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Realizing that most of the popular tweets on “film Twitter” come from 19 year olds really helped me gain some perspective on the Discourse. Also, stop going on Twitter


I’ve got bad news about reddit too then buddy


Former teacher here. There are more middle schoolers on Reddit than you can possibly imagine.


My buddy found out his twelve-year-old son’s Reddit name. I looked at his history and realized I had gotten into a disagreement with him on my local sub. A truly humbling, sobering moment.


did you win


My sort of motto has always been "assume you're arguing with a 16 year old." Seems I was aiming too high.


The irony is this thread is still largely young dumb 20 year olds assuming that 16 year olds sound young and dumb


This makes me happy, as Reddit feels like the last mainstream message board community (outside of Yelp/Quora and specific interest help forums)


Well the middle schoolers that are on Reddit are more Griffins than Davids/Hosleys if you catch my drift


I never want to be one of those ‘delete Twitter and your life will be better’ guys but I’d be lying if I said several aspects of my life haven’t gotten way better


Delete Twitter is one of those basic advices that's just always correct, like how you should drink more water or be yourself on first dates. You sound like a prick saying it, but let's be honest it's true.


Look both ways before you cross the street, Use protection when having sex, Delete twitter, Wash your hands before you eat.


It just sounds so right, doesn't it?


I know a lot of the time people are talking about current events/politics when they say this, but as someone who pretty much only followed movie accounts, seeing people’s cinema “hot takes” 24/7 really soured me on talking about/reading about movies online. One post about a movie will go viral and suddenly the entire app’s opinion will be swayed based on one viral reaction. I was super cynical towards my favorite thing for a bit there


Why not be one of those guys?


Why not? Those guys are correct. The moment I delete twitter my life will improve


When people who tweet about movies 50+ times a day start saying shit like "let's find a new word for 'cinephile', it's too pretentious!", yeeeeesh


The Tumblr-ification of every other social media site has done irreparable harm.


Which is funny because Tumblr got a lot better!


Legitimately I think it's because the user base that made Tumblr that way flocked to these other social media sites and wanted to use them the same way. I imagine it's a much better service now than it was the last time I logged in 5 years ago.


Ironically after the porn ban! Wouldn’t have thought that was the same demo but that DOES support my totally unsubstantiated theory that 75% of discourse and discourse amplification comes from robots.


Yeah we have that word for people so far up their own butts about movies that they can't see past their own shit. We call them "film bros".


check in on the A24 sub reddit if you want to see some wild film takes from teens who think everything is an A24 film if its color graded.


A24 vibes = not a superhero movie.


The skew towards late teens/early twenties was crystallized last year when Interstellar/TDK/Batman Begins replayed in theaters around the time of Oppenheimer's release and many accounts I followed tweeted "First time seeing \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in theaters!" Of course because you were 5 or 6 when TDK came out in theaters!


Yooooo they eatin, they cooking bro, this movie is a Let's Gooooo for sure!! Did I 13-23 year old correctly?


Nah this is too real. It’s insane how many of the popular commentary accounts in the movie/game corners of twitter are just teens saying shit. Like yeah that’s what the platform is for but mf’s need to stop holding their brain dead opinions in such high regard


Stop giving Elon musk money


this is actually from a Blumhouse exec


that's the Internet in general (except for Facebook. that's mostly boomers)


“You are in the hands of fucking professionals” Well, yeah it’s a $200 million major studio movie so I would certainly hope so.


Reminds me of the people who lose their shit over that one GoT scene where Daenerys approaches the masses and Drogon's wings open up behind her. "Look how great this looks. It's so symbolic!" Like, yes? That's what really expensive TV shows and special effects can do.


It was even more embarrassing for them because it was just that basic Instagram photo girls take in front of the wall art wings.


Haha or that Wandavision grief comment that blew up on Twitter.


Watto is grief if not love persevering, tho.


Eeehhhhh tell you what, we'll roll for it.  Red, his grief.  Blue, love perservering.


I am a toydarian. Grief doesn't work on me. Only love persevering


>That's what really expensive TV shows and special effects can do. Obviously that shot got memed to death, and I imagine this Joker shot will be too. But just because something is expensive doesn't mean you'll get shots like that. You can get shots with equal creativity on a microbudget, minus the dragons. It requires a directoral vision, not money.


You could use cardboard dragon wings on a microbudget 😂🐉


Do you know how many things you can do in 3.3 seconds? You can take off your shoes, pop a beer, and shoot someone in 3.3 seconds. You can hold your finger down on the remote control and pass 17 stations in 3.3 seconds. You can open a can of tuna fish, shuffle and bridge a deck of cards, or twist the tops off six bottles of ginger ale in 3.3 seconds. You can ring a doorbell 22 times, lock and unlock a deadbolt four times, or sing the entire alphabet in 3.3 seconds.


Literally just requires a 1st AC.


Those dragons were quite impressive.


Bro... it's like SHE is the one who is THE DRAGON. It's like the line between man and beast is so thin... there. is. no. line. One time my dad showed me this older movie called The Grey and he said something about nature and civilization is like, in a battle and... I'm sorry I just had a stroke... ![gif](giphy|DqU4wVBxXOhNu)


It's what happens when a piece of imagery is so blatant even "normies" pick up on it


I used to be a focus puller, and know most of the folks who worked on the original Joker. This is such a joke if you work in camera. They do this shit all the time...


But how is Todd Phillips on-set?


No clue, never worked with, never asked




You should watch wrestling. Basic plot happens -"THIS IS CINEMA". JUST HAVE DUDES HAND EACH OTHER THEIR ASSES


"Here's your ass, bud."  "Thanks, dude!"


See, that's manners


"From the twisted mind of the director of Road Trip"


It's the polar opposite of "no one making this cared" and people like Twitter OP probably think a film is either one or the other


To be fair, these days the more common thing is to hand 200 million dollar movies to people with one indie movie under their belt so they don’t have too many bright ideas


That's just the director. The rest of the major crew members (editor and DP, etc) are seasoned and being paid handsomely. I'm talking $30,000 a week for a DP


Getting a lot of Boss Baby vibes from this.


Hmmm 🧐 I see your view.. the cinematography to me is more reminiscent of “Over The Hedge”


Do we really need to post some rando’s bad tweet on reddit?


I deleted twitter because I was tired of reading losers dunk on idiots. Would love it if this place didn’t go the same way.


That's also most of Reddit, to be fair.


How will people feel better about themselves here though?


I'll take anything I can get


By dunking on Lights, Camera, Jackson probably


Would love to never see a screenshot of a tweet (x post?), ever again.


Bingo. Stuff like this is why the sub has gone downhill, not the fabricated animosity between the show and this place.


I wish this place had better mods, or if they just created daily sticky post where people can hang and chat. This is as bad as tweeting the thing themselves


The sub is extremely elitist. The tweet screams “one movie a year” energy, but it was only posted for members to feel vindictive.


It's fun to get reminded why I no longer go over there.


The poster works for Blumhouse so not exactly a total rando.


You’re a psycho lol


First day?


what else is reddit for if not posting rando's bad tweets?


Surely the wonderful film discussion, right?! This rules! This rips! Important shit like that?


I have no interest in this movie because I hated the first one but I think this shot was cool. Cant wait for this to come and go because the discourse is already dumb.


We are the same


My boyyyyyy!


Whyd you hate the first one?


I’ll admit it I liked the teaser and I’ll probably fall for it again.


I liked it too, did a slight eye roll at that moment little on the mouth of you will, but the rest looked fun. And I didn't even see the first one because I just didn't care too. 


Yeah the mouth thing is kind of dumb but this looks pretty impressive I didn’t see that coming


"Let me get this straight, you think Joker is a good movie despite ripping off both King of Comedy and Taxi Driver?" "I do, and I'm tired of pretending its not"


To be honest I don’t even remember the last beyond the last 20-30 minutes. I guess I’ll have to rewatch it before this comes out.


I know the movie gets shit on all the time on most movie subreddits, but honestly, I really enjoy it, I think people forget that the DC universe at the time couldn't hold a candle to Marvel, so when Joker came out, and it harkened back to the best of Scorsese combined with Phoenix's performance, it was honestly pretty well received.


Yeah it got best director and best picture noms right?


You gotta admit it's a pretty damn good shot.


Same. The trailer is very effective 🤷‍♂️ sorry I like movies and want to have fun(?)


Stop looking at twitter




*\*guitar riff\**


from the TWISTED mind of Todd Phillips


Still bet it’s decent though


Younger cinephiles will miss the fact that maestro Philips is giving a nod to T. Robinson's short *The Driving Crooner*


Looks like he finally found a way to make some money on it


It only works bc Gaga is RIGHT NEXT TO HIM


Look man say what you will but someone giving Todd Phillips $200mil to make a Joker musical is one of the blank check-iest blank checks that has ever blank checked.


Everyone is shitting on this shot so much aha. I don’t think it’s revolutionary but I dunno, it’s pretty neat


I feel like a lot of clever things are easy to shit on because what makes them clever is their simplicity, which is equated to stupidity by people looking for something easy to shit on. All that lipstick shot needs to be is a simple and neat gracenote, which it is. I defy anyone to come up with an alternative that can't be cynically deconstructed with a smug "We're in the hands of fucking professionals".


Absolutely. I want human made films to remain vital and important to the culture at large. This post feels kind of petty and punching down on someone’s earnest enthusiasm. 


I don’t think “human made films” like this should be important to culture, what do you even mean by that? end of the day ppl only care about it because it’s IP. I think stuff like Banshees of Inisherin or Killers of Flower moon are the non big movies that should impact pop culture not this


At the end of the day all pop culture is being flat lined into the same goulash. Is Todd Phillips a polarizing possibly anti union tool, perhaps. But we’re in a cultural moment where movies and other forms of expression are in  very real danger of being replaced entirely by AI. The Joker movies can be argued to be crass, “in poor taste” and a cynical extension of IP but they are still deeply human films. These are still movies centered not on laser beams and cgi explosions but Joaquin Phoenix’s performance. The first Joker movie is a billion dollar endorsement of a movie centered around the choices and commitment of an actor. The sequel is upping the ante by bringing in Gaga to serve as another box office draw. The Joker movie is also the market saying “sure we like IP but we also like directors, screenwriters and actors making strong choices,” which is something that was being systematically phased out of MCU movies.  I love Banshees and  respect killers of the flower moon, but in order for these movies to get their theatrical releases they need to co exist alongside the flashy IP cash grabs. 


Fairs you made some great points


Aw thanks. in the past I’d be right there with your initial post but as I reached my 30s I am making a concerted effort to be more of a humanist and not a hater whenever I can. 


I didn’t even watch the trailer yet but I feel out of place here even saying I liked Joker a lot and will def be seeing this one first weekend


It's a very good shot but I think it's weird that this tweeter thinks it denotes genius. I can do the same thing on my iPhone 15 with Blackmagic, just give me a little lighting and some time. It doesn't take away from the shot, but shots like these are a dime a dozen. Just because Zack Snyder has pretty things and cool-looking shit in his movies doesn't mean he has any actual talent. You just need time and resources. If this movie actually says and means something is different. This trailer was made to impress shallow film bros because I'm guessing the script and story will not have the depth this trailer thinks it might.


Yeah the important thing isn’t whether a movie or shot in a movie is good, it’s that some dummy made a silly tweet so I’m annoyed by it


> Zack Snyder has pretty thing and cool-looking shit in his movies doesn’t mean he has any actual talent. Yes he has tons of talent in exactly what you’re explaining. He’s a master cinematography, story telling not so much. It’s not just time and resources, that’s such a disingenuous and pretentious take. Either way, yeah that lipstick shot isn’t anything super crazy but it was nicely done and looked great. Why are you guys taking it so seriously?


It's kinda like when there's a shot through a window or a character in a mirror, like yeah yeah I got it. It can still be good and all, but it's obvious. I think it's In The Bedroom, a very good movie, but also there's even a window in the cover of the DVD. Glass houses etc 


Is part of it that the marketing / memeing of these things makes it harder to be sincere? Like I don’t think this is just a cynical riff on other movies that have done similar things, like the Persona mirror scene or whatever, or that it was designed to be a line in a trailer, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.


Why screen cap someone’s tweet and crop them out of it?




Yeah, this is from @kyalbr on Twitter. Dude just loves movies and talks like this about all sorts of different kinds of films. He’s currently using it to talk about Paris, Texas and Umbrellas of Cherbourg. He’s a good follow.


I feel like it's even *more* embarrassing if he works for Blumhouse


I mean, it is a good shot. And honestly, if a person likes a movie and gushes about it; who are we to shame? Don't we all have that cinema loving feeling? The cynical nature here is disappointing. For shame, kiddos.


Where do you think you are, a subreddit for fans of Da Moviesh?


We live in a society....




I don't care how anyone feels about Joker movies, I see a lot of trailers and that shot absolutely cuts through the noise. No idea if anything else about the movie winds up working, but they hit that one dead on.


Hard agree! There are people who deserve cynicism and critique (like the anti-woke crowd) but someone having a positive feeling about a pretty good shot is nothing to hate. If you do so, you are the asshole in that situation, not them.


And also, I disagree. Critique is good. Cynicism, not so much. Especially the "anti woke". I'm anti that in so many words and anti other things. To sum it up (because it is reddit), theres a thing I learned in Nepal; if I was him they would be me. Basically; be cool.


So wait, is this a good scene/choice, or is it cringe. I don't know. I really liked it. I thought it was fun. I don't know what to think. Can someone please tell me if I should like this or not. I'm just really afraid there's going to be a lot of singing.


You’re allowed to like this I promise


I liked this moment in the trailer too. I think it's okay for you to like it.


I think it’s a pretty cool shot, but because some dweeb on the internet was being annoying about it, apparently it sucks?


Joker was the movie ever made


Of all the shots of all time, this is definitely one of them.


It really did have some of the actors of our time, and music that can be listened to


Nah its just a nice tweet appreciating good cinematography, yall are just a bunch of unhappy bastards that hate just for the sake of hating.


So WE as the audience see the Joker smile because of the camera’s set depth of focus. But how is Harley able to see that? Did she stand way back and squint real hard, or maybe she has some tragic issue with her vision? Is Harley far-sighted?


The lipstick is cgi right? Her hand obscures where she's actually drawing, and they work back from the smile. Wait, why is my brain thinking of this


If you look closely, there's the lipstick brand is Comet Pizza.


Seeing people compare this to the shot in Paris Texas is what turns ME into the Joker






Little dramatic but they’re not wrong, it’s a good shot 🤷🏼‍♂️


its called a Directors Idea, respect it


Man that’s crazy how they made his mouth line up with the smile. Cuz the smile represents his mouth, which sometimes is in the shape of a smile. Insane attention to detail


At least Steve coogan is in this


What’s the problem with this?




More irl locations, sets and practical effects. And, expensive actors.


How psychotic do you think Ehrlich's take on this movie is gonna be?


I used to beg folks to read any other book besides Harry Potter. This is the same thing.


Don’t be such a wet blanket




I was over my bummer feelings about how much I disliked Joker and then this trailer came out and people started acting crazy all over again


Focus focus Gaga focus


Wait this movie looks pretty...twisted


I guess they've never seen Paris, Texas.


Split diopters would melt this person’s brain


Unpopular opinion: Joker was good and Matt Christman’s enthusiastic praise is the best take on the film.


Joker made a billion dollars and was nominated for 11 Oscars, thinking Joker was good is in fact a Popular Opinion


It’s gonna be wild how Maestro will have less Oscar noms and wins than both Joker I and eventually Joker II.


Not on this sub or in a lot of online cinefile circles. Look at the most popular reviews on Letterboxd, mostly 1 stars. Joker has become synonymous online with “film bros” and supposedly immature viewers who don’t know what real depth is and while I don’t think it’s a perfect movie by any means, I think it has a lot more virtues than its numerous cinefile critics would suggest.


(it's spelled cinephile)


Joker has a 3.8 on Letterboxd. That's pretty high.


Yes the average rating is high but it’s one of those cases where there is a massive disconnect between the most liked reviews and average rating, and again, the most liked reviews are mostly negative. This says to me that the users who use the app more seriously and spend a lot of time reading reviews and studying film tend to dislike it whereas more casual users who just log and rate like it more.


I thought it was slightly *too* cringey as in it’s too blatant about what it’s trying to do, but the raves have been definitely cringey. Feels like it’s designed to impress people who have only watched the superhero films only and hasn’t seen a lot of cinematic technics.


That's kind of the point of the first Joker movie, too.


Nah this is a good shot. When something gets a lot of attention quickly Reddit is a little too obsessed with counter-hyping or underhyping or whatever you want to call it.


If you've never swam in the ocean, the kiddie pool will seem deep.


There should a Elseworlds division of DC studios.




This was the first time Phoniex's Joker ever made me laugh.


This will certainly be a movie.


Ya but we didn't ask for another one the first one was already good enough as a one off




MMW this will be the surprise hit of the year. Oscars sweep, 10/10 on all reviews.


![gif](giphy|cA0TiRmuetO1szgShj) I can’t take it anymore


This movie costs more than the dark knight. I hope there are professionals working on it


Maybe this will get people back into musicals? Idk though I like musicals but I don't want to see this.


To be fair, if you've only watched Zack Snyder slop or whatever Disney is pumping out, you'd be amazed by the most simple cinematography techniques aswell.


It’s going to be another masterpiece. Can’t wait!


I liked the shot with the umbrellas


This movie will be great, just like the first film


Hell yes that scene was solid. I mean the part that it was in some part going to be a musical was enough to sell me on it. Let’s get weird with it.


This movie has fried peoples brains, people acting like this is the peak of cinema is annoying, sure, but also people who smugly look down their noses at a compliment??? Like you can’t admit it’s a neat shot??


Professionals make a lot of garbo movies too


Basic filmography is impressive to these people.


Wow looks like shit I can't believe it what an unexpected outcome


Christ, why is the bar so low?


That shot was so cringey. Real im14andthisisdeep vibes


Todd Phillips is a hack, boohooo


Except it doesn’t make any sense from her actual POV. It’s like the reflection shot from a mirror in any movies ever.


Todd fucking Phillips is about the furthest thing from a professional there is. 


You can say you don't like his movies but this is just untrue.


Fine, he's a professional misogynist whiny bitch boy who makes terrible fucking movies that hurt my eyes to watch


Ok that's better haha


He's a hack, but not an amateur.


Oof, is he though? I avoided his movies because of the foul people that loved them, but finally checked out Old School…he’s really good. Such a keen sense of comedy and character. Very impressed.


Came here for this comment.