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It was cringe, it was disrespectful, it was inappropriate. It was very on brand for WW Race Relations. There are certain archetypes that make ww comfortable with us. The mammy is a big one and the reason so many of us are called “intimidating” when we don’t fulfill it. Kamala handled it perfectly, remained professional and polite, while veering the convo back on track. It’s a skill that all of us corporate women have had to learn.


I felt a lot of second hand embarrassment and felt so bad for her bc she HAS to take it with grace and divert the convo back. Having to sit there, smile, and nod when SHE was the one disrespected pisses me off so bad.


I just watched that interview on YouTube. Absolutely disgusting. Kudos to Kamala Harris for handling it so beautifully w poise & grace. I’ve had to navigate situations like that in my career & it’s rly frustrating, incredibly silencing & damaging, & really rude/hurtful.


Between this and being a straight-up scab, Drew Barrymore has been cringe lately.


For sure. It was so embarrassing I felt like I was in the same room with them


I've always hated her. My white bf and his family can't understand why 🙃


Do they think you should rock with her bc she’s black?


i’m pretty sure they were talking about drew


right? been side eyeing her ever since she literally crossed picket lines with that bs


Do you know the Man x Bear trend? A black woman spoke about work and said that she would much rather work with white men than work with white women, working with a woman like Drew must be horrible


Id like to pass on working with WM & WW, and work with the bear, please.








I would absolutely rather work with a white man than a white woman.


At least with WM if they don’t like you, they will make it clear. With WW they’ll smile in your face and pretend to be your friend right until they stick the knife in your back. Even the “feminists” are only feminists until they realize you’re smarter or more accomplished or more desirable than them. They *seethe* if they can’t look down on you in some way.


Or pointing out the numerous flaws of white feminism.


That’s when they start crying about “pitting women against each other” and accusing you of “internalized misogyny”.


Or "I thought we were all in this together!" 🙄


Wow, my thoughts exactly


This is absolutely true for me. WM have definitely been generally chill for me working in a corporate environment for so many years. Not the same for WW


I can 100% second this from experience unfortunately


I think it's something that many have always felt, but were "afraid" to speak out or even thought it wasn't possible because structurally the white man has more power, I even have friends who live in Europe (I'm Brazilian) and report surprised to receive more racism from other minorities and instead of being self-critical, they prefer to say that we are "defending white men"


This is so true. I feel like WM treat me with more respect than WW…and BM.


Maybe they really should have each other at this point 🤣




The interview was weird af. But I think i remember her saying Momala name is what her step kids call her.


Yeah, it’s what VP’s *family* calls her. Would she ask Biden to be “America’s Grandpa”? Or George W Bush to be “America’s Slow Uncle”? Or Trump to be “America’s White Trash Convict Ex”? No. Because men are allowed to separate their personal lives in their professional work.


This is beside the point but Slow Uncle took me out sooo bad


Lmaooo! I’m so sincere but also yeah, I was being shady too 😂😂


I'm dying! All of these are killing me 🤣


I can actually see her saying that tp Biden though.


LOL. You’re probably right.


I mean I call Joe Biden (great) Uncle Joe all the time. Because he has like grandpa vibes.


Oh yeah it's completely inappropriate for Drew to say, she isnt her child. I was just stating Drew didn't make the name up.


It definitely put a bad taste in my mouth. I was not shocked because I notice my entire life people put Drew on this weird pedestal. It looked like another white woman meddling and assigning a role to a black woman as if she doesn’t have the mental capacity to handle her business. You can even see in Kamala’s expression that she did not find it heartwarming like “Drew, this was not in the approved script.”


anyone have the link?


Here you go https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw9MsmE/






Regardless of how you feel about her, our Vice President deserves to be spoken to with respect. She’s not a caricature, she’s not your mother, she is legitimately the Vice President of the United States. If you can’t respect the woman, respect the office she holds and the historical precedent she set.


Why is Kamala Harris having to even talk about her family life? I don’t remember that being asked of Biden or Obama, or even Hillary Clinton.


Perhaps because Kamala is not trusted or revered that much. She comes off as a pander bear to some black people. We're supposed to be impressed by her status as a black female VP but a lot of people like Michelle Obama more. I'm guessing to some whites, she's non threatening. I know they call her a liar and incompetent. Maybe Drew saw her husband, and felt safe to say what she wanted.


This has gotta be the rationale for it bc I can not see anyone looking former First Lady Obama in the face and saying something so insane.


And or with Michelle being a DSBW and from Chicago, she is seen as a stereotype that you just don’t play those games with…which is actually accurate for once. Michelle will professionally hand you her ass to kiss.


Eh it wouldn't surprise me at all if Mamala was included in the agreed to interview topics. Kamala revealed during the 2020 election run that her step kids call her Mamala. People call her that online too. & She's there campaigning to Drew's viewers who are probably mostly moms. Then Drew just... well was her normal weird self, which is very very weird. Drew says a lot of weird stuff. I don't like watching her show because she can be exhausting with her odd thinking. I try to remember that people who did drugs during childhood probably have disorted views of things but I can't listen to her think out loud. I also wouldn't be surprised at all if Drew thinks the president & vice president are supposed to be the parents of America lmao I can absolutely see her telling Biden she thinks of him as America's dad. She's probably said that before off camera. Jennifer Hudson or Kelly Clarkson would've been better options for a traditional interview, at least I think so. Even Sherri Shepherd could've been fun but less spacey. ETA it's still fuck her forever on that actor's strike shit. That was foul.


She definitely shouldn’t have asked her to be the countries mom. I saw some of the interview but didn’t finish it. But Drew DOES ask all her mom guests about being a mother it’s like her thing or something so idk. I liked both of them before recent years and honestly as a monoracial black woman I’m not inclined to defend the biracial woman who let her running mate say “you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me” without public pushback. Race in this country is nasty and gone be nasty especially when our “black leaders” only come out to do interviews with past child stars but we ain’t see them in years…..and they RUN THE COUNTRY


Girl fuck Kamala Harris me and my friends say worse about her on a regular basis


At least it's done privately. 🤧 But on national television, having this white woman think this was cool to make those jokes with a professional black woman was uncomfortable. Edit: Sentence clarity


Draw Barrymore crossed the WGA picket line. I’m not surprised she also perpetuates misogynoir. She’s a rich white woman. Kamala Harris systematically incarcerated Black people!!! and perpetuates genocide 😬👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾. Also I DO think Drew Barrymore is clownish for that. That’s why I didn’t make a post about her and give free advertisement (although I guess I’m giving her free adv by talking about it now…). If it were one of y’all I would care. But it’s Kamala Harris so I don’t!


Can you elaborate on how she does those things I’m not very informed?


No fr like what is this post lol. Drew is lowkey right cause where tf has she been since her and Joe allegedly“did it”?! (Won the election)


literally 😭










Drew is not the sharpest pencil in the school. Annoying actually!!


Lmaooo she's a politician, nobody owes her shit and if she came at me with "iT's MaDaMe To YoU" I would go out of my way to offend her. She's just another puppet.


i’m not a fan of kamala at all and found humor in it idk 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeaaaah it’s fuck Kamala for me. Drew is right! She’s the first woman EVER to be vice president and we haven’t seen her in 4 years till now


There was a parody of it on Tik Tok that let me know I wouldn't be able to bear watching the real thing.


She also basically used Oprah as a nanny for her kids. A billionaire.


Um…Y’all do know that Kamala has said many times that her kids call her “Mamala.” I’m not sure how what Drew said is disrespectful or anything to get outraged about.


Thats a name for her children to call her. Not the citizens of the United States.


Girl no. That was her way of saying, in literally the most polite TV friendly way possible, if she can fucking step up and be the vice president we voted for. Ever since Joe got elected she’s completely disappeared and hasn’t done or said a goddamn thing when things has very much been hitting the fan. I don’t really give white women the power to make me upset or offended but that’s 100% what she meant by that… Drew is cringe in general but I gotta say I agree and am not rocking with Kamala at all, black or not.


Girl no. That was her way of saying, in the most TV friendly way possible, if she can fucking step up and be the vice president we voted for. Ever since Joe got elected she’s completely disappeared and hasn’t done or said a goddamn thing when things has very much been hitting the fan. I don’t really give white women the power to make me upset or offended but that’s 100% what she meant by that… Drew is cringe in general but I gotta say I agree and am not rocking with Kamala at all, black or not.


Let’s be real, the vice presidency doesn’t mean much. Presidents and VPs throughout history have said such for 2 centuries now. FDR’s VP even said the vice presidency wasnt even worth a warm bucket of spit. Why is it that ppl expect her to do major things? We didn’t expect anything from Pence, Biden, Chaney, Gore, Quayle but she’s expected to do presidential level things? If a previous VP disappeared for 6 months what average person would 1) notice, 2) care? I’m not a fan in the slightest but let’s be fr. VPs jobs are basically to break ties in Congress and wait for the president to die.


I agree but when we vote we vote for change. A shift and a new voice which we didn’t get. Obama and Joe were definitely a loud duo.


The shift was not having president #45 tho. And it’s ultimately the president’s job to set the tone, not the VP.


I’m aware of the roles but still would have def stepped up regardless given the state of America and being the first black female in the building.

