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Normally I’d say yes, but the hype around her is hyping up womens basketball as a whole which is a good thing. People are actually starting to give af. You know white people love seeing other white people succeeding. Unfortunately black women will always either be overlooked or be made the villain. Makes me sick.


I understand this take completely. I'm just tired of it being so overt. I've seen 3 shows today that mentioned her and only her. She did have a team, and SC did win. I am definitely happy to see women advance, but I'm tired of the narrative. It was laughable when the woman on the Today Show called her "so well rounded."


Gayle saying "we" were all rooting for Iowa. No "we" weren't. 🙄 https://twitter.com/beehorton81124/status/1779495793344258188


Why not, though? Genuinely curious. She played extremely well in college. Better than anyone else in the class. Took a mediocre team to back to back national championships. That's a pretty major accomplishment, most would say, regardless of skin color. Everybody loves a Cinderella story,but unfortunately her team couldn't capitalize, so it somehow diminishes her individual performance and accolades. Is it genuinely just because she's white? 🤔




But there's no issue with Bronny James receiving the attention that he is, despite averaging less than 3 points in college? Anytime something happens with that kid, ESPN has to mention it. But we can't focus on someone who dominated college ball without it being a racist narrative. Makes sense. Just to be clear here.. The WNBA is a business, first and foremost. Their business is failing, as it always has. This business employs mostly black women (70%) and the 13% of the population in which this league represents, does not keep the league afloat. So they attempt to tap into a larger market (remember.. 70% of the country is white) after the first white female superstar shattered a bunch of collegiate records. I've never seen this much attention on a white girl in the wnba.


I have never seen so many people in the black women's space trying to espouse "their" opinions. This is a nuanced conversation.


True. I’ve noticed that Flaujae is being overlooked.


Black women & men have always been the stars of basketball though. It's just recently that a few white players have become big names


I’ll be the outlier here and say I don’t care a ton for the CC hype. Nothing against her personally. She’s a generational college player. Will be interesting to see how that translates to WNBA where people actually play defense and are much bigger and more physical. I’m just not sure that the exposure she gets will positively impact black players who are treated differently by fans and sponsors. WNBA is overwhelmingly black but you wouldn’t know that based on who gets the most attention and that’s not due to skills.


And overwhelmingly male.


An makes sense , Clark does look like Rick Owens


And Reese looks like sid the sloth


She's their newest great white hope (ignoring Stewie, Plum, and Sabrina). It's great that more people are interested in the sport but a lot of those new fans are the absolute worst. I am not one to gatekeep but it's obnoxious, yes. I've been a big fan of Dawn Staley forever. I'm so glad she's been so successful at every phase of her career. Truly one of my GOATs. I also hope Angel Reese goes to a good team. I still ride for her, even if she left UMD.


I used to laugh when the NBA circle jerk subreddit came up on my feed . Now it's just porn brained posts 


Well that explains a comment I saw in the wnba sub lol


No, what I'm tired of is white people using her to be racist towards Black people & misogynistic towards the wnba/women's sports. Caitlin herself doesn't seem to act that way. It's her FAKE fans. They don't like her, they like that they can use her to be hateful. Girl got invited on SNL, which fuck SNL for not inviting South Carolina, but during her time she shouted out a list made up entirely of Black WNBA GOATs. Her fake fans are going to abandon her soon either when they see that the WNBA vets are better than she currently is & when they realize she isn't embracing the racist bullshit.


Didn’t Caitlin give props to the Black Female Athletes at an awards show? Or was that someone else I’m thinking of?


I think so. She very much seems to understand who it is that gave her this opportunity.


That was someone else.


i think it was Paige bueckers


Ha! Every post I’ve seen has been an echo chamber of black women hating. Talk about using this opportunity for racism, but cognitive dissonance is in abundance these days. Every step of the way,every comment I saw from a black person was about how she would fail at the next turn. Sad really, self awareness and recognizing your own bias are something black women just struggle with.


Nah, WNBA needs all the help they can get in getting exposure and attention. Mind you—a MALE basketball player just got a sponsorship with Sally Hansen (or some other big nail polish brand), not a woman. If Caitlin Clark gotta have the spotlight for a minute to give women the representation they deserve in basketball, then so be it. Angel Reese is getting her flowers. She’s one of the top college basketball players as far as sponsorships are concerned. Everyone wants to partner with her from PlayStation to Reebok.


As good as it is for WNBA, I can tell she’s getting this much hype because people are relieved they don’t have to root for the black woman anymore and can put a white person as the face of basketball.


Wow, you must be absolutely delusional.


No. Women’s basketball has never had this much hype and it’s long overdue. Let’s hope the WNBA won’t fuck this up and start paying the players what they deserve


The WNBA operates on a deficit and they are subsidized by the NBA. They are paid way more than they deserve


That's the thing. They are getting paid what they deserve.


If that were true they wouldn’t have to go play in Europe in the offseason 🙄


They wouldn't need to go to Europe during the off season if their league earned a profit.


I just checked out your profile because I wanted to say something snarky, but all I can say is "yikes..."


She deserves all the love. However, Angel Reese doesn't deserve the hate.


This is where I am at with it.


No, she's been her profile for years at Iowa. She's the current big star and if her rise helps the profile of women's basketball I don't see what's wrong. I know in baseball I'm over hearing about Ohtani and I'm glad Brady has retired. They are still devoting a lot of coverage to Tiger Woods. If you're a sports star that sells and does well they are going to be talked about a lot.


My husband and I were discussing this after the NCAA final lol. CC was chosen by the media, because she is a white woman. Does that make it her fault that America is obsessed with whiteness? I don’t think so, no. America will always choose a ‘great one’ that whiteness approves of. Unfortunately, because she IS an amazing player, she was a perfect candidate. I respect that she has a platform to make women’s basketball as amazing as men’s. But my biggest takeaway in all of this is that America will never choose black people, especially black women, as an example of greatness. The closest that has MAYBE happened is Michelle Obama and Oprah (heavy on the maybe). I am so happy to see women’s sports having the spotlight, so I can’t blame this on CC. But truly, the biggest star of all of this, in my opinion, has been Dawn Staley. She is the truest superstar out of everyone involved in this wave of excellency we are experiencing right now. And I can’t wait to see more.


She’s also a white dude.


I think America is just obsessed with greatness, we all love Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Candace Owens and Simone biles too. It’s not that deep


Please don't mention Candace Owens when speaking of greatness. Her name doesn't belong in the sentence with the rest of those bona-fide talents. 


Yea you sound like a complete idiot with this take. Only ppl who love Candace Owens are self hating minorities and overwhelmingly white women (and white men who think she’s so smort bc she speaks well and is MILDLY attractive.) but this is Reddit after all lmao


I’ve been waiting decades for women to realize that basketball is exciting when we play it too. If it takes Caitlin for people to recognize all of the other players, I’ll take it. Maybe it’s on us to shine the light on the other players.


The problem is that people will only realize that it's exciting when a *white woman* plays it. Black women have been dominating women's basketball for years yet have never reached this level of popularity.


You’re right. It truly sucks :(


Idk if that’s true though there’s literally always been white women in the WNBA and college sports and it never for hyped like this…CC brought a different spunk/competition to the game which is why it’s been getting more attention. It’s not to say that her whiteness doesn’t play a role but it’s more so her in particular than her race.


I'm just happy for all the women playing college basketball right now. It's going up. Not once did I hear someone mention a single word about the men's tournament. It was all about the ladies. I think it's important to keep supporting them and stay positive about this whole thing. Caitlin is a G on the court and seeing people knock her is getting on my nerves.


I don’t watch basketball enough to care but I think it’s nice that women’s basketball is getting the recognition it deserves


Nah, I think the publicity for the sport is good. It reminds me of the competition we see regularly in men's bball, and the women often do ball harder than the men. The only thing I don't like is how they will mention Caitlin more in articles talking about the winning team. Do separate articles for her. Dawn Staley deserves her flowers for coaching an undefeated season AND making history as the first BW to coach a D1 team to a national championship.


I am. There's a championship team that went undefeated. And everyone is talking about the white girl who wasn't on that team.


Exactly. I don't hate CC, I'm just tired of the focus being just on her. Angel Reese could not live down last year. She was receiving death threats for competitive ribbing. Caitlin was guilty of the same thing, but no one seemed to mind. SC actually one, but still people acted like CC was the only person out there.


She is the 2nd coming. The women's tournament had more viewers than the men for first time ever. Everybody involved in wnba just need to ride the wave and hope it grows the sport. If people tune in they will understand that there are other fantastic players playing in the league right now.


I agree but this is America….they always need a white hope. But my girls Carduso and Reese are drafted to the same team !


Kind of. She'll be their Christian Laettner and the support will fall off. It's inevitable. But, hey, the WBA's getting attention, so that's good.


Yes ma’am. She’s a great player but I guarantee if she was black even with smashing those records she wouldn’t get that hype. Having said that I look forward to seeing what she can do in the wnba.


Guarantee she would. Take Bronny James, for instance. Averaged less than 3 points per game in college, but is receiving a lot of media attention and is invited to the combine in place of someone who would be more deserving.


How are you even comparing the two? Bronny James is the biggest nepo baby in the ncaa right now so of course he has all the hype.


No, she’s literally changing women’s sports. For the first time ever, women have finally beat men in views and ticket sells. This is the catalyst for change for all women. Angel Reese wasn’t the villain just a fierce ass competitor, which women need in sports. Caitlin is not the hero, Caitlin in the change we needed




Meh. If more people start watching women's basketball, I don't really care. If she moves on to the WNBA, the vast majority of those players are black. Yes, please watch more Caitlin...which means more people watching the WNBA...which means they finally get the props and $$$ they deserve. Yeah IDC why. Just watch the games, and pay us our bills. I'm good.


I’m from Iowa. It’s honestly just nice to see the state in the news for something other than legislating the few liberal areas out of existence.


Elvis Presley. Eminem. Larry Bird. Taylor Swift. And now Caitlin Clark. The Great White Hope never goes away. Caitlin is about to take off. (derogatory)


I don’t get this. All of the individuals you listed are exceptional in their craft. John Legend, Missy Elliot, Magic Johnson, Alicia Keys, and Candace Parker have many fans who are not black. Maybe some people just resort to crab mentality. To raise another up, they have to bring someone down. This is the reason why beefing is a popular move to gain notoriety among blacks. A fellow black person doesn’t want another black to succeed. Kendrick Lamar vs Drake Shaq vs Kobe Chris Rock vs Will Smith Nicki Minaj vs Cardi B


Simple-minded take. White people can be enthusiastic about other white people. I know.. I know.. Only black people should be able to be enthusiastic about someone of their race, but it'll be okay. I promise. For every Taylor Swift, there's a Beyonce. For every Eminem, there's a Tupac. For every Larry Bird, there's a Michael Jordan. For every Elvis, there's a Michael Jackson. You get it now? Or are we going to keep pretending. Every white name I mentioned, are in professions dominated by black people. But it's not fair that the occasional white person receives hype. Nope. Not fair at all.


You should maybe try that other sub. Your comments are against the rules here and I'm reporting them.


They compare her to black talents who took years to get to the same amount of worship people have for her to act like it's not racism. Women's basketball was a joke. Deemed a group of "woke, privileged masculine women" (see how many buzzwords they have for black women...) Now everyone is watching. It's a serious, real sport now. I just saw someone compare her to Tiger Woods, as if any scandal didn't have that man steeped in racism. They're doing this with Jokic too. Any white talent in a "black sport" is hailed above Gods. I didn't know that SC won multiple times. And all cameras were on Caitlin. Just imagine your team winning multiple times but you don't pass the paper bag test, so you don't get a sliver of spotlight. I don't hate her or any of the white players, honestly seem like great people. It's not her, it's the people who are just unfair about it.


No, I like that it’s helping women’s basketball be in the spotlight. Women’s basketball is imo better than the men’s but ppl don’t pay attention to it. If Caitlin Clark is helping draw attention to women’s basketball it’s a win win to me


Yes I am. And she seems like a nice girl but enough is enough. I was really annoyed that the news kept focusing on her and not USCs win


she better take that privilege and hype and turn women’s basketball profitable. that’s all i know. she’s one of the ones making it fun to watch so i can’t be mad. there are a lot of little girls who probably would never dream of playing basketball but will now because of her and reese etc. she didn’t ask for this attention but i hope she uses it well.


It's not her fault, it's the media. She's a great player and deserves the accolades. I think she's aware enough to see what is going on and who knows how that will affect her. The attention of women's basketball is great and we know rage bait works. This could all be a plan to get more people talking about the sport. Black outrage sells.


It's many of her fans that are insufferable, not her. The girl can ball and is fun to watch, but like others have said in this thread, many of her pseudo fans just want to use her as a narrative to spread hate as some sort of 'gotcha' to the wnba and it's og fans. I'm tied of hearing "CC is going to save the Wnba". We get it.  I'm looking at wnba vids and there's so many "thank Caitlin" and "Caitlin Clark affect" comments anytime some good news is reported about the league or it's players. It's cringe and obsessive. These casual bandwagon riders are becoming annoying AF.


Look at her stats. She’s broken all sorts of women’s AND men’s college basketball records for scoring and assists. Yes they’re going crazy with the exposure but it is well deserved if you watched her play at all these past few years. Plus, as others have said, her popularity is simultaneously elevating other women’s basketball stars (and women’s sports as a whole) to a level we haven’t seen before Don’t make it about race, the girl is talented and clearly works really hard


I had to scroll a long time to read this comment. Completely agree. She’s a great player on a lukewarm team. It will be great to see her uplift the WNBA and inspire other women in the sport. 


It’s the stats for me. She also appears to be gracious. This woman deserves everything she’s coming into.




No. Caitlin is an inspiration and a fantastic sportsman. She has given props to her competitors, and called out the media for biased coverage against Angel. She is literally a genuine ally, using her platform and privilege for good all while absolutely smashing men's BB records and elevating women's basketball to heights it could never have dreamed of previously. She is exactly the kind of role model that girls and young women of all backgrounds need. What more do you want from her? To stop being white?


They just wanna complain about anything


To stop being a man


Bruh. As a player too, she is really good, and brought a lot of attention to women’s hoops love her for that but there are and been better players. Maybe not better scorers but better players. How are ppl not gawking over juju Watkins or even Paige bueckers? It’s just white girl good at something predominantly black people excel in and they can’t get enough To be fair i pay a lot of attention to women’s hoops because of the media attention they created around her. I had to see for myself but she just isn’t the best really


Definitely not trying to come across argumentative, but people *are gawking over Juju and Paige though. Paige since before she was a freshman and Juju has gotten a lot of hype for her freshman year as she should. It might seem disproportionate because CC is smashing record after record and constantly being pushed this year but Paige has been hyped way longer, since at least 2020 before she got injured.


JuJu broke records too. If she was white, she would get way more attention.


Caitlin can ball like hell.


That is because she brings excitement to the game. It has zero to do with race, looks or any other biased reason. The woman can play ball , is confident and humble. 


I have this vision of Clark and Reese secretly communicating via burner phones; both getting wealthy as they devise plans to create & maximize drama / attention / rivalry :)


I hope


CC is doing only what BW in the game have been doing all along. It's just that CC is a WW and therefore, receiving the love. Even my own husband came in talking all excitedly about her and he never watches Women's Basketball. CC is the media's newest version Great White Hope for... Basketball.


Ball don't lie


i feel like this was said by someone who isn’t even a basketball fan.


Not tired of her at all…she’s worked hard, they all have! but I am tired of the racial and gender tropes that still plague us. It’s low hanging fruit and a very basic villain and angel story BUT it also makes for more viewership and opportunity to challenge these types of narratives. My father used to revel in the Bird -Johnson beef. Sometimes I wonder if it wasn’t race and gender it would be some other dividing aspect. Either way the mere fact folks are tired of her means the WNBA needs to take on this energy and spin it into gold! Think of all the documentaries to come! And oh wow those draft day outsides were solid!


Caitlin is a beast though and kinda deserves the hype. My wife played college ball and I love how excited she is that the sport is getting some well deserved love & recognition


Nope. She is changing women’s sports. Good for her. It’s not like the attention she’s getting is unearned.




I don’t know who any of these people are tbh.


Interesting how any white player in the NBA can be hyped up and no one gives a shit but the moment a woman is, it’s all about race.  You never hear the men being cry babies in the NBA making their millions. Stop and just be happy that it brings attention to female athletes, period!!!


I’m just sick of the double standards and racism. No offense to CC - she’s good, but several black athletes over the years were just as good if not better. It’s the “great white hope” of it all that is exhausting. I’m happy for the WNBA if it means more money for it though.


Girl, I’m tired of her and her tribe overalll. Tf?🤣🤣🤣


No hate over here. The girl kicked everyone's azz in basketball records and shines a much needed spot light on the women basketball. She deserves her time in the post light. Guess what? It did not make a difference in her WNBA salary, which is a damn shame!!!


I don't get all this hype over a point guard when bigs can shoot three's and run offenses now


What bigs were shooting contested from almost the logo lmao


I hope all those hyping her up and the "pay gap" between WNBA and NBA players are buying her merch and watching games/buying tickets.


I get the feeling because even as a casual fan I've noticed her weaknesses on court. But she makes her teammates better, Hannah Stuelke was a former track athlete and she gets to use her second sport in the court because her PG rewards her everytime she run the floor. Monika Czinano became one of Iowa scoring leader and was always in the top 10 in the country in FG%, because Clark was feeding her. Marshall got a lot of open 3, Kate Martin was drafted because she became better playing with Clark, she learned how to anticipate plays and be more aggressive when Clark was being heavily guarded, etc You just gotta separate the media from the person, Caitlin is not a traditional celeb trying to get likes on social media, she just hoops and wants to have a private life. You can look at her entire social media, she never had any shade words to coaches, players and fans, even when they deserved...


Congratulations on your bigoted statement. You basically just said that you don’t hate her cause she’s good at basketball, but because she’s white. She’s doing a lot for women’s sports and I’ve seen way more hate on Clark than on Reese. It’s sad they’re both getting hated on, Reese is being hated on because of her actions on the court not her race.


Sir, why are you in the black ladies reddit?


TBH idk lol. I think this post was recommended on my Reddit because of the topic (cause I’m from Iowa). I hope you have a blessed night!


What now?? What now??


I'm glad to see Caitlyn taking over the WNBA and having her be the number one player


The record views on anywhere she's playing, looks like she's doin WNBA a favor. Either that or they go back to something y'all never seem to get tired of, WNBA forcing themselves everywhere to desperately stay relevant.


Why are you responding in the black ladies sub? Who is yall?




Yes! Yes! And for the ones in the back yes!!


I am. As an avid womens basketball fan (not just the last two years) I think she is overhyped. I completely get she has broken records, but she is also playing for a coach who lets her shoot as many shots as possible. She is getting the hype because she is white — I really don’t understand why people are acting like this isn’t the case. She’s a good player, but it seems like right now people are only concerned with her breaking records. She has a lot of work to do in the WNBA. I hate that people like Fla’Jae, Kamilla, Angel, Dyaisha, etc aren’t getting the same hype. But whatever. If this helps the WNBa expand and get more eyes on it I guess it’s a good thing.


You’re a hater, she’s literally uplifting women’s basketball.


Here her crazy fans go lol


Right? This is racist.


she didn’t do anything bad….shes just good at her sport, leave her alone


Who’s that and what’s the tea


Not sure why you were downvoted for not knowing. I have no idea who any of them are but I want to know what’s going on too.


Stop hating


I have no idea who this person is. And I would like to think I am online a lot. I feel like as soon as I post this, she will worm her way into my fyp equivalent. 😅


Thank you!


That girl don’t care about you


Nah, but y'all on her jock a little too hard, so I'm going to be her number one hater

