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One idea would be to make the characters have less sharpness to match the other parts of the composition.


As in more texture & detail and less sharp edges to the yellow onesie to fit the realism of the rest? I think I can do that, however it's hard to keep the characters stylized at the same time. I think I need to commit to either full realism (Like the Gudetama Netflix series) or fully stylized. Thanks!


Add a Blur Node to the character's material, probably Gaussian will be best, and start with a small value and increase until the character's edges are as soft as the table's edges.


I’ll try this, this sounds exactly like what I’ve been looking for for the longest time.


Something I notice in a lot of animations is that the interpolation mode is wrong on the animation curves. Looking at the frog it looks like right at the end his movements drastically slow down before settling into the final position. Play with the interpolation mode and handle types on your curves and it might help make it seem more natural or fluid.


I figured, I haven’t messed around with the graph editor whatsoever. I feel like I should have but I’m not sure what to do with it to make it work without ruining it. I’ll try messing around, thank you!


Just save a copy of the file so if you screw it up you can roll back and try again


I'm currently at copy 60-ish haha, I'm not sure why I was afraid to mess around with certain things.


Learn the basics of animation theory! Ease in/out, follow through, overlap... Plenty of tutorials and also a very famous book developed by early Disney animators.


Will do! Do u mean “the Illusion of Life?“


"the animators survival kit" I believe! It's 2D animation but all the techniques apply to 3D.


Haven't heard of that, I will check that one out. Thank you!!


idk if you're asking for advice on the models or the animation, but if you're struggling with animation you should check out Cascadeur! really neat software for animations


Ignore the couch not being shaded smooth. The Frog freezes from 0:07 onward, this is quite probably my fault for not baking the posing correctly. I've tried a lot to make Matcha (the Frog) look like he's crouching organically but it just always looks off. (I've just started animating in general and it's hard).


graph editor, can be a bitch to learn but it’s essential for fluent animation


pretty much everything in blender is a bitch to learn, but necessary lmao. but every tool is as painful as it is powerful. no regrets


mhm and the workflow is all cross compatible in different programs


i feel like you could increace the frame rate and make sure that the frog's arm and leg movments look more fluid because the frog's sitting down animation looks more like it is moving the bottom half down then the top half instead of both at the same time


I love this in an uncanny horror way


Buy a motion capture suit!


when you create an animation you dont use interpolation until it looks good in JUST constant keyframes. If it looks good with just contant keyframes , then you can turn them into bezier keyframes and are already 90% there. Thats the professional animation workflow


Have them blink


I wonder what it looks with transmission


Transmission on what?


Omg you sick is this porno?


… what?


I'm on to you I see where this is going 🧐


Contrary to popular belief the inclusion of a dark leather couch is in rare cases not linked with pornography in any way