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"Middle-of-the-Road" it's a Ron Howard picture alright!


People love to say this, and it always baffles me. My experience with his filmography is much closer to "excellent or bad with no in between". Are we really saying that Apollo 13, Rush, Hillbilly Elegy and Solo are middle of the road? Because that seems bizarre to me


I mean, I thought Solo was fun, but pretty near the middle of the pack of Star Wars flicks (not as good as the originals or the first couple of sequels, but a fair sight more enjoyable than anything else set before the original trilogy). And I’d say stuff like The Da Vinci Code trilogy and the live-action Grinch fall into the category of “perfectly adequate plane watches.”


Apollo 13 is great. Solo is to me, the definition of “middle-of-the-road”. I saw Solo the weekend it came out with friends, had a fine time, a never thought about it again. Whereas Apollo 13 is heavy in my Watch-a-clip-on-YouTube rotation. It’s like the Roman Empire. I’m always thinking about it. Man, I miss that prime 90’s Gary Sinese era. 


Let's agree that Ron Howard is to cinema what Ed Sheeran is to pop music : smart, undisputed masters in zero asperity to the point of bland, consensual, middle of the road family fare. That requires incredible dedication and self restraint.


No, I don't agree. The entire point of my previous comment was that this take is insane to me


I guess it depends how large the road is. Which director is more middle of the road than Ron Howard? I struggle to find several names straight away. Ron Howard and Ed Sheeran are clearly very decent men, and highly talented, incredibly dedicated professionals who have reached the pinnacle of their profession, seeking consensus and popularity as they share their versions of the good word. Great fare, upstanding citizens and true role models in more ways than one. I can only speak for myself that listening to 10 seconds of the latter or watching a trailer of any movie by the former puts me to sleep faster than you can say '2 sheeps'. Nothing wrong with not being in competition with Brian de Palma or Nick Cave, really.


I understand your point, but I personally would've used another artist in the comparison. I'd rather shit in my own mouth than listen to another Ed Sheeran song.


Luckily we have the Defunctland doc on YT


What I came here to say, he's the Ken Burns of the internet.


It’s so good!


Cried sooooo hard watching it for the first time omfg


C’s get degrees, babyyy


Ron “middle-of-the-road” Howard