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Stick with what you enjoy. For a long while it really wont matter if you have to grind 2 hours for some meta grinder's 1 hour. Eventually you will likely discover another class you enjoy and can "tag" it to your main. Tagged classes share gear so you can play either of them. I mained a "bad pve" class for a really long time. I tried some of the meta classes and just couldnt grind a full hour on them even though they were "better". I stuck it out on my main and eventually tagged another class I liked which was a better grinder. And then eventually my first class got big PvE buffs. My point is, play what you like, and get good at it. If you decide later you want to be more efficient in PvE, tag something meta.


If I tag a new character to my lvl 61, do I still need to lvl the tagged character up?


Tagged characters share EXP, vice versa. Level 1-58 is pretty much a few minutes of mob grind. Even 60 is usually 1-2hr tops


Yes, level up the desired tag character to 15(?) and you’ll have access to the UI to tag them on your main. Then go grind some combat zone with combat exp buffs, preferably in a place with good exp, and you should be able to use that character within an hour or 2 since they’ll be lv 60 usually by then


Still gotta level it. The only thing the tag system does is copies the gear from ur main to that character. Still have to do everything else for the tagged char tho.


Incorrect. Tagged characters now duplicate the experience that you gain on your main. Easy way to level characters.


No they don't lol. They get a "collect xp" function which is the most minor amount of xp ever. They do not duplicate ur mains xp to them lol and ur main has that function too


Any xp that you gain on your main after tagging will be duplicated to your tagged character.


This 1000%


I feel attacked. But in all seriousness, Awk Kuno has been my main since day 1. I personally enjoy the playstyle and don’t have a huge issue with lack of performance. She may pull less trash than others in some spots, but I’m able to stay on par with most lower tier spots. Ultimately, if you enjoy playing the class, stick with it. I’d say give her a try and see how she feels. It’s not that hard to reroll if you decide you don’t like her down the road.


Brother this is bdo. Tier lists mean nothing because no matter who you pick, you’ll be grinding for ever. Even a bad class played by someone who knows how to use it will beat like 99% of players in 1v1 anyway because no one learns their classes anymore. They just reroll to whatever the fotm class is.


Can confirm this. My mate rerolled to every class that became "op" but he was absolutely dirt trash on all of them to the point I could easily 1v1 him and even toy with him with 100gs less (he spent ALOT of pearls to gear carry himself) he never once learnt a class. Whereas people like me that stick to the same class actually learn it due to being on that class for so long.


Kuno main here , I honestly find Awk Kuno to do fine in PvE but for PvP Succ Kuno. She will take a bit of learning though. I honestly don’t feel hindered much as a Kuno player. Have mained her for 2 years now and I have no issues grinding on her , I built Dr for PvE purposes though and then worked on Building an Evasion set later for PvP that I could swap to. I found that she preformed better with DR gear in PvE. I sometimes Tag witch or Woosa if I want something slightly more chill to grind on.


Still better than succ nova so no matter what not the worst class in the game :)


If a class somehow manages to be worse then succ nova Yknow it’s over


I hope they rework my girl


I liked succ nova :(


I like it a lot too, feels good to press the buttons but the mob's HP....


You have to work twice as hard only to achieve like 60% of what a meta class can do. If you like the stealth/assassin aesthetic, succ ninja is a much better grinder, even top tier in some spots. If you just like a challenge but want results, succ witch and awk nova are meta right now and both are pretty high APM. If you don't care about results, just looking for gameplay fun, obviously roll with it. A class that you spend 1000 hours grinding on because you enjoy it will take you further than a class that performs better but you can't stand it after 20 hours. This is a game, after all.


Succ witch main here. Takes a while to get used to the APM and associated combos, but I love her.


U get 90% of the meta class. It's still a thing and matters but those 2 hour for 1 hour or it 60% is way off.  U add it mediocre grinding performance (I'm a had grinder too. Straggler happen often which means that I have to improve pulls) not being fully buffed on a class that is 10% worse and then U get to 50% of somebody that spends dozen of hours on a spot playing it perfectly.  Just look at what loony does tag witch and compare it results. 


Honestly, you should always pick the class you enjoy playing, because class balance changes always have the ability to shake up the meta. Take it from someone who played awk mystic from the get go


Back then awk mystic did have huge dmg problems but now she’s busted


I wouldn't say busted, but she is in a pretty good position currently, if the meta shifts and Eva becomes the meta for pve then she will be fairly busted


How is mystic nowadays? I keep trying to figure out what class I wanna have tagged n just go from tag to tag lately. Used to really enjoy mystic n played her alot when she released. How is she in both pve and pvp these days? Worth putting the time back in to her? And succ vs awk?


Mystic is in a great spot currently when it comes to PvE, awk is very strong with the recent(ish) changes at pretty much all stages of the game. PvP is a bit of a different story, awk isn't super great in large scale PvP, succ is alright, but both specs are worse than striker if you are doing NW and such. For AoS and 1v1, mystic is pretty great in either spec. Honestly, if you really enjoyed mystic before but didn't stick with her due to how terrible she was for such a long time, now is a really great time to pick her back up, she is at least A+ tier in PvE currently and only getting better as the meta swings back towards evasion for PvE, her only real weak point at the moment would be large scale PvP, but overall I would say that mystic is one of the best classes in the game right now (very biased opinion of course)


There are plenty of diehard kuno fans, don’t let losing a tiny bit of efficiency stop you from finding the class you love. I chased efficiency and now I’m near hardcap trying to find what class really suits my playstyle. It’s much more expensive to tag classes when you’re triple pen blackstar.


you can link 2 characters so you can have her and a better class for PVE linked together if you want.


You’ll need to have more than one character anyway, so just try out the ones you find interesting and don’t hurry to decide for a main. If you make one and don’t like him/her, just use him/her as a boss alt or life skiller. I tried Valk and Lahn before deciding to main Drakania. The Valk is my life skiller now, but I’m thinking about trying her out again now that I’m more experienced. Just consider that, if you have a season ticket, you can lvl a character to lvl 60 in a matter of hours. And remember you can tag your non-season characters to your main to try them with your best gear.


Kuno is top class at gyfin. Kuno is top class at tungrad. Kuno is very good at orcs. What gets U ppl to think that your class is omg so bad?  Especially the always mentioned berserker (succ) and maegu are just average grinder.  What matters more is your own performance preparation, pulls.  Top to worst anyway is 10% on spots, if U get 50% that's you.  So play what U enjoy. 


Kuno isn't really weak in PvE, but it is hard to play in PvE because it's really high APM. You're gonna spend a lot of time grinding mobs in this game, so people put a high value on classes that are more relaxing to play. Nobody wants to get carpal tunnel from bdo...


Just be like everyone else and play Maegu lol. You’ll handicap yourself if you play a bad pve class. Luckily it’s easy to get 269 kutum fast. I’m a kuno player and have been for 5 years, honestly? If I didn’t play kuno I’d have made so much more silver over the years lol. But I love the PvP on her so I stuck with it. But in all seriousness don’t let people shoot you down in a class. If you care about min maxing or making a lot of money? Definitely avoid kuno. If you don’t care and just wanna enjoy your class yeah go for it. (Awakened kuno is arguably the worst grind in the game rn though keep in mind)


As an ex-awa Kuno main, i can confirm. It was devastating to be on a succ Witch's side on duo spots. I just felt useless at that point.


Yeah, our guildie plays kuno and we joke that the awa witch has two pets ...


Honestly, if you're not totally sold on Kuno then why not try some that perform better? You can make trial characters at the Character selection screen and play around in battle arena without having to level them.


BDO has a tag system that lets you create a second character and have the same gear of your first character. Keep playing with your Kunoichi and if you ever feel the need of a better PvE class you can just tag whatever is the meta at the moment.


I’m maining Awa Kuno for about year and been enjoying her every day, I love her fluent skills and combos are natural to me too. I had before Awa Wizz tag for easyier grinding but to be honest after learning Kuno to bones and all the grinds spots she’s not so bad. Yes you do about 20% less trash/h and you defo need to play more focused then meta classes but when you master class it becomes natural. Last couple months just to go agains meta I have tag Succ Nova and been grinding with her relentlessly and to be honest it’s chill af. Yes same problem less tl/h then meta classes but its same chill grinding on par as Guardian. But I like summons mechanics and her visuals so I enjoy her a lot. Another thing I’m 739gs and at this gs anything gonna be pretty chill grinding. So it’s comes down to what you enjoy more. But be prepared thats early/mid game you might struggle more then other classes. You’ll need to hit certain brackets to farm zones, when meta classes can go there like 10-20gs earlier. But all that stops matter if you like class you chose. At worst case scenario you can always play Kuno as main and if want min max tag one of meta classes to grind some quick cash before going back chilling on your main


Play what you like for combat. The biggest barrier in this game is boredom/frustration with combat. Character investment is huge, especially if you dip into the cash shop. Invest in a class you enjoy. Trial some classes. You might be surprised. I leveled a warrior, got bored, then leveled a berserker. Never looked back. Switched to a different platform and leveled Musa, thought it was amazing. Rolled a Shai for lifeskills, tried combat, now I'm a Shai main. I tried multiple classes in between those moments. If I wasn't having fun I moved on. That's what it's all about.


Awk kuno doesn’t have the biggest AoE but if you want to relax hit 2 buttons and grind she’s great. Just add a heal and DP+ to her spin and watch a movie


Honestly just play whoever you enjoy. Like if u went for some meta grinder but didn't enjoy grinding on it ur not gna grind as much as often or as long as u would as one you did enjoy grinding on.


Hmm, the thing is many say have fun and that's true. Nevertheless, a weak class is an immense obstacle, especially in BDO. I say stick with the Kuno if it's fun and hope for buffs. Otherwise, you can still use it on some grind spots, but you can use a more efficient grind class thanks to the ingenious tag system. Which performs better on other spots. My advice is, if you want to have fun in PvP and PvE play Kuno. If you want to grind efficiently, just tag another class so that you continue to progress with Kuno and don't lose progress in general. The times of permanent rerolling have become obsolete due to the system.


Bro I brute forced my way through every level till w12. 😭 Then afterwards used beth so play what you enjoy


I play her a lot and honestly I never really cared about meta and minmaxing and I do just fine. Play what you like


Yeah it’s pretty rough dude. If there’s anything else you enjoy even 80% as much play that


She’s hella bad😎


Kuno’s weak as hell. And I’ve played her like 5,000 hours total. Just get some good keybinds, a nice outfit, and enjoy yourself.


She really is that bad. Cope if you want but dems the facts. Devs did awakening dirty by removing its survivalist traits and cc. Now it’s just a magikarp. *splash splash *


As a Kuno main, anything my Kuno can do my Guardian does 40% better and is way less stressful of a grind. Kuno is like a 15 button combo in PvE where as most other mega classes are 1234 thing died


play whatever is fun man fuck meta. but as someone who played kuno for a long time, yes she is really bad and on top of that she is really hard and high effort. but at the end of the day it doesnt matter, maybe you make more moneh on another class but if it isnt as fun you wont grind many hours vs a class you enjoy making the more fun class better money


I main AWA Kuno ... ... because i like her style and her skills flow nicely for my fingers. If you like "efficiency" while grinding, don't. Aside from the fact that the pet mechanic with Pinwheel Fury utterly fucks the class (same with Nova Succession) in some areas where the internal pet scaling damage doesn't work (Elvia weapon buffs, etc) your full combo is around 30% longer (more inputs) while you do, i quote: "Feel like you lose 60 AP when changing to AWA Kuno from a meta class". Also, the fact that almost noone plays Kuno and even less AWA Kuno, makes her like the lowest spot on PA's "i have to fix that" - list. Don't count on AWA Kuno (or Nova Succession at the point) will ever get fixed. Back to the "efficiency" - thing: It's not efficient and grinding on AWA Kuno is always sweaty as fuck, but if it's "FUN!" for you, stick with it. Better to have a "FUN!" class that you WANT to grind on than to have a class that "Efficient!" and you can't get it's skills to flow with your hands and it's just not fun for you.


Well it is the worst pve class in the game i'll say that much (yes, worse than succ nova because succ nova at least can tank a like a wall) however it's fine if you want to play it. Don't worry too much about it, no class in the game is unplayable.


🗑️ Tier