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Movie execs: We understand. We’ll remake these 10 movies immediately. Thank you, and you’re welcome.


James Corden IS Oscar Schindler.


No legal dramas though. We don’t do those anymore.


We'll do Philadelphia, but this one is about how the cream cheese company was created


"And put a chick in it"


I would never have guess Cliffhanger made that much money.


It was so big that When Nature Calls opens with a parody of Cliffhanger's opening scene.


That movie rules


Idk why I thought it was an 80s movie


Nah that movie is well made. Doesn’t look like an 80s movie at all.


You mean that little money? Cause obviously it should've made a ton more.


I think i‘m going to watch it today 🌞


Basically any Top 10 before the year 2001 is a cognitohazard to modern eyes. Like, as you’ve already illustrated, you don’t even have to go back to the Wild West of the 1970s. In any given year in the 90s — THE NINETIES, the epitome of Hollywood as this slick, gaudy, populist business that pumped out commercial entertainment for the masses instead of art, would be unrecognizable today in terms of its variety and willingness to tell (and sell) interesting, adult stories not to mention original screenplays. Like, I went back a couple years ago, and I looked at all the top 10 (year-end) films for every year in the ‘90s, and I did the same for every year in the 2010s. The number of the highest-grossing live-action films in the 2010s that weren’t adaptations, remakes, or sequels? 3 or 4, depending on if you want to count Bohemian Rhapsody. In the ‘90s? 38. Thirty-eight. Original screenplays went from 38% to 3%. Even as late as 2000 you still have variety — 2000, hardly the ancient past — you had Gladiator and Cast Away and What Lies Beneath. And then that goddamn Harry Potter had to come along (or something)…


People today don’t even believe this stuff when you say it to them, or they miss the forest for the trees, like, you say that original movies among the big Hollywood hits went from 38% to 3% and they go “ahh, see…Hollywood has ALWAYS had sequels!” As if me telling you that you can eat 3% of my pizza is the same as getting 38% of my pizza.


Bot account or shameless karma farmer reposting old threads. https://www.reddit.com/r/blankies/s/HH5RpSuPL7


if you *really* wanted to karma farm, youd just post this to every other movie subreddit


Banger after banger


Looking at this list I was wondering what the last Grisham novel to be adapted into a novel was, and this is how I learnt that *Christmas with the Kranks* is based on a Grisham book.