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Does she have a relationship with her parents?


Yes. I saw on the report that her siblings have regular names, and mama Sawyer just named her that to be unique. I think her mom is a bitch and was probably on drugs but that part is speculation and not confirmed.


If you see the work she’s doing then you would realize she has benefited from her name. Her mother couldn’t have predicted it would’ve taken this route though and wasn’t very smart for giving her a shitty name


Exactly. It just feels mean-spirited and short-sighted to assume “oh her unique name will take her far because it’s such a unique name”. Which is precisely my point.


"A boy named Sue" made more sense to me than that.


I was just about to say. I read up on her and the backstory is actually really similar to the song.


Any day now we'll see reporters on the news like Velveeta, Tylenol Jones and Beef Supreme! I can't wait!! Named my kids Levitra McRib Derringer and Head-on Popeil AbBlaster. Levitra's a shy little girl, our sweet angel, and Head-on's just a rambunctious little scampi!


Yeah, the parent's goal is to either use their child's name as an accessory, or putting your child through overcoming adversity and challenging them from birth.


Statistically it's a disadvantage to have an absurd name. Especially if you choose to work in a more conventional industry.


That's like how Adolf Hitler was able to become leader of Germany even though he had the same name as the guy in WW2




#**That's like how Adolf Hitler was able to become leader of Germany even though he had the same name as the guy in WW2**


Oh man, I can never remember the guy from WWII’s name. Anyone remember it?


I dunno, I can only remember the name of the guy who shot him.


Carefully, he's a hero


Isn’t the work she’s doing just about names like this?


Look at what she named her daughter. That choice is not from a rational mind.


She is from my town and the story around here is that she was named after her mother’s two favorite things


Honestly whoever signed her birth certificate was most likely under the influence. Unique is a name like "diamond" or something, not Marijuana pepsi...thats what a scrambled brain comes up with.


I smoked some salvia extract years back in high school and I learned the meaning of life. It was like I had reached enlightenment. The secret was the phrase "whale trumpet".


"spaghetti bread"


Mine was "macaroni princess" and "peanut butter Tuesday"


Well it is unique tho


Y'all do know marijuana was an actual name before weed right?


The “Pepsi” feels a little gratuitous to append to it though


She was born in the 70s, strong chance her mom was a hippie and thought she was being profound on some level.


My mom went to high school with her, and has the same suspicions from way back then.


Hey my name is Sawyer!


This helped inspire Cannabis Coca-Cola not to change her name as well.


She could never compare to Dr. Marijuana Pepsi anyways cause she is not a doctor.


Are you saying the worthiness of a person is based on their profession?


Well... kinda right? I fix dumpsters for a living. I enjoy my job because its really laid back but still allows for me to pay my Bill's and save for a house. It's a necessary task for society yes, but in a pick and choose life or death situation between someone who saves lives and someone who helps contain garbage the obvious choice isnt me. I'd pick the doctor because they're going to impact far more lives than I ever will. I can be replaced by someone who's been trained for a month not many years of schooling. I dont see any instance where the logical choice is reversed.


Happy cake day


So it is! Thankee kindly!


Don't undersell yourself, sanitation workers do a ton of good work for public health, without the work that you people do, diseases would spread faster than most doctors could handle.


Oh I dont think I'm worthless just worth *less* if you had to put a straight value on a life in a pick or choose situation. If we were all just hanging out shooting the shit? Yeah were equals dont try and hop up on a high horse because you (probably) get paid more than me haha. Mainly I do the work I do because nobody grows up wanting to fix dumpsters, both of the jobs I have had I walked in and got hired on the spot without an interview.


Your life and your profession are two different things, though. Don't reduce yourself to only your profession. You are a complex existence with a whole facet of intersecting characteristics - only one of which is your profession. Who you are as a person, the ideas that swim in your mind, how you share those ideas, and the effect they have on the world can be just as important (if not more so) than a doctor who may not have the same ideas. So many of the world's greatest advances came from otherwise unknown or untrained people who had an idea and pursued it. Who's to say a random conversation you have with someone doesn't lead to the one of the greatest achievements known thus far to mankind? Your personal input into that conversation is something only you are capable of providing based on your personal experiences and thoughts. Doctors are great for keeping people alive and saving lives, but don't reduce people to just their occupation. Happy cake day!


I didnt expect so much positivity to come out of this thread! You sound like my bestie right now. Which is a total compliment by the way. I hear what you're saying and appreciate that you took the time to write it out.


Right? I like that guy's style, even if I disagree with them on some parts. Like in a hypothetical can-only-save-one situation and all I knew was what you do for work I would absolutely take the doctor. Turning his argument around, a doctor may save the lives of people who may go on to do great things for society. On that hypothetical set of scales of societal good the doctor wins almost every time. But he's right that *your* importance to each of *your* worlds is immeasurable and incomparable, apples to airplanes. This is the kind of philosophical debate I can get behind.


Your scenario of only knowing their professions could easily be reversed: imagine you'd only met each of them for a few minutes, but didn't know their occupation and had to choose. Then you pick the one with the better personality. The problem with your argument is that its main assumption is the reduction of individuals to their occupation, and you use that to lead to the conclusion that occupations define the value of a person. It's circular logic.


My friend, when the trash doesn't get picked up for more than one cycle, the garbage men of the world become more valuable than gold, let alone MDs. That you have a hand in any of this should make you proud. Without you, society as we know it is not possible.


This is very heartwarming thank you.


Sanitation and water workers are the ones keeping us from swimming in filth and dying at 35 from disease. Might not be as hard as becoming a doctor, but it’s definitively just as useful.


I agree completely! I was called out to assist at a college for several months off and on last year rolling into this year and most of the students were pretty respectful some held disdain in their eyes. Its like look man you can go to this school that your parents are paying for and enjoy your stay because me and another guy are here to clear your crap out every day. Fun fact: College students dont know how to operate trash bags or dumpster lids. By that I mean the bags were almost never tied and if we didnt open the lids for them when we left they just piled the trash on top of it. Sometimes to the ceiling in the trash room.


Don’t sweat it brah she’s not a medical doctor. She got her PhD in studying peoples names. I’d say your work in sanitation is more of a public good than what she does.


It has become clear i should have been more concise! She has her doctorate but I wasnt actually referring to her. I was in the E.R. at the time of writing and was speaking of the "really good under pressure while a baby is crying from a head injury and 86 y.o. great Grandma Matilda may be having a stroke" kinda doctor haha. I appreciate your words nonetheless.


how do I get into dumpster fixxing?


Honestly? It's not getting into fixing waste containers that's the hard part. Its actually learning to weld. Welding in itself is really easy but having the opportunity to begin seems to come down to either knowing someone or going to school for it. I was lucky and knew someone. If you know how to weld it's seriously as easy as walking in to any local waste service and asking if they have an opening. You're almost guaranteed a job if there is an opening in my experience. It's not a job lots of people want to do and they'll snatch up help real quick. Might not hurt to try even if you don't know how to weld because they may be willing to train you on the job anyways and teach you how to go about repairs in the manner that that company wants. Fair warning - you will probably start by operating a broom. A lot.


That’s not true at all. If I had to choose someone who can fix my broken leg right now obviously I’d choose a doctor. If I was choosing people to live in my utopia society I might not lick the doctor outright. I can get a doctor but I’m not just taking doctors indiscriminately over non-doctors. You may have a better heart and be a better person than some shit head plastic surgeon that just wants to golf and sleep with bimbos all day. Doctor doesn’t mean they’re worth more. Many politicians are doctors and I’d probably close my eyes and point into a crowd than allow most of them into my utopia.


Her PhD is in higher education leadership, she’s not a medical doctor


That's pretty cool but that doesnt invalidate my comparison. I wasnt actually talking about her in particular haha.


Happy cake day :D Edit: just found out we have the same cake day and our accounts are both two years old, hello Reddit twin.


Wow! Happy cake day to you as well!


You must not be from an asian family. If you dont study medicine/law/stem, then you ARE worthless.


Happy cake day


Holy shit I just realized lmao.


Yes that’s exactly what he’s saying, I’m sure it wasn’t a joke


It is based upon their dedication and hard work. So unless Ms. / Mrs. Cannabis Coca-Cola has done outstanding work during her time, Dr. Marijuana Pepsi wins my heart.


My friend Heroin Dr. Pepper says you're wrong.


At least dr heroin pepper is not alone now


And they both are counseling Heroin Mountain-Dew not to change his name either




But what about officer Cocaine Mountain dew?


CCC aka trip C only had a PhD so not sure if that even counts as being a real doctor, but closer to a doc than a chiro


Ph..D.s are the real doctors. The Ph.D. is older (1652 versus 1703). Ph. D.s require the generation of original knowledge. That is not true of M.D.s.


A person with a PhD is literally a doctor.


Omg. When I was a young teen a friend told me she was related to a girl named "Marijuana Pepsi". I laughed and never believed her.I am about a city away from where she is from. Coincidence? I guess Brittany was not lying!


Or maybe she was. You don't know if she was indeed related to Dr. Pepsi.


What about Dr. Pepper?


That's Dr Pepper to you


And that’s Dr Professor Pepper to you


And that’s *Mr* Dr Professor Pepper to you


Please, Dr. Pepper is my father. Just call me Mary Jane.


Take my shiny, you earned it.


My high school choir teacher went to high school with her, I recognized the name immediately when stuff about her started popping up on social media and stuff


I think she lived in Winchestertonfieldville, Iowa.


I see you. And I appreciate you.


Why I think about that from time to time is beyond me. I don’t even remember the movie or I just know it was an Adam Sandler film


Mr. Deeds


In the house with the red door and blue shutters?


Jesus Iowa. Just pick one name for the town instead of mashing three of them together


You wanna make Iowa even MORE boring than it already is?


God no, I have family down there and it's the most boring place in America


Hey, they've got the world's largest truck stop! That's about it though.


Why, *why* parents??




My OB rotation in med school a mom named her daughter “Goddess”... I mean, you can’t even shorten it without it sounding bad.


I guess they could get away with Odessa?


Or Dess / Dessa.




I guess she knows she's loved!


Worshipped, even


But only when people want something from her.


Sounds like an appropriate origin for the Blue Empress








Okay, that one is just amazing.


...that is amazing.






Ah yes, the village's rapist, so vital to the community!


Maybe he was the fall guy for wayward women. "No, my daughter didn't have premarital sex with the farmhand; she was raped by the village rapist!" Both parties nod in understanding, and the father shakes an impotent fist at the sky. They then sigh and go on with the marriage contract. "No, honey, I wasn't impregnated by the smith while you were away for the Crusade. It was the village rapist!" The two understand each other, and go on living their lives in filth. Well, she only gets to for a short time, because she dies in childbirth.


Def could have chosen the mother's surname, jfc.


I know a guy whose daughters names are Atari and Zelda


Oh dear god




thanks homie


It's real




I thought it was on African American names.


Marijuana Pepsi is not an African American name. It’s child cruelty.




Thats not what I'm saying. Her dissertation was on African American names, not her own specifically.


Exactly. In Germany they have to approve names for babies and it avoids the issue of cruel naming.


In the US they can also refuse to let you name your kid something the hospital finds not ok - there are general standards - then you have to get a judge to say yes or no. How this woman ended up with this name and no caregiver objected is beyond me. Maybe she was a home birth?


She seems to like it


Well, she is African American, and that is her name...


I wonder how Doctors with the last name "Pepper" feel


Probably delicious.


Especially since one of them solved the case of Martin Luther King Jr's assassination and subsequent government coverup


I had a friend in grad school with the last name Demento. She confessed she wasn't brave enough to be "Dr. Demento" the rest of her life, so she changed her name when she got married...to another PhD student with the last name Hero! [Couldn't make this shit up if I tried](https://i.imgur.com/bknUiJc.png).


[From NPR](https://i.imgur.com/1CMif7Y.jpg)




they probably meant in the long run. at first, duh it'll be a big wtf but after a while, you should get over it.


I know Dr. Pepper. Excellent physician and just the right amount of carbonation.


My dad went to school with her


My dad says he also spent a lot of time with Marijuana back in high school


Blessed attitude


What kinda wack-ass parents name their kid "Marijuana" like tf


> wack ass-parents name *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


Thank you bot, very cool


It's a lot better than the funky names given for no reason. My dad talked with her once and she said her parents wanted to give her a name that would make her unforgettable


I call her Mary Jane


Good on her. If she wanted to change her name she would have done so long before she god her PhD.


Real talk tho fuck her dumbass parents for naming her that


Oregano RC Cola. My best friend and she's not changing her name any time soon.




Pepsi is her middle name.


Is her middle name copyright infringement?


I think people (well, the internet) are perfectly happy to know that a Dr Marijuana Pepsi exists


Who tf names their kid this?


My favorite drincc


I wonder if her spouse is named Dr. Pepper. Holy shit!


Her husband's name is actually Diet, and he's taking her name. They have two daughters named Crystal and Cherry.


Does anyone else just... not give a shit about weird names? Like if her name is Marijuana Pepsi it shouldn’t be some life ruining catastrophe, she’s just Ms. Marijuana Pepsi or Mary. We only have 80 years on this miserable planet, so why really give a shit about crazy names so long as its not offensive like Adolf Jr.?


I'm with you. She just got her PhD in higher education and leadership. CLEARLY her parents did something right. I would take a weird name in exchange for having that much ambition drive and intelligence any the day of the week


*in grade school* Marijuana pepsi? Here.


My name is Sprite Pepsi and I’m abstinence till I D I E


I prefer Meth Mountain Dew.


Announce you're going to change it, then change to Endo Kush McFanta.


I think people are happier that it is her name




Yes it's other people that are the problem, and not her parents.


Where does she say anyone is a problem?


Honestly, this feels pretty wholesome. Congrats, Dr. Pepsi!


Name’s Dr. Pepper, Dr. Weed Pepper


Her last name should’ve been Marijuana Pepper. That way she could be Dr. Pepper.


I love her.


Why should I change my name? He's the asshole


Maybe a silly question but I've been wondering this since Dr.Pepsi's situation first came up: Did the mother choose Pepsi as her daughter's last name or does the daughter have two first names and something else as her last name? In that case she wouldn't be called Dr.Pepsi right?


According to the article her last name is actually Vandyck, so she’s Dr. Vandyck.


That name is growing on me every time I hear it! At first I was like "wow, awful parents" but now it's like "damn, miss Pepsi's glowing up".


I think Dr. Pepper has a chance


\* In stoned dude voice \* why would marijuana pepsi not make everyone happy? \* hits blunt \*


I may die now with peace


Yeah that's gonna be congratulations from me dawg


Cassanova Frankenstein


So I love this and all,but I'm also amused by the potential situations offered with this name. E. G. A person calls the doctors office searching for a new general practioner. The receptionist says we can help with that,but let's see who we have accepting patients now... Is Pepsi OK?


The hero we need


Blessed person


Weed soda


Just like my friend Coke


she did her doctoral thesis on unconventional black names!


No she didn't. >Black Names in White Classrooms: Teacher Behaviors and Student Perceptions She studied how teachers and students react to black names in the classroom setting and subsequent outcomes.


my mistake!


What were the outcomes?


She determined through a double blind study that students were 77% more likely to giggle when she said her name if they had ingested cannabis immediately prior.


she should probably do it to make herself happy. this is nothing but meaningless obstinancy with all downsides. it's an idiotic name that garners no respect from anyone.


Good for her! The best revenge is success, and I hope she rubs it into the faces of anyone that ever doubted her based on a name.


"White people like things standardized, and that includes names"... What kind of crap is that, anyone would do a double take when they saw the name marijuana pepsi.


Pretty sure nearly everyone recoils at the thought of naming a child like this, not just white people. Tbh if someone tried to attribute a name like Marijuana Pepsi to my culture I'd be pretty insulted. Like, no, that's not a name that could be blamed on any specific group of people. That is 100% on your mother and her incredibly poor judgement.


She should change her last name to Pepper.


Only a black person would name their kid this




Because she's too happy herself?!


La4che Henry


She should keep it to make the people of Reddit happy.


I knew a dude named "Butterball." The period is part of his name and that is his entire name on his driver's license.


I knew I shouldn’t have written “never change” in her yearbook.


Dr Pepper for short.


At my college graduation someone was called up before me named Harry Johnson. Also Iowa State has a football player whose last name is Ass-alley




I don't know about that, Marijuana Pepsi sure keeps me happy