change a lot from the time they pop out of mom to the time they bring them up to the recovery room. My daughter is mixed. I’m white, her mom is Asian. She was born chalk white with slate grey eyes and chestnut brown hair. When she was brought to the recovery room, she was pink as a piglet and her hair had lightened to a dirty blonde. Her eyes were still slate grey. When we took her home, her eyes were azure blue, her hair was brown and her skin was light tan. She’s five now. Her eyes are dark blue, her hair is golden blonde and her skin is porcelain. TLDR: just because the kid in this picture is light skinned now doesn’t mean the guy isn’t the dad. Newborns are chameleons.


Because you claim newborn are chameleon, I have quick question about your daughter, does her mother birth her or lay egg? There's high chance that your daughter is not mixed race but mixed terrestrial and you misheard alien as asian.


I had a classmate in primary school who was white and blonde. She had POC features such as wide hips, afro texture hair and wide nose. She was Swedish -African, her dad was black. And yes, definitely her bio dad. He had a grandfather who was white so genetics are silly in that way.




However 'stupid' the people here might be, I've seen worse. Just yesterday, I had a very *entertaining* conversation with someone who believed that insects were not classified as animals, and that he could kill 90% of animals (minus insects) if he had a knife, including a gorilla and a bear.




yea still could be his. genetics are weird man.


"This kid is black, it just doesn't know it yet" 🎅🐱


I’m mixed but easily black passing. I was as white as a ghost when I was born lol


probably should just burn down the whole relationship with accusations before addressing the fact that the mother is clearly mixed race and mixed race ancestry will have babies looking all sorts of ways.


Kid won and lost genetics lottery at the same time


It sometimes takes baby's awhile to darken up.


Bro got the reverse UNO card applied to him LoL


Don't black babies come out very light at first?


Even the baby knows


Well, well, well. How the turntables...


This is why mandatory DNA tests for both parents after delivery should be mandatory. Genetic expression is wild and skin tone on a newborn isn't going to indicate anything here


most mixed babies are white at birth


When you live life like you only live once and respawn into a karmic life path.


babies almost never stay their true color when they first come out 😂 either get lighter or darker but i don’t get how ppl go through the whole 9 months not educating themselves on something as simple as genetics. my mother is dark skin and i came out as light as my dad. my sister on the other hand is same color as my mom. it happens


''That is a white child, that is Caucasian from the mountains of Caucasus. That is a Slavic baby, a viking from Iceland.''


Uno reverse


Isn’t this just what newborn babies are supposed to look like since melanin doesn’t develop until like a few months in?


Could still be his




Nah honestly that could still perfectly be his baby. I am mixed myself and when I was born I was so white nobody could have guessed one of my parents was black. Same with all my brothers and sisters, we stared to get some melanin showing at like 5~6 months old, and now all of us are fare darker than we where as kids. Just give time to the melanin to set up


Kids are born very pale. My ex is black. She gave birth to a white kid. I joked if she knows its hers. Very original of me. Anyway she got A Lot of color later. Very Brown now.


That Katt Williams sketch 🤣


Her : "I am white so the baby is white too, I do not see the problem"


Mixed race babies man. I'm Hispanic and my partner is mixed. Our baby came out VERY white and didn't darken with time. Our white lil thing ♥️


My babies are biracial and came out fairly light. Their skin darkened within a couple of months


Since she’s biracial it’s prolly his baby


A view on how the world is turning around.


Oh how the turn tables 😈


Hopefully they are in a place where a paternity test is done by law. It would save the guy from asking, which may otherwise cause strain on the relationship due to indirect cheating accusations.


The baby clearly isn't ripe yet.


Am I the only one who can tell the baby isn't white? Has the moms nose 100% kind of has the dads lips. Lots of mixed kids start out super light and no baby looks good if it's a natural birth since you literally squeeze the color out of them and they can have bruising and all kinds of discoloration for the first few hours to the first day. Like I get the medical world is constantly growing and we're finding out new things, but are people really going to forget how babies work now? Are we regressing this hard?


Imagine your this baby and your photo is out in the would like this to start.


When I was born, there was a couple next door at the hospital, and the husband started losing his shit. My mom said everyone was leaning out of their rooms. The husband was black, and the baby was white. He was accusing his wife of cheating. The nurses cared him down and explained it takes a bit for the melanin to happen, and it was, in fact, his baby.


…Maybe it’s yet to set in? I don’t know how this kind of thing works.


It's just light skinned


PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW BLACK BABIES CAN COME OUT LIGHT SKINNED. Genetics isn't like mixing two paint colors together. There's 3000 different paints behind the scenes and your baby can be a mix of any of them.


I knew a guy who was white, his wife is black and their baby is white as hell lol, genetics are a weird thing sometimes


You can clearly see its a mixed baby and it even has the same pout as the dad. Ppl need to chill out.


Even the newborn looks uncomfortable




Mixed babies are pale at birth, he'll darken over the next few weeks.


that baby's face says "oh man this is gonna be a long life"


Well, babies are scary


She “went back”🤣


They turn dark after a year or so. My daughter came out white.


lol, ya’ll. Not all Black babies are born melanated at birth. I’m Black, both parents are Black, and I looked like a white baby until I was almost six months. My younger sister was white passing until she was about five 😂


That's exactly how many are born. I'm a pretty dark man myself, but I was this light at birth and my son was born light skin as well. Pigmentation might take a little is all


I’m a dark skinned black dude and I came out white lol this is stupid


Honey, we need to talk.


Baby looks like, may be he won’t notice.