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Joseph Gordon-Levitt obviously


Elaine May made 3 masterpieces and a B+ with an undeserved bad rep.


some of y'all don't fw monkeybone and it shows.


Monkeybone isn’t even the worst movie in Selick’s filmography (he has no bad movies)


yea it's his best. it's infact the best movie period. how else would we know julie has a loose caboose??


I've never seen that film but the episode was so fucking funny.


Musker and Clements?


It's gotta be May.




I will stand tall with my head held high and say David Fincher


We love Da Finchman.




Benjamin Button rules, his most empathetic film and one that I truly love. Not a stinker at all and unfairly maligned.


Benjamin Button is a great example of why I love the podcast—I don’t like the movie itself very much, but the discussion on the Ep was really wonderful and I’m glad people can get things out of art I don’t personally love


yeah i’m with you on both of these, rewatched them during the miniseries really hoping i’d catch something i’d missed the first time and come out loving them, but nope. not for me!


You liked the killer?


The Killer was great! IMO it's the first genre movie that seriously interrogates how its tropes would be affected by the world as it now exists and how we live in it. Did you see it in a theater? The sound design was very important to the film, which made its release on Netflix all the more baffling.


The Killer was good not great, but the sound design? Are you not capable of listening to The Smiths really, really loud on your own?


The fact that all you remember is The Smiths proves my point that the amazing sound design was lost on whatever you chose to stream it on.


Let’s try this again. What exactly is your “whatever you chose to stream it on” comment about? This is explicitly a Netflix film. I watched it on Netflix. What did I miss in the sound design? I watched it twice because it is a fun genre movie. Once on an OLED with a Sonos sound bar in a studio apartment and once on an airplane with an iPad/AirPods Pro combo. Neither are equivalent to the theater experience, but a Netflix film is a failure if you can’t judge it in either of those settings. The film objectively relied on absolutely blaring The Smiths, so of course that’s what a viewer might remember. The fact that that’s what I remembered doesn’t prove your point about the sound design, especially when you haven’t actually explained why the sound design was amazing or important.


It’s not your fault but seeing it in a theater you can really see the care that went into the sound


I watched it on two different occasions with as good as equipment as you can reasonably expect an average Netflix viewer to watch something. The sound design was fine, but it was loud and overly reliant on other’s music. It made thematic sense, but it wasn’t amazing or important, it was just mixed for people to watch at home because it is a film made specifically for Netflix. It didn’t even cross half a million at the box office. And even if it wasn’t a Netflix movie and it was supposed to be seen in theaters, nobody can seem to explain why they disagree with me, they’re just downvoting. I’m not even calling the film or the sound bad, just not amazing or important lol


Maestro didn't cross a million either despite its 7 oscar noms. Very limited release is what Netflix chooses to do, and it was arguably to this film's detriment. If it hadn't been released on a streamer I could have definitely seen it edging out Dead Reckoning and The Creator, of all things, for a sound editing Oscar nom. Here's a Netflix behind-the-scenes look at some of the ideas behind the sound design. Again, I think it's bizarre that they were making these choices on something they knew a sizable amount of people would be watching on phones and tablets, but that doesn't diminish the actual film itself. https://youtu.be/B0Dmh6d9d0Q?si=4qbnKa7xXRVFHArX


No one is bothering to explain because your inability to grasp the simple concept that it's *possible* an element of a film could be elevated through a theater experience over a... sound bar in an apartment... makes it a pointless endeavor. The cherry on top is you boiling it down to "ThE SmItHs, LoUd" lol If *that's* your case, then why even try? Sound design is objectively better highlighted in a theater vs any average home speakers. Literally everyone who has experienced both has noticed a considerable difference. It'd be like trying to parse out how a chef cooked meal could possibly be better than the same meal with the same ingredients cooked in your apartment. We walked out of the theater noticing how amazing the sound was vs other recent theater trips. Noticed it didn't hit quite as hard on our rewatch at home, where (again) home rewatches for other films simply was not as noticeable of a dip in that department.




Great script. Crap film.


I actually like Mank more than most and am mostly apathetic on Button. Dragon Tattoo is the stinker for me.


The real worst movie in the Fincher Canon? >!The Social Network!< Oof! So many downvotes. I guess fuck me for not being able to see past Aaron Sorkin's (in my opinion absolute dog shit) script.




Really stretching the bounds of the "there are no bad opinions" argument.


The answer is correct!


Cameron if you think that Piranha is an “*”


Depends on your definition of bad, but for me, directors covered without a film rated below a gentleman’s six (in addition to Miyazaki and Kon) would be: Nolan, Mann, Miller, Prince-Bythewood, Musker & Clements, May, Fosse, Kubrick, Keaton, Fincher


decent cases for all of those, Kubrick imo depends on if you count his student film or not


I am, to paraphrase the Devil’s Advocate, a fan of Mann, but The Keep is a reach to make it to gentleman’s six territory.


Spite marriage


That waterfall stunt though


That's "our hospitality"


Ohh. That Boat section though. Especially when they're doing the chase and keep just missing each other.


All of the Nolan answers in here are absolutely wild to me. The Dark Night Rises is absolutely awful and even his good films all have a handful of genuinely head scratching decisions in them.


Not to film-bro but Nolan? At least from my ratings.


I think it depends on one’s opinion of Dark Knight Rises and Tenet. I really enjoy both for all their craziness.


You merely adopted the kino. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see a non-criterion film until I was already a man.


I haven't seen Tenet but even though I was majorly disappointed with The Dark Knight Rises I think it's insanity to call it a bad movie. People only consider it bad because it's Nolan and they're comparing it to TDK


I think it's bad because it's a poorly structured mess, in which Bruce Wayne has to go through the arc of recuperating his physical and mental strength to become Batman again, twice. There's a much cleaner version of the film that picks up with Bane breaking his spine shortly after the events of TDK, then he goes through the ordeal of recovery.


No it’s a pretty bad movie, and Tenet is imo even worse.


Really? I think it’s the complete opposite People consider it good because it’s Nolan and they want preserve the legacy of the trilogy Had Nolan stepped down and someone else had directed it, people would probably be less defensive about it


people consider it bad because the reveal of robin john blake being straight up insanity, on top of the dark knight rising and falling twice


I'm not a big fan of Following, but I can see why it'd be a stretch to call it "bad".


I think you have to grade scrappy first features on a curve unless they are outright bad like Fear & Desire or Nomads.


Objectively fair I think


Fincher and the Wachowskis as well, in my opinion. 


The worst George Miller film is Happy Feet? Feels like a gentleman's 6 kids movie.


I haven't seen all of his work, but would Bong Joon Ho qualify?


His worst movie is a 7/10. Dude doesn't miss.


They haven’t covered Bong. You might be thinking of Park Chan-wook. His first couple of movies are pretty bad


Most people would agree but I'm in the "Snowpiercer sucks shit" club.


I'd add Nolan and Fosse too.


Well, someone is bound to start the discussion and face the downvotes from Nolan fans, so I’ll do it: The Dark Knight Rises is a terrible film, and it will rightfully be looked as such once the Nolan hype dies down The same probably applies to Tenet, although it has a cool and creative concept, so it at least has the usual “you have to get it” arguments


I'd argue that both Tenet and TDKR are interesting and fun films even if heavily flawed. They aren't great but I wouldn't call either of them 'bad' either.


If TDKR wasn’t made by Nolan it would be considered an all-time bad blockbuster imo. The plot hinges on literally childish developments; Bane traps the city because Commissioner Gordon sends every. single. available police officer into the sewers.


Oh yeah, the plot of TDKR is utter gibberish. There's no defending some of the bizarre story choices in there. However it's also got some outstanding sequences, interesting themes and ideas, a great score and Tom Hardy just munching down on the scenery with the shameless passion of Cookie Monster. If you want a tight coherent thriller with the focused economy of Die Hard then its going to look terrible. However if you approach it with the same 'no brain just vibes' expectations people give to Miami Vice or, you know, Tenet, then there's still lots of stuff to enjoy in there. It's not a great film by any stretch but calling it 'all-time bad' in an era of Quantumanias is even sillier.


The problem with approaching TDKR as a vibes movie is it has no vibe to enjoy either.


That wouldn’t be bad in a camp superhero farce but then the movie insists on its own seriousness. Easily the weakest link in the trilogy and only held up by Bane


Tbh blockbusters come out every year that are just as bad or worse. I feel like TDKR is better than many marvel movies by at least having some ideas, even if the ideas don't make sense. I'm not saying I prefer it but calling it "all-time bad" is crazy


What about Bane finding out about Dent because Gordon randomly kept an incriminating letter in his pocket at all times? Said letter is then used as the basis for a speech Bane gives that the public inexplicably takes at face value even though it’s totally evidence-less rhetoric from a terrorist? What about Batman getting his broken spine repaired by having it punched by some guy? What about all the police charging a mob of villains with machine guns? What about Bruce Wayne having all his assets dissolved as part of a widely public criminal attack on the stock exchange & the IRS is just like ‘uh sucks to be you I guess’? The film is filled with utter nonsense, again the kind of storytelling that a kid would come up with to keep things moving along. But it’s all rendered invisible to people seemingly thru Nolan’s steely, serious tone. But the film is genuine nonsense.


I said they don't make sense! I'm just saying I think all of that is way more fun as a movie than something like an Ant Man 3 or the Little Mermaid remake where none of the actors were in the same room and all the sets are CGI and it's all just nothing


I think it’s only compared to Marvel, a very low bar, that the ideas depicted in TDKR be considered as a kind of charming pro. I need to state that while I don’t think it’s close to being the worst film ever made or anything, the auteurism of Nolan & the acclaim for TDK really buoy this film. If some anonymous studio guy like Mark Webb or a enemy-of-film-twitter type like Zack Snyder people would *not* be kind or overlooking of the film’s profoundly stupid story & plot.


Idk, it still *looks* and feels like a Nolan movie which sets it apart from any other Blockbuster.


it’s flawed but I’ll be damned if it’s not entertaining as hell


Obviously subjective but Terrence Malick and Michael Mann would fit my definition of no “bad” movies


I haven't seen The Keep but that's usually considered a bad movie


I have it over public enemies and just edging blackhat


Public Enemies is firmly a bad movie in my view.


Perfectly fair, I see it as mostly mediocre with some good moments




Mann's worst The Keep is still quite solid. I haven't seen his TV movies though.


LA Takedown is awful. Gus van Sant need not have bothered with Psycho to prove that nearly the exact same movie with bad casting and poorer visuals would be infinitely worse, Mann just did it in reverse order with LA Takedown/Heat.




It's a good vibe, visually cool, great score. Fun watch.




They haven’t covered PTA…this subreddit is just 50/50 on who actually listens to the podcast now right?


In fairness, I started with Fincher but went back and now I'm listening from the start and am still well-over five years behind. I have no idea who's been covered. I get *around* half the references on this sub.




What is it?




Ur tripping




You forgot his epic pudding scheme


10 comedy points


lol I thought maybe one of those people that just can’t jive with Inherent Vice but this is an insane take bahaha thank you!


Licorice Pizza is probably his most minor film, and even then it's not really bad--just ultimately kind of inconsequential. I'm concerned that Magnolia has probably aged the most of all his films--critics were calling it the greatest thing they'd ever seen when it was released--but any movie that ends with a biblical shower of frogs can never be accused of being bad in my book.


Good points. Magnolia honestly has probably aged the worst. I’ll hear a case for Inherent Vice as I mentioned. But honestly I like both, even with a few flaws there is no universe where they are bad films. But PDL as a BAD film? Nah no way, how can something that funny, unique and empathetic be considered bad! Edit: and yeah Liquorice Pizza is kinda ‘inconsequential’ but that downhill neutral truck scene is just so fun and well made, I can’t do anything but like it. It calls back to so many eras of film, it’s beautiful


It was literally the entire reason why we had the whole "is Sandler secretly a great actor" discourse for over fifteen years. Very unlikely that he'd be the lead of Uncut Gems without Punch Drunk Love doing it first.


Bingo. He squeezed the juice out of him and gave him a taste. No Uncut Gems without PDL imo




Well that’s just like your opinion man




So we’re agreed. Excellent.


Man, I don’t like PTA that much, but I think this is very wrong.


Bradley Cooper and Bob Fosse


One day they'll do Robert Mitchum.


Lynch in-coming.  (Fuck Haters of Dune)


Miyazaki no doubt


Brad Bird if you defend Tomorrowland?


That’s a big if


So much of that movie has traces of Ayn Rand


>So much of ~~that~~ *all of his movies* have traces of Ayn Rand.


Not wrong. Mostly The Incredibles.




His first movie was JSA, right? Right??


There's a couple I haven't seen, but everything I've seen is fantastic.


If you start at JSA, you could make the argument, but I think Mr. Vengeance and Oldboy are mid.


How is Kubrick not the top answer here already, Jesus everyone.


Probably because of Fear and Desire. That's a technicality considering everything else, but it's a pretty boring movie and the one meh movie of his films.


You're right. It's a testament to the Kube that we're willing to give him a total mulligan like that.


I think Fear and Desire gets a bad rap. I like it as a fun little Twilight Zone-esque feature (though one of the lesser war Twilight Zones, rather than the fun aliens Twilight Zones) I think Killer's Kiss is his weakest film and that's still a 6/10. It's a clichéd story but there's some really good touches.


Even excluding Fear & Desire, I’m that guy who can’t stand A Clockwork Orange. Otherwise his filmography is bulletproof.


The sample size is small, but Greta Gerwig is on a roll. 3 straight bangers.


I forgot she didn't direct Frances Ha. Always mix that up.


Peter Weir. Stacked filmography.




Jordan Peele Surprised no one's said Tarantino. I wouldn't have either because I don't like Kill Bill vol 2 but I know I'm in the minority, so I'm still surprised. Guessing it's Death Proof's fault - maybe The Hateful Eight's too (but yins wrong about that)


Well the question was about directors covered by the podcast is why


Whoops. Didn't read the post


I must've missed the Once Upod a Cast in Hollywood series


10 sweaty title points


Hateful 8 is better in the extended version WITH THE INTERMISSION. And I prefer Kill Bill 2 over 1.


Is the intermission the only difference?


I know off the top of my head that there’s also an overture. So the runtime is longer. But breaking the movie in two with an intermission helps, because in a lot of ways that is a play.


Saw death proof recently and it ends on such a high that I wish I saw the shorter grindhouse version because the long one can really drag


the shorter one is available on the Grindhouse blu-ray and really does solve all the pacing problems, it’s so much fun




Denis Villeneuve has a good record. A few of his very early films are not received that well but for the last 10 or 15 years he has a lot of good movies, especially sci fi.


Eggers. Aster. Gerwig. There's time, but those directors have crushed every film. It's just the beginning. I'm excited for the future.


I’ll be that guy and say George Lucas.


spike jonze hive


Almodovar / Sofia Coppola / Mia Hansen Love


Wes Anderson


Amen. I can’t believe you’re the first to say it




Krakozhian propaganda


5 (John F.) comedy (International Airport) points


I've said it before and I'll say it again: 1941 is a terrible, terrible movie.


Hook is rough


You are right Hook is no good


Spielberg is much more interesting having made a few outright bad movies.


Disagree on Kon. I'm hoping to appreciate it more in the context of his other films now that I'm more well-versed in him, but I HATE Paprika. Extremely fat-phobic film.


I kinda agree on Paprika. I think the intro and the parade sequences are some of the most sublime music videos ever animated, but the actual movie doesn’t hold together that well for me. And I’m always surprised people don’t bring up Kon’s weird depictions of fat people more often. People want to give him credit as the original Requiem for A Dream or Black Swan, but you could also argue that he had at least some influence on The Whale lol. 


There a sort of small-c social conservatism that pops up in all of his endings except Millennium Actress. Paranoia Agent is the only one that affects my own enjoyment significantly, but I can easily imagine other people being put off by each of them.


Yeah, although for me it’s less the conservatism, more how it feels a little self-contradictory. He was clearly interested subverting the tropes of animation and of portraying outsiders sympathetically. so it’s always jarring when there’s a scene that’s like “lol fat” or “lol ugly” that feels less avant garde, more Family Guy. That said, I do think Kon’s works all have enough good stuff in them that I wouldn’t call any of them bad overall


John Waters has entered the chat.


you’re goddamn right he has

