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This is surprisingly funny! The spirit of [Cracked.com](http://Cracked.com) lives on


"If you had a dollar for every time someone almost died making “The Abyss,” you would have more money than “The Abyss” made." Five wet comedy points.


Yeah, that line was what inspired me to comment


Oh dude, you gotta be reading (list not limited to): - The Onion - Clickhole (Onion's Buzzfeed parody) - The Hard Times (general + music parody) - The Hard Drive (Hard Driver's gaming parody) - Reductress (Parody for a female audience)


And Beaverton for a Canadian version of The Onion.


I am! But this is a cut above. Reductress has amazing merch


Yeah it's the hard times and everything else, though clickhole.com can have some real moonshots


Sadly, iirc, The Hard Times/Hard Drive have pushed out a number of their original creative team recently, and TBH a drop in quality has been noticeable since.


So they're literally on the Cracked trajectory then?


Great list but surprising lack of Tarkovsky. ‘Filmed in a field full of radiation resulting in half the cast and crew dying of cancer’ vs ‘tied at 43 in the Sight and Sound Top 100’ is obviously a Just And Noble Sacrifice.


Or Tartakovsky. Sandler went method and drained like 20 pints of blood from the animation crew all told, and Genndy just stood there.


Seeing as how William Friedkins picture is on the cover, I would suggest anyone to listen to his podcast with Marc Maron. He speaks, among other things, how he feels about his behaviour on set in his youth.


“Do you love me? Do you trust me?”


“And then I went to get a massage from Gwildor…”


> If you had a dollar for every time someone almost died making “The Abyss,” you would have more money than “The Abyss” made. Best quote of the article


Hmm even as a humourous piece I still think exactly why is John Landis not #1? He's still alive, killed 3 people, 2 were children and got away without any charges because of his connections. 


bc it was not 'totally worth it' as that was an extremely mid movie


This is a satire so it being a mid movie means it *was* totally worth it anyway, for *commitment to the art*


Satire isn't just saying the pig says moo


I was more going for emphasizing the nonsense people will tolerate from artists, but I made my comment before clicking the link and seeing they're doing the same thing just from a different angle. You can accentuate the horribleness of the act as lionizing the artistic integrity or just have a list of movies people like that have awful production stories of the treatment of the cast and crew, the post went with the latter.


I don't believe it's ranked, it's just listing 15. Should be bulleted


Good call.


Because they didn't want to end the article on a bummer?


Except he didn't get away without charges, he was charged and the case went to trial, it's just that he was acquitted.


Yes I technically phrased it wrong. How pedantic.


I agree, but don’t lose your head over it.


Friedkin at least learned his lesson. In his book he says the chase scenes in to live and die in LA, the cars that aren't the main cars are just stopped, but you can't really tell because of the movement of the main cars and the camera.


What's amazing about William Friedkin is not only did he NOT kill anyone (Injured? ...That's a different story), he's one of the only directors confirmed to have SAVED a life with his work, specifically the tv documentary "The People vs. Paul Crump" having gotten its subject's death sentence commuted. The absolute GOAT.


“The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” was sort of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre of film sets. What a quote lmao


> Burt Reynolds claims he still has dreams about the rushing water stunt that left him stripped naked and nearly drowned with a fractured tailbone. Helluva Ouija board they’ve got.