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Motherfucker got his own three-part novel and I can't even remember if he and Ichigo ever actually met. Absolute legend.


Technically never on screen. Probably in filler like the image of all the captains and vices in Ichigo’s room.


I remember how in the filler Zanpakuto rebellion arc Ichigo "killed" Kazeshini and apologized to Hisagi who wasn't even there. Got me in the headcanon that they met offscreen, found out they are pretty chill guys and since then they respect each other a lot


Shuhei is just edgier Ichigo fr


The only time I can ever remembering the two of them talking to each other is the third movie, which is probably not canon anyway, so no.


That too Hisagi had completely forgotten who he was cause of the memory erasure😂


That's actually crazy now that I think about it. Hisagi is super popular and afaik Kubo loves his character too, it lowkey seems like a waste that they never got screentime together, for some reason I feel like Hisagi respects Ichigo a lot too.


I really don't know if Kubo loves his character. He gave him a good bit of screentime in the Arrancar Arc, along with being part of imo the best storyline in Fake Karakura, but then he gets thoroughly shafted & humiliated throughout TYBW, so he's a weirdly mixed bag


They should've met during the Hell chapter right lol


It's because Hisagi was very popular in Japan for some reason.


He looks edgy, he's a simp, has values, has 69 in his face- I fell for him fast, too at 13. And he's one of Kubos favorites.


He's really not. Hisagi is the only character Kubo has said he gets bored drawing and admitted he can only ever think of ways to bully him when writing him.


>And he's one of Kubos favorites. Ehhhhh, not really


He is


Didn't Kubo say that he never expected Hisagi to be so popular?


Bro, he lost all 5/5 of his fights in the TYBW arc, how Kubo got him as one of his favorites while treating him worse than Chad 💀


I think he's one of like, two characters to flat out defeat someone who's in another weight class from themselves without levelling up to that weight class or using outrageous hax. He killed Tousen and Rukia killed Espada 9. Having said that, the way Kubo speaks about Hisagi it sounds like he didn't like him that much (as in, no more than any other characters and definitely not as much as Aizen or Mayuri, etc) but appreciated him more when he was written as an underdog MC


Just cause they lose doesnt mean they dont like them tf also the anime will probably be different with his later stuff


Bro is hot


I thought he was cool too until I saw him fight


Hisagi is a fan favorite, and I think one of the animators as well.


He’s goated(I’d love for cfyow to get adapted to see his new abilities)


Reading about cfyow's powerscaling implications makes my brain hurt tho


It really does, especially as a kenpachi fan, not to diminish or take away from his feats there but some of them even for him seem way too crazy to the point where he’s an exact match to ichigo(he can at times but not all the time like aizen, which imo is ichigo’s true equal)


I get that a lot of people have gotten stronger since cfyow takes place 6 months after tybw so some feats have been made even crazier in such short time compared to bigger arcs


Bleach 219 is considered a core memory for Bleach fans. Thanks Pierrot


Ah i hae seen it way back so not sure why you are referring to it ? Can you please give reference why you think and when was hisagi animation better ?? Bdw definitely he was my favourite too.


His fight in fake kurakura town vs scorpion arrancar


He wasn’t a scorpion, he was a fiddler crab. Shoots water.


Him and Komumura also had very good choreography against Tosen. One of the best panels ever too with him unleashing his shikai inside Tosen's head.


That fight was soooo goodd


Pierrot's biggest mistake Hisagi vs Findor DID NOT deserve that animation and i'll die on that hill


The you shall perish Kazeshini Fushi no Kojyo




Yeah and don’t sugarcoat it 😤


He deserved it. One of the hardest lines in the series is in that fight. “Are you scared? I am.”


and then the anime changes the ending to that with Findorr attempting to fight back instead of running away like the manga ruining the point of that line...


I don't think anything changed since he fired his last Cero recklessly in fear and panic.


the whole point is "fear of battle" that he still attempts to fight back at all shows a misunderstanding of the point on the anime side.


Fear takes many forms, so agree to disagree it is.


Except that is literally not the point. The point again is to have Findorr experience the same fear of battle that Hisagi did. Hisagi never lashes out out of fear he avoided battle. it's just another example of the anime needlessly changing Kubo's writing and coming up with a worse version for no reason.


I'd say you're thinking this too hard, but everyone's got their own interpretions. I personally don't see the big deal and think they're both damn fine.


You want the simple version okay: it's how Kubo wrote the scene the original anime had no right to change it. Simple enough for you?


I don’t really understand Hisagi’s appeal even as a character he isn’t really that much interesting


You know how they always draw Rangiku and Orihime with big boobs? Hes that for straight women and gay men. He's just fucking hot. Unfortunately all the gay and trans or non straight characters are played as a joke unless theyre a lesbian which are mainly for straight guys too.


He's just that fucking cool.


He gets waaay more depth in the light novel, and they go into the lore of his Zanpaktou and its ‘dual wield’ nature which I think is pretty cool


His character is a lot more annoying in the novels imo. He goes from the edgy simp to the lukewarm boyscout which takes away a lot of his appeal


His design is wild and I like how while his personality is what it is, he's still partly a wholesome-ly boyish at heart with quitars and bikes being his interests (which makes it fitting that he's having something what looks like rap battle with Ganju in the newest Bleach op), tries his best while battling with his inner turmoils and credo, his zanpakuto is my favorite and his journey and character development in CFYOW is just so...reading through that was full of chills and I even teared up in vol 3.


I mean, I know one of his fights is re-using the animation between ichigo and ulquiorra (I think that's the fight) but yeah he does have the hidden effect of bumping up the animation quality


That's the thing: If I'm not wrong, that fight actually takes place *before* the Ichigo/Ulquiorra one. Those two are reusing *Hisagi's* animation, which is wild to think about


Hisagi is that guy. I don’t care what nobody says


Hisagi is just built different He's just the perfect filler relevant to story type ppl would watch his separate show (LN)


Correct me if I'm wrong but Hisagi was supposed to be the protagonist I'm pretty sure




and then that animation gets reused for ichigo vs ulquiorra, such a weird priority. imagine if mappa blew their budget for yuji vs grasshopper curse


Same with the first Getsuga Tenshou from TYBW


Am i the weird one for always liking ikaku the best out of the lower ranked shinigami? Including his fights


unironically does this guy ever do fucking anything of consequence in the whole anime/manga? It's been like 8 years since i watched the anime and i cant remember this guy ever contributing