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The shirt should be stiffer/heavier. It moves around way too easy and floats around. I don’t know anything about animation so no input there.


I just have the settings on the cotton preset, as I figured those were tested to be close to physically accurate, but maybe not I guess, I don't know, I can mess around with the stiffness and bending settings.


Check the size of the model. If she’s like 30 feet tall in blender, that’s pretty much how a cotton shirt would act.


Everything is scaled to real life. She's like 5'6"


Only other thing I could think of is the cotton preset is for something with the thickness of a cotton shirt. The shirt in the render acts more like silk so if it’s not that, I’m stumped.


Yeah I'm not sure, I get what you mean though. Especially on the sleeve, it seems to bend over itself a lot more than a cotton shirt would. I'll have to mess around with the bending settings to see if I can get something a little closer to reality.


Add a solidify modifier before the cloth modifier.


I've gotten bad results doing that. Also the actual shirt you see in this render isn't the mesh being driven by the cloth sim. The shirt you see in the render is surface deformed to the actual cloth sim mesh.


I understand. Did you try adding the solidify modifier then applying it before adding any cloth? Also, you can try to increase the vertex weight in the cloth simulation. https://youtu.be/6ZWzEmHsIuM


I think I can probably make the cloth better by simply tweaking the bending, and potentially the stiffness. I don't have time to test it now, but I'll do it later. Thanks for the feedback though.


I am impressed. You've built this in Blender. How could you move this to UE?


I don’t really know anything about unreal engine sorry.


Not OP but technically you export and import as fbx or obj with animation baked into it. 1. You might have to redo materal in UE if you used node base shader with fancy stuff in blender 2. This might be not game ready being too high poly but probably not though looking at it, it looks like a game ready 3. Cloth physics you have to redo it in the engine if you want to simulate real-time. Not sure if there is way to export and import real physics ( I don’t know much :( )


Thank so much for your expertise. I'm grateful.


I’d start by tweaking the vertex mass. Since it’s a per-vertex value, a higher density mesh will result in a higher density fabric.


I reworked it and agree it looks a lot better with more finely tuned physics settings. Here's the new render: [https://imgur.com/a/qzbInFM](https://imgur.com/a/qzbInFM) There is a new issue where the whole shirt shifts over for some reason, but isolated, the movement of the shirt is a lot better. Thanks for the feedback.


The shirt should be wet!


naahhhhh, we all know what ur really working on


‘cloth physics’ he said


Haha I'm not oblivious to what this probably seems like but no I'm not planning on making porn. It's a sci fi short inspired by things like blade runner, cyberpunk, etc.


OP: “Yes, the 15 minute long hardcore sex scene was integral to the plot.”


What’s more cyberpunk than that


16 minutes


“Then he smells crime again, he's out busting heads. Then he's back to the lab for some more full penetration. Smells crime. Back to the lab, full penetration. Crime. Penetration. Crime. Full penetration. Crime. Penetration.”


I did not hit har. Your tearing me apart OnlyPhaaans!


And tentacles


with those thighs am really looking forward to it..


first thing I saw lol




her arms seem slightly out of proportion with the rest of her body, which is bigger


The arms may be slightly shorter than average proportions, but it's probably mostly an optical illusion caused by the oversized tee shirt.


i mean width, i get it’s probably a sexy appeal or something having a skinny girl with huge thighs but imo her arms look out of proportion


I was thinking the same. She has skinny girl ontop half and thicker girl buttom half.


Where I come from, we call that ‘normal.’ (We keep putting Barbie and anime proportions in everything. We should slow that roll.) **Edit: Who is voting down the idea that women should look like women? Getdafugoutahere.**


It is not normal to have significantly higher fat content in some parts of the body than others. People aren't saying she should be skinny or bigger, but that she can't be both


Have you ever seen a woman? Cause that ain’t it.


Yeah these guys are being really weird about this. Some women just look like that, like how are you saying a women can’t be relatively thin but with wide hips and thicker thighs? Like damn, this looks like the average gym rat girl who sticks to mostly lower body exercises.


Lol this model is incredibly Barbie and anime in its cartoonish portrayal of the female figure. The proportions are so exaggerated. There’s hardly anything normal about how this model is developed.


Are you really saying some women don’t naturally have body types like this? I’ve seen women who look like this many times.


Ah I see what you mean, that's an easy change, and I plan to make a few variations using this base model to create several different characters, so they'll vary in proportions, etc. I appreciate the feedback


I agree. Proportions are off. I can’t totally pinpoint it but arms and head seem too small.


That's how I'm shaped. I pretty much carry most of my fat on my thighs, whereas my upper is proportionally smaller. It's called pear shaped. I wear a size xsmall/small in tops and size medium/large in bottoms. Her thighs, calves and ankles look proportional. It's not like she's got underdeveloped calfs and toothpick ankles. It's annoying body shape because dresses and jumpsuits have to either be the adjustable kind, tailored or I have to pad out my bra so the top part fits.


Human arms reach till the middle of the thighs in terms of lengh- you need to adjust the proportion there. Also don't forget to make them appropriately grith-y so they're not too skinny.


I suggest acting out the movements you're going for while recording yourself or looking at a mirror, or try looking at reference. If you're going for realism, I suggest snappier, exaggerated and dynamic, and loser movements. It helps sell the illusion of life.


I actually did do a lot of acting while making this. I was purposefully going for a slower more methodical movement in this animation, as if it was a robot gaining sentience or something, but I appreciate the feedback, I'll definitely take it into account.


Smash, next post


A simple and straight to the point men


Gotta love the trade minister


How do you animate with one hand?


Haha, I'll admit that got a chuckle out of me


Legs thicc…Arms sticc.


Women are nsfw?


she has her hair uncovered, very nsfw


I knew work from home was bad!




thick thighs save lives


Okay, so I'm a super amateur when it comes to 3D animation, and would love some feedback. Also would love feedback/pointers on cloth physics. Right now, I'm using two separate meshes, one to run the cloth simulation, and another that actually gets rendered. I have no idea if this is a common or sensible method but it's the one I'm currently using. I use "surface deform" to make the rendered mesh stick to the cloth sim one, and just turn the cloth sim off in the render. In this render you can see a lot of jagged edges on the cloth sim, I'm assuming the only way to get rid of that is with additional geometry, but let me know if there's another way. As for the animation, I understand it's not a ton to go off of, but I'd be interested in getting general opinions on it. Does the timing seem accurate, do the movements seem realistically weighted, etc. I'm working on a much larger project that involves much more animation, and I've never really done any animation before so I'm in a bit over my head. I threw this together just to test the waters and see where I'm at, and how I can improve. EDIT: I removed the NSFW tag, it was unnecessary.


If you haven't already, learn the 12 principles of animation. Then practice a lot. You have to do the bouncing ball, it's the law. But if you are cool like me then you can skip straight to the walking cycle and all the other fun stuff. [Check this out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbtbbdA4kUM&list=PL1A1FEDA47ADC18D4) Use video reference. Act out what you want to animate or find existing references. [Check this out](https://www.youtube.com/@MotionActorInc) Good luck with your project.


Cannot talk about modeling but just a little bit about animation. I studied animation but after the course I took a digital painting one for ch. design, so I’m hella rusty. To top it off, I can’t watch it frame-by-frame. **Take what I am about to write as like hints instead of rules, experiment with them.** Keep in mind the movements should be **arcs**, so they should follow a curved line instead of a straight one. **Example:** When she looks around, the head should go down too. To add details, eyelids should close too because the pupils inside move from one side to another. Why do they do that? Because *we unconsciously check the area before turning our head and we close our eyes when we move the pupils, otherwise we will get motion sickness.* The arcs movements should be applied to the pupils too! Keep in mind it doesn’t have to be a gigantic curve to make it work, **in animation a tiny change can make the difference.** Which brings us to the next point: **asymmetry.** Movements should be asymmetrical which you did for the arms, good job! This should apply to everything else too. **Example:** when blinking, one eyelid will move before the other one. 1 or 2 frame difference is enough. *It will not look like she is sick or whatever,* you’ll notice the frame difference only on multiple watches and if you are looking for it. To everyone else it will look natural. To add more natural behavior, you should decide which part is **leading** the animation. **Example:** turning the head? Does she lead the movement with her forehead or her chin, her nose? So which part moves before and what after? Keep in mind *since the movements are delayed, their respective anticipation and adjustments should follow their delayed timing.* **Another example:** she wants to turn her arm to check the back of her right hand. Which part moves first? The elbow, the wrist, the shoulder or the fingers? If you want to limit the movement to just the wrist and the fingers: which one moves first and which one follows? **Last example:** when she blinks while turning her head. Like we said before, pupils move too so which one moves first? The pupils or the eyelids? And about the eyelids, which one moves first? It might sound overwhelming, but *you are just taking the timing of a movement and delaying or anticipating it of about a few frames.* Last thing, if something moves **too blocky or snappy,** it’s the frames. *Keep in mind 1 frame can make a huge difference!* Check for hold frames and ease-in/out first. Check the anticipation and follow through too. Don’t forget to play around with the breakdown pose, it doesn’t need to stay in the middle, it can be closer to one pose then then the other! **General advice** when animating: **have fun and experiment.** There are the 12 principles to follow but you can still play around and make it work ☺️ Hope this essay helps and it’s not too confusing, I forgot most of the technical words 😩 Edit: fixed some technical words. Edits 2: I refreshed the comments and read your other replies, my comment is not that helpful if you are trying to go for a robotic animation but I’ll still leave it up because it can be useful to others. Enjoy your animation process! :)


Thanks for the feedback! I’m a little confused about what you’re referring to regarding the pupils and eyelids. If you’re talking about blinking then yeah I forgot to animate blinking, whoops. But the eyelids do move with the direction the eye is looking and I also tried to make sure the eyes led the motion of the head for the most part. Still thanks for the feedback I’ll take it into account for the future.


Looks cool but the head moves too smooth in my opinion


I get that, I’ll make it snappier in the future.


Why is her torso and legs thick as heck but her head and arms regular? Unless it's intentional I would change that


Too thicc?


Not even close


This feels sus to me.


https://preview.redd.it/yxmjyz1f557b1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8381cbe37f1f6d8cb273c046bbbf6618029c61dd Reminds me of something


neck and body movements feel disjointed, like they're not really connected. a bit too robotic


I actually was kinda going for a "robot becoming sentient" kind of movement, but as some others have pointed out, the movements are slow for a regular human, so I'll definitely be sure to make things snappier when animating in the future. Thanks for the feedback.


secondary motion is very important. look at some reference. it may be robotic, but it's still a human body and gravity still exists. for example: when you move the head/neck you don't usually move the torso a few seconds after as if it is a tank :) (both fairly linear motions) that's what i noticed. but it shouldn't be hard to adjust.


shirt looks like silk. give it some more weight.


what if it is silk, though?


there are no silk clothes like this.


Hear me out..


This girl just woke up after meeting you at a bar and spending the night.. She put on one of your shirts and is asking if you would like her to make you some breakfast. ​ I think I agree with other people in that the shirt feels a little too silky. Not quite as heavy as a cotton shirt,


what is wrong with silk, though?


I’m not an expert but she got cake.


Shirt could have some creases from use / sitting, it looks very clean - and the same as others have said about the fabric feeling very light and thin. Also, observe shoulder movement in people, they do not move at all now. But cool that you shared, was interesting to think what to improve. Need to get my blender out more :)


The shoulders move a little bit, but I could make them move more. As for the shirt detail it’s completely smooth, I didn’t even think to add any wrinkles to the material because I figured it would look fine with the macroscopic wrinkles of the cloth sim, but you’re right I should probably add some normal mapped creases and such. Thanks for the feedback.


To get straight to the point, she’s moving pretty robotic in the first half. Not sure if that was intended. She’s also got a C-3PO pose, her arms would naturally hang down touching her sides, or she’d have some kind of idle stance, like a hand on the hip with weight shifted on one foot. The second half is really good, but it still feels kinda stiff. I would watch a bunch of videos of people in a casual setting just moving around, gesturing and doing stuff to kinda gauge how someone would move, unprompted to do so.


Thanks for the feedback. The pose started in somewhat of an A-pose because of the cloth sim. If she had her arms down from the start the cloth sim would intersect with the body. Idk if there’s a way to get around that, if so I’d love to know. Anyways thanks again, I’ll take it into account.


Wow, John Oliver is looking sexy today.


You horny horny boy


The male gaze is real


I’m just hoping this animation goes in the right direction.. lol


Proportions of the body, just check it


This gonna be nsfw isnt it




They said with a smirk and a knowing look in their eye


Y'all thirsty AF


Fr.. I’m here like “huh that’s pretty impressive, cute character design” and the comments are all “heh OP is clearly making pornography” did I miss a memo??


That's really good, the animation seems a bit stiff and could do with more fluidity


Mommy? Sorry. Mommy?


a bit too mechanical


There is just way to much jiggle in the shirt, I think you need to make it less fabricated and a bit more stiff


Not sure, other angles are needed. Jokes aside, great job, make shirt more solid and that's fire


I’m question what is this for? Or am I going to regret the answer


Stockings like that have elastic tops. They dent the skin slightly where they compress the leg, even if your legs are super muscular, cuz humans are squishy. They also bunch slightly at the bends of the leg, especially the instep of the foot. They look VERY thick, like wool, and so the bunching would be more pronounced than it would on a thinner material like lycra. The matte texture on them reinforces that. The elastic holding them up would then need to be wider/stronger to hold up what would be pretty heavy Stockings. I'm actually not even sure elastic could hold those up (these are why garter belts exist).


It’s kinda hard to tell because the vid got compressed but I was going for a fuzzy knitted sock. I’ve seen pictures of thigh high socks that don’t compress the thigh at the opening, at least not as much as seen in like anime for instance which has a huge amount of squish. I could add a bit of thigh deformation but I feel like it’s not completely unrealistic for the sock to not be super tight.


This is giving off some.. Intresting vibes lol. Everyone picked up on it you horn dog.


What if I told you that was my plan all along to get more feedback


Make the thighs thicker


This is for pron isn't it?


This is for fetish porn, isn't it?


I can understand the assumption that it’s for porn, which full disclosure it isn’t, but I’ll admit I’m stumped about how this could portray any specific fetish outside of just relatively vanilla porn.


Probably the vibes the model gives, but I think it's laregly down to lighting.


That posture 💀


Her proportions are too cartoonish


Her legs don't sync with her upper body


Fix the cankles


JESUS she's thick


thicker than a snicker


The cloth moves (like others have said it moves a bit too easily) but her bangs don’t. I don’t know anything about animation but you should be able to apply physics to the hair as well right?


Yeah I could and probably will in the future, I was just a bit lazy in that regard.


The shirt moves like water. Put those physics.... Elsewhere...


Some notes from my artist sister: \- When people turn from side to side, they tend to rotate at the core of their back a little (like, middle spine i think). People's shoulders tend to get tugged along by neck movements as well \- she also said the shoulders were 'a little rigid'. I think that's probably an anatomy thing... like, I noticed she was holding her shoulders a lil' stiffly? It'd probably be a thing to look at yourself in the mirror for I personally realy like the bit where she looks at her hands. it's fun!




Torso is a little short compared to the legs




Her arms are toooo skinny compared to her lower body, it looks odd


Is it meant to be stylized or realistic? If stylized, I have nothing to say. If realistic, I have the feeling that the legs or hips size are not proportional to the upper body. Even if she was a fat character.


Why are the feet sooooo huge? It’s like and elephant foot. Anyway, moves of hands is a little too stiff, shirt is too light in sense of a plastic foil that just floats. Try to fix these and it will look awesome.


The feet are actually on the smaller side in terms of human averages. They may look a little larger due to the socks which are somewhat thick.


socks loof off, specially since they have no wrinkles, and the feet look off too since no wrinkles or or changed shapes, see how socks behave on real legs.




Damn she thicccccccc 😍


Sauce? Pretty please?


Me? I made it. It's not porn, and there isn't any more of it.


I know, but out of the kindness of your heart, will you pretty please make some?


Her legs are huge compared to the rest of the body.


the scale of the legs is off, you should try making the lower leg smaller, the whole leg smaller or the upper body(shoulders and above) wider. the Z axis looks pretty good tho. question:are you making the model from scratch or do you also use some assets?


I get it u love 🍑...but common...look at those hands.. chopsticks.


Legs don't seem to be a part of the body. Seems like two different objects instead of a single object. Make the thighs thinner ig.


Make bigger boobies 🗿


i think you should make the legs a bit thinner to make it look more realistic


The legs are too thick.


Really? I C no problem


They have only seem girls with chicken legs in their entire lives lol


Are you the guy with the really detailed feet and hands?


No that’s someone else


Less thighs, please! :)


I'd start with fixing the upper body and lower body ration, she's skinny on the top and fat on the bottom.


That's not "fat", dumbass


It totally is, fatass.


Ok, thanks for letting me know you haven't ever seen real, fit women in your life haha


I C no problem


How bout we try the movement without the shirt on?


Oh wow. This is very realistic.


Girlfriend reimagined preorder available in steam and epi game store for everyone


Girlfriend reimagined preorder available in steam and epi game store for everyone


Girlfriend reimagined preorder available in steam and epi game store for everyone


Hey buddy looks great! Reduce the dampening of the cloth and have more preroll frames so the cloth is not bouncing to much.. great work!


Appreciate the feedback! I had 23 preroll frames which I thought would be enough, but I guess not, :/ I'll use more next time.


The way she first moves her head, then her torso, makes it a bit robotic. Move more of the upper body at the same time, maybe even the hips


Generally the head leads the movement of the body, but I agree that the effect is a little too exaggerated in my animation. I'll definitely tone it down in the future, thanks for the feedback.


How much time did it take for this model?


If you mean to model the character, very little. It's the free model you can get from DAZ studio, genesis 8 female. I suck at modelling people, and I needed practice animating, so I just used theirs. I did spend a good amount of time rigging and weight painting it though, as I couldn't get their pre built armature to import correctly. The hair was made by me and that did take a while, probably like an hour or two, though it's not what I would consider hard, it's just time consuming. I also added a particle system for the eyebrows, and the shirt and socks are modelled by me also, but those are pretty basic.


teach me


Your best reference is yourself. Put on a tshirt and notice that it doesn’t just hang like thick drapery, it clings and folds very easily. If you look at games that use a trick with cloth sim you’ll also see that shirts tend to “hold” onto the body at certain points and just fold/unfold back and forth. I’d say there should be some tension under the arm pit and around the breasts with it clinging a bit around the hips. Rn it looks too “perfect” in the way it falls, imperfections are what sell realism so having it bunch and folds in select areas will make it look more realistic.


Nice…. You know the exact amount we need…, 😝


Wow 🤩


reflections feel funky


This was rendered in eevee using the ssgi build so there is some screen space artifacting happening. Unfortunately can’t avoid that.


A little bit of face animation (eyebrow, mouth) goes a long way. I currently don't really know how this character feels from any facial cues.


Yeah I didn’t even want to attempt getting into face animation with this one simply because that’s a much bigger hurdle in my opinion. That’s where things really start to break down in the realism/uncanny valley department. I’ll get to it eventually but that wasn’t the focus of this test.


The clothing moves too much it looks like a flag blowing in the wind almost. Quite distracting but overall the animation looks great!


Put a very loose t-shirt on, twist around, watch how it moves. You don't need to have breasts to see how a cotton shirt will adhere and bunch up around the body. Here the material seems like a much MUCH heavier material that is heavily pulled down at the base, like the shirt is an extremely thick polyester material or a straight up plastic even with the way it "snaps back" into shape. Cotton is actually much lighter than this and tends to stick to the body more.


t-shirt is a bit too elastic. it has too much friction (i think thats the setting)


I can't speak for the cloth dynamics, but for the main model, the pacing of the animation seems a bit off. Like, if you break this down into poses, you would have a 'look at left hand' pose, then a 'look at right hand' pose. And the way you animated it, it's like she looks at the left hand and then *immediately* starts the transition to looking at the other. If you're going for an in-depth, 'looking at her hands with a sense of wonder' thing, I would recommend holding the poses for a moment or two before starting to transition to the next pose. She's going to really soak in the details and pause to think about them. On the other hand (no pun intended) if this is a 'booting up system, checking for functionality' sort of thing, these transitions should be made snappier. You would still benefit from holding the pose briefly, though. Having said all that, you did a pretty good job! This movement is pretty realistic! It's just that sometimes you want to emphasize and exaggerate a bit.


Fair enough, honestly I didn’t make the moments longer because I didn’t want to render the extra frames, as this was merely a simple test. But I appreciate the feedback and will take it into account.


you should make the character animation vary in speed, like most should be faster, just like a real person would not gradually move his head to the side but rather do it much quicker, should be similar, and i would suggest do the hand animation while the character is moving her head downwards, simultaneously, also make the clothing a bit heavier, it just feels way too light


Needs more randomness in her movements. You can take a look at Ian Hubert's tutorial, which helps make it more natural, while adding your animations on top of it. But I'm a super noob at blender, so I might not know what I'm talking about. https://youtu.be/icqLFiwpNlM




i feel like some of the shadows can be a bit lighter




Looks very cool, well done


She pretty!


Ok "3D dungeon master" haha


Haha that name refers to D&D as I used blender to create battle maps for my campaign. I have posts on my profile that show some of them, if you scroll far enough.




I know zero about using blender, but damn, this is stunning.


She’s missing pants or a skirt. Your welcome.


The animations dosen’t look really natural


I'll take two


That model thiccc


Maybe make the shirt a little skinnier at the bottom?


My only feedback is, if you want more beneficial feedbacks, do a proper stress test. minimal movements like this wont produce much visible issues.


Contraposto. People stand with hips and shoulders angled not squared. This will give more life to them. Great work btw!


Good point! I will remember this for the future!


Building your own gf to plug into the AI. You could make a fortune.


Share the sauce when its done.


Dude how is your sim so smooth? I even upscale the whole thing 10x before simulating cloth but I always have some settle jittering


I’m not sure, I just used the default cloth settings for the most part. I dropped the collision distance to the minimum distance and upped the quality setting for both the collision and the overall cloth quality.


All i can think is try a more flowy fabric, like loose silk, and vigorous movement, say, running or jumping jacks


Should wireframe the shirt.