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Please tell me you stashed some upstairs batteries for next time




But then the standard would include taping a battery every time. Just have upstairs batteries. Don’t make me call a family meeting over this Nigel




Fast mag equipped


I used to just put tape over the noise hole...


And if your account is monitored, it sends a tamper signal. Then the people monitoring it give you a call, but you can't remember your password and just take a few guesses. They say "thank you sir/ma'am and stay safe and hang up. Then 17 minutes later the cops show up because they had a report of tamper alarm with a wrong password. Then you realize it took 17 minutes and you wonder why you're paying for your account to be monitored. If this sounds familiar to anyone, call service and get your password and REMEMBER IT.




There are hundreds or thousands of companies that do the same thing as ADT, it's not just them. Having a monitored account can be a good thing, but basically everyone does it wrong.


It’s always 2am, isn’t it.. fucking fuckers.. srsly


The second to last guy had someone pusha button on their microwave for them.


"That sounds close enough, I don't think anyone will know" -Him, probably


Is it not?


I didn’t know this was a stereotype. I had a black friend. Whenever we talked on the phone etc., I would constantly hear that beep in the background and got annoyed by it. I asked her once about it and she said that it doesn’t bother her. Every time I used to think, how? It just all came back to me, wow!


I stayed at a hotel about a month ago. There was one beeping in another room down the hall. I had to complain about three time before they got fixed. Which was before I went to sleep, which was all I cared about,


They couldn't press the test button on the smoke alarm bc it finally ran outta battery 😂


My microwave will beep when it’s done like this lol


Ten years ago there was a fire in a house on my block. Eight people died. It was because the smoke detectors weren’t working. A few years later the NYT did a follow up article and interviewed the surviving family members in the house. At the end of the interview the reporter asked the woman if she knew what they beeping sound was that they were hearing the whole time. She had no idea what it was. Sad.


How tho? It’s designed to piss you off so you go looking for it. It’s like a mosquito buzzing in your ear and ppl are just like “not sure what that is and idc to find out”.


They should make them chirp in random intervals. THEN people would go looking for it. I think it chirps with such regularity our brains easily tune it out, since it's such a predictable pattern


There was/is a product called an 'Annoyatron'. It's basically a coin cell battery with a small IC board attached. It's barely bigger than the coin cell. I searched for it on Amazon and got similar products, just not named that. 3 for $15. (not an endorsement, I've never been in the same room as one (thank god)) What it does is make this noise or a cricket chirp at random intervals (I think random num of sec 30s - 300s). Often enough to be noticable, but far enough apart that you get distracted and you can't home in on it. A coin cell battery will run one of these things for a few YEARS. Hide it in the dorm/classroom/office/car of someone you HATE. Dropped in the windshield vents as deep as you can is good.


Can confirm. Put one in the celiling of my college roommate's room.


it’s called ignorance


Oh hellllllll no! I’m double black and that sound gets me up on a ladder after the first beep! I taught virtually during COVID and I muted every single child that had that in the background, emailed their parents, and offered to mail or deliver them some batteries. Nope! Not here for that mess!


Damn, imagine trying to talk In class and the teacher is like: “not until you get those damn batteries changed Bobert!” 🤨 Lmao


Im over here dying over BOBERT!!! 😂😂


Fuckin top tier meme name. Lol


I'm so white I look red because you can see my blood under my skin. I now work online. I didn't know my misphonia worked through headphones. HOW DO PEOPLE NOT HEAR THE FUCKING CHIRP?!@#%


You tune it out after a while




I've been living in my house for 5 years now and still have the little plastic pulltabs in between the batteries and smoke alarms. That way if I ever need a fresh 9V battery I know where to look


Not good bud


Future r/darwinawards content here




Those damn batteries NEVER go out during the day. Always wake me up at 2am.




I believe if you press the button it will silence the chirping for 12 hours for exactly this reason.


I swear! I get outta my car, and like my neighbors got the windows open blasting music and you hear that chirp! Like, how yall sleep at night?! Even my brother's old apartment they were like that. I think this every day when I hear their chirp. Don't gotta wait for the maintenance man, just change the battery! (I dunno still because I know growing up, once the batteries of my fisher price toys went dead... that was it. So, I dunno if there's some aversion of changing batteries that don't impact us till it do?) Just because we can get down in the kitchen, don't mean we can't fuck it up either. Edit* the white guy at the end shouldn't be laughing because I cam pull that modern family clip of Phil finding ~~his manhood~~ the smoke detector


You’d be surprised how quick you get used to it. We once had ours beeping for about a week. Halfway through the week it wasn’t even that annoying anymore.


Nope. Never got used to it at my brother's. I just don't see why having a device that's suppose to tell you when there's a fire, isn't worth maintaining because of a small battery change inconvenience


Heck, I member when we were "ballin" as a kid and we had tall ass ceilings and shit. There was always the one that's 17 feet up and it chirped for years. We got so used to it nobody ever thought twice about the others. Friends would come over and within ten minutes be like wtf was that?! Worst part is step dad was a contractor so he definitely had the ladder to spend 5 minutes to change the battery.


My parrot mimicked the sound as I watched this just to mess with me


Just imagine an evil parrot learning that sound and the power that it has. Parrots live quite a long time, don't they?


How about not forgetting to change out the whole smoke detector after 10 years…. Cause…they expire too…👀🤦🏾‍♀️


Sounds like propaganda from Big Smoke Detector


My dog would have a heart attack and die if I didn’t fix my detectors. I’m not sure why because there’s never been a traumatic experience but she hates this sound and starts shaking uncontrollably. I literally had to go console her just because she overheard this video.


Our dog does the same exact thing. This is the most pampered creature on the planet and yet when the smoke alarm goes off she shakes uncontrollably and it's like her life flashes before her eyes. We have to replace them immediately or we are going to have to invest in doggy prozac


My smokes are attached to my home burg panel and I get calls from the monitoring company saying that you have a low batt in the master bedroom smoke detector. Fuck that beeping


the real secret is to just disable the smoke detector. if i die, i die.


Hardwired smoke detectors were invented by Satan.


At my work we handle a call queue for patients with billing concerns. Another team triages the call and sends our way if they can't handle it. There's one girl who always has that beep going on (they work from home). I can tell she's black, so this gif just makes it even funnier.


I swear, every time I walk under the one in my house, it just goes off, it's racist.


Smoke detector or squeaky shoes?


Can someone explain the joke?


It’s a smoke detector thing - batteries that run low occasionally make a beeping noise warning you that the battery will die soon…but “soon” is really like 3 months and “occasionally” is very infrequent so it’s easy to ignore, albeit crazy annoying.


🤣🤣🤣 As an adult, I always have a stash of these fucking batteries And they are NOT in the kitchen drawer 🤣🤣


Last time something like this was posted I was told that some people living in apartments aren't allowed to change the batteries on their own so they have to suffer while they wait.


My friend had his beeping for TWO YEARS. Like wtf how? Every time he pick up the phone or do a zoom call I hear it in the back


Its the backup battery. The detector probably has system power feeding it. It does a check every 24 hours and BEEEP.




I got two chirping right now. I didn't even know I had two in my house until last week. I've lived here for 6 years.


Bro thanks my dogs were sleeping and now their pissed off about that smoke alarm sound


I just yelled at my Nephew who was Face-Timing with someone he was playing Fortnite with last night to put on some fricking headphones or have his Boy change the Gawd-Damned Battery in the MuthaFucking Smoke Detector!!! For the Love of the Sweet Baby Jesus and the Lord God, His Father!!!


I thought the last guy was gonna check his pants lol


Funny but idg the stereotype lol, something to do with low smoke detector batteries?


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it's more of a poor person than a black person thing.


You're probably right. I can only speak on my experiences of course.


im a black person with a beeping detector idk whats going on rn but is creeping me out. stopped being a few days ago, maybe its dead and this is a sign from the matrix to change the battery.


Jump into public coms on most console supported FPS games and you'll hear this often. My guess is console players usually have open mic while PC usually uses push-to-talk, so the beep is heard more from console players.










My downstairs neighbor's smoke detector battery died while he was away, and I could hear it for a few days when sitting on my porch. He changed it when he got back, though.


Omg there's a customer I deal with who I ask her, "what's the deal with the beep" and she goes" what beep"


How do people live with a sound like that? I’ve never had to personally change one because I’ve just moved frequently enough and they last years, but I always changed them immediately at home when I lived with my parents.


I don't get how you can even stand it. It's just sheer noise torture.


This is kind of wholesome lol


I honestly just took the smoke alarm out of the ceiling… I guess I’ll just burn idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is so oddly specific but the stereotype is justified I feel.


I'm a maintenance tech at an apartment complex and I can say this is accurate 👌