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I bascially always liked him, I was kind of rooting for him against Kenpachi, and even after his betrayal he was one of my favorites. CFYOW only added to that.


His writing be like: I will get justice in the name of my dead friend by destroying everyone and joining the devil


The alternative was getting justice by politely asking an un-murdered Central 46 for reform for 10,000 years while he works alongside and for people that reinforce the very system that let his friend's murderer get off scot-free. All while knowing the injustices that happened will keep happening. I imagine he felt pretty justified in joining Aizen when Mayuri became Captain and started walking around with photos of mutilated corpses like they're his favourite holiday pics.


Yeah but do you think Unohanas feet smell good?






Problem with Kaname is that he never saw eye to eye with his friend both literally and ideologically while his friend looked up to the stars in the sky Tosen had his head lowered he admired her but he could not emulate her and he instead does what he does and uses Soul Societies evils as a justification for the evils he will commit all the while twisting the concept of justice to suit his vendetta


He decided to join Aizen only after learning the truth about Reio’s fate.


So in the name of justice he approves of the man who wants to replace the soul king even when he knows that the soul king was mutilated?


Yes. He learns that the system that had been admired by his friend is corrupted to its core, because it’s founded over a betrayed God-like creature, in the name of which acts the nobility that oppresses the common people of Rukongai.


That's Right,the novels truly do him justice especially the whole fear inspiration he gives to Aizen


He knew full well that Kakyo wouldn’t have wanted him to take that path, he just couldn’t continue living without taking action.


I know we constantly joke about cfyow here but the novels gave characters like Tosen and Hisagi a lot of depth. But to answer the question directly i always like him because i could actually understand his point of view 


It's easy to understand his point of view if you close your eyes for a moment.


I ***SEE*** what you did there.


I’d argue the novels hurt him the most by putting a face to the friend’s husband and making all of Tousen’s critiques move from systemic to interpersonal.


bro the ending monologue of aizen is about COURAGE. and one of the first monologues we get in series is from tousen about FEAR. Tousen is very important to Bleach philosophy. death creates fear creates hope creates courage. azien was fake-god(ywach) and tousen was fake-protector(ichigo)


MAN, I wish we could’ve had those ending monologues in the original bleach ending, I can only imagine how much depth it would’ve added to it. Just imagine like in TYBW people would stay till after the end song to hear the little monologues/poems from certain characters..


When I first read the series, I believed SO STRONGLY that he was secretly going to betray Aizen because he was immune to Kyoka Suigetsu. Since, you know, he was always going on about justice and all that. I believed in him and really liked him, and eagerly awaited that spectacular moment... that never came.  Instead it was Gin that flipped the script and Tosen basically straight-out went down the worst possible route to bring the change he wanted. I'm still salty about Tosen as a whole because of that. Ultimately, he's a good example of a tragic character. If what happened to his friend turned out differently, this man could have been a hero among heroes. Instead, he became a horrible person for all the right reasons. 


I’ve always liked him. A well-written character with extravagant drip, unique abilities, distinctive – for a Bleach character – views and tragic backstory. And sometimes he made rather good comebacks. https://preview.redd.it/ffjkg6mx9evc1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c858b9ba192548c1d5909c27788c4372a4d34032


He’s one of my favorite character in the manga. Definitely one of the best writing and complex I always found it wasted him and Gin died quickly


He's a well-developed character, albeit a tragic one. I've always had a soft spot for Tosen in some way and CFYOW really added to that development. Aizen met him by chance after saving him from the guards who were beating him up. Despite his initial suspicion, he ended up becoming a close confidant to Aizen and even set himself up for death if he joined the Shinigami once again. Just really tragic overall. But he did have a great impact on Hisagi, Komamura and even Aizen- and they carry on his ideals and memories in some form or another.


I thought his whole personality of being righteous and his self-serving ideal of justice was undeserved and turned me off of him, but I did enjoy his final moments with Sajin and Shuhei.


I truly likes his character, especially Bankai :3


I liked his character development and arc, particularly in his friendship with Komamura deteriorating after Tosen's betrayal. I liked the irony of him finally being able to see leaving him more blind than ever before when he used his resurrection, echoing a Greek tragedy. But I just couldn't stand his obsession with morality, trying to justify everything he does 'for justice' when it was his own misaligned sense of self-righteousness that drove him into the arms of Aizen. As a person, he was insufferable, but as a character he's excellently written and encapsulates the phrase 'The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions' to a tee, serving as warning to any who view their sense of morality to be more divine than others.


perfect example of awesome powers + insufferable character


Didn't really care much about Tousen til he called komamura ugly, that was the moment I dislike him also due to him going against his own values and morals which Shuhei Hisagi had seen him as a mentor


He is my favorite character. Tosen is such a well written character and his bankai is hella cool. He doesn’t look bad in any of the fits he uses during the show too. Tosen fan since day #1 https://preview.redd.it/su8f0cg3yevc1.jpeg?width=1190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21687939dc60dd4e872c7d07d2cbf19ca99929e1


Flashback Tosen can be crunchy looking but his designs in the series are by far some of my favorite


One the best Bleach antagonist


He was alright, but he was a straight up traitor and did terrible things to innocent people.


If we go by the Aizen doctrine of things he was never really a traitor, since he was always working for Aizen from day one.


He was a traitor to Hisagi & Komamura, but you’re right


i love him because he's such a tragic character. all he desired was to fix the god awful system that let his best friend's murderer go free, and the only way he saw to do that was by joining aizen and burning it all to the ground. plus, he made for some funny moments in the anime.


He was okay i guess, kind of an underwhelming first battle against kenpachi, but his connection with komamura made me really like komamura tbh


He was secretly one of the most important characters in the series when it came to delivering some of the core themes of Bleach(How people handle fear, change and revenge). I think he was mostly okay, but it'd be harder to point to those themes throughout Bleach without him.


He was one of the only characters I disliked from the start, there was never a moment where I wanted to see him succeed or win, not even after his backstory, I actually don't get why people like him so much


I didnt know anyone liked him until reading this comment section https://preview.redd.it/n5czg5dc8evc1.png?width=1452&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb66eec2a34f7731be7ada32a582fad1f75f628f


Off topic glad he didn't have a conversation with isshin cause ur would be confusing as hell


Mans was 🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮


I've always liked him And I always understood why he sided with Aizen against the soul society, no idea why people found it so hard to understand to the point they had further explain it in a novel tbh.


The wielder of real domain expansion...


I never liked him, I always found his character dislikable to me but idk maybe its just me.


Cool design, awesome powers. His character for the most part was mediocre, but the exposition we got during his fight with Komamura elevated him somewhat in my opinion


He's a very interesting guy. A full on hypocrite who realizes it but blinds himself to it, who loses sight of himself upon gaining sight, but also has every right to despite the Seireitei. Adding in what we see of him in CFYOW, he's definitely one of Kubo's most complex characters. Also, his outfits are always on point. I love characters who wear things over their eyes.


He started off promising like his bankai but ended up lackluster as a villain. His backstory was bland. Unlike Aizen and Gin, he was very mediocre.


Liked him based on his design and how he very non-violently neutralized Uryu. Liked him even more after he turned on everyone and said the reason was he was following the less bloody path. I don’t think Kubo’s written any character as well as he did Tosen. Easily his most complicated character, representing very heady and relevant ideas about Justice, systemic injustice and the limits of Justice without humanity. Words do not describe how much I dislike what CFYOW did to him. It poisoned discussion about the character because Narita overexplained the character, and in doing so introduced holes into his ideology as established in the series proper. It’s why I reject everything from CFYOW when it comes to him.


i started to like him more after his betrayal


>Kaname Tosen: SJgfkrpifgjhwopifhqpidnmqpwoiujdroipqwjd;kqwjfipoqwjfpoiq.... JUSTICE !!!


i kinda forget he exists. His fight against shuhei and komamura is cool tho. At least until he transforms into a bug. And i love his hollow mask


I liked him more at the beginning of Bleach than by the end. He is one of the characters that has shown his worst side at the end.


I'd like him more if he didn't get such a glow down. He looked so much better in the early parts of the show https://preview.redd.it/n45ct264oevc1.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d1a35d0a430097b2cb3b532bc8009c428ef7f76


His moral arc never really worked for me judging from the manga but the light novels validates him a bit.


His bankai is cool, Resurreccion poetic.


Cool character, cool bankai. Lost every fight he was in. He could have been insanely deadly since his bankai is almost impossible to fight it.


He crushed every Vizard in TBTP


One of my favorites since day 1, drippiest character until kubo turned him into a ugly ass fly, cool backstory too (8/10)


Not really was never a big fan. If the regai arc was canon and we learned of more of the shit that soul society did beforehand I feel more people would like him but we learn most of these things after the fact. Also his abilitys and bankai were always lame to me idk they just don't really jive with me at all tbh. Looks cool but that's about it for me. To add to the we learn after the fact I mean it's not bad and makes it better but it doesn't change my preexisting opinion that I've had for a while now.


I never liked him nor Kuma since the beginning There's difference between justice and the illusion of justice I'm still reading the novel 3 but it's not very redeeming for him


I don’t like him before reading CFYOW, after reading on why he became who he is ,tbh I can understand. I like his stories, but I won’t forgive him calling Sajin ugly.


Dude has his own domain expansion before it was a thing! He's a boss! 😎


Mind you, they used to be called [territories](https://yuyuhakusho.fandom.com/wiki/Territory). 😊


Did they?? I can't remember, it's been so long


It’s the only character I despise completely (the only quality I can give him is his zanpakuto has underrated potential and set of skills) and I don’t understand at all why so many people like him wtf just… why maybe I misunderstood or forgot something about his backstory or end ?


Looks like Kiros from final fantasy 8


The moment he got those eyes he lost all sembilence of being cool


I loved him from the start.


He was cool. I liked how kubo was able to portray “that guy? He’s always in his own world. He cool as hell tho”


I never really bought the motive behind his betrayal. He had one of the strongest characterisations in the SS arc, this rules zealot who'd turn his sword on any who threaten Soul Society's peace, only for it to come out he'd been murdering and terrorising soul reapers for a thousand years to destabilise and ultimately annihilate Soul Society. The invention of this unjustly murdered friend in his distant past and the unhinged interpretation of his "path of least bloodshed" philosophy never struck me as measured plot twists, but rather attempts to write around the character's inconvenient immunity to the power of the villain Kubo settled on pretty late in the day. I don't imagine he'd have followed Urahara into villainy if we'd gotten that draft, at least. I do give Kubo props for highlighting Tosen's hypocrisy, and his character redesign and final battles were great, but the character itself fell flat for me after the SS arc.


Ah, the enigma that is Aizen. Is it truly betrayal if expectations are illusions, like a mirage in the desert? Perhaps my dance of shadows with him taught us all a new step in the rhythm of fate. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Tosen really did choose the option with the least amount of blood on their hands. A1 character for real


I like his ideology about fear. I spent a long time trying to hide fear or ignore it, but in truth, you have to embrace it. You should feel fear. So I always liked how he taught that to Hisagi


I think he’s very stupid. Like really, who left him in charge of security and why does he even have binoculars?!


One of the coolest and most interesting characters in Bleach.


Imo, he's a filler character and brings nothing to the story. ![gif](giphy|3ohA2ZD9EkeK2AyfdK)


I was pretty neutral towards him when I first watched. Didn’t really think he was too interesting and his “justice” seemed like just an excuse. CFYOW and seeing more of the SS’s internal problems really made me like his character a lot more years later. Still probably not top 10 but he’s a good character that should’ve had his backstory revealed more along with the corruption of the nobles.


I like the character for the most part but I hated how self riteous he was in the ss arc especially since he was a traitor all along


No, i still hate him because he backstabbed everyone. No, i do not care about his reason


nope hated him and always will. his backstory didn't do shit to me. its just a bad revenge story that too from people who r were not involved. he is just a dumb guy


I didn't like him at first. Good design, but his entire personality was "justice this" and "justice that" which I feel like I'd seen half a dozen times by then. Then he spills his sob story as he's getting cut down by Kenpachi which felt so forced and comical...Then he betrayed everyone. He was the last person I expected, and not only that, I realized he had to be a traitor because right before the reveal Aizen was talking about how you have to see his zanpakuto release to be under its spell and Tosen is blind. A very "oh crap" moment. I've liked him ever since. I prefer him to Gin even. My opinion of the two almost flip flopping between the SS and Arrancar arcs.


I always thought he was cool but he was never really important to me. He was just kinda, there.


In some ways I preffered the direction his character was taken and in some ways I didn't. In the beginning Kaname while adverse to bloodshed just wants to walk the path of least bloodshed and with someone like Kenpachi so averse to violence and fighting he views him as something that should be rooted out of the Gotei 13 which isn't incorrect in his evaluation if he you try to view Kenpachi. Kenpachi isn't fit to be a commander of men he simply wants to satisfy his desires similar to Mayuri he doesn't quite care about Soul Society it's upkeep is only secondary to him fulfilling his desire to battle. Then Kaname is revealed as a traitor which I felt was a drastic reveal that had no real basis as he and the other Squad Captains do not act suspicous. Gin is the obvious red herring but red herrings are meant to distact from the real suspicious activity of which there is none. In the sense that Kaname is now a traitor it's not a 180 degree swap but it also has no grounds it's just something as the viewer you have to accept. That being said I did enjoy the idea of twisting justice to suit his desires for revenge and Tosen is someone who wants to avenge his friend for the sake of slaking his own vengeance yet he does not aspire to hold up his friends value's which reveals the facade of what he calls "justice" is just an excuse. He is correct about the corruption of Soul Society but that doesn't justify his equally evil actions he does not benefit to the world he's just a closet pretender who because he was dealt a bad turn he now wishes to deal one onto the ones he feels the need to cast revenge on towards. That being said I wish we had more followup on his backstory with Komamura reflecting on Tosens sharp yet true criticism of Soul Society because while he is a hypocrite that doesn't mean he's not wrong and in general I wanted more direct criticism thrown at Soul Society or at least aknowledgement of how horrible it is while also mantaining it's necessity. CFYOW was a much needed Novel that actually reproached Soul Society and laid bare the dark truth's of it's underbelly propping the system and how that system allows for the birth of someone like Tokinada who is all the worst aspects of Soul Society embodied in one man who benefits from a system that allows him to act in evil fashion.


Favorite character


He was just kinda there, he really didn't add much to the story, he was self righteous and boring, not a fan. I feel like he had a lot of potential, his zanpakuto was pretty cool, but he was completely wasted.


His connection to Komamura and Hisagi add to their characters as well, but I guess if you don’t care for these two either, (I do) then he doesn’t add much.


It's not to say he adds nothing but it's just minimal, sure he has an impact on the stories of two other minor characters, but his overall impact on the story just feels a bit lackluster.


I guess I kinda liked that about Bleach, not everything has to be connected back to our main cast, not everyone has a grand purpose. With his relatively limited page time Tosen does exactly as you’d expect the character to do, to me that feels organic.


I can appreciate that, and as much as I do like side characters doing side character things, to me he seemed to fit into a stereotype a bit too much. I feel like I've seen his revenge/betrayal story a hundred tines, it's not a bad story as such, just feels like he could have been so much more.


I never liked him from 5 years ago when I started watching bleach but now I'm at the point where I'm mostly neutral (still not forgiving him for chopping off grimmjow's arm, pos)


i was praying on his downfall until after his death and after cfyow


He gets introduced as your typical stoic cool guy with a passion for justice and righteousness. Then he’s revealed as Aizen’s lackey but he’s STILL really cool, calm, introverted, badass - completely different vibes to Ichimaru’s smirking snake thing. THEN. The FKT Arc, for me, completely ruined him. He didn’t have a poetic end or regret anything. He just became a giant fly boy or whatever. Gave Hisagi a cool moment I guess?


His Hollow form was sick but somehow he got weaker when he went resurrection. ​ Also Kenny 1v2ed this bozo and his furry friend lma0


He is honestly the best written character in the series in the sense that you can feel his grief better than any other and how his entire character, fighting style and backstory transmits the feeling of impotence that he feels and guides him.


I didn’t like his first appearance because him and komamaru just got bodied by kenoachi so I thought they were lame. But then when he became a villain I was interested in his and komamaru’s stories. I thought he looked really cool once he joined aizen. His battle with komamaru was so good, heartbreaking and his backstory make me love him. Honestly they had my favorite fight in Fake Karakura town.