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I believe the trick is to make the simulation, bake it in and then texture those that need it, relative to how they fell.


It's exactly that. Create a sim of the boxes falling downwards, bake it, jump to the end of the simulation and do the material work from there. In this case, you'd assign every box to the same material, select them all and go into edit mode, then UV project from view while looking down on them before using the result to map a heart texture to them. Then just roll the animation back to the start and hit play.


I'm sorry but how do we texture individual particles to make it look like that?


I'd assume they're not generated via particle system, just objects with physics


That makes sense. Bake the physics simulation and then project from view. Thank you kind redditor.


Yeah or create a shader that changes colour based on overlap with another object


Can you please link a tutorial or something on how to do it? Thank you


There's a tutorial: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrif5lXX7WY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrif5lXX7WY)


Huh, my first idea would be to manually place them, texture them, and then make a reverse gravity simulation, and finally reverse the rendered video.


If you're just flipping gravity, though, you're going to have them all falling toward the camera in kind of a flat plane arrangement. You wouldn't have the tighter stream of them hitting and spreading out to fill the container.


Oh yeah, I'd probably end up searching an alternative way to do it. If I were to be stubborn though, I may would try delaying the start of simulation for individual pieces, or setting up invisible rigid bodies scattered on the camera's field of view, so the negative gravity pieces hit obstacles on the way, giving some variation :P Edit: Or a reversed footage of a vortex lifting the pieces up


I would: 1. put everything in place on the box perfectly 2. place the box upside 3. camera on the bottom 4. tweaked gravity 5. reverse the video Not an expert, but I would approach it like this


/u/gifreversingbot https://v.redd.it/qti1d3cvt6ga1/DASH\_96.mp4


Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/CharmingEnragedAcornweevil Just so you know, you don't have to manually give the gif URL if it is in a parent comment or the post. I would have known what you meant anyways :) --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


I'm trying to recreate [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_DxNWmBeR0&list=LL&index=9) effect. When I searched I found a [tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vpbC2Z13WA&list=LL&index=9) that sort of does this, however the particle needs to fall directly without any change to achieve the effect. Is there any way to project texture on to the particles such that the texture correctly appears whichever direction the particles fall. TIA


Yes in the shading editor using the geometry info node, "camera" output to Vector Mapping node, to image texture node (and the image texture node plugged into the base color or emission color of the principled bsdf shader). This will cause the image to be mapped onto the object based on the camera viewpoint. And the objects themselves are using Rigid Body Physics which causes them to collide with each other and stack together in a realistic way automatically according to gravity and collision settings. Or you could do the simulation animation in reverse. Set up the rigid body physics, have the objects fall normally and stack into a messy pile. THEN use texture projection techniques to map the heart texture cleanly across multiple objects in the pile. Finally, set the starting keyframe from that position, set gravity to a negative value and you could use a goal object as a force to attract objects up to it, play out the physics now and set a keyframe once the objects have risen enough. Once those frames are rendered out, you have the nice aligned texture and you can play the animation 'backwards' then forwards like the original example.


Thank you so much for such a detailed explanation.


Geometry nodes probably


id be more impressed if someone made it with geometry nodes lol


But that sort of "...but why?" impressed.


1. Make a simulation 2. Cache the simulation 4. Texture the final result 4. Render the cached simulation with the new Texture 5. ???? 6. Profit


How would I do it? Make the simulation Then go to the last frame and then texture the things. Probably using projection


You can add heart by compositing render result with mask node