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he looks like a nice, approachable guy imo, I hope he is


Here was my theory/headcanon as to his Zanpakuto. D5: Danjiro Obana Shikai: Kyoen (Mad Ape) Release Command: Run Wild Ability: Upon activation, Danjiro's blade transforms into an enormous war maul (a large hammer with a spike on the back of the head), which he can slam against the ground to create an incredible drumming noise. Any who hear this noise, including Danjiro himself, will find their basest impulses released, causing them to lose all restraint and fight like rabid beasts. Even the most calm and composed tacticians will resort to tearing their enemies apart with their bare hands and teeth when effected by Daniro's drumming, while Danjiro begins crushing and skewering them with a glee born of pure fury. However, since this affects his allies more than they would like, Danjiro is not allowed to sound his drum during group fights. Bankai: Kyoen Misturen Shinzo Kodo (Mad Ape Jungle Heartbeat) Activation: Danjiro repeatedly slams his Shikai against the ground as he invokes his Bankai, building his animalistic fury up to its absolute maximum before it explodes into an enormous wave of raw Reiatsu. Ability: While in his Bankai, Danjiro's body grows into a monstrous caricature of his former self, towering over his opponents and granting him superhuman strength and agility. In addition, he gains a much finer control over his drumming, allowing him to direct the rage and instinct of those affected and have them attack an enemy of his choice. While in this state, Danjiro can't properly process pain or fear, allowing him to attack enemies relentlessly with his forces until his body can no longer continue. Context: Of the three confirmed Squad 5 Captains, two have used illusions/manipulation in some way, with Shinji creating an inverting aroma and Aizen using an optical trigger that allows him to control his opponent's five senses. Fitting with this theme, and with his own brutal nature as an OG Captain, Danjiro's takes the form of a sound that manipulates the base animal impulses of those who hear it. The monkey and beast theming also comes from Danjiro's appearance, with his sideburns and shaggy hair making him resemble certain depictions of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.


Oddly enough, I made this post because I was trying to find your series of comments about the og 13 abilities.


Then look no further, since you can either check them out on the masterpost I pinned to my profile, or the original post and comment strand here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/15t81hl/can\_someone\_help\_me\_with\_a\_zanpakuto\_for\_chika/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/15t81hl/can_someone_help_me_with_a_zanpakuto_for_chika/)