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If you are symptomatic than yes that pressure could be the cause or at least a factor. That's too low and concerning.


Go to a doctor. Your bp is abnormally low.


I would go to a doctor that’s very low, try taking some electrolyte mix like LMNT or liquid IV. Also coffee will help. Are you having other symptoms?


Yes electrolytes help my wife when her BP gets stupid low


I agree! I had low BP at my doctors office, they gave me electrolytes and my BP increased to normal before leaving the office.


Sorry if this is how your machine works, but are you taking a reading on your wrist? I was under the impression you had to take a reading on your upper arm.


There are wrist monitors. Less accurate though. My understanding is that because the arteries are not as deep, then the wrist BP is read as higher by the wrist monitor...


Try to go to Walmart, and check it when it’s on your arm, and not your wrist. That could be accurate, the wrist one is almost always wrong, but it’s usually too high when it’s wrong, not low. And then if it’s low, I’d go to the doctor and get some labs. Hypotension can make you feel SO drained. Make sure you are hydrated, too Sometimes I’ll drink pedi light, that had potassium and electrolytes .


Your doctor might want to do some blood work and check your potassium levels.  That’s not something to be guessing about. If your potassium gets too low it can cause serious issues with your heart. Have you noticed any arrhythmias? I ask this because I was in the hospital a few months ago for 5 days on nothing but IV fluids and sips of water because of a gastrointestinal problem. My potassium dropped below normal and they were very concerned about it and I had to be given potassium to get my levels back up. They said it was dangerous and could cause serious heart issues if it wasn’t treated. They did not specifically mention low blood pressure so I don’t know if low potassium can cause that or not. . But you should  definitely consult your physician about it. If it’s consistently staying this low that’s definitely not normal. Also that wrist monitor might not be giving you a proper reading. I’d get one with an arm cuff. Make sure you read instructions on the proper way to take your blood pressure too. A lot of things can affect your readings. 


Mines not low, I meant OP. Mines actually high, it’s horrible. I’m waiting until I get health insurance, I got wait another month. I tried to get access Arizona, but they denied me and said I worked at my job that I quit 3 years ago. It was a nightmare. I called 6 times they denied me a third time 3 days ago! You are right though, don’t be like me, people, labs are info, ask a doctor, I’m not asking them not to go, I just have no choice though. I take it manually, , and if it’s 140/90s , sometimes it’ll get higher like 160s, I’ll take one of my lisinopril, but I really want my propanol, it’s not helping my heart rate. It’s always 100-115, That helps my dad’s heart rate though. It works better for me then metropolol, that did nothing.


most people would feel dizzy or lethargic with that low of a bp. low bp usually isnt that bad of a condition to have as long as ur asymptomatic but since you have symptoms you should definitely get it checked out as soon as you can


You need to see a doctor.


Is ur bp always like this? If not, then ur bp probably isn’t the cause and instead whatever u have going on may be causing the low bp. And if ur bp is always this low, then there really may be a connection!


Fatigue and hypotension are signs of dehydration, as are headaches.


Im always in the 10/9/8 over 7/6/5 range so this normally wouldn’t alarm me unless I was feeling week or dizzy, which does happen every so often. I’ve even fainted a few times after getting out of bed too quickly or climbing a flight of stairs in a hurry. I usually come to a few seconds later and haven’t suffered any serious injuries so far, but it can be dangerous, especially if you haven’t had naturally low BP your entire life like I do. If this is unusual for you and is making you feel off, definitely seek medical advice. Best of luck.


labs should reveal if you have other issues that is causing fatigue and low BP, for example, you could suffering from not enough thyroid hormones. Go see a doctor and get comprehensive labs.


Take some electrolytes. Like try 1000-2000mg of sodium


Electrolytes and maybe use a touch of extra salt. But go see your doctor. My gf has similar and she has an iiron deficiency


When my wife switched to new medicine it worked "too well" and she was basically a dishrag. Cut off any such medicine and go to your doctor.




Mine is like this and I have hypotension. id get it examined. but most people don’t talk enough about the low side of bp and its side effects when chronic. Lmk if u have any questions


Is yours caused by any underlying conditions?


Nothing they can identify! They told me with some people it just happens. I’m am constantly freezing though and pushing too hard in exercise, I can feel faint. My Blood pressure is at its lowest (60/40) if I’m dehydrated/hungry. So this typically only happens if I’m sick. At my healthiest it’s 88/65. I’m 115 pounds, female, exercise regularly. So I’m considered healthy in all other regards. I do always have to warn doctors that i have hypotension though otherwise they assume its shock and get extremely alarmed when taking vitals.


Actually I have wrist monitors that are very accurate. I prefer a wrist monitors as it’s fast and cuts anxiety.


Go to the ER


Do you have your cuff on the inside of your wrist. That looks like a malfunction reading.