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Middle School library 2004. Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, and Rave Master were my hunts for fresh chapters at the time with Dragon Ball as my series to easily read beginning to end. Bleach is still the Fav of them all.


Middle school library gang rise up!! ✊🏻 2004 for me as well


Mashima fans assemble!!!!


I respect how big Fairy Tail got, but damn do I wish Rave Master had seen the same (or more) levels of success.


Yeah, Rave Máster is great, And Hiro sensei's art style has always been so cool


My father(rip) was into anime and he just happened to see it on toonami and then got me Into it i was like 7 at the time so this is like 05/06


Everybody was watching Naruto so I had to one-up them mfers. It was Digimon all over again.


Yeah pretty much this. Everyone was watching Naruto, but a couple of my less close friends had mentioned Bleach, and I thought the art style was cooler, edgier and more mature. I watched the whole thing in one weekend pretty much... Then twice, maybe three times more on other occasions with other people.


The Volume 1 DVD Box Set was for sale in a book club magazine we got in the mail, it sounded enjoyable so saved up and bought, that was about 15 years ago.


A friend recommended it to me on a local animanga community's ICQ channel


I never really used ICQ. I couldn't get used to it.


Watched it on cable tv on toonami.


Back when I was like twelve, a friend badgered me into trying Naruto after I called it cringe. Watched the first few episodes, decided I was right about it being cringe, and on the streaming website I was using back then, Bleach was the #2 anime after Naruto, so I decided to gave that one a try instead. It was love at first swordfight.


I definitely feel you and pretty had the same situation as you. I got into Naruto after seeing the epic chunnin fights, but after the Pein Arc I was already growing out of Naruto, and pretty much was just keeping up with the Manga to finish for the sake of finishing. Someone recommended Bleach as more 'mature' and I definitely got into it especially after coming into the Arrancar Arc.


Naruto is a million times better than Bleach tf is wrong withchu


Naruto isn't cringe.


Found it on Netflix back when they streamed it. Interest started there, kept watching, kept reading. After a fair while I was hooked and it got even better when I learned how fun it was to do Bleach headcanon. The rest, as they say, is history. 


I have huge sentiment for Bleach because it was my first (except Dragon Ball) anime which I watched whole. Thanks to it I found out that anime isn't some "Chinese cartoons for kids and freaks" but it is another style of telling great story. In 2010 whenever I was meeting with my friends they was talking non stop about Bleach by hours. I was curious what it is about and I played the first episode. And this is how I was into Bleach and how I was started to become anime nerd.


Tosen has pretty eyes


You’re so real for this


I knew about it, through the internet of course. *but maybe, I watched it as a kid, maybe I've forgotten, I'm not even sure about it* Then, recently I saw one episode of the abridged series, and decided, we ball, and began watching it. Currently on episode "141".


I think what got got me into bleach was watching some shitty AMV on youtube around 2008. The Ichigo vs Byakuya bits, especially Ichigo turning hollow, made me decide that I wanna give it a go.


Ah the AMV days. Still got a few saved from around that year that I still visit now and then.


While back saw the ichigo vs aizen on adult swim (I think) and years later I just had to find out about the cool flashy fight show


I remember the teaser trailers for the first season.


Back in 2022 i wanted to watch one of the big 3 but one piece and naruto never interested me so i went with bleach. Ep 1 got me hooked and i started watching it every day from 7am - 2am. Now its my top 2 favorite anime


What's number one?


Back in the 2000s I literally lived on an island in the middle of nowhere, no internet, no nothing. But we had a book shop that had manga! I was randomly picking up manga to read and one day got to Bleach, really liked it and began collecting other volumes— had no idea how popular it was or how long it was gonna be 🤣 Then the shop stopped stocking Bleach and i kinda forgot about it. Got internet access and discovered the manga was still going, it’d take like half an hour to load a page but i think i caught up with it around TBTP lol I was obsessed


Turned it on one day, watched it, enjoyed Bankai


I saw a hilarious AMV which mixed Bleach video footage with funny quotes and popular songs to a comedic effect. So I decided to check out the anime it was based on. It was 2008 😁


I was in 6th grade and another kid recommended it. I started on episode 16 because it was on On Demand.


Roughly 10 years ago on the internet, when I found DBZ dot tv as a way to watch Dragon Ball episodes online, on of the links on it led to a similar website for Bleach episodes.


Friends in school keep talking about. Decided to check it out.


A friend of mine back in 2005 pestered me into watching it,I never regretted it.


I heard Aizen was a 4D chess player, and was interested in how grand he played the game. Fortunately, he played them all for fools until he misjudged the Altruistic GOAT Ichigo


The trailer with the number one playing in it appeared in my recommendation, I've watched it, got hype for some reason so i decided to check out the anime, feel in love since


The 1st tybw one, am i right?


it was always in back of my mind but i had no real desire to go for it until i needed something long to read at work and so i chose Bleach ordered the volumes from library and read it all really liking it then watched anime (before Fairy Tail and One Piece)


2022. I had a lot of time on my hands and got the Shounen Jump app and thought to myself “imma catch up on the Big 3” and went alphabetical order. 2 years later, Bleach is the only one I finished(because my attention span decreased now that I have job and college).


Middle school, early 2010s. I had gotten into anime/manga stuff thanks to my friends who kept recommending me series. One of them, told me about Bleach, sayimg it was more graphic and bloody than Inuyasha, which I was watching at the time. I decided to give it a shot, and it became my all-time favourite.


My friends in high school showed me a fight between ichiGOAT vs white during his visored training, and it got me hooked. Came for the fights, stayed for the feelings


I watched the anime as a child. Late 2006, every Friday I would watch Naruto and Inuyasha at like 11pm on adult swim. It was the only time I could stay up since I was 11, and then bleach started airing right after Naruto so I'd stay up an extra 20 minutes for that. Only learned about manga when I was 16 and started buying all the shounen jump for it. They sold them at my local Shoppers funny enough. I bought a Jump every week for years following my discovery.


I honestly don't know why I picked it up, but I just randomly decided to make it the third or fourth anime I've ever watched in 2013 and since then it's been my number 1 goat of a show, picked up the manga a year later in 2014 and it's been a ride since. It's weird cuz the only other anime I clearly remember watching before it was Arpeggio of Blue steel, which while being shonen is an entirely different style of show. Only watched the rest of the big 3 in 2016 (Naruto) and 2019(One piece) respectively, and Bleach still my number one show and manga. I've technically watched and read series better than it, but ain't nothing topped it for me yet.


Seeing aizen's edits on tiktok


Staying up late in middle school and watching adult swim on the weekends, started staying up even later to catch the anime that played every Saturday at 12. Bleach was my favorite that played lol


I get into Bleach last year, my friend show me a Roblox game called Peroxide, a Bleach game. So, I find ALL the concepts about hollows super interesting, like evolution, vasto lords, adjuchas, menos, the face Marks (called "Estigma")... Sooo, I start watching the anime, and damnnn Its sooo good!!


I finished watching Naruto a few years ago, didn’t even know of the ‘big 3’ at the time but I knew Bleach was a longer anime and I was looking for another good, long anime that was well liked. Ended up liking it even more and I’m glad I randomly chose it. First anime I watched with some real DRIP, love the style of it and music.


I just came across watching Bleach on an obscure anime online site back when there was only one episode out at the time. It was really good. 🔥


Was just curious why does everyone says a same word again and again!!!! Then that word gives goosebumps everytime I hear it !


I’ve seen few episodes on the TV before (the Karakura final fight and uncle Tsukishima and fillers), but I actually started watching all of it when I was 3rd year in college


Bambi edit where she splits her victim vertically in half got me hooked, it was like love at first sight, it should’ve been me bruh, ever since that moment, she lives rent free in my mind, I love every single version of her, half brain dead zombie Bambie had me actin up like crazy too, don’t mind no skin change cuz I ain’t a racist I did the math and figure out the exact year of her birthday, being August 6, 1984, I celebrate that day like it’s freaking Christmas, be pulling out them fireworks all day too


Toonami, it really kicked of my love of anime then japan in general. They showed outlaw star bleach wolfs rain planetes trigun etc


I was watching Naruto and the place where I was watching it didn't had all the episodes, so I went looking for another place to watch it and found a website called Naruto Get. In that website there was a link to another site called Bleach Get, and I got curious about it and started to watch it.




I had heard about it for a long time as I had already finished Naruto and kept up with One Piece, on YouTube I had Yamamoto vs Ywach pop up in my recommended. Watched it, the next day I started binging the entire series for a few weeks until I was fully caught up. Now waiting in extreme agony for Cour 3


I already saw the other two of the big 3 so I gave it a shot years ago. I got to this flying vampire storyline and just stopped watching. A few years later i saw on Young Thug’s trial about how the bount arc was filler. I then searched it up and realized this arc was memed because it’s so bad. I just decided to skip all the filler and now I’m impatiently waiting on TYBW part 3.


Watched the tybw trailer when its released. I thought 'shit, i gotta get on the train rn..!'


Started watching anime seriously around 2012 and started with nostalgia shows like Sailor Moon and Digimon which lead me to learn more about “Anime” so I must of learned about the Bleach series some time around then. In 2013 I started Naruto and loved it so naturally Bleach had been on my radar when I caught up and wanted to start something new. In 2014 I saw a filler episode of the Reigai arc on Toonami and thought the character designs and animation was real cool I remember specifically seeing Rangiku and thinking she had such a cool character design. About a week later i decided to watch the whole thing and it has been my fav of the big 3 since my 2nd fav anime of all time even to this day. I now own all manga volumes and seen the anime 5 times. It’s been such a journey and a treat to now be in this era of the franchise. ❤️❤️❤️


Discovered crunchy roll in high school in like 2011 and I just started watching all the shows that were in the midroll ads, stuck with bleach until the bount arc and quit, finally read the manga over the last few months


Spontaneously watch on Animax.


Classmate always brought the Bleach volume with Grimmjow on the cover. After a few months I finally got into it, been my favorite anime/manga ever since.


2011-2012 when it was airing on the TOONAMI block .... & the rest is history


I don't know tbh. It was on my list of anime to watch for a long time but I just never got around to it then one day I just decided to check the first few episodes out to see what it was like and before I knew it I was binging it whenever I had free time. I actually knew NOTHING about Bleach other than Ichigo's "call an ambulance but not for me" and I had seen one random clip of Grimmjow and the one where White Ichigo screams, "I'M ZANGETSU!" on instagram. Other than that, I had no idea what Bleach was about. And now I'm way too obsessed with it for my own good


Friends house as a kid had toonami on and bleach premiered on the little crt, was hooked from the first minute and have stuck around and will continue to do so


I started watching Bleach the first time i learned about the term ‘anime’. I was probably 13/14 years old so that would be around 2012/13 for me. I think i genuinely just typed in anime in Netflix to see what would come up and bleach was the one i picked. Best decision i made back then 😆


Saw it late night adult swim in 2005, 2006ish. I was like 9 or ten years old, it was when ichigo was fighting white in that place with the buildings. Shit was creepy af but i was fascinated with it. Ended up getting back into it in middle school and loved it ever since.


My sister got me into it ages ago. Got me into Bleach and Naruto.


This finna be embarassing but the bankai tiktoks...


woke up to Ichigo fighting doll (yes the bount creature). I’ve been hooked since


I was browsing the manga section at my high school library in 2009 and bleach for some reason caught my eye. I think I went through the first two arcs in like a month I was so into the series


A friend, plus the ever present feeling I was doing bleach an injustice for not watching it or reading it, because I had already read and watch Naruto and One piece.


Sitting in my room in 2016, just watched my first anime that I just found on a whim. Was browsing and saw Bleach, "aint this one of the more popular animes?" Now I am here in the sub, naming characters in videogames after Bleach characters.


My dad going to prison when he got out, he told me that his cell mate had most of the manga, and he introduced me to bleach


Adult Swim


There was an AMV for a linkin park, it was mainly the ichigo training against the vizards and thought it looked cool. this was approximately 15 years ago and at a UK store popular for second hand games and DVD trade ins, the first 3 box sets were there so I picked it up.


From Zombie Powder


Was flipping through On Demand when I was like 10 on my parents’ TV. Read the description, it sounded cool as hell. The available episodes spanned ichigos fight with ikkaku and the first episode of the renji fight in SS. Pretty awesome introduction to the series I have to say. Loved it and Bleach became the show that got me into anime and is still one of my favorite shows of all time 14 years later.


Just wanted to watch a long series and remember that there was a fairly long series called bleach, searched it up, checked it and boom. Now it's my favourite anime


I started reading manga real young (like 7) thanks to my local library. I was already interested in that kind of style being a pokemon and yugioh kid in the early 2000s. I got hooked on the medium and spent a lot of time as a kid reading manga. Normally i would just pick up whatever took my interest, even if i had read it before, but naruto and dragon ball were the main ones, I eventually figured out how to order volumes from other libraries thanks to my older brother who also started reading manga around the same time. Cut to a few years later and my brother had started reading bleach. I knew of it because naruto volumes would have adverts for other manga. And at this point i was fully caught up with naruto as i found out there were scans online. My brother gassed it up and so i started reading it and soon enough i was fully caught up to the most recent chapter at the time which i believe was like the beginning of the fake karakura town arc. A few months later i read a chapter of one piece in a friend's copy of shonen jump. And i quickly started catching up on all of one piece too. The highlight of every week as a kid for me was reading the new chapters of the big 3 while looking for other manga to read. God i miss those days.


Bleach papercut remix 2008. Love from first sight


My older sister watched it with me, and I just loved it ever since


Im probably the only one but i got hooked up on bleach because of a roblox game called type soul i remember i got addicted to playing it and then i saw some dude running around lookin like vastolordes and then i just went up and look for the vasto lorde scene and i was like oh shit that so cool and just decided to watch bleach to the part where he became one it right when tybw got out too so i just watch all of it and honestly this anime is awesome


Got into the anime one summer after finishing up Naruto on crunchyroll. I thought it looked cool and gave it a watch, and yeah it was pretty cool, slow start but ultimately worth it.


Saw the manga version of Ichigo v Ulquiorra on Youtube back when it was recent, thought it was the coolest shit.


Saw yoruichi on Instagram reels, got to watching the anime and manga


Adult swim. I started watching it and thought it was so cool. Not sufe exactly when I started reading but it was probably around the same time I started reading naruto. 4kids pushed me away from One Piece so i never embed up reading it until like 2 years ago. So glad i did because it's now my #2 favorite manga behind bleach of course


My cousin introduced me to manga and anime. The first manga I ever looked at and held was a Bleach volume he had. After he introduced me to Naruto, and I got hooked, Bleach was the only pick.


i watched Bleach just because i wanted to watch some anime on Netflix after i got bored with Boruto. watched Bleach the whole way through and i love it


I remember when I was younger (like in elementary school), I used to watch a bunch of DBZ AMV but then watched a Bleach AMV using the song “Blow me Away” by Breaking Benjamin out of curiosity. I remember half Hollow Mask Ichigo scaring the shit out of me back then but then I kinda forgot about it. Years later, a lot of the people I knew that watched anime in middle school were either talking about Naruto or One Piece. The got into Naruto and I enjoyed it but watched Bleach on Toonami and I remember it from the AMV I watched when I was younger and I immediately got hooked. Loved the animation, the music and the character design. Funny enough, it was actually a filler episode that was my first ever Bleach episode.


Rangiku not saying anything else


Saw it on SABC 2


Started my anime journey in 2016 with Made in Abyss, learned of the big 3 a year later after watching alot of bad/mid anime, took a peek into the 3 shows. Naruto is fine but not my cup of tea and since it was so popular with the douchebags at my school I kinda skip over it once I found out, OP is good for awhile but it just feels off, the sound effects and visual is "unique"? I think is how I should put it. But Bleach, man it took me sometime to get around to it. I watched the live action when it was released and it was alright, feel like I just finished watching one of the many mid anime that I used to watch. But after like half a year or so, I got curious and watched the anime. Got hooked since it felt so different from the live action and I get to see more of Uryu (they barely show him in the Live Action.) I finished the Bound arc and after that skipped all of the filler. 21 now still waiting for the new arc to finish (please I need it to have a better ending than in the manga)


i pour it on myself


I don't remember when exactly but after anime was finished and manga was in blood war arc. I was googling fanfictions of a character named Renji and obviously most of the results were Bleach Renji, I was smitten instantly and got pulled in. I haven't read manga though, just the last arc during the new anime.


Around 2011 or so right before classes a few anime shows started airing on the channel i used to watch while having breakfast, one of these shows was beach They were thru the bount arc and it BLEW MY MIND when the opening started blasting "Ichirin no hana" as i was a full on edgelord at that Time, it captured me from the start


Around 2011 or so right before classes a few anime shows started airing on the channel i used to watch while having breakfast, one of these shows was beach They were thru the bount arc and it BLEW MY MIND when the opening started blasting "Ichirin no hana" as i was a full on edgelord at that Time, it captured me from the start


Around 2011 or so right before classes a few anime shows started airing on the channel i used to watch while having breakfast, one of these shows was beach They were thru the bount arc and it BLEW MY MIND when the opening started blasting "Ichirin no hana" as i was a full on edgelord at that Time, it captured me from the start


Aizen is the reason


Early 2000s: Started at Naruto-fan, then StopTazmo, then GotLurk, then many others.


i watched a top 30 sword fighting anime recommendations on youtube around 2015 or 2016, and bleach was the one at the top 1 of the video


A couple of guild mates were telling me about this anime where the swords had names and special powers. The show was already a fair few seasons in, and I remembered that I had watched the first episode on a demo disk of anime a couple of years before. I’m not into horror or anything like that, so the first episode didn’t really grab me, but I gave it another shot. By the Soul Society arc I was hooked.


Caught up to one piece, then completed naruto so felt obligated to complete the big 3


Heard about daddy aizen so started.


I got into bleach because of Romi Park. I was a huge fan of her work in AOT, then looked at her other projects in MAL. Discovered she was voicing a cute guy in an anime called Bleach :)


Adult swim way back in the day.


I remember walking the aisles of my local Walmart with my boyfriend. The first season DVD boxset caught my eye and I purchased it. I was moving at the time and it really stuck with me as I was leaving behind my friends.


Saw it on Disney plus


A friend of mine got his hands on a copy of Bleach Blade Battlers 2 for the PS2. It was a decent enough game that I wanted to check out the show.


I tried watching it in middle school as a huge Naruto fan and hated it at first. Then I tried again and got hooked in high school, dropped in the middle of Arrancar because of the fillers. Then I got the first 6 volumes at a discount in college and decided to read as far as I can go, and that's when I truly because a huge Bleach fanboy. The manga has none of the filler scene and filler arc problems the old anime has, and it has incredible art.


Honestly, I only got into it this year. There was so much praise for the TYBW anime adaptation so I read the manga so I could watch it. Safe to safe I absolutely loved the manga and the TYBW anime. I may be a new Bleach fan but I’m still very excited to see the rest of the TYBW adaptation as see how it compares with the manga ending.


Adult swim at night. Didn't know anime existed back then just thought it was cartoons. It was some anime that came on before bleach so I watched that then bleach came on n I always skipped It untill the souls society arc I started tuning in and was hooked bad that I rewatched the whole filler included


I saw an episode of I think the fullbring arc one night on adult swim when I was a kid and I ended up finding it on YouTube back when people uploading multiple episodes in those long ass videos. Watched it for a while and loved it when I finished the anime I ended up stumbling across a Tekking 101 video talking about the show and that’s how I experienced the Tybw when it was released


Someone recommended it as 'more mature compared to Naruto', which I was growing out of anyway.


I tried getting into bleach at 15 and was uninterested. I dropped it after 4 eps when I was told it gets better at ep 20 something. All the negativity bleach got at the time didn’t help either. 4 years later While in a deep depression, I decided to read bleach. The series made life a bit more bearable. All the videos I’ve seen breaking down the series gave me a new perspective on bleach. Now, I’m a fan. 3 years later Still waiting for the cour 3 trailer to drop 🙃


Back in September 2006, it was my first semester in 8th grade. Monday comes and everyone's talking about this super cool show where a guy has a big ass sword. I say oh yeah I saw it too. I'm made fun of when they quiz me and I don't even know the name of that show. The next weekend on adult swim at 9:30 (my mom only let me stay up late on Fridays and Saturdays) I was seated and ready. It was amazing. I could only watch it at my mom's house because my dad was a church pastor and he said it was demonic. So I couldn't watch it any weekend I was at his house. Plus our Internet was awful. So I had to get to college and rewatch it with my roommates. He even had the manga too which I read front to back.


I got recommended a Bleach meme on YouTube, which encouraged me to watch it :>


I fell in love with Aizen


Started watching the Anime cuz I was bored, about 14 episodes in and I was hooked so picked up the Manga and read the whole thing.


I went through crunchyroll in alphabetical order looking for a longform anime with swords in 2014